Evet, ‘bildiri’yi ben de imzaladım!

From: Ilyas Botas <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]: BILDIRIYI NIYE IMZALADIM


Evet, ‘bildiri’yi ben de imzaladım!

Iyi bok yedin, Hasan. Malum ki tadina doymadin. Bok yemeye devam=2 0et.


BUT, EFENDI HASAN, according to your Dashnakyan brothers at the ANCA organization in the U.S., your apology is only the first step toward your penitence. Your next step is to urinate and defacate on the grave of your grandfather, Cemal Pasha, he of the ittihat ve Terakki fame. Thereafter, the Cambazyan/Dashnakyan Diaspora Committee of America will guide you through the final stages of your atonement. Once your penitence is completed, and so certified by the committee of Armenian slicks, your purgatory is over. You will then be summoned to Yerevan for the ceremonies. There, you will be bestowed with the Soghomon Tehlirian/General Dro Medal of Honor, presented to you by Taner Akcam, Elif Safak and Orhan Pamuk. Needless to say, you will also be rewarded with riches, (in US dollars – not Turkish liras or Armenian drams).

But, brother Hasan, a word of caution here, and this is entre nous : Beware of these latter-day Greeks bearing gifts. The likes of Taner, Elif and Orhan are none too happy with anyone who tries to steal their thunder. And watch your back and be very weary of this Etyen Mahcupyan fellow. He is one slippery son of a bitch.

Anyway, my Maoist friend Hasan, (or was it Leninist/Marxist/Stalinist?), enjoy your 15 minutes.

Hay Tad and all that,

Ilyas Botas
New Jersey

Taner Akcam


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