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Turkish Forum’un Muratreis denizaltısı

WASHINGTON - - ABD donanmasına 1944 yılında katılan USS Razorback denizaltısı İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında kritik rol oynadı. Savaşın ardından en başarılı donanma gücü ödülü aldı. 27 yıl boyunca Amerikan donanmasına hizmet eden 95 metre boyundaki dizel motorlu USS Razorback, 1971’de Türk Deniz kuvvetlerine hibe edildi ve “Muratreis” adını aldı. Türk bayrağı altında 7 cephe görevi yapan ve NATO tatbikatına katılan Muratreis, 2001 yılında emekli edildi. 2004 yılında tekrar Amerika’ya satılarak müze yapıldı. USS Razorback, artık bağlı olduğu Arkansas Nehri üzerindeki müzede otel olarak hizmet etmeye başladı. - logo
Türk donanmasında 30 yıl hizmet veren Murat Reis denizaltısı ABD’de otele dönüştürüldü
30 Haziran 2009 Salı 13:00

WASHINGTON – – ABD donanmasına 1944 yılında katılan USS Razorback denizaltısı İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında kritik rol oynadı. Savaşın ardından en başarılı donanma gücü ödülü aldı. 27 yıl boyunca Amerikan donanmasına hizmet eden 95 metre boyundaki dizel motorlu USS Razorback, 1971’de Türk Deniz kuvvetlerine hibe edildi ve “Muratreis” adını aldı. Türk bayrağı altında 7 cephe görevi yapan ve NATO tatbikatına katılan Muratreis, 2001 yılında emekli edildi. 2004 yılında tekrar Amerika’ya satılarak müze yapıldı. USS Razorback, artık bağlı olduğu Arkansas Nehri üzerindeki müzede otel olarak hizmet etmeye başladı.

Vatan gazetesinin haberine göre; 57 yılla, dünyanın en uzun süre hizmet veren denizaltısı olan denizaltıda en az 10, en fazla 35 kişi geceleyebiliyor. Denizaltının içinde küçük bir mutfak ve klima sistemi de var. Tuvalet ve duşları günümüz standartlarında. Otel olarak hizmet veren USS Razorback’ın halen üzerinde Türk bayrağı dalgalanıyor. İçinde de Türkçe tabelalar olduğu gibi duruyor.







Sayın Denizaltıcılar…

Bu sayfada yayınlanan Muratreis ile ilgili en son gelişme ve haberler ,ricamız üzerine; Denizaltı Filo Komutanı Sayın Tuğamiral Can ERENOĞLU’nun bizzat kendisi tarafından hazırlanarak derneğimize gönderilmektedir.

Sayın Komutanımıza sonsuz teşekkür eder, görevinde başarılar dileriz.

( 11 – MAYIS – 2005 )

TCG MURATREİS (USS RAZORBACK)’in Müze Gemi olarak  North Little Rock/ARKANSAS -ABD’de 15 Mayıs 2005 Pazar gününden itibaren halkın ziyaretine açılacağına ilişkin haberi EK’te sunuyorum.
En derin saygı ve sevgilerimle.
Denizaltı Filosu Komutanı

Good day all:

Top Left:  The sign marking the entrance in the flood wall to the Razorback.  Top Right:  The Union Jack flies proudly from the bow of the 394.  Bottom:  Thanks to Bonnie Zonner, the Yeoman’s shack is ship-shape and ready for inspection!  (CNLR Mayor’s Office Photos)

We are proud to announce that the USS Razorback will open for public tours at 1 PM this Sunday, 15 May 2005.  She will be open until 6 PM.  Beginning the following week, she will be open on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of each week.  Hours everyday will be 10:00 AM until 6 PM  Thursday through Saturday,  and 1 until 6 on Sundays.

Prices are as follows:

Adult                             $5.00

Child 5-12                        3.00 (No Children Under Five Allowed on Tour)

65 above                         3.00

Active or Retired SubVet   FREE  (Proof required)

Active Military                  3.00

Any group larger than 10 people should call AIMM for information on group touring.

And, of course, donations are always appreciated.

Also, we are very pleased to announce that Greg Zonner has been named by the AIMM Board as the Executive Director of the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum.  The phone number for the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum is 501-371-8320 and Greg Zonner’s direct line is 501-244-9772.  She is located nearly directly under the Main Street Bridge behind the flood wall on the north shore of the Arkansas River in North Little Rock.

We hope you will take the time to visit and see how good the Old Girl looks.  And special thanks to a very huge contingent of volunteers, especially the old sub sailors (and even a Marine and carrier vet or two) and others whose time and labor is appreciated more than can be expressed.  Whether you have donated time on board, or sent in precious keepsakes and stories, we would not have gotten to where we are without you.

Each one of the volunteers treats this wonderful boat as if it was their own, and in a way, they all do own a part of her.  You will be able to meet many of them in person as they will be doing tours from time to time.

Safe passages.

Mayor Patrick H. Hays

and the AIMM team

( 14-Mart-2005 )
Welcoming  Razorback  – Navigator ,  Winter 2004 – 2005


( 10-Şubat-2005 )

Maritime museum opening pushed back to July Fourth


Construction delays are postponing until the Fourth of July weekend the opening of a planned maritime museum featuring the USS Razorback submarine, North Little Rock officials announced.
The temporary site of the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum needs to be adjusted to accommodate a second World War II boat and a river dinner-cruise business that will operate adjacent to that location in 2006, North Little Rock Mayor Patrick Hays said.
Hays said last month that pushing the start of the new river excursion boat operation back from May to sometime in the spring of 2006 wouldn’t affect the museum’s opening by April 15. However, the amount of work needed for both projects made it apparent that the museum wouldn’t be ready by April, Hays said.
The postponement is tied to the construction work necessary to accommodate the World War II tugboat Hoga and the excursion boat Arkansas Queen, Hays said.
Donations to the museum intended for specific projects will still be directed to those projects, despite the postponement of the museum’s opening, said Rose Crane, the project’s fundraising coordinator.
“If people are interested in the project, they certainly want the contribution they make to be spent wisely and appropriately,” Crane said. “The reality is this is taking longer than they [city officials] thought it was going to and is involving more things than they thought, and they have readjusted.”
Besides renovation and docking facility work, additional utilities, a wastewater connection and shoreline fill are needed along a 700-foot stretch of riverfront near the Main Street Bridge, Hays said.
“It became obvious that we just wouldn’t be able to do one [project] without affecting the other,” Hays said.
In an e-mail over the weekend to submarine veterans and museum supporters, project coordinator Steve Nawojczyk said the museum “will not be ready for opening until around July Fourth.” The goal is the Independence Day weekend, Hays said. The Fourth of July is on Monday this year.
“There is just a lot to do to have things right for the Old Girl,” Nawojczyk said.
The Razorback is a World War II submarine that the city acquired last year after the boat completed service with the Turkish navy.
Even though the submarine won’t open to the public until the museum is ready, special group tours have been ongoing upon request. Renovation progress will allow the special tours to continue on a limited basis, Hays said.
“We would make the effort to schedule tours by special arrangement,” Hays said, which will include a fee. “We just won’t have regular hours.”
Tours are to be limited to six or seven people at a time, he added, and will be done as guides are available. Interested groups can contact the North Little Rock mayor’s office at (501) 340-5301.

This story was published Thursday, February 10, 2005


22-09-2004 MURATREİS Arkansas’ta Müzeye Dönüşümü Bekliyor.

TCG MURATREİS Amerikan Donanmasında 26 yıl, Türk Donanmasında 31 yıl olmak üzere toplam 57 yıllık aktif görev süresini tamamlayarak üç yıl önce 8 Ağustos 2001 tarihinde hizmet dışına ayrılmıştır.

Münfesih Gemi (M/G) MURATREİS 25 Mart 2004 tarihinde Denizaltı Filosu Komutanlığı’nda yapılan tören ile Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin North Little Rock/ Arkansas şehrinde müze olarak sergilenmek üzere Muratreis’in ABD Donanmasındaki ismini taşıyan Razorback Derneği’ne devredilmiştir.

(RMK)’de bataryaları çıkarılarak seyre hazırlanan M/G MURATREİS’in yedeklenerek ABD’ye intikal seyri 5 Mayıs 2004 tarihinde Tuzla/İstanbul’da başlamıştır. Batarya sökümü ve ABD’ye yedeklenme işlemi esnasında Filomuzdan emekli olan E.Eln.Kd.Bçvş. Adnan BALABAN ve E.Mot.Kd.Bçvş. Turan GÜREFOĞLU da yedekleme gemisinde bulunmuşlardır.


Muratreis North Little Rock/Arkansas’a vardı ve 29 Ağustos 2004 tarihinde varışı kutlanacak. Bununla ilgili aşağıdaki haberi size gönderiyorum.

Saygı ve sevgilerimle.


NLR to celebrate sub’s arrival
Festivities on tap to welcome USS Razorback to new home


Military bands, the University of Arkansas Razorback pep band and an estimated 150 submarine veterans are on the schedule to help North Little Rock officially welcome the USS Razorback to the city Sunday.
Escorted by a flotilla of yachts and recreational boats in the Arkansas River, the Razorback will arrive for its American Homecoming at 5 p.m. Sunday at the North Shore Riverwalk. Festivities at the park start at 2 p.m. and end with fireworks at 9 p.m.
All events are free. Public access will be at the Willow Street entrance near the Broadway Bridge. The submarine will open for touring daily from Monday through Sept. 4.
Sunday’s lineup: 2:30 p.m. Donna Humphries; 3 p.m. DeJa Voodoo; 4 p.m. the 106th U.S. Army Band; 5 p.m. the University of Arkansas Razorback pep band; 5:30 p.m. welcoming ceremony ; 7 p.m. the Groan-Ups, followed by the Mid-South U.S. Navy Jazz Band with Broadway performer Lawrence Hamilton; 9 p.m. fireworks celebration.
North Little Rock plans to house the Razorback at a $15 million Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum to be built downtown on the river’s north shore.
Serving in World War II and the Vietnam War before service the Turkish navy for 30 more years, the submarine had a longer service time than any other in history, some Navy historians have determined. The Razorback was one of 12 submarines at Japan’s surrender Sept. 2, 1945, at the end of World War II.
In conjunction with the events, North Little Rock’s Laman Library, 28th and Orange streets, has scheduled Saturday showings of Run Silent, Run Deep (1958), starring Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster at 1 p.m., and Crash Dive (1943) starring Tyrone Power at 3 p.m. Both movies will be free to the public.

This story was published Tuesday, August 24, 2004



T U R K I S H  F O R U M = W O R L D  T U R K I S H  A L L I A N C E
T U R K I S H  F O R U M = W O R L D  T U R K I S H  A L L I A N C E
T U R K I S H  F O R U M = W O R L D  T U R K I S H  A L L I A N C E
Amerikali Turk dostlarimizin organize ve finanse etmis olduklari, buyuk
holgeldin merasimleri Agustos ayinin 29’unda olacaktir.
Arkansas saati ile saat 14’de basliyacak kutlamalar Saat 21’de yapilacak
ve Arkansas tarihinin en buyuk havai Fisek kutlamalari ile sona erecekdir
Arkansasdan gelen mesaj:
All:  Just a note to those who may have missed it, our submarine has
arrived in North Little Rock.  Her journey from Turkey has been
successfully completed last week and she is now being made ready for her
grand/formal welcoming to her final stopping place.  On August 29th
starting around 2:00 pm we’ll start our celebration ending that night
around 9:00 pm with a grand fireworks display.  All are invited and we’ll
be getting more information out later.  My thanks to all who have had a
part of this but we have only just begun.  Hope to see you in NLR on the
29th.  Let us know if we can help in making any arrangements for those
traveling.  The article enclosed appeared in the Arkansas
Patrick H. Hays, Mayor
City of North Little Rock
PO Box 5757
North Little Rock, AR  72116
From: Nawojczyk, Steve
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 4:39 AM
Subject: Sub docks at quarry for repairs…By Jake Sandlin- Ark.
Sub docks at quarry for repairs
It moves from LR port to north shore as NLR prepares its home
After making its way from Istanbul, Turkey to New Orleans, detouring to
Rosedale, Miss., and staying briefly at the Port of Little Rock, the
submarine USS Razorback gently settled in on North Little Rock’s river
shore about 1 p.m. Friday.
The World War II diesel submarine, with barges alongside and two
towboats nudging her from behind, glided up the Arkansas River from the
Port of Little Rock to near the abandoned Big Rock Quarry in less than two
hours, passing beneath Interstate 30 and other downtown bridges near
“She’s about to be home,” North Little Rock Mayor Patrick Hays called
out from the sub’s deck as the towboats guided the Razorback toward two
other barges waiting across from Little Rock’s Riverdale area.
The submarine with the state’s most recognizable name – though no
connection to the Arkansas Razorbacks – is to be preserved as a part of
museum on North Little Rock’s downtown riverbank.
It will make one more trip – on Aug. 29 – to the downtown riverfront
for a planned celebration to toast the final destination of history’s
longest-serving submarine. For now, the boat will stay tied to the two
barges off River Road between Riverview Park and Emerald Park, accessible
from the river and the nearby River Trail bikeway.
The barges and the submarine will be behind locked gates blocking ramps
onto the barges, and city police will have a presence in the area,
officials said.
“We’ll keep it secure,” said Steve Nawojczyk, the city’s museum project
manager. “People will be working on it most all the time, too.”
The submarine’s hatches will be locked to prevent access below deck
when workers aren’t present, Hays said. Other security measures won’t be
“We’ll do what we need for nighttime security,” Hays said.
The Razorback was to have stayed until Aug. 29 at the moresecure Port
of Little Rock seven miles east of downtown, where the boat pulled in
Tuesday. After two days, however, Hays said access by boat onto the sub
offshore was too difficult for workers and their equipment, plus there was
a steady stream of sightseers at the port wanting a glimpse of the
311-foot-long steel piece of history.
“[Port officials] did not ask us to leave, but it became apparent we
needed to move her with the combination of things going on,” said Hays,
who announced the move Thursday evening.
Having the submarine at the port didn’t interfere with operations, said
Jack Long, general manager of Logistics Services Inc., which loads and
unloads barges, rail cars and trucks at the port.
“It really hasn’t been a real big problem,” Long said. “We had a lot of
people come out here, and that’s something we’re not really used to. We
tried to put a guy out there to direct [sightseers] to be in a safe place
to view the sub.
“There seems to be a lot of people excited about it. I think that’s
good. It is exciting.”
North Little Rock obtained the Razorback from Turkey for the proposed
$15 million Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum that Hays and many submarine
veterans began working toward more than two years ago. Turkey bought the
boat from the U.S. Navy in 1970, renamed it the Murat Reis and had it in
service for more than 30 years.
The two barges – the Mary Munns, named for the city’s longtime former
city clerk, and the Savannah Lou, after Hays’ granddaughter – will
eventually house a temporary maritime museum along the downtown
riverfront. The city has budgeted $100,000 to renovate the two barges.
Submarine veterans have volunteered for much of the work.
The submarine left Turkey on May 5 on what became a 93-day, 6,500-mile
adventure. The submarine stalled on the Mississippi River near Rosedale,
Miss., for two weeks while engineers figured how to get the submarine
safely up the more shallow Arkansas River.
Lifted between two barges last weekend, the Razorback arrived at the
Little Rock port Tuesday.
Submarine veterans, their tools and other equipment were already
upriver for work on the two barges.
“[The port location] presented a lot of problems,” said Jim Barnes,
commander of central Arkansas’ Razorback Submarine Veterans Base. “Now
we’ve got it here where we’ve got keys to the gates and all the necessary
things we need.”
This story was published Saturday, August 07, 2004
Copyright (c) 2004, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission
of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc.
Sevgili Semih;
Muratreis ile ilgili güncel bilgileri içeren yazıları aşağıda gönderiyorum. Kusura bakma yazıların bir kısmı İngilizce.
Selam ve sevgiler.
Denizaltı Filosu Komutanı

NLR gearing up for sub’s arrival
Razorback’s homecoming set for July 18


North Little Rock will welcome the USS Razorback “home” July 18 with a riverfront celebration of its arrival, city officials said this week.
The event will come almost one month after the submarine that served in World War II and the Vietnam War docks in New Orleans following its 45-day trip from Turkey .
The submarine is being towed by tugboat across the Atlantic Ocean where today it is about eight days of travel from Key West , Fla. Key West is to be the submarine’s first scheduled stop in the United States in 34 years.
Barring any delays, the boat will continue through the Gulf of Mexico after a day of maintenance, arriving in New Orleans on June 19 in time for a 2 p.m. ceremony at the Julia Street cruise ship terminal near the French Quarter, city officials said.
But the Razorback won’t be considered “home” until it reaches North Little Rock a month later by river tug, said Karen Trevino , the executive director of the city’s Advertising and Promotion Commission.
The city acquired the submarine from Turkey to anchor a $15 million Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum proposed by Mayor Patrick Hays as a way to entice tourism and development in the city’s downtown riverfront.
While a ceremony is being held for the sub in New Orleans , North Little Rock officials are planning to hold the primary celebration at the Razorback’s new berth. “We want this to be North Little Rock ’s event,” Trevino said. “The big celebration is to be here. North Little Rock ’s event will be the USS Razorback’s American homecoming.”
In 1970, the U.S. Navy sold the submarine to Turkey , where it served nearly 30 years in the Turkish navy as the Murat Reis. The Razorback name — although a bonus for recognition because of the state’s University of Arkansas Razorbacks — comes from a reddish whale.
The submarine will be moored beside two barges on the Arkansas River just west of the Interstate 30 bridge until the museum is built. The Pearl Harbor tugboat USS Hoga also will be part of the museum.
During its trip from New Orleans to North Little Rock , the submarine is tentatively scheduled to be at the July 16 dedication of the $262 million Montgomery Point Lock and Dam near the White River’s confluence with the Mississippi River . The sub’s participation may depend on other river stops yet to be set.
“If they can get it there in time, we can certainly include it as part of the ceremony,” U.S. Corps of Engineers spokesman P.J. Spaul said.
Up to two other stops along the Mississippi River or Arkansas River are possible, Hays said, if a city will help out with fuel expenses and not assess docking charges.
“We’ll make those decisions as we finalize the plans as to how we get from New Orleans to North Little Rock ,” Hays said.
Each stop from Key West takes on more importance as the submarine edges closer to its new home in North Little Rock , Hays said.
” Key West is what I refer to as the ‘informal’ arrival,” Hays said of the short time the Razorback will dock there for refueling and cosmetic work after the ocean tow. “We’ll put her number [SS-394 ] on her. When she arrives in New Orleans , she’ll be a little better dressed up.”
Tours of the submarine during any stop have yet to be cleared with the U.S. Coast Guard, said Greg Zonner of Little Rock , a submarine veteran who has helped coordinate acquisition of the Razorback.
“The Coast Guard has some rules for public viewing,” Zonner said. “We’re trying to get a list of the Coast Guard requirements.”
There are also liability and security issues, besides the governmental regulations, that may affect access to the sub in Key West , New Orleans and, for a while, North Little Rock , Hays said.
North Little Rock ’s Visitors Bureau is organizing a motorcoach trip to New Orleans to greet the Razorback. The round trip, from June 18-20, includes two nights’ stay at the Ambassador Hotel. The trip costs $305 per person, while someone sharing a room would pay only the $100 motorcoach cost.
“We want everybody who wants to go to be involved,” Trevino said. “It’s open to anyone.”
Travelers can sign up with the North Little Rock Visitors Bureau by calling (501) 758-1424 or (800) 643-4690 through Tuesday afternoon. A minimum of 25 people are needed to rent the motorcoach, Trevino added. Others who make their own arrangements with the hotel can still receive the North Little Rock Visitors Bureau’s special rate by Tuesday.
In New Orleans , the switch will be made from ocean tug to river tug. Work also will be done to reduce the Razorback’s 12- to 13-foot draft — the depth of water the boat draws — to a maximum 10 feet on the rivers.
For that work, the Razorback will be moved after three or four days from the Julia Street wharf to an industrial pier, Zonner said.
“We can’t really do that there [at the viewing wharf],” Zonner said. “It’ll have to be where we can pull in and get some work done and be out of the limelight.”

This story was published Saturday, June 05, 2004

From: “Hays, Patrick” <>
To: <>, “Greg Zonner” <>,<>, <>, <>
CC: <>, <>, <>,<>, <>,<>, <>,<>, <>,<>, <>, <>,<>, <>, <>,”NLR Department Heads” <>
Subject: Schedule of Travel Razorback/Murat Reis
Date: Thu 06/03/04 04:13 AM

All:  Unless the weather and/or mechanical alter, this will be the travel schedule of the Razorback/Murat Reis.  She will arrive during the day in Key West on Sunday, June 13th (am or pm as she gets a little closer).  She will depart Key West after dark on June 14th for a 3.5 day trip to NO.  She will arrive NO on June 18th (Friday) or early on June 19th (Saturday). She is to arrive early enough to be set up for a ceremony where she will be docking by around 12:00 noon on the 19th.  She then will have some work done to her to prepare her for the upriver portion of her trip and presently her only scheduled stop will be to be a part of the dedication of the last Lock and Dam on the Arkansas River at Montgomery Point on Friday, July 16th.  She will arrive to be a part of this dedication on Thursday, July 15th.  Finally, she will depart the Montgomery Point Dedication in time to arrive in NLR for her arrival ceremony planned to begin in the late afternoon on Sunday, July 18th.  This will take place in NLR’s Riverfront Park where the Delta Queen has docked in the past.  Further details will be shared as they become final.  Also, as the river part of the trip is still in the formative stages, other stop(s) may take place.  However, the dates stated are firm.  If anyone needs clarification, please ask.

Patrick H. Hays , Mayor
City of North Little Rock
PO Box 5757
North Little Rock , AR   72116
Phone:  501-340-5301

TURKISH FORUM olarak bazi projeleri yurutmeye kendi paramiz yetmiyor.  O zaman da okuyucularimizdan para yardim kampanyasi baslatiriz.

Mesela bu gunlerde bir denizalti belgeseli ve muze acilmasi projemiz var.
Bundan 30 sene once Amerikalilar icin tarihi onemi olan bir denizalti 1 dolara Turkiyeye satilmis.
Iki sene once bu geminin emekliye ayrildigini duyan Arkansas’li bir “Eski Deniz Muharipleri Dernegi” bu gemiyi 50,000 dolara Turk hukumetinden satin aldi.  Biz de yardimci olduk.  Gecen ay bu gemi torenle Istanbul’dan yola cikti.  Bir yedekleyici gemi tarafından cekilerek goturuluyor, cunku icinden motorlari sokuldu.  Iki Turk ve iki Amerikali murettebati var.
Yol boyunca ugradigi limanlarda torenlerle karsilaniyor. Ornegin Ispanyada uzerinde 75 Amerikan ve 75 Turk bayragiyla suslenmis bu denizaltiyi gormeye sahile 6,000 kisi gelmis.
Her ulkeden ust rutbeli subaylar, elcilik temsilcileri gemiye cikmislar.  Su anda Atlantik Okyanusu’nda yol aliyor.
Amerika’ya ulastiginda Mississippi nehri boyunca ilerleyecek.  Yolda gorecegi ilgi bir yana, ulasim noktasinda bir muze haline getirilecek. Hem de Clinton kutuphanesinin tam karsi sahilinde demir atacak.
Amerikada baskanlar iki donemden fazla secilemezler, yani en fazla 8 sene koltukta oturabilirler.  Emekli olan baskanlar adina hukumet bir  kutuphane acar.  Baba Bush’un kutuphanesi en son teknolojiyle donanmis olani.
Clinton kutuphanesinin ozelligi ise yaninda dunyanin en iyi politikacilarini yetistirecek bir okul acilmasidir.  Onumuzdeki guz Arkansas’in Little Rock sehrinde acilacak, Clinton kutuphanesi.
Bu sehrin karsisindaki North Little Rock sehrinin belediye baskaniyla kurulan dostluk sayesinde gerceklestirdik bu projeyi. Iki sehir arasinda bir kopru insaa edildi.  Bu kopru 3.5 Milyon dolara maloldu.
Muze insaasi ve Muratreis’in nakil masraflari dahil, Amerikali arkadaslarimiza bu proje 10 milyon dolara malolacak.  Bize kalan tek odeme Muratreis / Razorback Denizaltisinin Turkiyedeki yillari hakkinda bir belgesel hazirlanmasi olacak.  Amerikada History Channel da gosterilecek kalitede bir film olmasini istiyoruz.  Teklifler aldik, 300,000 dolar tutacak gozukuyor.  Biz de bunun icin bir kampanya baslattik.  Bir aydir, okurlarimizdan ve sirketlerden bagis toplamaya calisiyoruz.  Bence altin yumurtlayan tavugu satin almak gibi bir sey, bu yatirim, cunku muzeye
gelen ziyaretcilerden toplanan parayla North Little Rock universitesinde bir Ataturk kursusu acilmasi sozunu aldik.
Ustelik, dunyanin en kiymetli genc politikacilari her gun karsilarinda Turk ve Amerikan bayraklarinin yanyana dalgalandigini gorecekler.  Gemiyi ziyarete gelenler de Turkiye ve Amerika’nin dostane isbirligini ogrenecek.

Muratreis’in ABD’ye varış zamanı ile ilgili bilgi veren yazı.

Subject: Arrival of Razorback


I know all of you have been waiting to hear the time and date of the arrival of the USS Razorback / Murat Reis so here is the information that was released today.

The USS Razorback will arrive in New Orleans on June 19, 2004 at the Julius Street Wharf about 1400.

For those of you who plan to meet her in North Little Rock, that arrival will be on Sunday July 18, 2004. I would suggest that you arrive on Saturday because we want you to be a part of the welcoming crew. There will be places to ride the final distance to her final resting-place on the river. It is planned for some barges to carry a band as well as VIPs and as many SAILORS as we can get on board. The Razorback with more SAILORS on board her will follow these barges. Please wear your vest and hats to let everyone know you are a Submariner.

Please pass this information on to all those who are interested.

Good day all-  It is Saturday July 17, 2004-

The USS Razorback made her first public appearance in the state of Arkansas on July 16, 2004 at the grand opening of the Montgomery Point Lock and Dam near Tichnor, Arkansas.  Mayor Hays reports that the “Ole Girl” was indeed the most beautiful sight around, although the Corps of Engineers might argue that their new Lock and Dam at least helped to make the Razorback shine as she dipped herself into the waterways of her new home state.

As always, many sub vets added a great deal to her maiden voyage into the home of the “Razorbacks”, which takes on new meaning now.  Jim Barnes, the commander of the USSVI Razorback Base, LCDR (ret) Shane Foraker, and long-time volunteer project director Greg Zonner, were there to assist in tending the aging, but beautiful “smoke boat”.

Mayor Hays remarked the other day that she is almost home.  “When we first began this adventure, she was a 30 hour airplane flight away, now she is 3 hours away by car.  She is almost home,” he said.

She is back at the Port of Rosedale now and is being prepared by crews to make her way up river to North Little Rock.

For more information on the project, you might want to visit some of the local media websites: KARK Channel 4 KATV Channel 7 Today’s THV Channel 11 Fox Channel 16 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette North Little Rock Times

I am also keeping my voice mail box announcement current with any new information as it comes available.  Thanks to each of you for keeping up with this exciting time in the life of a most important piece of American and Turkish history.

Steve Nawojczyk

Office of Mayor Patrick H. Hays

North Little Rock, AR


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