Azerbaycan, 200 yildir Ermeniler’in katliamina maruz kaliyor

Igdir Belediye Baskani Aras: Azerbaycan, 200 yildir Ermeniler’in katliamina maruz kaliyor


Igdir Belediye Baskani Nurettin Aras, “Azerbaycan tam 200 yildir Ermenilerin etnik arindirma, toprak kaybi, goc ve toplu katliamlarina maruz kalmaktadir” seklinde konustu.

Aras, 31 Mart Azerbaycanlilar Soykirim Gunu nedeniyle yayimladigi mesajda, Ermenilerin yaptiklari katliamlarin tum dunyaya duyurulmasi gerektigini ifade etti. Aras, sunlari kaydetti:

“Azerbaycan tam 200 yildir Ermenilerin etnik arindirma, toprak kaybi, goc ve toplu katliamlarina maruz kalmaktadir. Bugun Ermenistan topraklarinin daha 100-150 yil oncesine kadar Azerbaycan topraklari oldugu herkes tarafindan bilinmektedir. Dunya kamuoyu, Ermeni soykirimi iddialarinin asilsiz ve yalan oldugunu bilmeli, konu ile ilgili gercekleri bir an once ogrenmelidir. Yakin zamanda Ermenistan’in saldirisiyla Yukari Karabag ve cevresindeki 7 bolgenin isgal edildigini, Hocali gibi bolge kentlerinde halka karsi benzeri gorulmemis vahset ve katliamlarin uygulandigini, dunyaya duyurmak zorundayiz.”


Archives documents: Armenians killed 73.727 Azerbaijanis in Nakhchivan in 1919-1921

[ 31 Mar 2008 12:30  ]

Baku. Vugar Masimoglu-APA. Armenians killed 523.955 Turks in Turkey in 1910-1922. These numbers have been reflected in official documents of Turkish Cabinet of Ministers State Archives General Department, APA reports.

Official documents about killing 523.955 Turks in various places of Anadolu are kept in Turkish State Archives. These documents prove that Armenians have committed Genocide against Turks, not Turkey. These documents reflect how many Turks have been killed in concrete villages and cities. Armenians killed many Turks in Kars, Ardahan, Van, Igdir and Nakhchivan. Armenians killed 4.000 Azerbaijanis in 1919, 64.408 in 1920, 5.307 more people in the same year, 12 people in 1921.    


Gahraman Agayev: “Bodies found in mass graveyard in Guba belong to the Azerbaijanis killed by Armenians in the first ten-day of May, 1918”

[ 31 Mar 2008 17:52  ]

Baku. Laura Jabrayilli-APA. “Mass graveyard in Guba was found out accidentally on April 1, 2007. We carried out archeological excavations in the 500 sq m area from July 13 till December 28 last year.

The study found out that the graveyard in the north of Guba and right bank of the Gudyalchay river was left out as a result of the genocide committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis on May 1-10 in 1918,” head of the scientific expedition making research in the mass graveyard in Guba Gahraman Agayev told APA. He said Armenians had atrociously killed Azerbaijanis.
“There are no signs of bullets on the bones. It shows that they were killed atrociously and beheaded”, he said.
Gahraman Agayev underlined that the graveyard was left out after the genocide committed by Armenians and said archeologists, historians, ethnographers and criminalists should carry out joint research in the territory.
161 skulls have been taken out of the mass graveyard in Guba up to now. According to the historical reports, Armenians killed about 3000 people in Guba in 1918.

Prosecutor General: “Issue should be raised before the UN for the recognition of actions committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis in 1918 as genocide”

[ 31 Mar 2008 15:52  ]

Baku. Haji Zeynalov-APA. “Issue should be raised before the UN for the recognition of the actions committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis in 1918 as genocide,” Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov told Azerbaijani televisions, APA reports.

The Prosecutor General said Armenians continued to pursue genocide policy against Azerbaijanis and underlined that ethnic cleansing policy had not stopped either.
Zakir Garalov noted that the slaughters committed by Armenians in March 1918 had not been assessed and it was not discussed in the international organizations. The Prosecutor General regarded this as the next indicator of the existence of double standards and noted the necessity of raising the issue not only before the UN, but also before other international organizations for the recognition of the slaughters committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis as genocide.
“Not only the state, but also all public organizations and every citizen should express their position on these issues,” he said.    

March 31- Day of Genocide against Azerbaijanis commemorated in Israel

[ 31 Mar 2008 13:08  ]

Baku. Lachin Sultanova-APA. An open door devoted to the Day of Genocide against Azerbaijanis was held in Azerbaijan-Israel International Association Cultural Center, Press Service of the Association told APA.
The event participants from every part of Israel familiarized themselves with photo exhibition and literature on March 31- Day of Genocide against Azerbaijanis. Yegana Salman, Chief of Committee for Protection of Azerbaijan’s Historical and Cultural Heritage made a statement on the genocide committed against Azerbaijanis by Armenians. The event participants decided to send a letter of condolence to President Ilham Aliyev on March 31- the Day of Genocide against Azerbaijanis. The letter covers that terror, genocide committed against Azerbaijanis by Armenians in various places of Azerbaijan and Baku on March 30-31 in 1918 will be commemorated by Azerbaijanis every time.
“Azerbaijanis residing in various countries of the world want to see Azerbaijan as a developed and stable country”, the letter reads.    

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