If you are interested in applying for the Visiting Fellowship, then please;
1. Write a cover letter, and include also your statement of purpose,
The subject of study or research to be pursued at ITU is confirmed by the appropriate Department to provide the facilities needed for the research. (If a personal contact is not available, it is best to write to the Head of Department in the appropriate discipline.)
2. Fill in the form.
2.1 Language record: Please read the below instructions before completing the level of proficiency.
- Excellent - can be mistaken for a native speaker/writer.
- Good - can understand almost all of a discussion. No trouble in expressing oneself in discussions or conversations. Able to write fairly accurately.
- Slight - can follow a discussion more or less adequately. Can maintain a conversation and take limited part in a discussion.
2.2 Rerefences: The names and addresses of three referees who can write about the applicant's academic work and personel qualities should be provided. It is sometimes a help if one of these referees is a resident in Turkey. Applicants should ask their referees to write directly to the address given below.
3. Applicants who need an any early decision on their application should apply as soon as possible and indicate an accompanying letter the date by which they need a decision from ITU. Every effort will be made by ITU to meet such deadlines.
4. Visiting Fellows are normally expected not to hold any appointment at or temporary membership of another ITU branches during the tenure of their appointment at ITU, all applicants are asked to notify ITU immediately if they intend to accept an invitation elsewhere.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact with us at the address given below.
Thank you.
The Visiting Fellow Committee