6 Tesrinevvel 1923: İstanbul’un işgalden kurtarıldığı gün

Türk Ordusu, 13 ekim 1918 den itibaren, 4 sene 10 ay 23 gün süren isgalden sonra, 6 ekim 1923 gününde coşkun bir bayram havası içinde İstanbul’a girdi. - istanbul un kurtulusu

Türk Ordusu, 13 ekim 1918 den itibaren, 4 sene 10 ay 23 gün süren isgalden sonra, 6 ekim 1923 gününde coşkun bir bayram havası içinde İstanbul’a girdi.

Tarihe ismini Istanbul’un Ikinci ve Son Fatihi olarak yazdıran Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün  sabırlı ve azimli politikası sayesinde Istanbul’da yabancı askeri kuvvetlerin işgali sona ermiş oldu.

Türk milletine kutlu olsun.

Türk bayrağını böyle selamlayarak gittiler.

Bir kac kaynak:

Demetra VAKA

Within the Porte Called Sublime                             Asia          1922

Conversations with a Kemalist                                  Asia          1922

An Imperial Enemy of Turkish Despotism                   Asia          1924

Prince Sabahaddin as a Free-Lance Liberal                 Asia          1924

Prince Sabahaddin in the Hour of the Kemalists          Asia          1924

Halide EDIP

My Share in the Turkish Ordeal. Flight from Constantinople to Angora In Disguise to Escape                         Asia          1928

to Arrest by the Englis

The Rising Star of Mustafa Kemal. Who Seemed Both the Washington and The Napoleon                             Asia          1928

of the Turkish Nationalism

Poor Turcs, Poor Greeks, Poor World. Some Tragic Private Destinies Viewed Againgst                                  Asia          1928

the Public Backgrounf of War

A Woman Soldier at the Front. Leaning the Game of War as it was Played In the                                          Asia          1928

Greco-Turkish World of Man

Home from the Wars. As a Turkish Ordeal for Independence was Becoming the Ordeal of Freedom             Asia          1928

The Turkish Ordeal                   The Century Co. NY                   1928

Ahmet Emin YALMAN              Turkey in my Time                   Univ. of Oklahoma Press           1956                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Turkey in the WW I                  Yale University Press                 1930

Harry N. HOWARD                    The Partition of Turkey. A Diplomatic History 1913-1923             Howard Fertig NY     1931-1959-1966

                                               Turkish Foreign Policy                                                              Asia                                         1938

Who Can Succeed Atatürk                                                        Asia                                         1938

                                               The Straits After the Montreux Conference                                Foreign Affairs. Vol. XV             1936

Azmi Güran a.gee @hispeed.ch


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