138 İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi – İAÜD – ISSN: 1309-1352, Ekim 2018 Cilt 10 Sayı 4 (127-140)
According to the most basic principle of law, in order for a murder claim to be prosecuted in court, the body of the person killed must also be found and presented to the court as proof. (David, 2003, 817) Despite the fact that the massgraves of 8 thousand Bosnians, which were slaughtered by the Serbs mercilesslyand the location changed 3 times, were found, some people doubt the allegedArmenian genocide allegations as they have not been revealed.The fact that none of the 8,257 people involved in such a massacre or genocidehave not opened their mouths or and that no one has even been able to show amass grave involving people killed in the alleged genocide, casts a shadow overthe claims of genocide and undermines its credibility.When the reports on Armenians living in Anatolia, Syria, Iraq and Armenia in1915 were examined, it is seen that the number of Armenians ranged from 600hundred to 1 million 700 thousand. If one and a half million Armenians wereslaughtered in 1915 as it was alleged, as in the reports published by the US Senateafter the war, the number of Armenians living in Anatolia, Syria and Russia in1923 could not be 1,414,000 and the number of Armenians migrating to USA andEurope could not be 817,873.These mathematical calculations and population censuses made in variousyears, given by the French, British, Germans, Americans and the missionariesthere, especially the Armenian Patriarch, to the Ottoman Empire every year, andespecially after the First World War reveal that the Armenian Genocide allegationis met with doubt, is groundless, and unfounded.
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İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi – İAÜD – ISSN: 1309-1352, Ekim 2018 Cilt 10 Sayı 4 (127-140)
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