Texas’da Acı Kaza

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Dear friends and members,

A tragic accident claimed the life of Jett Aydin Ogansoy, 6 years old, on October 24th, 2008. His family now needs the help of our community to sign the petitions they have prepared for the HISD and DA’s office. Please help his family in their efforts and sign all four petitions by the end of this week and send them to:

Kelly Ogansoy
3102 McCulloch Circle
Houston, TX 77056

Petitions need to be signed by adults (18 years or older). You can download the petitions by clicking the links below.

ATA Houston thanks you for your understanding and support.


Degerli uyelerimizBildiginiz gibi 24 Ekim gunu cok uzucu bir kazada henuz 6 yasindaki Jett Aydin Ogansoy’u kaybettik. Ailesinin HISD ve DA ofisine hazirlanan dilekceler icin mumkun oldugunca cok imzaya ihtiyaci var. Hep birlikte Jett’in ailesine yardim edelim; lutfen hazirlanan 4 dilekceyi ayri ayri imzalayip bu hafta sonuna kadar asagidaki adrese gonderelim :

Kelly Ogansoy
3102 McCulloch Circle
Houston, TX 77056

Dilekceleri imzalayan kisilerin en az 18 yasinda olmasi gerekmektedir. Dilekceleri asagidaki baglantilara tiklayarak indirebilirsiniz.

ATA Houston olarak anlayisiniz ve desteginiz icin tesekkur ederiz.



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