Other Projects are as follows:
English language project: Thirty percent of instruction will be in English at Othe ITU of future. ITU is currently discuss language training options with the Modern Language Department of the University of Connecticut.
To this end, beginning with the 1997 academic year, the university will be requiring all students to successfully complete english preparatory studies and 30% of each students's undergraduate studies will be conducted in English.
Modifications to Akdeniz, a classical Turkish liner which ITU has just acquired, to permit its use as a floating enviromental platform as well as a cruise ship for earning revenue from tourism.
About academic staff:
ITU is one of the oldest and best regarded universities in Turkey. It has 15,500 undergraduate, 400 master and 1500 PhD. students, and a $60 Million yearly budget. It plans to conclude a $20 Million fund raising program in the next two years. The key to ITU's political and economic clout is the fact that its graduates -the best and brightest- are well represented in the ranks of the Nation's super achievers. ITU graduets head twenty of the nation's top construction companies. There are ITU graduets in the Treasury Ministry and the State Planning Organizations, essential arbiters of got investment decisions. Other alumni include President Demirel and Prime Minister Erbakan. This is an assurance that many of the projects mentioned above may become reality and may offer potentially huge opportunities.
1. Http://www.tradeport.org/ts/countries/turkey/mrr/index.html
2. Istanbul Technical University Handbook, January 1997
Istanbul Technical University
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Ayazaga Campus, 80626 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 (212) 285 34 06 or +90 (212) 285 39 75
Fax: +90 (212) 285 39 75