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TARIHDEN BIR YAPRAK: KIBRIS SORUNU ve TMT (Turk Mudafa Teskilat–Turkish Defence Organization)

Vural Savaş

Vural Savaş




            Rumlarin sistematik bir sekilde Turkleri Ada’dan gonderme ve direnmeleri yok etme faaliyetleri karsisinda bu donemde Turkler de orgutlenme ve bu asimilasyona karsi koyma geregi duymuslardir. Bunun uzerine Kibris Turkleri’nin onur ve serefini namus ve haysiyetini korumak, ozgurluk mucadelesini gerceklestirmek icin, Turkiye’nin de katkisiyla ulusal direnis orgutleri Karacete, Volkan, 9 Eylul ve en sonunda Turk Mukavemet Teskilati (tmt) 1958 yilinda kurulmustur. Turk Mukavemet Teskilati Kibris Turk direnis tarihinde yeni bir donemi olusturmus, Kibris Turk halkindan aldigi gucle 1974 Mutlu Baris Harekatina kadar Ada’da Rumlara karsi direnisin simgesi olmustur.

Turk Mukavemet Teskilati 50 Yasinda

09-12-2007, 07:42 PM

Cumhurbaskani Mehmet Ali Talat, Kibris Turk mucadele tarihinde onemli yeri olan Turk Mukavemet Teskilati (TMT)’nin ve mucadele surecinde yasananlarin, 50’inci yildonumunde onemine uygun ele alinmasi gerektigini soyledi. Talat, Madalya Yasasi’nin uygulanmasinin ve Mucahitlerin onore edilmesinin de boyunlarinin borcu oldugunu ifade etti.

Cumhurbaskani Talat, bugun saat 11.15’te Kibris Turk Mucahitler Dernegi Baskani Vural Turkmen baskanligindaki muharip dernekler heyetini kabul etti.


–2008 TMT’NIN 50. YILI–
Mucahitler Dernegi Baskani Vural Turkmen gorusmede, Turk Mukavemet Teskilati (TMT)’nin kurulusunun 50’inci yili kutlamalari ve Madalya Yasasi’nin uygulanmasi konularindaki taleplerini Cumhurbaskani Talat’a iletti.

Turkmen, 1 Agustos 2008’de TMT’nin 50. kurulus yildonumunun san ve serefine layik sekilde kutlamak ve anmak istediklerini kaydederek, bu etkinliklerin devletin de katkisiyla daha etkin olacagina inandiklarini soyledi.

Vural Turkmen, 2000 yilinda meclisten gecirilen Madalya Yasasi’nda hic olmazsa milli mucadele madalyasiyla ilgili kismin uygulanmasini istediklerini ifade etti. Tuzuklerin hazirlandigini, yarisma da acildigini ancak Annan Plani tartismalari doneminde bu calismalarin durdugunu belirten Turkmen, Cumhurbaskanligi onderliginde bu calismalarin tamamlanmasini talep etti.


Cumhurbaskani Mehmet Ali Talat da, Kibris Turk mucadele tarihinde onemli yeri olan olaylarin 50’nci yildonumunun, onemine uygun ele alinmasinda buyuk yarar gordugunu, konunun da bilgisinde oldugunu soyledi. Talat, hukumetle bu konuda isbirligi icinde bazi adimlarin atilacagini bildirdi.

Madalya konusunun ne asamada oldugunu inceleyecegini ve tikanikligin asilmasi icin calisacagini kaydeden Talat, ozveriyle buyuk mucadele veren insanlarin mutlaka onore edilmesi gerektigini dile getirdi. Talat, “Bugun gelinen noktada boynumuzun borcudur. Kibris Turk halki bu topraklarda varsa, varligini mucadelesine borcludur ve bu mucadelede de basrolu oynayan gerek TMT, gerekse direnisci Mucahitlerimiz bu onurlandirmayi hak ediyorlar. Buna ozel onem vermek lazim. Konuyla ilgilenecegimi ifade etmek isterim” diye konustu.


yabanci kaynaklardan TMT haberlri  

From: E Akman , Turkish forum Danisma Kurulu Uyesi

Once taze bir haber

The leaders of divided Cyprus are to enter direct peace negotiations on September 3 aimed at ending the 34-year-old division of the island, with a solution to be put to simultaneous referendums, the United Nations said on Friday.

The UN Chief of Mission in Cyprus, Taye-Brook Zerihoun, made the announcement after hosting more than two hours of talks between President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat.

Speaking to reporters in the old Nicosia airport in the UN buffer zone, Zerihoun said Christofias and Talat had reviewed progress made by the working groups and technical committees set up at their talks in March.

Denktasin Turk disislerine New York’ta attigi kaziktan ancak kurtuluyoruz.

Esas konumuza donelim

Servet Sami Dedecay’in “Kibrista Turk iscilerin Sendika kurma faaliyetleri (1918-1959) ” adli kitabini genellikle tavsiye edebilirim.  Ayrice size bir alinti vereyim. (Cyprus by Keith Kyle) 

“The British used the Turkish Cypriots to build up the police and the special constabulary and to form a mobile reserve. This created hostility between the two communities; when a Turkish policeman was killed by EOKA the Greeks saw a policeman fall, the Turks saw a Turk. In January 1957, for instance, a Turkish Cypriot auxiliary was killed and three wounded by a bomb when guarding a power station; a Turkish Cypriot crowd smashed a number of Greek shops. Ten days later there was similar trouble in Famagusta. On 27 and 28 January 1958, there were two days of serious rioting by thousands of Turkish Cypriots in Nicosia leading to pitched battles with British forces at the end of which seven Turks were dead. This was a clear sign of the rise of a Turkish para-military organization, the TMT (Turk Mudafa Teskilat–Turkish Defence Organization) and the loss of confidence by the Turkish Cypriots in the durability of Britain’s stand against the Greeks.

The cell structure of EOKA was copied by Rauf Denktash, one of the TMT’s founders, who went to Turkey to obtain the assistance of the Turkish Government and Army with training and weapons. Also, like EOKA, the TMT was strongly anti-communist and brought intense pressure to bear on Turkish Cypriot members of left-wing unions and clubs. Premises were burnt down, some left- wing Turkish personalities were killed, hundreds of Turkish Cypriot members of the communist-led PEO (Pan-Cyprian Federation of Labour) felt it necessary to leave and were in fact advised to do so for their own safety by their Greek Cypriot comrades.”



Ergenekon davasinin mahkemece kabulu gununde ve Denktas’in “beni de
Ergenekona baglayacaklar” demeci ardindan TMT [1] nin kuruldugu 1958
yilinda edindigi logodaki Bozkurt’u hatirlayarak  TMT nin oldurttugu
Fazıl Önder (b. Küçük Kaymaklı 1926 – May 25, 1958)  adli sendikacinin
ismini [2] de ekleyelim.

TMT  icin  iki ek kaynak:
A Turkish General in Five Continent: Daniş Karabelen (in Turkish) by Cemal
It’s a biography of the retired general Daniş Karabelen who was born
in 1898, in İstanbul.

Roni Alasor, “Sifreli Mesaj: “Trene bindir!” ISBN 960-03-3260-6


[1] The Turkish Resistance Organization (Turkish: Türk Mukavemet
Teşkilatı – TMT) was a Turkish Cypriot pro-taksim paramilitary
organisation formed by Rauf Denktaş and Turkish military officer Rıza
Vuruşkan in 1958 to counter the Greek Cypriot Fighter’s Organization
EOKA and to bring partition in Cyprus. According to Roni Alasor’s book
published in Turkish, TMT’s organisation structure and base had been
formed as early as 1950 with its center in Yenişehir, Ankara and its
members called mujahid.[1] Communication with its members in Cyprus
was by radio and the honorary leader of the TMT was Fatin Rüştü Zorlu.

General Daniş Karabelen in charge of unconventional warfare office of
Turkey, was leading the irregular Turkish Cypriot attacks on Greek
Cypriot properties. The Turkish state in 1950’s had sent to Cyprus
Turkish officers and Special forces veterans who arrived secretly and
presented themselves as bankers, teachers and business men and trained
Turkish Cypriots in tactics of unconventional warfare.

[2] “Unlike its predecessor, AKEL was not against Enosis. Instead AKEL
supported a gradual process, starting off with a constitution and
self-government while Cyprus would remain a colony, leading to
self-determination and Enosis. After the failure of the consultative
assembly in 1949 to grant a constitution acceptable to the Cypriot
members, AKEL changed line, supporting immediate Enosis with no
intermediate stages.

During the late fifties, AKEL was opposed to the violent tactics
followed by the anti-British resistance movement of EOKA. EOKA accused
AKEL as collaborators of the British, even though AKEL was also
illegal since 1955. Several AKEL members were assassinated by EOKA at
the time as “traitors,” including AKEL-supporter Savas Menikou who
stoned to death. AKEL denounced EOKA’s leadership as being
anti-communist, as its leader George Grivas had fought against the
communist side during the Greek Civil War. Grivas later founded EOKA
B, which supported the 1974 coup d’etat following his death.

At about 1958, the Turkish Cypriot nationalist organization TMT
started forcing Turkish Cypriots members of AKEL to leave. Editor of a
workers newspaper Fazil Onder was killed and the head of the Turkish
bureau of PEO (AKEL’s trade union) Ahmet Sadi moved to the UK to save
his life.

In the first presidential elections for independent Cyprus, AKEL
backed Ioannis Kliridis (father of Glafkos Klerides) against Makarios
III. The last Turkish Cypriot to be a member of the central committee
of AKEL, Derviş Ali Kavazoğlu was killed by TMT in 1965.”

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