Vaşington Turk Buyukelciligi Onunde Rumlarin gosterisi, bolgede yasayan Turklere duyrulur

Vaşington Turk Buyukelciligi Onunde Rumlarin gosterisi, bolgede yasayan Turklere duyrulur - turkish forum logo

Vaşington Turk Buyukelciligi Onunde Rumlarin gosterisi, bolgede yasayan Turklere duyrulur

Merkezi New York’ta bulunan `Cyprus Action Network of America` (CANA) adli kurulus Kibris Baris Harekati’nin 34. Yildonumu vesilesiyle Buyukelciliginin onunde 20 Temmuz 2008, Pazar gunu, ogleden sonra 2-5 saatleri arasinda ulkemizi ve KKTC aleyhinde bir gosteri duzenlemeyi planlamaktadir. CANA adli kurulusun bu cercevede hazirladigi basin aciklamasinin ve gosteri duyurusunun ornekleri bilginiz icin ekte sunulmustur.

Vasington DC ve cevresinde ikamet eden Kibrisli ve diger Turk soydasimizin Turk Buyukelciligin onunde karsi gosteri tertip edecekleri  duyrulur.

Bilgilerine saygıyla sunulur.

T.C. Vaşington Büyükelçiliği <[email protected]>









































The Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)















Our action is open to any


and all who believe the time has come to draw public attention to the evil of the

continuing Turkish crimes. Get involved! Get on the bus to Protest the Turkish

Embassy, please visit our homepage ( to purchase

tickets, to download our color Protest Turkish Embassy protest poster, and to



Cyprus Action Network of America (CANA)

2578 Broadway #132

New York, NY 10025

New York: Tel. 917-699-9935

Email: [email protected]

will be demonstrating outside the


Turkish Embassy in Washington DC to demand an end to the ongoing criminal

Turkish military-occupation or land grab of Cyprus initiated by the Turkish

government by sheer, brute military-invasion on July 20, 1974. Hundreds of

thousands of Cypriots remain refugees following Turkey’s systematic campaign of

rapes, terror, bombings, burnings and forced displacement. Over one thousand

missing Cypriots, reportedly used for barbaric scientific experiments by the Turks,

remain unaccounted. Turkey is an unrepentant human-rights-abuser and perpetrator

of Genocide Against Pontians and Armenians, and today continues its genocidal

policies by targeting Cypriot land in a methodical program of ‘Turkification’ by

illegal Turkish settlers. Join us on July 20th outside the Turkish Embassy to remind

them that even one foreign soldier of occupation in Cyprus is tens of thousands of

times too many. Come to Washington DC to reaffirm a commitment for full justice

and recognition for Turkey’s Crimes.

July 20, 2008, Sunday, 2PM-5PMTurkish Embassy 2525 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC







URGENT: Protest Turkish Embassy: Hands Off Cyprus 2008!

Contact: Nikolaos Taneris, New York, Tel. 1-917-699-9935





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