Izmir ve Turk Askeri Hakkindaki Karalamalar
Arkadaslar, degerli Turkish forum Uyeleri Izmir ile ilgili kitap konusunda Turkish Forum uzerinden bir kampanya baslatilmisdir.. ABC Radio National son derece kustah bir tavir icerisinde Turklerden gelen hic bir mektubu yayinlamamakta israr ediyor! Avustralya’da Turklere karsi surdurulen propaganda iyice artti, ve kanimca artik dayanilmaz bir hal aldi! uc adet KAMPANYA mektubu ve bu mektuplarin gonderilebilecegi adresleri bu bultende bulacaksiniz
1- Sidney Baskonsoloslugumuzun duyurusunu iceren mektup genel bir mektup olup herkesin gonderebilmesi icin hazirlanmistir. 2- Ikinci mektubu bir kac yaziyi derleyerek hazirladim. Isteyen gerekli adreslere gonderebilir 3-Ucuncu mektup ise Kibrisli bir gencimiz tarafindan yazilmistir, Herkesin kullanmasi icin Bu mektuplarin gonderilebilecegi adresler soyle: ADRES 1: Australian Communications and Media Authority
[email protected] ADRES 2:
ABC Radio National
ikinci adrese gittiginizde onunuze cikan kutulara adinizi (name), soyadinizi (surname) ve email adresinizi yazmaniz gerekiyor. Email adresiniz kimse tarafindan goruntulenemez.
Metin icin ayrilmis kutuya yukaridaki mektubu kopyalayip yapistirin.
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Avusturalyadan Selamlar ve destek veren onder uyelerimize simdiden candan tesekkurler; Senem Shamsili Turkish Forum __________________ SIDNEY BASKONSOLOSLUGUMUZ TARAFINDAN GONDERILEN DUYURU
ABC Radyosunda yer alan Saturday Extra isimli programin 21 Haziran 2008 tarihli yayininda, Giles Milton isimli bir yazarin “Paradise Lost: Smyrna 1922: The destruction of Islam’s City of Tolerance” isimli kitabinin tanitimi yapilmis, programa konuk olan yazar; “Mustafa Kemal’in askerlerinin 9 Eylul’de İzmir’i dusman isgalinden kurtardiktan sonra sehri yakip yiktigi, Hiristiyan ahaliyi katlettigi, kadinlara tecavuz ettigi,” gibi asilsiz iddialara yer vermistir. Ayni programin 28 Haziran 2008 tarihli yayininda bu defa adigecen “sozkonusu kitabi herkesin okumasi ve boylece Turklerin Hiristiyanlari nasil katlettiginin ogrenilmesi gerektigini” dile getirmistir.
Sozkonusu programin 21 Haziran 2008 tarihli yayinina adresinden ulasilabilmesi mumkundur.
Tarihsel gerceklerin carpitilmasindan ibaret olan anilan kitabin tanitimini gerceklestiren sozkonusu program nedeniyle, anilan yayin kurulusu nezdinde Kanberra Buyukelciligimizce gerekli resmi girisimler yapilmakta ise de, bu konuda degerli vatandaslarimizin da gereken hassasiyeti gostereceklerinden suphe duyulmamaktadir. Saygı ile duyurulur T.C. Sidney Baskonsoloslugu PROTESTO MEKTUBU VE GONDERILECEGI ADRESLER: MEKTUP: COMPLAINT LETTER TO THE ABC RADIO NATIONAL MANAGER Dear Sir/Madam, ADRES 1: ADRES 2:
Bu adrese gittiginizde onunuze cikan kutulara adinizi (name), soyadinizi (surname) ve email adresinizi yazmaniz gerekiyor. Email adresiniz kimse tarafindan goruntulenemez. Metin icin ayrilmis kutuya yukaridaki mektubu kopyalayip yapistirin. Send yani Gonder ibaresine basin. BU ISLEMLER ICIN LUTFEN 5 DAKIKANIZI AYIRIN. HER IKI ADRESE DE MEKTUBU GONDERIN VE ELINIZDEKI TUM EMAIL ADRESLERINE BU BILGILERI YAYIN. SIMDIDEN SAGOLUN
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you in relation to the Saturday Extra program that was aired on 21 June and 28 June 2008 on ABC Radio National. Author Giles Milton was the guest of these programs and he spoke about his recent book “Paradise Lost: Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam’s City of Tolerance”.
During the program, he uttered groundless and biased allegations about the march of the Turkish army to Izmir in 1922 to rightfully save the city from enemy occupation.
This is another weird attempt to rewrite history. Below please find some extracts giving impartial evidence from the UK newspapers of the time:
‘ Here is the evidence of Arnold J. Toynbee, Professor of Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature and History in the University of London, as printed in The London Daily Mail of Sept. 21:
‘I was an eyewitness last year of Greek atrocities against the Turks. The district where they occurred was a fertile and formerly prosperous peninsula on the southern coast of the Sea of Marmora. Incidentally, it was a part of the neutral zone set up by the Treaty of Se
The London Daily Mail of Sept. 12 reproduced a dispatch from The Chicago Tribune correspondent at Smyrna in which the following statement appeared:
The London Daily Mail of Sept. 12 reproduced a dispatch from The Chicago Tribune correspondent at Smyrna in which the following statement appeared:
vres, but the Allies had not only allowed but invited a Greek Army to occupy it. The extermination was carried out partly by bands of local Greek irregulars with the countenance and collusion of the Greek military authorities, partly by the Greek regular troops themselves. I was coasting round in an Ottoman Red Crescent steamer which was evacuating the survivors. ‘
‘The Greek Army has burned all the villages and towns on its march and converted Asia Minor into a ruin. The Greeks have massacred the defenseless Turks en masse everywhere.
M. Franklin-Bouillon, who was sent by the Allies on a mission to Mustafa Kemal at Smyrna, when interviewed by a number of foreign journalists on Sept. 3, made this statement: ‘I have seen terrible and frightful things at Magnissa, a town near Smyrna. This town, hitherto so prosperous, had before the Greek invasion 50,000 inhabitants and 11,000 houses, of which 10,000 have been burned by the Greeks. The Greek commander himself directed this horrible operation from the balcony of the building where he held his headquarters. As he gave his incendiary troops orders, he calmly smoked a cigarette. I ask the American journalists to use every effort to let the civilized Anglo-Saxon world know of these atrocities committed by the Greeks. We do not want Thrace also to become under Greek domination a ruined and ravaged desert. In Anatolia the Greeks have destroyed, devastated and exterminated everything and everybody. ‘ During this interview one of the correspondents reminded M. Franklin-Bouillon of the massacres and atrocities committed by the Greeks when they landed at Smyrna, and he replied that all those crimes which had been hidden until now should also be made known. ‘
Historical facts such as these must be taken into consideration when broadcasting programs with historical content. The two sides of one story must be fairly presented. It is not fair to allow some ignorant journalist, Giles Milton, to accuse the Turkish nation of barbarism on the free-to-air network because Radio National has power to do so. The author ridiculously states that he wrote his books based on the eyewitnesses view. What worries us is that all of those eyewitnesses happen to be the Greeks or Armenians. How absurd is this? He deliberately ignores the Turkish view in his book; for example our grandmothers’, the Turkish women’s stories and letters to each other are treated as nonexistent. And yet, he was invited to ABC Radio National’s Saturday Extra program as an intellectual to talk about the historical events that took place more than 85 years ago. By the way, this gentleman is neither Greek nor Turkish! The taxpaying, honorable members of the Australian Turkish community have difficulty in understanding Radio National’s attitude. It is also timely to emphasize that the Turkish community is getting sick and tired of these ‘Turk bashing’ sessions in the Australian Media. We are not asking anyone to do the Turks a favor in these programs but please be fair and just.
I would also like to point out that fabricating such blackening and one-sided stories about a nation’s history does not conform to scientific objectivity which seems to be totally lacking in the author’s book. Furthermore, airing such biased views on a national broadcasting service does not comply with the spirit of harmonious relations among different societies successfully established by the multicultural character of Australia.
I would also kindly ask the Australian Communications and Media Authority to look into the matter. Regards
. ___________________________
Dear ABC management,
I am writing to you in relation to the Saturday Breakfast program that was aired on 21 June and 28 June 2008 on ABC Radio National.
Author Giles Milton was the guest to promote his recent book “Paradise Lost: Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam’s City of Tolerance”.
During the program, Mr Milton promoted groundless and biased allegations about the march of Turkish army to Izmir in 1922 to rightfully save the city from enemy occupation. The Turkish Army’s (mehmetcik) march was to rid their country of the occupation forces. Under what illusion, would a country’s army destroy their own city and citizens? For your information, it was the Greek occupation army which had destroyed and burnt the beautiful Turkish city of Izmir and committed heinous crimes as they fled. If you require any further evidence, the Greek mainland terrorists did the exact same thing 50 odd years later in Cyprus. Just as they did in Turkey, the Greek mainland and Greek Cypriot terrorists slaughtered the entire habitants of the towns (including a 16 day old baby and old people) and burnt villages on their retreat, dumping them all into mass graves for the international press and Turkish army (mehmetcik) to see. To this day, the Greeks still use their propaganda machine to create the myth that the Turkish Army is to blame for these deaths and destruction. Shame on you ABC for believing and promoting such lies, without doing your own unbiased research prior to the show. I would like to point out that fabricating such blackening and one-sided stories about a nation’s history does not conform to scientific objectivity which seems to be totally lacking in the author’s book. Furthermore, airing such biased views on a national broadcasting service does not comply with the spirit of harmonious relations among different societies successfully established by the multicultural character of Australia. I therefore underline my deep disappointment and strongly protest the ABC Radio National for airing one week after another, such a biased interviews full of fabricated and slanderous propaganda. I would strongly suggest that the ABC national radio show researches thoroughly the topics it promotes within their programs, prior to airing them nationally. This would somewhat minimise the propaganda trap that the ABC has now found itself in. Thank you Kind Regards,
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