YORUM – “Kıbrıs Sorunu, yeni yıla “yeni bir krizle” başladı..”

YORUM  – “Kıbrıs Sorunu, yeni yıla “yeni bir krizle” başladı..” !!

Kufi Seydali

Yeni bir Kriz demek yanlis olur! Rumlarin yarattigi kriz devam ediyor demek, cok daha dogru bir tanimlama. Rum gazeteleri bile, Rum liderligi’nin yarim asirlik Kibris sorununun cozumunu istemedigini yazmaktadir.

Cyprus Mail (05.01.2014): ” WE may have failed to mention the non-existent prospects of a Cyprus problem settlement as another reason for psychological and economic depression but that is because it is not. In fact the Cyprus problem stalemate is the only remaining constant in our lives.
In the previous year everything was turned upside down in Kyproulla, all our certainties shattered by the bail-in and memorandum. We surrendered control of our lives to the troika tyranny, which has been calling the shots, even telling the poor public parasites what times they should go to work.
The only certainty we still have in our lives is our beloved Cyprus problem. We can still wake up every morning knowing that at least one thing in our life has not changed and remains a beacon of constancy untouched by the meddling tyrants of the Troika.
Without any prospect of a settlement it can carry on acting as our one inspiration, our unyielding struggle for a fair and just solution, a reason to live at a time of existential and moral crisis. We sincerely hope the word or words that would allow agreement on a joint declaration are not found in any dictionary because we need our problem intact, to see us through this difficult year.
There was a positive development on Friday when Dervis Eroglu rejected Prez Nik’s latest proposal for a joint statement that would kick off the talks. Given that Nik is hell-bent on finding a solution we would have to rely on unwavering Turkish intransigence to keep our problem in the form and shape we like.”(Nik=Nicos Anastasiades).
Kibris Turklerine, uluslararasi alanda hak taniyacak hic bir anlasmayi imzalamak istemyorlar cunku; Kibris’in bir Helen Adasi oldugu palavrasindan vazgecmeleri gerekecek ve ENOSIS yollari kapanacaktir. Yoksa, Kibris Turkleri’nin AB’ nde gozlemci olarak bile katilmalarina itiraz ederlermiydi?

Ada’nin tekrar birlestirilemeyecegini, BM’in tecrubeli Diplomati Dr. Hugo Gobi’nin 1977′ de yazmis oldugu kitabi’nin kapanis paragrafinda soyle diyor:

:“At this stage, unification of the two societies would necessarily create common and indisputable instrument of policy-making. to share this task is not only an almost impossible and impractical challenge, it is one which may result in the clash of ancient and contemporary divergences. In our days, nothing indicates unification; everything points to separation. The endeavour of the UN is very generous, but a step in the wrong direction. It was not well grounded in the past, and it is less wise today, under changed circumstances. this is the sociopolitical truth in contemporary Cyprus and, as Shakespeare stated in the Merchant of Venice, truth will come to light. The only link at this stage that I can recommend is that of the mutual respect shared by equals and good neighbors. In the initial stage they should be associated by a bilateral Commission assigned the task of cooperating in all important matters (Foreign affairs, Tourism, Trade, Ecology, health, etc..). This cooperation will become the basis for future integration or unification.”.


August 1977, Printed in Israel, ISBN: 965-333-027-6:

Evet, hakikatler ortaya cikti degil mi? Dikkat ederseniz, tecrubeli Diplomat bunlari 37 sene evvel yazmis! Bu hakikatlerin her iki tarafca-da dikkate alinmasini temenni ederim. Aksi halde, havan’da su dovmeye devam!

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