Ermenilerin tazminat talepleri

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Degerli TF  izleyicileri

ABD’de  bulunan degerli TF  hukukcularindan – mumkunse-,  bilgi talebim var.

Eski  BM memuru  Alfred de Zaya’ın   ErmeniSoykırımı  konusunda 2010 ^da Beyrut Ermeni Univesitesi tarafindan  yayimlanan  bir kitabinda
(The Genocide Against The Armenians 1915-1923 And The Relevance of The 1948 Genocide Convention) Ermenilerin tazminat talepleri konusunda ABDde  izleyebilecekleri  yol  hakkında  bir onerisi var.

Asagiya ingilizce olarak  kaydediyorum. Bu konuda  yapmakta oldugum bir calismada yararlanmami  saglayacak  aciklayici ek bilgi verilmesi mumkun olursa  sevinirim.  Bu  yolun  Kaliforniya’daki avukatlar tarafindan izlenmesi mumkun mu?

“In regard to private property confiscated in the  context of the Holocaust, United States jurisdiction have not hesitated to apply laws retroactively. Thus, for instance, in affirming its jurisdiction in Altmann v. Republic of Austria   the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decided on 1December 2002  that  the 1976 Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act  FSA   applied retroactively to the evets of the late 1930s and 1940s.  The US Court took jurisdiction  and found that the property of Mrs. Altmann had been wrongfully and discriminatorily appropriated in violation of intermatrionakl law.  (US Court of Appelas for the  Ninth Circuit  : Altmann v. republic of Austria, No.01*56003 (ecember 12, 2002)  Affirmed on writ. of certiorari, 7 June 2004, U.S. Supreme Court, 541 US 677 (2004)

Similarly, with regard to the restitution of Armenian property  , it is concievable  that in  an action  brought by Armenians against Turkley, before  a U.S .Federal Court, jurisdiction could be established pursuant  to the US Alien Tort Statute  Act, which states “the district courts shall have oriiginal jurisdiction of any civil action by an alien for a tort , commited in violation of the law o nations , or a treaty of the United States”
(Alien ort Statute , 28 U.S.C.  1350 (2004)   (See Jordan J. Paust  ” the History, Nature and  Reach of the Alien Tort Claims  Act…in .16″ Florida Journal of Internatrional Law, Number 2, June 2004  pp 249-26o. See  also Human Rights  Watch 2003, “Background of the Alien Tort Claims Act   available at : http:// M.Bazyler, Suing Hitler^’s Willing Busines sPartners: American Justice and Holocaust Morality”
see also   Jewish Politiical Studies Review, Fall 2004, No.16″

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