The Book of The Week 01: Introduction

The Book of The Week 01: Introduction

Respected Readers, First of all, I’d like say hello.

In this new column, I will present a new book or publication each week.

As an introductory note, I’ll summarize the software and tools for viewing e-books below. I should stress that all cited programs are freeware.

File Viewing

Free File Viewer’s formats: DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, XLS, XLSX, JPG, PNG, GIF, PSD, FLV, MP4, MOV, MPG, FLAC, MP3, OGG, WMA, BIN, CFG, DAT, DIZ …

Free File Viewer download link:

Picture Viewing

IrfanView download link:

PDF Viewing:

Adobe Reader download link:
Foxit PDF Reader download link:

DOC Viewing:

MS Word Viewer download link:

XLS ve PPS Viewing:

MS Excel Viewer download link:
MS Power Point Viewer download link:

DJVU Viewing:

WinDjView download link:
DjVuLibre download link:
Caminova download link:

TXT Viewing:

Notepad2 download link:
Notepad++ download link:

epub Viewing:

Sigil download links:  &
Adobe Digital Editions:
sample epub e-books:
Sony Reader:

mobi Viewing:

Mobi reader download link:
Mobipocket Reader download link:

lit Viewing:

Microsoft Reader download link:

fb2 Viewing:

FBReader download link:

For RTF and other formats:


Further download links of e-books in this column will be visible solely for our forum members. Therefore I want to invite you to subscribe to Turkish Forum.

See you later in next article, I wish you all happy reading,

Tuesday, 5th March, 2013  Antalya, Türkiye

Harun Taner <[email protected]>

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