Fetullah Gülen’in Saylorsburg Pennsylvania’daki çiftliği ve Adresi:

Gülen’in çiftiliğinde makineli tüfek sesleri!

ABD’li gazeteci (aynı zamanda öğretim üyesi ve eski FBI danışmanı) Paul L. Williams, Fethullah Gülen’in Pennsylvania’daki çiftliğine giderek izlenimlerini iki bölüm halinde yazdı.

Yazilari Turkish Forum tarafindan Turk Topluluklarina yayinlandi



İşte o yazılardan önemli satır başları (Yazıların İngilizce orijinalleri aşağıda):

“-Fetullah Gülen’in Saylorsburg Pennsylvania’daki çiftliğinde 100 dolayında kişi yaşıyor.

-Çiftlikte silahlı eğitim yapılıyor. Çevredeki Amerikalılar AK-47 silahlarıyla yapılan eğitimden duydukları rahatsızlığı FBI’ya iletmişler.

-Çiftlikte bir helikoper pisti bulunuyor ve helikopterler çiftliğin üzerinde alçak uçuş yaparak, çevredekileri rahatsız ediyorlar.

-Çitlikte güvenlik had safhada.

-Fethullah Gülen, dünyanın en tehlikeli İslamcısı.

-Fethullah Gülen’in serveti 30 milyar dolar civarında.

-Hiçbir resmi eğitimi olmamasına rağmen “Özel Yeteneğe Sahip Olanlar” statüsünden ABD’de oturma izni alması ilginç.

-Clintonlar ile güçlü bağları var.

-Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül ve Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan da Fethullah Gülen taraftarı.

-ABD’de 90 civarında okulu bulunuyor. Okulların çoğu şikayet konusu olmuş.

-Gülen’in amacı Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nu ve halifeliği yeniden canlandırmak.

-Gülen kendisini ılımlı ve hoşgörülü olarak nitelendiriyor, ancak bunun böyle olmadığı çiftiliğe gidildiğinde ortaya çıkar radikal İslamcılar görüldüğünde hemen anlaşılıyor.

-Gülen, CIA’nın desteğiyle Türkiye başta olmak üzere birçok ülkede medreseler açıyor.

-Gülen’in yasadışı aktivitilerine FBI ve CIA sessiz kalıyor.”

Evet bunlar yazılardan önemli satır başları. Şimdi önce Williams’ın izlenimlerini süsleyen fotoğraflar ve arkasından da yazıların İngilizce orijinalleri:

Not:Bu adresi açamayabilirsiniz.

Ayrıca bu yazıya da dikkat ediniz.

ABD’de yayın yapan muhafazakar eğilimli American Thinker Dergisi yazarı Stephen Schwartz, dün ABD’de bulunan Gülen Okulları üzerine bir makale kaleme aldı. Gülen Okulları’ndaki özgürlük anlayışını eleştiren Schwartz’ın makalesini yayınlıyoruz.
İslamcı Gülen Hareketi Birleşik Devletler’de Sözleşmeli Okullar Yönetiyor
İslamcı radikallerin ördüğü gizli kapaklı dış ağ, Birleşik Devletler toprakları üzerinde düzinelerce sözleşmeli okulu yönetiyor – ve bu okulların, yönetimden para almalarına rağmen devlet onaylı bir müfredatı işlemeleri gerekmiyor. Şüphe çekici bu çabanın ilham kaynağı Türkiye’de ve Türklerin yaşadığı bölgelerde büyük bir İslamcı hareketi yönetmesine rağmen Birleşik Devletler’de yaşayan Fethullah Gülen. Önemli bir listeye göre “Dünyanın en etkili 50 müslümanı” arasında 13. sırada.
Kukla oynatıcısı
Gülen şu anda Türkiye’de hükümette olan “ılımlı İslam yanlısı” Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin (AKP) laik Türk ordusuyla oynadığı iskâmbil oyununda ağır ağır kartlarını açmasının arkasındaki kukla oynatıcısı olarak eleştirilmişti. Bununla birlikte Gülen Müslüman ülkelerde, hareketine olumlu yaklaşan çeşitli kaynaklara göre, dünya üzerinde sayıları 500-700’ü bulan İslamcı okulla da tanınıyor. Gülen’in eğitime verdiği öneme daha yakından bakacak olursak, binlerce ilk ve orta dereceli okuldan, üniversiteden, öğrenci yurtlarından oluşan uluslararası ağın Türkiye’de İslamcı bir politik gündemi pekiştirme konusunda anahtar bir öge olduğunu iddia edebiliriz.
Ama Amerikalılar için ürkütücü olan Gülen hareketinin bizim topraklarımızda 85’den fazla ilk ve orta dereceli okulu yönetiyor olması. Vatansever Act! For America grubu Gülen okullarının ve bu okulları destekleyen sayısız kurumun listesini kamuoyuna sundu. Gülen okulları çoğunlukla “bilim akademisi” olarak isimlendirilmiş ve Teksas, Ohio ile Kaliforniya’da yoğunlaşmış durumda – ayrıca ülkenin geri kalan çeşitli bölgelerinde de okulları var.
Arizona ve Utah
Gülen’in sözleşmeli okullarına ev sahipliği yapan eyaletlerde ikisi Arizona ve Utah. Arizona’da Daisy Education Corporation (Gülen hareketi kulağa dostça gelen kurum isimlerini seviyor) Tucson’da üç okul yönetiyor: hepsi Sonoran Bilim Akademisi bünyesinde olmak üzere bir ilkokul, orta ve lise seviyesinde bir okul ile sekizinci sınıfa kadar eğitim veren bir anaokulu. Phoenix’de bu okula bağlı ve aynı ismi taşıyan, onuncu sınıfa kadar çocukların eğitim gördüğü bir kampüs.
Gülen’in sözleşmeli okullarının Tucson’da görünmeye başlaması yerel basında oldukça dikkat çekti. Haftalık Tucson Weekly gazetesi 2009’un sonunda güney Arizona’daki bir şehirde eğitim veren Sonoran Bilim Akademisi’nin Arizona Sözleşmeli Okullar Birliği tarafından “yılın sözleşmeli okulu” seçildiğini belirten bir haber yayınladı. Ama yazar Tim Vanderpool, Gülen hareketinin geçmişte kendisini eleştirenlere gözdağı verdiğini söyleyerek isimlerinin yazılmasını reddeden bir anne-babanın anlattıklarını haber yaptı: “ Sonoran Akademisi Birleşik Devletler’e sürekli Türk eğitmenler getiriyor ve öğretmenler çalışma izinlerini beklerken öğrencileri ders vermeye zorluyor…”. Anne, çocuğu Sonoran Akademisi’nde eğitim gören bazı anne-babaların, okulun Gülen’in Türk milliyetçiliği anlayışını geliştirmek, Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği’ne girmesi ve ayrıca I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Ermenilere karşı uyguladığı soykırımın resmen tanınmasının engellenmesi gibi politik hedefler için sempati yaratmak gibi gizli gündemleri olduğuna inandıklarını söylüyordu. Bu gibi konular, en azından Tucson’lı anne-babalar için, oldukça yabancı.
Mali işlemleri inceleniyor
2009’un başlarında, Salt Lake City’deki bir lise, Beehive Bilim ve Teknoloji Akademisi Salt Lake Tribune gazetesi tarafından dikkatli bir incelemeye tabi tutuldu. Önemli günlük gazetenin yazarı Kirsten Stewart, eski bir öğretmen ve korkuya kapılmış bir anne-babadan gelen şikeyetler üzerine Utah Eyaleti Sözleşmeli Okullar Kurulu’nun Beehive okulu hakkında bir soruşturma başlattığını yazdı. Şikayette bulunanların iddiaları şuydu: “Beehive okulu kendini, üniversiteye gitme hedefi olan olan yedinci ve onikinci sınıf arası öğrencilere matematik ve fen bilimleri konusunda bir temel oluşturma hizmeti sunan sözleşmeli bir devlet okulu olarak tanıtıyor…okulun bir misyonu daha var: İslamın belli başlı inançlarını yerleştirmek ve geliştirmek”. Okulun Müslüman Türk vaiz Fethullah Gülen’le gizli bağlantılarının kanıtı olarak şüpheli mali işlemlerini ve işe alma uygulamalarını gösteriyorlar.
Tucson’daki Sonoran Bilim Akademisi’nin ortaokul müdürü Fatih Karataş Gülen Hareketiyle arasında herhangi bir bağlantı olduğunu kesinlikle reddederken Salt Lake City’deki Beehive Akademisi’nin müdürü Muhammet “Frank” Erdoğan kendi okulu özelinde bu bağlantıyı kabul etti. Salt Lake Tribune onun bu kabulünü ve bunun yanısıra “Beehive’nin öğretmenlerinin ve kurucularının çoğunun Gülen’in ideallerini desteklediğini” okuyucularına duyurdu. Gazete ayrıca Beehive’de daha ilk yılını geçiren tarih öğretmeni Adam Kuntz’un (2009 baharında), kendi iddiasına göre, akademik özgürlük konusundaki kaygılarını sözleşmeli okullar kuruluna taşıdığı için kovulduğunu yazdı. Kuntz eğitim yılının başlarında II. Dünya Savaşı ve Soykırım hakkındaki bir ders planı konusunda Erdoğan ile anlaşmazlığa düşmüştü. Erdoğan Kuntz’un planı değiştirmesini söylemiş ve kayda alınan bir toplantı esnasında soykırım hakkındaki geleneksel söylemler konusundaki şüphelerini aktarmıştı.
Görevinden alındı
Üç çocuğu bu okulda eğitim gören Kelly Wayment, diğer anne-babalara Gülen hareketinin okul üzerindeki nüfuzu hakkında elektronik posta gönderdikten sonra Beehive yönetim kurulundaki görevinden alındı. Wayment Salt Lake Tribune gazetesine öğretmenlerin, Tucson vakasında olduğu gibi, “çoğunlukla Türkiye’den ve orta Asya cumhuriyetlerinden geldiklerini ve Birleşik Devletler’de çalışma vizesiyle kaldıklarını” söyledi.
Amerikalılar, İslamcı Gülen hareketinin Türk dinsel politik düşünce sisteminin esaslarını öğretmek için, parasını halkın ödediği eğitim sistemi içinde bu kadar geniş bir alana neden ve nasıl yayıldığını sormalı – ve buna karşı çıkmak için birleşmeli.
Çeviren: Tansu Akgün



« Yanıtla #1 : Dün 10:39:52 ÖÖ »

Gerçi biz yıllardır söyleyip duruyoruz.Lakin adamlar daha yeni uyanıyor sanki.
Hayret,acaba kulaklarına kar suyu mu kaçtı dersiniz?
Yukarda ki yazıya dikkat ediniz.A.Dursun
Gulen in action in USA

The most efficient method to dominate and exploit the underdeveloped masses is to plunge them into the deep ocean of religious faith, submission and “heavenly” ignorance, especially if they own valuable natural resources, like oil. That is exactly what the USA has been doing for a long time, in spite of the serious, devastating surprise attacks in the name of “cihad”.

Europe seems to be awaikining (though rather slowly and late) to the threats and dangers, confronting the contemporary western civilization (incompatible with the archaic, oppressive principles of islam).
Some countries are at last banning such symbols as religious feminine garments and minarets. It is beyond our ability to understand why the American authorities insist in playing the blind (and the fool), when the fatal, ominous aims of the islamists become more and more obvious.

We praise and thank Paul L. Williams for this valuable article, hoping that more authors will be as honest and courageous and hoping also that this article will be translated into Turkish, in order to support the few intellectuals and true patriots, aware of the hideous transformation in a country that successfully had started emerging from medieval darkness, under the guidance of Kemal Ataturk.




Bu Makale Icinde Ismi Gecen ve Fetullahi Sahsi Mefaatleri, Ceplerine Girecek Yesil Dolarlarin Askina, Hz.Muhammed’e  Esit Kilan Fetullahin Sadik Muritlerine Ithaf Olunur.

Biz  Ne Icin Hala Daldigimiz En Derin Kis Uykusundayiz??..  Laik Cumhuriyete Inanan Kesim Ne Icin Birbirlerini Bir Kasik Suda Bogmaya Calismakda??.. Ve Yaklasan Tehlikeyi Cok Uzakda Zannetmekte??   …Bilen Varsa Lutfen Bir Yorum Yazsin….

Bu Makaleyi Ve Bunun Yayinlandigi Turkish Forum  Web Adresini Girebildiginiz Tum Listelere Ve  Sizdeki Ozel  Adreslere Gonderiniz..

Web Adresine Zaman Zaman Girip .. Gelen Yorumlari Takip Edin .

Hepimizin, Hepimizden Ogrenmeye Ihtiyacimizin Var.. Belki, Bu Musterek Girisim,Bir An Once Bizleri Daldigimiz Derin Kis Uykusundan  Uyandirir Ve Birlesmenin yolarini  Ogreniriz

Yuce Tanridan Umit Kesilmez.. Din Tacirlerine Meydani Bos Birakmayalim..  Laik Turkiyemiz Icin , Korkmadan Ve Cekinmeden Mucadeleye Elele,Omuzomuza Devam Edelim Arkadaslar……

(Icinizden Bir Kisi)


Gulen in action in USA

The most efficient method to dominate and exploit the underdeveloped masses is to plunge them into the deep ocean of religious faith, submission and “heavenly” ignorance, especially if they own valuable natural resources, like oil. That is exactly what the USA has been doing for a long time, in spite of the serious, devastating surprise attacks in the name of “cihad”. Europe seems to be awaikining (though rather slowly and late) to the threats and dangers, confronting the contemporary western civilization (incompatible with the archaic, oppressive principles of islam). Some countries are at last banning such symbols as religious feminine garments and minarets. It is beyond our ability to understand why the American authorities insist in playing the blind (and the fool), when the fatal, ominous aims of the islamists become more and more obvious. We praise and thank Paul L. Williams for this valuable article, hoping that more authors will be as honest and courageous and hoping also that this article will be translated into Turkish, in order to support the few intellectuals and true patriots, aware of the hideous transformation in a country that successfully had started emerging from medieval darkness, under the guidance of Kemal Ataturk.

16 April 2010

2010/4/16 SS Aya <[email protected]>


    Have your say





Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

The most dangerous Islamist in the world is neither Afghani nor Arab.

He comes from neither Sudan nor Somalia.

And he resides in neither the mountains of Pakistan nor the deserts of the Palestinian territories.

This individual has toppled the secular government of Turkey and established madrassahs throughout the world.

His schools indoctrinate children in the tenets of radical Islam and prepare adolescents for the Islamization of the world.

More than 90 of these madrassahs have been established as charter schools throughout the United States. They are funded by American taxpayers.

One of these charter schools – – Tarek ibn Zayed Academy (TiZA) in Minnesota – – is so radically Islamic and subversive in nature that the Minnesota Department of Education issued two citations against it and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing it.

Dozens of his universities, including the Faith University in Istanbul, train young men to become lawyers, accountants, and political leaders so that they can take an active part in the restoration of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamization of the Western World.

He also allegedly operates compounds to train jihadis in the tactics of guerilla warfare.

This individual has amasssed a fortune – – over $30 billion – – for the creation of a universal caliphate.

His name is Fethullan Gulen and he resides not in the wilds of southern Turkey – – but the mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

From his fortess headquarters, located on 28 acres at 1857 Mt. Eaton Road in Saylorsburg, PA, Gulen plots the overthrow of secular governments and oversees the spread of education jihad throughout Asia, Europe, and the United States.

Gulen is surrounded by an army of over 100Turkish Islamists, who guard him and tend to his needs. The army is comprised of armed militants who wear suits and ties and do not look like traditional Islamists in cloaks and turbans. They follow their hocaefendi’s (master lord’s) orders and even refrain from marrying until age fifty per his instructions. When they do marry, their spouses are expected to dress in the Islamic manner, as dictated by Gülen himself.

The Saylorsburg property consists of a massive chalet surrounded by numerous out buildings, including recreational centers, dormitories, cabins for visiting foreign dignitaries, a helicopter pad, and firing ranges.

Neighbors complain of the incessant sounds of gunfire – – including the rat-tat-tat of fully automatic weapons – – coming the compound and the low flying helicopter that circles the area in search of all intruders.

The FBI has been called to the scene, the neighbors say, but no action has been taken to end the illegal activity.

Sentries stand guard at the gates to the estate to turn away all curiosity seekers.

Within the sentry hut are wide screen televisions that project high resolution images from security cameras.

Before the hut is a sign that reads “Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center.”

It’s hard for the local residents to understand that the Muslim who operates this compound is not an American political or intelligence official – – but rather a radical Islamist from Turkey.

Gulen fled Turkey in 1998 to avoid prosecution on charges that he was attempting to undermine Turkey’s secular government with the objective of establishing an Islamic government. Since his arrival in Pennsylvania, the Department of Homeland Security has been trying to deport him. But in 2008 a federal court ruled that Gulan was an individual with “extraordinary ability in the field of education” who merited permanent residence status in the U.S.

The ruling remains quizzical because Gulen has no formal education training.

Gülen, according to the Middle East Quarterly, was a student and follower of Sheikh Sa’id-i Kurdi (1878-1960), also known as Sa’id-i Nursi, the founder of the Islamist Nur (light) movement. After Turkey’s war of independence, Kurdi demanded, in an address to the new parliament, that the new republic be based on Islamic principles. He turned against Atatürk and his reforms and against the new modern, secular, Western republic.

How powerful is Gulen? And why is he such a threat to America and the Western world?

Consider this.

Turkey is now ruled by the Justice and Democratic Party (Adalet ve Kalkinma, AKP)- – a party under the Gulen’s control. Abdullah Gul, Turkey’s first Islamist President, is a Gulen disciple along with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Yusuf Ziya Ozcan, the head of Turkey’s Council of Higher Education.

Under the AKP, Turkey has transformed from a secular state into an Islamic country with 85,000 active mosques – – one for every 350- citizens – – the highest number per capita in the world, 90,000 imams, more imams than teachers and physicians – – and thousands of state-run Islamic schools.

Despite the rhetoric of European Union accession, Turkey has transferred its alliance from Europe and the United States to Russia and Iran. It has moved toward friendship with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Syria and created a pervasive anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, and anti-American animus throughout the populace.

Speaking on Monday at the inauguration ceremony of “TRT al Turkiye”, the new channel of the state run TV station TRT, Prime Minister Erdogan said Turkey will always be on the side of Muslims wherever they are.

Gulen’s tentacles stretch throughout the country since his followers, known as Fethullahists, have gained control of the country’s media outlets, its financial institutions and banks, and its business organizations.

According to Bayram Balci, a Turkish scholar, the Gulen schools that have been established throughout the world seek to expand “the Islamization of Turkish nationality and the Turification of Islam” in order to bring about a universal caliphate ruled by Islamic law.

Several countries have outlawed the establishment of Gulen schools and cemaats (communities) within their borders – – including Russia and Uzbekistan. Even the Netherlands, a nation that embraces pluralism and tolerance, has opted to cut funding to the Gulen schools because of their imminent threat to the social order.

But Gulen’s activities in the United States, including the establishment of an armed fortress in the midst of the Pocono Mountains, have escaped national press attention.

In his public statements, Gulen espouses a liberal version of Sunni/Hanafi Islam and promotes the Muslim notion of hizmet – – altruistic service to the common good.

Despite the paramilitary training at his Pocono fortress, Gulen has condemned terrorism and called for interfaith dialogue. He has met with Pope John Paul II, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomeos, and Israeli Sephardic Head Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron.

In private, Gulen has stated that “in order to reach the ideal Muslim society ‘every method and path is acceptable, [including] lying to people.’”

In a sermon that was aired on Turkish television, Gulen said:

You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … until the conditions are ripe, they [the followers] must continue like this. If they do something prematurely, the world will crush our heads, and Muslims will suffer everywhere, like in the tragedies in Algeria, like in 1982 [in] Syria … like in the yearly disasters and tragedies in Egypt. The time is not yet right. You must wait for the time when you are complete and conditions are ripe, until we can shoulder the entire world and carry it … You must wait until such time as you have gotten all the state power, until you have brought to your side all the power of the constitutional institutions in Turkey … Until that time, any step taken would be too early—like breaking an egg without waiting the full forty days for it to hatch. It would be like killing the chick inside. The work to be done is [in] confronting the world. Now, I have expressed my feelings and thoughts to you all—in confidence … trusting your loyalty and secrecy. I know that when you leave here—[just] as you discard your empty juice boxes, you must discard the thoughts and the feelings that I expressed here.

Why has the federal government opted to turn a blind eye to Gulen and his mountain fortress?

Why have Gulen’s madrassahs been kept under the radar screen of Hoimeland Security?

Why have the CIA and FBI allowed Gulen to wreak havoc and topple secular governments without interruption or intervention?

The answers remain anyone’s guess.

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Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Creeping Sharia, Fethullan Gulen, Illegal Immigration, Islamic Conquest, Islamist threat, New Caliphate, PA, Post-America, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Saylorsburg, Tarek ibn Zayed Academy, Turkey









Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Christian militias have been raided in Michigan and Ohio. Its members rounded up and tossed in prison. Its cache of weapons confiscated.

But a well-armed Muslim militia – – composed not of American citizens but foreign militants – – operates under the noses of federal and state law enforcement officials.

If you doubt it, pay a visit to Saylorsburg, PA, in the heart of the Pocono Mountains.

“These guys use fully automatic weapons – – AK-47s – – for target practice,” one local businessman says. “We called the FBI but nothing has been done to stop them.”

“The Muslims have been here for years,” another resident says. “They’ve been engaged in training for guerilla warfare.”

The Muslims in question are Turks who occupy a 45 acre compound that is owned and operated by Fethullah Gulen.

Entrance to the compound is forbidden to outsiders.

Sentries remain on duty – – day and night – – at a hut before the wide metal gate. Within the hut are high definition televisions that project images from security cameras.

Residents complain of a low flying helicopter that circles their community in search of any un-wanted intruders to the property.

At the heart of the compound is a massive chalet that serves as Gulen’s residence.

Gulen has been identified as one of the world’s richest and most powerful Muslims – – and also as the most dangerous.

From his base in Pennsylvania, he has been responsible for the replacement of the secular government in Turkey with an Islamic regime.

With assets in excess of $30 billion, he has wielded political allegiances in Washington that have resulted in the placement of Turkish Muslims in the CIA, NSA, FBI, and other national security organizations.

He has created well-heeled lobbies to promote the cause of Islam and to develop Islamic candidates for political office.

He has formed close friendships with Bill and Hillary Clinton, former Secretaries of State James Baker and Madeleine Albright, and George W. Bush.

He has also established over 90 Islamic schools (madrassahs) throughout the United States, where students are indoctrinated in the tenets of political Islam. These charter schools are funded by American taxpayers.

One school – – Tarek ibn Zayed Academy (TiZA) in Minnesota – – has been so radically Islamic and subversive in nature that the Minnesota Department of Education issued two citations against it and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing it.

The purpose of every Gulen school, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, is train Muslim students to become lawyers, accountants, and political leaders so that they can take an active part in the restoration of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamization of the Western World.

Gulen also imports thousands of graduate students from Turkey – – at the expense of U.S. taxpayers – – to study at American universities. More foreign graduate students in the U.S. hail from Turkey than from any other country.

Several of these students live at the compound and serve as guards and paramilitary officials. They do not wear skullcaps or Islamic garb but rather business suits with white shirts and ties.

One, encountered by this reporter on a recent visit, attended Marywood University in Scranton, PA; another studied at East Stroudsburg University, several miles from the compound.

Gulen’s stated dream is to restore the Ottoman Empire and a universal caliphate.

He fled Turkey in 1999 to escape arrest for creating a terrorist organization – – the Fethullah Gulen Community.

He received protection from high-ranking officials of the Clinton and Bush Administrations, who believed that Gulen could play a decisive role in the struggle over Central Asia’s oil and gas wealth. This belief was based on the premise that Muslims within the newly created Russia republics could be swayed away from the influence of Iran and Shiia Islam by Gulen’s doctrine of Sufi Ottomanism.

With CIA aid, Gulen established hundreds of madrassahs and cemaats (Islamic communities) not only in his native Turkey but such places as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Gulen’s triumph over his secularTurkish foes came with the election of November 3, 2002, when the Justice and Development Party (a party which he created from his base in Pennsylvania) gained control of the Turkish government.

Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a Gulen disciple – – as is Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul.

Thanks to such Islamists, Turkey has transformed from a secular state into an Islamic country with 85,000 active mosques – – one for every 350- citizens – – the highest number per capita in the world, 90,000 imams, more imams than teachers and physicians – – and thousands of state-run Islamic schools.

Despite the rhetoric of European Union accession, Turkey has transferred its alliance from Europe and the United States to Russia and Iran. It has moved toward friendship with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Syria and created a pervasive anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, and anti-America animus throughout the populace.

Gulen presents himself as a humanitarian, a moderate Muslim, and a proponent of interfaith dialogue.

But a visit to the compound provides an opposite impression. The property is off-limits to all visitors and intruders; it is guarded by radical Turks who seek to establish a universal caliphate whose jurisdiction will include the USA, and the Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center, which supports interfaith relations, is a sentry hut.

But Gulen is a master of deception.

In one of his directives to his followers, Gulen proclaimed that in order to reach the ideal Muslim society ‘every method and path is acceptable, [including] lying to people.’”

In the past five years, several attempts have been made by The Department of Homeland Security to deport him. But in 2008 a federal court ruled that Gulan was an individual with “extraordinary ability in the field of education” who merited permanent residence status in the U.S.

Strange to say, Gulen lacks any formal education and three of the letters attesting to his “extraordinary ability” came from CIA agents.

Fethullah Gulen has powerful friends in the West. Tyranny is always better organized than Freedom.

From Babbazee:

Also mentioned is the interesting connection with Fethullah Gulen. It says that the Gulen Gang and the Ihlas Gang have close, insider connections. This would mean that Grossman, as a consultant to Ihlas, and a vice-chairman of The Cohen Group, is that much closer to Gulen and his Nurcular. If you don’t know about the Nurcular, there’s an excellent little backgrounder on Gulen and his gang here, by Aland Mizell.

From Mizell’s article, Gulen operates way behind the scenes, something that he began at least as far back as Turgut Ozal’s time. Ozal, the guy who negotiated the Turkish-Islamic synthesis with the Turkish general staff, was a member of  Gulen’s Gang. You might ask, why would the official gatekeepers charged with maintaining the purity of Kemalism go along with the creation of this synthesis? Simple. They thought they could control it, kind of like they thought they could control their creation of Turkish Hezbollah. Their attitude is that if there will be communism in Turkey, they will bring the communism. Ditto on Islamism. When it became clear that Gulen was intent on taking control of the state from the Turkish general staff, the pashas were willing to do whatever was necessary to maintain their power.

With that, Gulen high-tailed it to the US, where he sits now, in control of the same network that spreads the same ideology that has turned Turkey into a highly anti-American place (as well as highly anti-semitic). Let’s not forget that Gulen’s network is worldwide. Given the connections that we are digging up on the Deep State in America, it is no longer so surprising to see Gulen safe and sound under the sheltering wing of his American protectors.

Isn’t it fascinating about all the good dirt that never makes it into the American media? Again, why is that?

I wonder what Sibel Edmonds would say?

Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Creeping Sharia, Fethullah Gulen, Homegrown Jihad, Illegal Immigration, Islamic Conquest, Post-America, SAYLORSBURG PA.


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