Dear Valued Member, DEGERLI UYELERIMIZE BIR MESAJ , Outbreak map of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Bu kisa mesaj 27 Ulkeye ve 5 kitaya dagilmis 10 milyona merdiven dayamis cok Degerli Uyelerimiz ve Takipcilerimiz’e hitap etmektedir

Turkiye Turkcesi bilmiyen uyelerimizede ulasmak icin mesaji ingilizce olarak hazirladik , fakat Referanslarda Turkce aciklamalar bulacaksiniz.

Dear Valued Member, Degerli Uyelerimiz

As we monitor coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact to our members, in the countries they live in, please know your safety and well-being are of the utmost importance to TF. We are following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines as well as their recommendations on the steps to help prevent the spread of the virus, and making sure you have the updates in time.

We understand the uncertainty you may be experiencing with this situation, and encourage you to:

  • Monitor and Follow the CDC updates, in your travels or for the country you are in. You may also want to visit the U.S. State Department website or the World Health Organization for more information. For Turkey or USA or for any other country
  • Take appropriate steps as outlined by health authorities to safeguard your health and that of your family.
  • For specific questions about actions being taken by particular COUNTRY, please visit their official website and contact them directly, in response to the coronavirus

If you’ve booked a Travel within the next 30 days and have questions, please contact: THE US DEPARTMENT WEB SITE about travel and about that country and also web site of that country

We will continue to monitor this evolving situation and remain dedicated to being your resource.

This month is critical, take the recommended actions by your countries, and try to remain as much as in your homes , avoid crowded spaces at least until the weather worms up and virus cannot multiply , as it is doing in this cold weathers, March appears to be the month the Virus will reach its peak. And most likely it may disappear in June if we follow the recommendations of the countries we live in.






Thank you for your support and dedication to remain with TF during this epidemik

Dr Kayaalp Buyukataman, Baskan

Turkish Forum Dunya Turkleri Birligi

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