FEYM GRUBU MESAJI – Ermeni Faaliyetleri  ( 30 Ekim 2019 )  

NOT;  Bugünkü Ermeni basını ABD Temsilciler Meclisi kararı ile ilgili haberleri yayımlıyor.  Bugünkü mesajımı yorumlarımızı kabul eden  web sitelerine  yorum vermek ve üyelerimizden de  bana  katılmalarını talep etmek üzere  hazırladım. Bu nedenle, yalnız haber başlıklarını, linklerini ve verdiğim yorumları gönderiyorum. Türkçe yorum verebileceğiniz bir  web sitesi de mevcuttur…,o.tan

1.. Turkish FM slams US House’s move to recognize Armenian Genocide ……  Orhan Tan  –  Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu slammed a move by the US House of Representatives on Tuesday to vote in favor of a resolution recognizing the 1915 Armenian <SO CALLED> Genocide, saying the decision was “null and void”. He is absolutely right. Politicians dealing with history, instead of dealing with politics for their country’ s interests, etc. Forgetting how Turkish soldiers saved the U.S. soldiers’ lives during Korean War. Some politicians (but almost all U.S. politicians) are ungrateful. They seem forgot the Turkish role for the U.S. and European countries during the cold war era. Again, those politicians are UNGRATEFUL…

  1. U.S. House recognizes Armenian Genocide, backs Turkey sanctions…. Orhan Tan –  Are the members of House historians or politicians? Whaaat, poiticians ! ? Okay, another political decision which was taken by destroying the U.N. Convention !!!
  1. U.S. House’s recognition of Armenian Genocide draws Turkey’s ire….. Orhan Tan   –   Are the members of House historians or politicians? Whaaat, poiticians ! ? Okay, another political decision which was taken by destroying the U.N. Convention and other international law principles !!!
  2. Turkey condemned US House recognising Armenian genocide ……Orhan Tan•  Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu slammed a move by the US House of Representatives on Tuesday to vote in favor of a resolution recognizing the 1915 Armenian <so called=””> Genocide, saying the decision was “null and void”. He is absolutely right. Politicians dealing with history, instead of dealing with politics for their country’ s interests, etc. Forgetting how Turkish soldiers saved the U.S. soldiers’ lives during Korean War. Some politicians (but almost all U.S. politicians) are ungrateful. They seem forgot the Turkish role for the U.S. and European countries during the cold war era. Again, those politicians are UNGRATEFUL…
  3. Pashinyan salutes US Congress historic vote recognizing Armenian Genocide …… Orhan Tan –   Mr. Nikol Pashinyan, you can still not learn the U.S system. The POLITICAL decision was taken by the U.S. House of Represantatives, not by the U.S. Congress. The decision of House is not historic, but political…
  4. ‘Never again’: Joe Biden welcomes US House’s recognition of Armenian Genocide… Orhan Tan –   Mr. Biden, the decision is null and void. Do you think the Armenian side using that illegal decision apply to any international court? No, because they have no real document on the issue. I want to warn you that “you are also null and void” for the Turkish voters of the U.S.
  5. Armenian FM: Justice and truth consolidated with historic Armenian Genocide resolution… Orhan Tan –  Are the members of House historians or politicians? Whaaat, poiticians ! ? Okay, another political decision which was taken by destroying the U.N. Convention !!!
  6. U.S. House recognizes Armenian Genocide, backs Turkey sanctions…… Orhan Tan –   Are the members of House historians or politicians? Whaaat, poiticians ! ? Okay, another political decision which was taken by destroying the U.N. Convention !!!
  7. Only Turkish parliament can heal Armenian people’s wounds, says Garo Paylan Orhan Tan  –  Mr. Paylan, You are unaware of history. I ask you; who or which institution can heal Turkish people’ s wounds? You have no idea during WWI how the Armenian revolutionary terrorists massaccred the Turkish people who were defensless since all the young males were fighting against the invaders, while the Armenian ciitizens of Ottoman were supprting the invaders, i.e. Russian and French troops. Didn’ t your father and mother tell you those realities? Sure, No…
  8. US House Adopts Resolution Recognizing Armenian Genocide ….. Orhan Tan – The H.Res.296 adopted by 405 HISTORIANs of the US House of Representatives and 11 POLITICIANS spoke out against. I wonder how the House gathered together so many historians, I am really surprised very much !!!
  9. US House of Representatives Adopts Armenian Genocide Recognition Resolution to Agenda.. Orhan Tan   –   The news states “…the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923….” During those days Ottomans had space vehicle and sent those 1.5 millions Armenians the depth of space. Otherwise the Ottoman soil would be a very  very big cemetery. Armenians, particularly its diaspora, mock the world…That is  very funny !!!
  10. ABD Temsilciler Meclisi, Ermeni Soykırımı’nı tanıdı …..Orhan Tan –  Türk Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlut Çavuşoğlu ABD Temsilciler Meclisi kararını son derece sert biçimde eleştirerek protesto etti. Karar için yok hükmündedir dedi ki son derece haklıdır. Bundestag’ dan sonraki bu örnek politikacıların nasıl tarihçi rolü yaptıklarını gösteriyor. Politikacı ülkesinin çıkarlarını düşünüp çalışır. Bunlar Ermeni konusunu halletmeye çalışacaklarına çıkmaz sokağa atıyorlar. Temsilcilerin nankör olduklarını da söylemek gerekir. Kore Harbinde bir ABD Piyade Tümenini çembere altına girmek ve imha olmaktan kurtaran, bu uğurda 700 e yakın şehit veren Türk Tugayını bile hatırlayamadılar. Üstelik bu temsilciler içindeki Musevi asıllılar, İkinci Dünya Harbinde oluşturulan ve mevcudu 20 binlere ulaşan Ermeni birliğinin , atalarını gaz odalarına atan Nazilere yardım eden Ermenileri bile hatırlamadılar. Onlardan bilgili olmalarını bekleyemeyiz…   Aram Gelici  –  Ermeni Soykırımının Amerika tarafından kabul edilmesi ,T.C. devletinin kuruluş tarihine denk gelmesi çok düşündürücü!!!   Orhan Tan  –  (Aram Gelici’ nin  yorumuna  verilen cevap) Düşündürücüden öte, terbiyesizce, hatta hukuken ahlaksızca….Adamlar BM’ den bahsediyor, farkında değiller, BM Sözleşmesinde soykırımı kararını uluslar arası mahkemeler verebilir diyor. Bunlar çapsız, bilgisiz politikacılar…
  11. ABD Başkan aday adayı Joe Biden: Temsilciler Meclisi’nin Ermeni Soykırımı kararından memnuniyet duyuyorum…… Orhan Tan  –  Mr. Biden, bu karar yok hükmündedir. Ermeni tarafının bu yasa dışı, hukuk dışı kararı alıp herhangi bir uluslar arası mahkemeye başvurup soykırım kararı aldıracağını düşünebiliyor musun? Kesinlikle hayır, çünkü ellerinde uluslar arası bir mahkemenin kabul edeceği gerçek belge yok. Tabii , yalnız bu karar değil, siz de yok hükmündesiniz. ABD’ deki Türk seçmen size sıfır çektirir.

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