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Arminfo: Turkish lobby in the USA has become more active, Armenian expert

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The Turkish lobby in the USA represented by the “US Turkish forum” with the budget of tens of millions dollars has become more active in recent years, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences Ruben Safrastyan told ArmInfo.(DEVAMI ASAGIDA)





KESKE ASAGIDA ERMENI UZMANLARIN YEREVANDAN DUNYA ERMENILERINE ILETTGI KI HABER DOGRU OLSA IDI.. O zaman degil Amerikada , dunyada Ermeni lobisi diye bir nesne kalmadan silip atardik

Butun butce sikintilarina ve gunden gune idaraye calismasina ragmen Turkish Forum kadar dunya capinda faaliyet gosteren kuvvetli bir lobi gurubu henuz mevcut degil

Bunu sadece ve sadece bize inanan ve senelerdir desteklerini esirgemiyen  uyelerimize borcluyuz..

Turkish Forum , TAKIP ETTIGI POLITIKASI SAYESINDE, sadece Dunya Turk toplumunun degil , Turke ve Turkiyeye dusman olan lobilerinde hurmetini ve saygisini kazanmis bir kurulusdur.

Fakat acikca soylemek gerekirse, ELDEKI BUTCE ILE,  bir ay sonra ne olacagini hala faaliyetde olup olmiyacagimizi ben bile bilmiyorum.

Turk lobisini guclendirmek icin Turkiye gurubumuzun sundugu butun projeler Ankara tarafinda son 5 senedir  geri cevrilmekde .. GERI CEVIRENLERDE FETULLAH EFENDININ MURITLERI.. CUNKU BASBAKANLIGA BAGLI TURK TANITMA FONU (milyonlarca dolar degerli) ONLAR TARAFINDAN YONETILMEKDE..VE HARCAMALAR ONLAR TARAFINDAN YONLENDIRILMEKDE.

Bize ulastirdiklari haber ise FETULLAH gercegi hakkinda cikan yayinlari Turk toplumuna eristirmemiz onlari rahatsiz ettigi icin Turkiye gurubumuzun  maddi Destek isteklerini bloke ettikleridir… vazgecersek onumuz acilacakmis ..Pojelerimize bol bol Destek ($) gelebilirmis…  SIZ NE DERSINIZ.. AYNI FIKIRDE ISENIZ BIR SEY YAPMAYINIZ  AMMA DEGILSENIZ  MADDI DESTEK VERINIZ.. devamli bakim ve yuksek fiatla kiralanabilen direct hatlar sayesinde calisan  SERVERLERIMIZI VE OZEL DAGITIM HATLARIMIZI SIZE, DUNYA TURK TOPLUMUNA,  ACIK TUTALIM.. Birlikde kosmaya , Turke ve Turkiye aleyhine uydurulmus ithamlara dunya capinda engel olmaya devam edelim.. LUTFEN TURKISH FORUMUN MADDI DESTEK ISTEGINI YARINA BIRAKMAYINIZ.



Saygi ve Hurmetlerimle

Dr. Kayaalp Buyukataman, Baskan

Turkish Forum


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Javid Huseynov <>
Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:37 PM
Subject: {Pax Turcica} Arminfo: Turkish lobby in the USA has become more active, Armenian expert


Arminfo, Yerevan, Armenia
August 25, 2009 Tuesday

The Turkish lobby in the USA represented by the “US Turkish forum” with the budget of tens of millions dollars has become more active in recent years, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences Ruben Safrastyan told ArmInfo.

“In particular, I think that just the Turkish lobby is related to the decision of the US Federal court about recognition of the California law on payment of indemnities to the heirs of the Armenian Genocide victims unconstitutional. Moreover, this decision of the US Federal court is nothing more than an unpleasant episode for us, as the court decision is not a political decision, though it has a political coloring in this case”, he said.

According to Safrastyan, if the Jewish, Armenian or Greek lobby in America is a normal phenomenon, I consider the Turkish lobby a nonsense, while two Armenian lobby organizations of the USA – the Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Committee of America have a great experience and weight in the USA. I am sure the Armenian lobby will shortly become more active regarding the decision on recognition of the California law on payment of indemnities to the descendants of the Armenian Genocide victims unconstitutional, and will active essential results”, he resumed.

To recall, the Federal appeals court invalidated a California law Thursday that allowed heirs of Armenians killed in the Turkish Ottoman Empire nearly a century ago to seek payment on the life insurance policies of dead relatives.

Genocide of Armenians has been recognized by Uruguay, Russia, France, Lithuania, the Lower Chamber of Italian Parliament, the majority of American States, the Greek, Cyprian, Argentinean, Belgian Parliaments, the Parliament of Wales, the National Council of Switzerland, the House of Commons of the Canadian Parliament and Polish Seim. Turkey denies the genocide of 1,5 million Armenians in 1915-1923.

—– Original Message —–

From: Sukru Server Aya


Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 7:26 AM

Subject: FW: Arminfo: Turkish lobby in the USA has become more active, Armenian expert

Message indirectly received from familiar sources, for your information!  Can we believe the news given by Yerevan, in particular that Turkish Forum budget of “tens of million dollars” has been activated?  Hey, T.F.  friends,  I cannot believe that you became rich and started to kick some lobbies!    Now you have started a race, and ANCA will surely beat you by collecting not “tens bud hundreds of million Dollars”!  Compliments to all…beneficiaries!      SSA

From: Ergun []
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 6:55 PM
To: Sukru Server Aya; Nuri Yildirim; Dr. Kayaalp Buyukataman
Subject: Re: Arminfo: Turkish lobby in the USA has become more active, Armenian expert

Sukru Bey,

If you can believe that Armenian crap, then I have a great marshlands for sale in Florida, complete with alligators in it.  Or if you like, I also have a bridge in Brooklyn also for sale.  We can offer attarctive terms to you…  🙂


PS:  TF is driving to bankrupt.  I send a small donation every quarter and a few others do the same.  That is how TF is running and that’s why TF is always in the red.  No one comes forward with big bucks to save thee TF from abject poverty 🙂

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