[email protected]; on behalf of; Turanli [[email protected]]; on behalf of; Turanli - personal insan

Arastirmayi yapan Amerikali Geneolog Prof.Toni Richard Türk…kendisinin Türk oldugunu önce DNA testleriyle kanitlayan Toni R. Türk daha sonra bir Internet sitesi kurar ve soyadi Türk olan herkesi davet eder ..kisa sürede yaklasik 2.000.000 kisi birikir sitede hepsininde soyadlari Türktür ama tek kelime türkce bilmemektedirler..hepside üst düzeyde zengin ve kültürlü insandirlar ve Müslüman degillerdir..cogu Yahudidirler…480 cesit Türk manasina gelen isimler arasinda train(yani tren), Dark, Druck(maatbaa), turock(örümcek) ve track ve tracktör de vardir.. mende ki arsivimde bilakis tracktör ismide yer aliyor…track veya turock veya druck hepside türük yani Türk demek…iste o bahsettigim adamdan bazi ö bu arada yillar önce Toni R. Türk ve 500 kisi Türkiyeyi ABD den ziyarete geldiler…(aileleri Kafkasya dan Amerikaya göcmüs Hazar Askenat Türkleriymis meger)
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Toni Turk

The Turk Surname Society

Annual Report of the TURK Surname Society


Guild of One-Name Studies – TURK #3130

Over 60,000 individuals with this surname or one of its identified variant spellings have been extracted worldwide. Look-ups will be done in the TURK Surname Society database for all who are interested. Improvements of this database are solicited. The TURK Surname Society database is online.

The TURK Surname Society database includes the complete extractions of the following eight variations from US censuses (1790-1930), UK censuses (1841-1901), Canadian censuses, and from the US Social Security Death Index: TERK, TIRK, TUERK, TURCK, TUREK, TURK, TURKE, TURKS. DE TURCK, DE TURK, MacTURK and McTURK have also generally been included in the US and UK extractions.

Extractions have also been done in the records of various archives, published genealogies, and online records, such as: Ancestral File, GenForum, International Genealogical Index and Rootsweb. Finally, the database has been the recipient of the records of many individual genealogists.

The TURK Surname Y-DNA Project is affiliated with the genealogical efforts of the TURK Surname Society. Through this affiliation an attempt is being made to align science with the more traditional approaches to understanding heritage. Both efforts focus on all persons with TURK as a root part of a surname, or that have a phonetic or translation equivalent. Within this definition 480 variant spellings of the surname have been identified. Eighteen independent Y-DNA origins have been identified.

Y-DNA Surname Projects are managed through Family Tree DNA. Those wishing to join the TURK Y-DNA Project may do so here.

The TURK Surname Society (GOONS) collects all genealogical references for all individuals within one degree of relationship to the targeted surname and its variant spellings, i.e. includes spouses and children of the targeted surname.

Extraction Focus – While all variants are of interest, the primary focus is on fourteen variations.


Additional extraction variations: DeTURCK, MacTURCK, McTURCK, McTURK, TERK, TIRK, TUERK, TURKS.

Records Extractions – The rounded numbers of extracted records have come from the following sources:

o Ancestral File – 1,000
o Cemetery – 1,000
o Census – 45,000
o IGI – 15,000
o Publications – 13,000
o Researchers – 20,500
o SSDI – 6,500
o Vital Records – 5,000
o Websites – 4,000

TOTAL – 111,000; on behalf of; Turanli - bayrak 1

When comparing the integrated TURK Guild database with other surname non-integrated databases the comparable figure is 111,000. However, considering the greater complexity of integrating a database, the value of such a database to the individual researcher is significantly greater than the simple aggregation of records.

TURK Surname Y-DNA Project – This effort attempts to align the genealogical record with the scientific record. The goal is to be able to direct a Y-DNA participant without a genealogical record to his placement within such records. Currently Y-DNA results have clustered into eleven different haplogroups/haplotypes. A by-product of the Guild and the Y-DNA efforts has been the clarification of the multiple, independent origins of the surname.

Surname Frequency Distribution

· Eastern European 4140

· Germany 11,299

· United Kingdom 6358

· United States 30,513

· Other 4640

· Unspecified 3270
TOTAL 60220 (13 May 2008)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – E3b This lineage is believed to have evolved in the Middle East. It expanded into the Mediterranean during the Pleistocene Neolithic expansion. It is currently distributed around the Mediterranean, southern Europe, and in north and east Africa.


· DEL TURCO (Italy)

· TURKEL (Ukraine)

· TURCHI (Italy)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – G This lineage may have originated in India or Pakistan, and has dispersed into central Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

· TUREK (Poland)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – G2 This lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. Moorish Spain is a possible origin.

· TURCO (Sicily)

· TURK (Netherlands)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – I This lineage dates to 23,000 years ago or longer – found distributed at low frequency throughout Europe.
Viking Lineages

· TURK (England)

Y-DNA Haplogroup – I1 This lineage likely has its roots in northern France. Today it is found most frequently within Viking / Scandinavian populations in Northwest Europe and extends at low frequencies into Central and Eastern Europe.

· TURK – (Croatia)

· TURKUS (Russia)

· TURQUE (France)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – J2 This lineage originated in the northern portion of the Fertile Crescent where it later spread throughout central Asia, the Mediterranean, and south into India. As with other populations with Mediterranean ancestry this lineage is found within Jewish populations. It also suggests a tie between the Picts and Semitic lineages.

· TÖRÖK (Hungary)

· TURK/MacTURK (Northern Ireland/Scotland)

· TURK (Poland)

· TURKANIS (Ukraine)

· TURKELTOP (Poland)

Y-DNA Haplogroup – K2 This specific line is found at low frequency in southern Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East.


· ÖZTÜRK (Bulgaria)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – R1 The undifferentiated R1 lineage is quite rare. It is found only at very low frequencies in Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia. This lineage possibly originated in Europe and then migrated east into Asia.

· TURKOGLU (Turkey)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – R1a1 This lineage is believed to have originated in the Eurasian Steppes north of the Black & Caspian Seas. It is thought to descend from a population of the Kurgan culture, known for the domestication of the horse (circa 3000 B.C.E.). These people were also believed to be the first speakers of the Indo-European language group. It is found in central & western Asia, India, and in Slavic populations of Europe.


· TURK/TÜRK/TÜRCK/TÜRCK (Prussia/Poland)

Y-DNA Hapgroup – R1b1 This lineage is the most common in European populations. It is believed to have expanded throughout Europe as humans re-colonized after the last glacial maximum 10-12 thousand years ago. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic Modal Haplotype.

· DERRICK (Germany)

· TURCK (Germany)


· TUREK (Czech Republic)

· TURK (England; Serbia)

· TURK/MacGREGOR (Northern Ireland/Scotland)

Y-DNA Haplogroup – R2 This lineage originated in South Asia and is generally found in Central Asia, Turkey, Pakistan, and India.


· TERK (Ukraine)

Toni Richard Turk [email protected]

Emeritus AG (Southern States); Ed.D. (BYU)

TURK Surname Y-DNA Project Public Website.


  1. Yaakov Ovadya avatarı
    Yaakov Ovadya

    Türk vasfı yüzlece yıl öncesi Türkler arasında bilhassa Osmanlı tabasında bilinmezdi
    Bilmek istediğim Hazar/Yahudi İmparatorluğunda bu vasıf kulanıldı mı ?
    Türk vasfının tarihçesi ne dir ?
    Saygılar sunuyorum

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