“Hatirla Sevgilim” – Something About Reptiles

Something About Reptiles has been opening hearts and playing music in its’s many incarnations since 1999. Today in 2013, Something About Reptiles consists of Burcu Ozdemir, on vocals and tongue and cheek english translations. Alison Jenkins on her magical accordian, clarinet and back up vocals. Amrit Basi a fierce percussionist on the darbuka. Noah Walker, master of surf-turk licks on his guitar. Katheryn Petersen, with her killer red accordian and love of Something About Reptiles. Elliot Vaughan, a truly kind and gentle human with superman tendencies on his viola. And last but definitely not least, Michael Alleyne, a strong and serious stand up bass player, completes this 7 piece ensemble beautifully. I am very grateful to have all of these incredible humans and musicians in my life!

Over the years, we did everything from jazz, country and folk festivals to restaurants, bars, theatre and private parties. our fans range from children, elders, all kinds of queer folks, international musicians and so call conservative crowds. Heck even Tom Waits loves us, who knew!

Something about reptiles were also priviledged enough to be heard all the way in Istanbul’s streets of Kustepe, the rocking bar Otto Santral of Bilgi University, the famous and unforgettable restaurants Zihni and 8 and a half, as well as the decadent and unbeliavable Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair. Lucky for us, we were fortunate enough to also meet and get to know lots of angels along the way like Dilara and Apo Akay in Istanbul and their entire family and clan!
We thank Istanbul and all of you from the bottom of our hearts and souls!

We were also in the compilation cd from Berlin, Germany, “beyond Istanbul 2, URBAN SOUNDS OF TURKEY”, produced by the world famous and a good friend, Ipek Ipekcioglu. Our track, number 12, “Yuksek Yuksek Tepelere” is described as a sound that is “like a chanson simple, heavy and tragic.

Iste boyle, one song at a time we’ve been at it for about 15 years. Over time, we’ve had many more incredible musicians join us like Richard Spencer, a truly sick guitarist. Russell Scholberg, another truly kind and gentle man , and Sam Schoichet, a local fantastic musician, on stand up bass, Duane Murrin a mean guitarist and a great dad, as well as Amelia Rose on her ancient violin, with her beautiful spirit and smile.A special thanks to all the children of Kustepe, Istanbul for being so welcoming, full of life and letting us play music on their streets. Especially all the brothers and cousins of Saksuka!

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Burcu and Something About Reptiles

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