Virginiada “Sozde Ermeni soykirimi” kanun tasarisini hakiki imis gibi getiren Millet vekili “House Member” Mr. Eric Cantor’un executive sekreteri Ermeni asilli bir dilber Melania Kernekylia. Yani adamcagiz alt tarafi Sekreterini bir yol bulup tatmin icin calismakda:)), hakikatler onun icin o anda pek muhim degildi herhalde.
Bu arada Virginiadaki dostlarimizin aktif olarak calismalari ile, iki millet vekili oylarini degistirdi ve senatoda Turk tezini deteklemekden ve hakikati aciklamakdan cekinmiyecek senator arkadaslar bulundu. Bu isimleri calismalarin sonunda ancak yayinliyabilecegiz.
Virginia eyaleti Baskani/Valisi “Gov. Gilmore” henuz hangi tarafi tutacagini bildirmis degil, valinin fikri ise eyaletin maddi menfaatlerinin dayandigi buyuk Turk Holdingleri tarafindan tesir edilebilir “Sabanci Holding.. gibi”
Su anda en saglam yol Virginada yerlesmis arkadaslarin Senatorleri ile temaslari onlara hakikati izah etmeleri, gerekli ek bilgiyi TurkishForum sitesinde bulacaksiniz … ve ayrica Turkiyede Virginia eyaleti ile is yapan veya eyaletde subesi buyuk holdinglerde calisan arkadaslarin , uyarmalarini yapabilecek kislerle temasa gecmeleri esit olarak onemli.
Bizi her zaman destekliyen SAYIN Basin uyeleri lutfen desteginizi devam ettirin.. Hersey Virgina saati ile 28 aralik Pazartesi gunu saat 17:00’de konusulacak konunun ismi HJ 298.
Bu arada kampanyaya destek vermeye vakit bulamamis arkadaslar , lutfen asagidaki ornek mektubu iletiniz:
Senator Warren E. Barry <[email protected]>
Senator Charles J. Colgan <[email protected]>
Senator Emily Coury <[email protected]>
Senator R. Edward Houck <[email protected]>
Senator Janet D. Howell <[email protected]>
Senator Yvonne B. Miller <[email protected]>
Senator William Cleveland Mims <[email protected]>
Senator Stephen D. Newman <[email protected]>
Senator Linda “Toddy” Puller <[email protected]>
Senator Kenneth W. Stolle <[email protected]>
Senator Patricia S. Ticer <[email protected]>
Senator John C. Watkins <[email protected]>
Senator Martin E. Williams <[email protected]>
Senator John H. Chichester <[email protected]>
I am of Turkish descent.
I strongly oppose H JR 298, which would officially perpetuate the myth of an Armenian genocide. It would ignore the 2.5 million Ottoman Muslims who were butchered by the hands of Armenians and their cohorts during World War I; it would be psychologically traumatic, humiliating, and intimidating
for persons like myself; and, would encourage more acts of anti Turkish, Armenian terrorism on United States soil that has already taken many lives and destroyed many properties.
The Armenian Secret Army of the Liberation of Armenia, a chief culprit in the terrorism villainies, still operates. The false allegations in the Joint Resolution are erroneous, and betray a religious, racial, and
ethnic bias against Turkish Americans. There may be better ways of fostering religious and ethnic bigotry and tensions in Virginia, but if there are, they do not readily come to mind. The citizens of Virginia deserve better.
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