History of Technical University of Istanbul

This is a summary mostly based on a speech given by the Rector Prof. Hamdi Peynircioglu in the opening ceremony of the Istanbul Technical University for Schoolyear 1948-49 on 18 October 1948. Mr. Peynircioglu was a ITU classmate and long-time close friend of Rifat Alpoge (ITU 1931), the father of Oguz Alpoge (ITU 1973), who translated and compiled this text. Mr. Oguz Alpoge is a member of the Executive Board of the ITU Alumni Association International Section.

This speech is a very interesting document by the post-war scientific leader of a young secular Turkish Republic after a very troublesome period of wars. It sheds light on the educational reforms before and during the republic.

Turkey, as a non-aligned nation, accepted many emigrant European scientists from Germany and other countries before and during the 2nd World War. They were given major posts at universities and government ministries in Istanbul and Ankara. In thanksgiving, many of them have published their memoirs.

This text will be published by Oguz Alpoge on the Internet as World Wide Web pages in September 1996.

Notice: The rest of this article has been clipped due to the author's request. This article - as mentioned by the author - will be published on a separate homepage. We are going to provide a link when that homepage becomes active.

Can K. Sandalci
