Shoah: Turkey, the US and the UK (Paperback)

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by Arnold Reisman (Author)

Türkiye`de ne yazik ki  isteyerek veya istemiyerek „artirilan/artan“ Antisemitik gelismelere ragmen yukarida ki ismini verdigimiz kitap cok önemli bir eser. Özellikle Almanya`da gecen yil CORRY GUTTSTADT adli bayan Türkolog (!?) tarafindan yayinlanan „Die Türkei die Juden und der Holocoust“ (Türkiye, Yahudiler ve Holokost) adli  kitabin bircok „iftira“ ve „yalanini“ düzelten bir kitap. Corry Guttstadt  kendi kitabinda Türk Kurtulus Savasinin bir Mitoz oldugunu ve aslinda bu savasin  Ermeni ve Yunanlari „katliam ile yok etme“  oldugunu yazdiktan sonra basta ikinic dünya Savasi öncesi Büyükelci Behic beyin hicte anlatildigi gibi Fransa`dan Musevi asilli insanlari kurtarmadigini yazmisti. Bunun gibi Türkiye Cumhuriyetini özellikle Museviler ile arasini acmak amacli olan belli ki bazi Irkci Almanlarin bak Türkler Ermenilere ve Yunanlilara soykirim uygulamistir „önyargisini“ kafalara nakislamak oldugu asikar olan bu yalan kitapta Türkler Musevilere yardim etmemistir mesaji  devamli veriliyor. Bu Almanca kitaba karsi son iki yilda karsi bir cevap kitabu hazirliklarimiz Viyana`da bagimsiz bir yayin kurulu tarafindan devam ediyor. Tüm calismalarin finansmanini basinda oldugum grup karsiliyor.

Iste yeni yayinlanan Shoah: Turkey. The US and the UK adli prof.Dr. Arnold Reisman tarafindan yayinlanan kitap bir tokat gibi. Bu kitapta bazi Türk Büyükelcilerinin ve görevlilerin ikinci dünya savasinda  Musevilere karsi yaptiklari Amerika ve Ingiltere`nin misli ve misli üstündedir. Artik yalanlari birakin buyrun ispatlari demektedir. Su andaki Dis Isleri Bakanligi ve Türkiye`deki Museviler  basta „One Minute“ sorunu arti Orta Dogu`da Türkiye`nin eski politikayi birakip yanli Arap taraftarligi arti sayin Basbakan Erdogan`in gecen bir Üniversite`de dile getirdigi, „Ben Istanbul Belediye Baskani iken Türk Musevi Isadamlari cok inceden inceledim. Bunlar is yeri satin almiyor. Kiraliyor ve parayi isletiyorlar“ sözleri bilimsel literatürde en azindan Hitler`in ciktigi Avusturya`da yasayan Viyana`li bir Türk olarak Antisemitizm  „kaymakli“ hali diye tanimlaniyor. Bundan sonra  Büyükelcilerimiz bunlari yapti desek ne yazar. Agzimiz ile kus degil F-16 tutsak ne olur demeden calismaya devam. Üzücü ama gercek. Baris ve kardesligin tüm düyayi sarmasi dilegi ile Viyana, Selamlar, Birol Kilic

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Shoah: Turkey, the US and the UK (Paperback)

by Arnold Reisman (Author)

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Product Description
This highly illustrated book uses hard historical facts, statistics and archival documents from the FDR library archives, British Foreign and Colonial Offices, Yad Vashem, among others. Over two hundred original documents are reproduced. The book also personalizes the hard evidence via oral history taken from those directly involved as deposited in the Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation’s digitized testimony project. While acknowledging that Turkey could have done more as a place of refuge and as a transit country, this book makes the case that under the circumstances Turkey did more than given credit for by historians, educators, and the media alike. This is especially true when Turkey’s role in saving Jews during the Shoah is juxtaposed with corresponding roles of the US and the UK during the same period.

About the Author
Arnold Reisman received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in engineering from UCLA. He is a registered Professional Engineer in California, Wisconsin, and Ohio, and has published over 300 papers in refereed journals, along with 16 books. After 27 years as Professor of Operations Research at CWRU, Reisman retired in 1994. Among his current research interests is the history of German-speaking exiled professors starting in 1933 and their impact on science in general and Turkish universities in particular. Reisman is still actively pursuing his lifelong interest in sculpting. He is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, American Men and Women of Science, and Two Thousand Notable Americans, and he is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. His most recently published books are: TURKEY’S MODERNIZATION: Refugees from Nazism and Atatürk’s Vision; Classical European music and opera: The case of Post-Ottoman Turkey, and Arts in Turkey: How ancient became contemporary; Refugees and reform: Turkey’s republican journey; and The transformation of Istanbul: Art galleries reviving decaying spaces.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 362 pages
  • Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (October 5, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1439240221
  • ISBN-13: 978-1439240229
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Average Customer Review: No customer reviews yet. Be the first.
  • Sales Rank: #302,065 in Books (See Bestsellers in Books)

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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk


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