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(Translated from FRENCH text or translation into English)
(Page 225) “HAYASTAN” No.2 – German paper in Armenian Language – (Text in Armenian speaks of definite German Victory)
(Label on the face of the newspaper in French)
February 1945 – The newspaper of the Armenian volunteers always announces final victory (to the left above: their badge decorated of one symbol resembling the swastika)! There are not more than very few copies of these Nazi Armenian newspapers, the most copies have been destroyed by the Armenians. Here is a copy of “Hayastan” which succeeded, survival!
(Page 226) “HAYASTAN” German paper in Armenian Language, No. 1(125) Year 1945
Translation and summary of the Armenian newspaper ” Hayastan ”
The newspaper has three pages
First page
An address to the officers and the soldiers of Armenian volunteers units:
<Good wishes for the New Year, accompanied with the assurance of a certain victory and an absolute liberation of the country.>
A. Mouradian
Second page
Best wishes of General Sarkisjan addressed to Armenian volunteers.
< Congratulations and courage, to the volunteers who for many years, were forced to live far from the country, and those who are dear to them! However, everything depends on volunteers; happiness, as well as the freedom of motherland. It is the trust put in the bellicose ardor and weapons, which will bring freedom and will make possible to celebrate in the liberated country once again.>
Armenian wishes to all volunteers!
< The New Year will be placed under the signature of the battle, reinforced for the release of fatherland. Our volunteers cannot, receive like other friends, letters or parcels from their relatives who stayed at the home. Our parents and our friends in Soviet Union do not have celebration party; they are plunged in a state of distress, they hope and with beating hearts that we come back as liberators. Here, in Germany, the children have the bright eyes of joy in front of presents and decorated Christmas trees. Our children, in the country, have nothing similar. They are hungry and cold and ask their parents when the liberators will arrive. It is because of them that our primordial duty is to implement everything for the freedom of fatherland. They shout revenge for the injustice, which was made towards them, and towards their parents by Bolchevistes and it is our duty to avenge them. The old year is about to end, and a new begins. Something will happen once again! Bolchévisme also comes near to its end, and something else will replace it. You, the Armenian volunteers must be the torchbearers of this new order; it is necessary that you must be victorious.
Full of confidence, we enter the New Year. Victory will belong to us! Long live Armenia! Long live Armenian people! > Saharuni
(Page 241) (Photograp)
” DRO ” (Drastamat Kanajan), was born in 1884 in Igdir (which today is the favorable place of departure to the ascent of Ararat). Already at the age of 19 years he joined the party of Dashnaks and fought against Tatars in Sanzegur. He assasinated prince Nacashidsé and the General Alichanov and he ran away to the Ottoman Empire.
After 6 years in security in Turkish banishment, he returns back to the Empire of Tsar, immediately after the start of war in 1914, to fight Turks there. In 1918 he is the leader of the Armenian troops, which attack the neighboring country.
Only 90 kilometers before Tblisi, the Giorgians could push back, the completely unjustified war and the Armenian attack. For the first time, the worldwide opinion was absolutely misinformed by news of massacres, acquainted with the true character of Armenian nationalism. At the end of 1920 Dro became the “Minister of the Defense” of Vratsian’s Armenian government! Together with Hovannes Terterian he signed the capitulation of his motherland in Bolsheviks, and was dictator of the military sovereignty for few weeks.
Stalin was received in Moscow; some time before Dro would have obviously saved the life of the Giorgian Dshugashvili (Stalin).
After a brief stay in Romania, he joined the Nazis and fought as commander of group of soldiers of an Armenian unit on the Crimea and in Caucasus and soon he became the leader of the Armenian Information Service.
He was so-called, the best informed perso about the third Reich.
In April, 1945 Americans arrested him, but they soon released him, because American Dashnaks of Boston had intervened in his favor. After a stay in Lebanon and many trips, he died in Boston in 1956.
Because of his eventful and completely immoral life, which was exclusively orientated in an exaggerated and irrational nationalism, in which he submitted everything without having ever made sacrifices himself, “Dro” can be classified as one of the most tragic faces of wrong valuation which has ever existed in the bloody history of the Armenian people.
A typical case of Armenian political madness: Hitler, Himmler and Henjakistes…
This was not all of H.
Political fanatics of all colors, camps of the political ghosts of Armenians joined the “crusade” of the Nazis against their ancient Soviet confederates, with whom they had just shared in brothers Poland and Baltic countries, to die so for absurd phantasm to give rise by Hitlerian help to a National Socialist Great Armenia under the shade of the Great Germany.
The peak of the absurdity of this alliance was reached when in December 1942, General Armenian Dro (Drastamat Kanajan), who was considered to be the Armenian hero par excellence, and the writer Garo Kevorkian visited to the “leader of the Reich ”
Mr. Heinrich Himmler and presented him a book of the pastor Lepsius: “The walk to death of the Armenian people “.
It is obvious to think that this upset neither “Dro” nor Himmler, because they were themselves sending people in death!
Himmler having given orders to kill millions, “Dro” nevertheless to thousands, appearing a priori on the list of death of Russians, and about 30.000 Armenians, who followed on the appeal of Mr ” Dro ” and affected to the Nazis!
But Dro, had practice and experience to kill without scruples and Himmler was so impressed by him as after a talk of one hour and a half in prisoners’ camp east of Berlin, that he made him drive in his own car, so that “Dro” could choose his men there.
He visited Armenian units in the oriental front several times, to impress them by his eloquence.
As he knew the Soviet situation particularly well, he was soon taken for the most important German spy, in Soviet matters.
Precisely for his level of incomparable information, it is unpardonable that he forced his Armenian compatriots literally until the last minute in the battle that was a hopeless since a long time, and had no glory. While he was released already after a short time by American occupying force, thanks to his very good relations in United States and died very esteemed, even loved immoderately by his compatriots and after several world tours, in Boston, where the mighty party of Dashnaks still are in command.
Armenian commitment for the national socialist Germany probably had the purpose to delimit Jews in a very clear manner from the Armenians in territories dominated by the Nazis, though many ignorant, among of those who shared… (Rest is unreadable)