From: mustafa sınacı []
ABD de Ermeni lobilerine karşı harekete geçen Türk lobileri Türk soykırım metnini senatoya sokmayı başardı .
Türk lobi faaliyetleri hakkında açıklama yapan Mustafa Nevruz Sınacı bu büyük adımı bize anlattı…
Ve Türk lobilerinin bu başarısına Türk halkının gereken desteği vermesi için mektup kampanyası başlatılmasını istedi. Katılmak isteyen arkadaşlar aşşağıdaki mektupu mailine yollamamızı bildirerek sözlerini şu şekilde devam ettirdi:
“Asağidaki İngilizce Teşekkür Mektubunu Kendi İmzanizla Gönderiniz .. Bu Mektup Amerikan Kanunlarini Türkiyenin Aleyhine Kullanmak İçin Seferber Olmus Amerikan Ermeni Lobisini Cezalandirmak İçin Kanuni İşlemi Başlatmiş Olan Amerikan Sivil Toplum Kuruluşuna Teşekkür Etmek Ve Kendilerini Desteklemek İçin Elimizdem Gelenleri Yapacağimizi Bildirmek İçindir …”
Verilen mektup metni aşşağıdadır:
All my congratulations for your courage, because you filed a complaint against the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). It is time for legal procedures against the violations of law by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, in USA and elsewhere.
From 1972 to 1986, the ARF had a terrorist branch, the JCAG/ARA which committeed several attacks the US territory, including assassinations:
Mourad Topalian, president of the ANCA from 1991 to 1999, currently in charge of political financing, was sentenced, in 2001, to 37 months of jail for storing illegal explosives and owning two machine guns, i.e. complicity with the terrorist dashnak group:
Despite this sentence, Mr. Topalian was fully supported, and even awarded, by the ANCA, during and after the investigation and trial.
The ARF terrorists received financial from drug smugglers, like Noubar Soufoyon. See Michael M. Gunter, “Pursuing the Just Cause of their People”. A Study of Contemporary Armenian Terrorism, Westport – New York – London , Greenwood Press, 1986, pp. 75-76.
Both before and after 1986, supporters of ANCA attacked physically Turkish American associations and friends of Turkey . For example:
The fanatic activists of the ARF/ANCA will perhaps attempt to intimidate you by insisting that they are doing the right things for their race… what ever is their excuse… it was proven at historical and legal circles that Armenia is a terrorist state controlled by Armenian diaspora located in USA. They are afraid of opening ARF archives which goes over 100 years and located in Boston . Some of The facts as we Turkish Americans and the friends of Turkey see are documented in Turkish forum’s letter to President Obama… WE ARE WITH YOU 100% TO STOP THESE GENOCIDE MERCHANTS… AND THEIR INTERFARANCE TO AMERICAN LEGAL SYSTEM WITH FALSE CLAIMS OF GENOCIDE.