DUYURU : Paraguay senatosu da, 1915 olaylarını SOYKIRIM ilan etti /// Paraguay Senatosunu mail bombardıman ına tutuyoruz

Bir ülke daha "soykırım" dedi

Paraguay senatosu, 1915 olaylarını Ermeni soykırımı olarak kabul eden yasa tasarısını onayladı.

Paraguay senatosu, 1915 olaylarını Ermeni soykırımı olarak kabul eden yasa tasarısını onayladı. Muhalefetteki İlerlemeci Demokratik Parti senatörü Desire Massi tarafından sunulan yasa tasarısı oybirliği ile kabul edildi.

Sputnik’in haberine göre oylamaya katılan senatörlerin ortak imzasıyla yayınlanan kararnamede “İnsanlığa karşı işlenen büyük suçun 100. yıldönümünü andığımız bu yılda, Paraguay Cumhuriyeti Senatosu 1915-1923 yılları arasında Türk-Osmanlı İmparatorluğu tarafından yapılan Ermeni halkının maruz kaldığı soykırımı kabul eder” ifadeleri yer aldı.




Dear Mrs. & Mr.

In reference to your being misguided by distorted, inverted, fabricated information, I kindly request your knowledge on below irrefutable facts:

On November 29, 1913 the presentation od the book “Twisted Law versus Documented History” was made in London:

The book is open:

I copy paste two pages from the subject book with texts of two documents of the League of Nations, which certainly NO ONE CAN OBJECT as the neutral international authority.

P.5: : b. Self-appraisal unfortunately cannot make a person an authority on history.

c. Messrs. Robertson and Andonian, professionals in international law, should have known that the League of Nations had already confirmed that the Ottoman Government was not involved in any organized massacres:

See: Copy of “Note Verbale” by Secretary-General Sir Eric Drummond, dated March 1st, 1920. (London)

Page 2: “Further, in Turkey, minorities were often oppressed and massacres carried out by irregular bands who were entirely outside the control of the central Turkish Government.”

P.8: If Armenians Fight With Us against the Turks, We Promise to Give Them National Home, Liberty and Independence (Copied from Official Gazette of the League of Nations)

I presume the word “Armenian martyrs” stands for TRAITORS who fought against their home country assisting all enemies as written in the Official Gazette of the League of Nations. Compliments on your knowledge on written historical facts that cannot be denied and memory of your Sir Drummond, the General Secretary!


for my five books in English open on the internet plus over 300 articles in the past ten years please refer to:



Doğu Perinçek’in İsviçre davası ile ilgili AİHM 2. Daire’nin İngilizce ve AİHM’in Büyük Dairesi’nin de İngilizce kararları aşağıdadır.

Bunları da göndermeniz etki vermesi açısından önemlidir.




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