ABD ve AKP Başkanları Buluşması

Bugün AKP'den milli ve yerli politika bekleyen genç arkadaşlara hatırlatmak isteriz; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, bir Amerika başkanının henüz devletin başına geçmeden görüştüğü nadir siyasetçilerdendir. - erdogan bush

Bugün AKP’den milli ve yerli politika bekleyen genç arkadaşlara hatırlatmak isteriz; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, bir Amerika başkanının henüz devletin başına geçmeden görüştüğü nadir siyasetçilerdendir.

Başkan Bush ile, henüz başbakan olmadan görüşmüş, Cüneyd Zapsu Amerika’da kendisi için “o adamı deliğe süpürmeyin” anlamına gelebilecek sözler söylemiştir. Zapsu sözlerinin yanlış anlaşıldığını iddia ettiği için aşağıda söylediği sözlerin ses kaydından orijinal çözümünü veriyoruz:

“This man is an honest man. And he has his own beliefs and he is true to his beliefs. Please try to… I’d say ‘exploit’ is a bad word, but kullanmak or use… (Zapsu burada Türkçe kullanmak sözcüğünü telaffuz ediyor ve İngilizce nasıl denir anlamında dinleyicilere bakıyor ve bir Türk dinleyicinin hatırlatması üzerine sözlerine devam ediyor) take advantage of this man. Because this person has so much credibility, because of his own beliefs in the Muslim world and he believes in the Western style democracy. I think instead of pushing him down, putting him to the drainuse… Here and in Europe you should take advantage of that. This is my offer.”

Ayrıca Beyaz Saray kayıtlarından Erdoğan Bush görüşmesinin 10 Aralık 2002 tarihli görüşme tapeleri aşağıdaki gibidir:

Bugün AKP'den milli ve yerli politika bekleyen genç arkadaşlara hatırlatmak isteriz; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, bir Amerika başkanının henüz devletin başına geçmeden görüştüğü nadir siyasetçilerdendir. - erdogan bush
GWB: 1315, Drop-by the National Security Advisor’s meeting with Chairman of Turkey’s AK Party. Oval Office

1:15 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Nr. Chairman, welcome to the home of one of your country’s best friends and allies. We’re impressed by the leadership — your leadership and your party’s strong victory. We thank you very much for your commitment to democracy and freedom.

We join you, side by side, in your desire to become a member of the European Union. We appreciate your friendship in NATO. You’re a strategic ally and friend of the United States, and we look forward to working with you to keep the peace.

It’s my honor to welcome you to America.

CHAIRMAN ERDOGAN: I thank you very much. We’re very happy to be in the United States, who is our ally and friend, and also another source of happiness for us that Mr. President spare the time to meet with us.

Undoubtedly, we see our bid to European Union membership as the most important modernization project of our country since the establishment of the republic. And this will serve as a great jump-start for democracy, enhancement of democracy.

This week is a very important one for us. This is actually a turning point in our history. It’s also very meaningful that this turning point merged with our — coincided with our new established government and our election victory. We’re aware of your support on this matter and we are very appreciative of this.

But it shouldn’t end here. We expect that to continue, of course, now — (laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all.

Q Sir, can we ask —

THE PRESIDENT: Not today. But, you know something, I appreciate the effort. (Laughter.)

Q O for two today —

THE PRESIDENT: Well, you know something, it’s good for you — brings discipline. Right, Randy? If I answer questions every time you ask one, expectations would be high. And as you know, I like to keep expectations low. (Laughter.)

Q — expect some phone call for European Union?

THE PRESIDENT: I made a lot of phone calls already. My administration is working hard on Turkey’s behalf.

END 1:20 P.M. EST


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