Her yıl yapılan Turkish Forum UK tarafindan duzenlenen . Turk Festivalinin 5’İnci 17 temmuz cumartesi gunu saat 12’de
asagidaki adreste basliyor. 18 Temmuz pazar gunu de tum gun surecek festivale hepinizi bekliyoruz. IKi gun boyunca festivale 100 binden fazla ziyaretci bekleniyor. Lutfen aileniz, arkadaslarinizla karnaval senliginde gecen festivale katilmanizi onemle bekliyoruz..
ADRES;””Festival’in yapılacağı Potters Fields Park’ın adresi ‘Tooley Street/The Queens Walk, Southwark, London SE1 2AA’dır. Londra Büyükşehir Belediyesi binası yakınında ve Tower Bridge’in Güney Londra kesimindeki ayağına yakındır”
Turkish Festival
Sat 17 Jul 00:00 – Sun 18 Jul 00:00
The 5th Turkish Festival aims to fundamentally develop the profile of regional culture in Turkey; to participate in the processes of integration between world cultures; to attract a wider audience to the new generation of artists, activating the processes for Turkish Art forms, and contributing to the uprising of Turkish Art and Cultural recognition on an international platform; to allow a new generation of Turkish Artists to appear, encourage the appearance and development of Artists and the Art industry, and integrate Turkish Culture in an international Platform.
This event shall consist of cultural, performing arts such as ethnic music, folk and traditional dancing, cultural arts, ethnic food and handcrafts. We also propose to transform the venue into a Turkish Bazaar with stalls serving the best of Turkish food, drink, spices, textile, leather goods music and crafts.
Mihrisah Safa