İsveç ve İsrail Parlementolarından sonra “O.S.C.E” Parlamentosu, Ermeni Milliyetçilerinin “SOYKIRIM” iddianamesini red etti…
Bizi ilgilendirecek gecikmiş bir haber. Tarihte bir ilk….
Isveç ve de Israel Parlementolardan sonra, bu sefer “O.S.C.E” Organisation de Sécurite et de Coopération Européenne” Parlamentosu, Ermeni Milliyetçilerinin “SOYKIRIM” iddianemesini red ederek Ankara’nın “Tarihçiler Komisyonun Toplantı” çağrısını hatırlatarak, Ermenistan’ ı bu toplantıya katılmaya davet etti.
Değerli arkadaşım Dr. Alp ALANTAR, “” sitesinde
fransızca yayınlanan “OSCE” nün, metnini bizler için Türkçe’ ye
02 Temmuz 2008 günü OSCE (Organisation de Sécurité et de Coopération
Européenne) ‘nun Parlamentosu (320 üye, 56 ülke) Kazakistan’ın
Başkenti Astana’da toplanmıştır. Toplantının genel Konusu « OSCE’de
şeffaflık »’tı.
Türk Delegasyonu temsil eden sayın Alaattin Büyükkaya’ nın toplantida
çarsamba günü sunduğu önerge oy çokluğu ile kabul edilmiştir. 56
ülkeden, tek “hayır” oyu veren, Ermenistan oldu. Diğer birkaç ülke ya
“evet” ya da “abstension” oyu verdiler (yani ne evet ne hayır) Kabul
edilen öneride, « Geçmiş tarihteki soykırımların kabulü, ancak
tarihçilerin detaylı arsiv incelemelerine dayanarak kabul
edilebilir» tezi vurgulanmaktadır.
Büyükkaya’nın önerisine göre: « OSCE, amacı, siyasi ve de askeri
arşivlere dayanarak, gerçekleri açığa çıkararak ve OSCE’nün üyeler
arası ilişkilerin daha şeffaf ve anlayışlı olmasını sağlayacak,
uzmanların ve tarihçilerin oluşturduğu karışık bir komisyonun
kurulmasîna çağrıda bulunmalı. ».
2005’de, Türkiye’ nin Ermenistan’ı , Türk/Ermeni ve o zamanın
Müttefiklerini temsil edecek tarihçilerle, bu olayları tartışmak üzere
bir Komisiyonda toplanmaya davet etmesine rağmen ne yazîk ki
Ermenistan’ dan simdiye kadar olumlu bir cevap alınamamştır.
Böylece , OSCE’ nin oy çokluğu ile bu öneriyi kabul etmesinden dolayı
ilk defa Uluslararası bir organizasyonda Türk tezi kabullenilmiş ve
Fransa veya Yunanistan gibi Parlamentoların “Soykırım olmuştur”
¨önerisisi iptal edilmiş oluyor.
Kaynak :
Michael van der Gallien, « OSCE Accepts Turkish Thesis », 2 Juillet 2008 :…Dussardier, Turquie News, tete de
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Accepts Turkish
Re. Armenian ‘Genocide’
Filed under: General News — Michael van der Galien on July 2, 2008 @
4:56 pm CEST
Good news for Turkey, and for those who believe that what happened to
the Armenians does not or at least may not constitute genocide and
that Armenians should open their archives to historians: the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe agrees. The OSCE
is the biggest international organization behind the United Nations.
As such, this is a big victory for the Turks and, as far as I am
concerned, for the truth. 55 states have joined the OSCE in recent
The list of the member states can be found here.
The Netherlands is a member, Germany is a member, Turkey is a member,
Belarus is, Belgium is as well, the USA is, and so is the UK. It’s a
gigantic organization, and quite an important one at that.
The Turks wanted the general assembly to adopt a motion it submitted about the genocide allegations. The motion dismisses the allegations, saying that historians should decide whether something constitutes genocide or not, and calls on all groups and countries involved to open their archives to said historians for research. Turkey opened its archives years ago already, whereas Armenia and Armenian organizations refuse to do so (probably because the archives prove the Turkish charges that Armenians committed some serious ethnic cleansing themselves and because these archives may very well disprove the charge of genocide…
disproving it by Armenians).Alaattin Buyukkaya, who leads the Turkish group at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, told reporters Wednesday: “The OSCE is the biggest international organization behind the United Nations. Adoption of the Turkish thesis by the OSCE is a significant achievement against the Armenian allegations. Also, the Turkish thesis regarding the events of 1915 was adopted for the first time on an international platform. The OSCE has 56 member states. Only Armenia voted against the motion. A majority of the other member states voted in favor of it,” he said.”The motion says that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly encourages the formation of joint history commissions by historians and experts from the third countries in case of a research into political and military archives to scientifically and unbiasedly
enlighten a disputed period in history in an effort to serve transparency and common understanding among the member states,” Buyukkaya added.This is a significant victory for the no-genocide side. More organizations and countries, I am sure, will follow in future years. Lets not forget that the European Union too changed its official position on the events of 1915. The Union too wants all those involved to open the archives so that historians can do research and
cast judgment. This is something Armenian activists are trying to prevent. And desperately so.The reason? Simple. Lands and money. For Armenian activists and the Armenian government, this isn’t about ethnic cleansing of genocide; it’s about lands and financial compensation (take a look at the Armenian constitution I’d say; the Armenians still claim Eastern Anatolia as part of Armenia).