Türk Bayrağını Kaldırttık

Turkish Forum’un desteklediği protestolar olumlu sonuç verdi. Şu ana kadar basılanlar toplatılamasa da bundan sonra ki baskılarda Türk Bayrağı kaldırılacak

Dear Dr. Dalgic: - 545329 499036306776176 687902187 n


Date: Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 12:29 PM
Subject: The Blood of Patriots
To: “tdalgic@……………” <tdalgic@……………….>

Dear Dr. Dalgic:

Thank you for your e-mail of September 21 and for taking the time to write to Kensington. We do take readers’ comments seriously and always welcome them.

I will say without hesitation that it was never the intention of either the Johnstones or Kensington Books to insult or malign Turkish Republic or her people. The Johnstones write for the sole purpose of entertaining, not insulting. And nowhere in the book, as you know from reading it, is there any mention of Turkey or the Turks being terrorists.

While we obviously cannot recall all the books that have been sold, we can redesign the cover image of the flag, in future editions, so it does not resemble the flag of the Turkish Republic.

Again, thanks for taking the time to write to us and bringing this to our attention.

Very truly yours,

Gary Goldstein

Executive Editor

Kensington Books

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