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Birleşmiş Milletler’de yaptığı çalışmalar ile adını duyuran Sayın Bircan Ünver 2021 yılında Küresel STK Yürütme Komitesi Direktör adayı.

Kendisini oyları ile desteklemek isteyen BM üyesi sivil toplum kuruluşları aşağıda kendisinin özgeçmişini bulabilirler.

Ayrıca Birleşmiş Milletler’de Türk topluluklarının daha fazla temsil edilmesi için tüm küresel sivil kuruluşları ilerdeki aylarda planladığımız seminere kayıt yaptırmalarını rica ederiz.

Birleşmiş Milletler’e üye olmak ile ilgileniyorum

2021 Director Candidate: (Ms) BİRCAN ÜNVER, M.A.
Kendisini oyları ile desteklemek isteyen BM üyesi sivil toplum kuruluşları aşağıda kendisinin özgeçmişini bulabilirler. - Ms BIRCAN UNVER

Candidate: (Ms) BİRCAN ÜNVER, M.A.

Organization: The Light Millennium

Candidate Statement:

a) To bring in diversity, inclusion, and more representative approach; b) To contribute towards making the GNEC more visible and effective; c) To support and disseminate UNDGC’s programs and campaigns to both diverse local and international communities through GNEC; d) To encourage NGOs towards working together with GNEC. 

Above listed objectives are the channels to contribute to the success of the organization including serving on the Media, Events, Outreach Subcommittees along with, serving on the Planning Committee of the upcoming UN Civil Society Conference(s).

My humble advice would be, to be more democratic, diverse, inclusive and it should be representing ALL UNDGC associated NGOs without leaving NO NGO BEHIND! About the UN Civil Society Conference’s Planning Committee, it should be open, diverse, and more inclusive to ALL interested associated NGOs. 

Have been actively participated in the UNDGC’s Briefings (except in 2020), involved with several (formerly “UN.DPI/NGO”) UN Civil Society Conferences since 2006 that includes the latest one was in Salt Lake City in 2019. Served in several subcommittees of the Conferences’ Planning Committees (events, media, exhibit); and organized and presented a special event (2006), workshops (2007, 2014, 2016, 2019), and/or exhibitions  (2014, 2016). Over the years, collaborated with numerous member states including Turkey (2011, 2013, 2020), North Macedonia, El Salvador,  Kazakhstan (2013), Sri Lanka (2015), Bangladesh (2019), Costa Rica (2019, 2021) and Ethiopia. Further, collaborated with, Indian Consulate General in New York (2019) and Turkish Consulate General in New York (2019, 2020).

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