Istanbul Technical University - ITU
Visiting Fellowships
ITU offers annual "Visiting Fellowships" for research and teaching purposes
and provides residential accomodation up to one to two semesters.
Applications for the first and second half of academic year 1997/98 should
be submitted not later than September 15, 1997 and November 15, 1997, respectively. ITU reserves the right to
request additional information about applicants.
Visiting Fellows can be from any nationality and should be willing to work
as a faculty member for one or two semesters.
These Fellowships are ideally suited faculty members on sabbatical leave
from their permanent positions. Preference is given to distinguished scholars
with several years of academic and research experience. Salaries are negotiable and depend on the qualifications and experience.
Visiting Fellows become members of the Istanbul Technical University during
their stay and enjoy many of the benefits of working in an international
centre for research, teaching and other activities. As members of ITU they
join the constituent branches of the University.
Research Activities
The Visiting Fellowships provide scholars with opportunity of conducting
their research activities in the environment of ITU laboratories.
The university gives great importance to research as can be understood from the number and variety of applied and theoretical research centers listed below :
- Environment and City Planning Center for Applied Research
- Electronics and Control Systems Center for Applied Research
- Energy Sciences and Technologies Center for Applied Research
- Machine Design and Manufacturing Center for Applied Research
- Materials Science and Production Technology Center for Applied Research
- Hydraulics Ocean Sciences and Marine Technology Center for Applied Research
- Transportation and Vehicles Center for Applied Research
- Building and Earthquake Center for Applied Research
- Earth Sciences and Resources Center for Applied Research
- Istanbul Studies Research Center
- Bioengineering Research Center
- Aerospace Technologies Research Center
- Technological and Economic Development Research Center
- Building Research Center
- Institute for Nuclear Energy
- Euroasia Institute of Earth Sciences
[See also current
Visiting Fellows also have the opportunity of interacting with post-graduate
students in their own discipline and over a wide range of research area
studied by post-grad. students at ITU. Visiting Fellows and their families
are welcomed to participate cultural activities and informal meetings.
Previleges of Visiting Fellows
Accomodation is allocated for Visiting Fellows. It is the purpose of ITU
to make Visiting Fellows feel at home; they will be encouraged to make
full use of any of its facilities that appeal them and join in the intellectual,
social and sporting life of the graduate community.
Accomodation for Visiting Fellows
Apartment flats will be allocated to Visiting Fellows at reasonable rates.
These premises are conveniently located in the main campus and downtown
(See also ITU's web sites for campuses,
faculties, and libraries.)
Application Procedure for Visiting Fellowships
Applicants should submit 3 copies of their applications for circulation
to :
Dr.Ibrahim AKDUMAN
- Assistant to the Rector
- Istanbul Technical University
- Ayazaga Campus
- 80626 Maslak Istanbul TURKEY
- Fax : +90 212 285 66 10
- Tel : +90 212 285 30 84
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Internet :
Applications should include the following