Tag: Turkish Cypriots

  • The intention is different, the outcome is different!

    The intention is different, the outcome is different!

    Prof. Dr. Ata Atun

    As a person who knows and recognizes the Greeks and Greek Cypriots, their family structures, cultures, beliefs, education, humor, mindset, religious beliefs and feelings, I started to do research in the British Archives on the economic embargo, threats and arrest attempts that the Greek Cypriots and Greeks wanted to implement in Cyprus.

    The subject I researched was who incited Greece to land troops in Izmir on May 15, 1919, without looking at its size, “with the aim of occupying the Western half of Anatolia and invading its lands”.

    You can understand who encouraged Greece and why after reading historical documents related to Greece and a few other countries in a parallel and synchronous manner. You don’t even need to read all of them. When you read eight or ten documents, the mystery and uncertainty emerge.

    The summary of the incident is as follows; The founder of the First World War is the Great British Empire, in other words, today’s England.
    His eyes are on the oil fields in the Middle East.

    The big goal is to break up the Ottoman Empire, which the Western states have managed to wear down and weaken after years of joint efforts, to seize the Middle East and North Africa, and to prevent it from getting back on its feet and getting stronger.

    In line with the goal drawn from the First World War, which was started with a fictional event, when the Ottoman Empire is defeated, it is time for the second stage and to seize the lands of the Empire. And it is time to do so, but for this, the British Empire needs another million soldiers, weapons and ammunition.

    The British Empire has limited resources, its army is tired and some of them are deployed in many parts of the world for exploitation purposes. Since recalling its soldiers from the colonies would mean losing the colonies, another solution must be found. The most ingenious, applicable and not a burden on the British treasury solution would be to have the allies occupy Anatolia and keep the Ottoman army busy with these invaders.

    The idea is immediately put into practice. The Greeks, Italians, French, Armenians and Russians descend on Anatolia.

    08.26.24 Neye Niyet Neye Kismet

    Those who know know. When the Greeks feel that there are powerful people behind them, they think of themselves as lions, the kings of the forests, and in a state of power drunkenness they attack those they consider enemies. They gain courage, in a way… Their mindset has been like this for centuries.

    Indeed, their dreams of occupying Anatolia and annexing it to the lands of the Kingdom of Greece, which began with a great show and ostentation by setting foot in Izmir on May 15, 1919, resulted in their having to flee Izmir, where they had set foot 3 years earlier, on September 9, 1922, leaving eighty percent of the Greek army buried underground in Anatolia.

    They made the same mistake in Cyprus.
    Thinking that they were the owners of the island, they attacked the Turkish Cypriots on the morning of December 21, 1963, in order to become the absolute ruler of the island of Cyprus and to annex the island to Greece. The Atlantic Alliance was behind them.

    On March 4, 1964, with the decision taken by the United Nations, a subsidiary of the Atlantic Alliance, they believed themselves to be the legal government of the island and launched armed attacks on the Turkish Cypriots on August 6, 1964 and November 15, 1967, ending in disappointment, while the coup they launched on July 15, 1974, with the aim of annexing the island of Cyprus to Greece, ended in a great defeat and a national disaster for them.

    It is clear that the Greeks and the Greeks have still not learned a lesson from the past.

    With the Atlantic Alliance as their back, they have launched an economic and legal attack with the aim of financially destroying the Turkish Cypriots and making them dependent on them, and they are applying all the pressure they can. One of these is making an agreement with tour operators not to cross into the TRNC. However, it is certain that they will be under this mindless attack again at the end of the process.
    They still do not even realize that they are forcing the Turkish Cypriots to annex to Turkey and become part of the Motherland in order to escape all kinds of isolation, embargo, economic pressure and restrictions that they are trying to impose.

    Prof. Dr. (Civil Eng.), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (UA. Relation.) Ata ATUN
    TRNC President Advisory Board Member
    TRNC Republic Assembly 1st Term Deputy

  • REMINDER / HATIRLATMA: David Burrowes MP/ Milletvekili

    REMINDER / HATIRLATMA: David Burrowes MP/ Milletvekili

    David Burrowes MP who is known as the Fanatic Greek Cypriot Supporter
    David Burrowes MP who is known as the Fanatic Greek Cypriot Supporter

    > English
    > Throughout the years, many British MPs have taken a one-sided view
    > against Turkish Cypriots regarding the Cyprus issue.  David
    > Burrowes, the MP for Enfield-Southgate, is a perfect example of this
    > conduct.  He is the Chairperson of the All party Parliamentary Group

    > for Cyprus (APPG), an influential body in the UK’s Cyprus affairs, but
    > we feel that his representation of Cypriot affairs to the House of
    > Commons is far from balanced.  He conveniently chooses to ignore the
    > facts and his false accusations and incorrect statements are
    > misleading.  As head of the APPG he claims to represent both
    > communities whilst openly adopting the views and positions of Greek
    > Cypriot lobbyists; the fact that not a single speaker has appeared at
    > an APPG event to explain the concerns and views of Turkish Cypriots
    > speaks volumes.
    > As Chairperson of the APPG, David Burrowes is in a strong position to
    > influence other MPs in order to take a pro Greek Cypriot stance.  This
    > renders his position untenable as he continues to ignore the
    > legitimate concerns of the UK’s Turkish Cypriots.  He is not
    > interested in our views and we therefore request that the Minister for
    > Europe and APPG members for Cyprus ask David Burrowes to resign from
    > his position with immediate effect, and a new Chairperson who
    > is willing to take on board and represent the views of Turkish
    > Cypriots which have been ignored for far too long.
    >    We all wish to see constructive and decisive action by midday on
    >  Wednesday 28th November 2012 and in anticipation we have taken this
    >  opportunity to show unity by way of a collective letter addressed to
    >  the Minister for Europe, David Liddington and to all members of the
    >                Cyprus All Party Parliamentary Group.
    > The British Turkish Cypriot Association (BTCA) would like to formally
    >    invite you/your organisation to join us in this JOINT action.
    >  with your full personal name and title and the name of the NGO you
    >                              represent
    >    The closing date to notify us of your wish to be included as a
    >      signatory is midday (GMT) on Wednesday 28th November 2012.
    >  ***Many thanks to all those people who have already indicated that
    >  they wish to have their names included as joint signatories and who
    >        have also helped in the preparation of this statement***


    > Yıllar boyunca birçok Britanyalı Parlamenter, Kıbrıs konusunda
    > Kıbrıslı Türklerin görüşlerine karşı tek yanlı davranmışlardır. Bu
    > konuda Enfield-Southgate Milletvekili olan David Burrowes çok iyi
    > bir örnektir. Kendisi, Birleşik Kraliyet’nin Kıbrıs siyasetinde sözü
    > geçen Karma Parlamenterler Kıbrıs Grup Başkanıdır (All Party
    > Parliamentary Group for Cyprus – APPG). Biz bu şahısın Kıbrıs konusunu
    > parlamentoya dengeli bir şekilde yansıtmaktan çok uzak olduğuna
    > inanıyoruz. Kıbrıs’taki mevcut gerçekleri gözardı ederek, sahte ve
    > yanlış demeçler vermektedir. Karma Parlamenterler Kıbrıs Grubu (KPKG)
    > Başkanı olarak, her iki Kıbrıslı toplumu temsil ettiğini iddia
    > etmesine rağmen, açıkca sadece Kıbrıs Rum lobicilerinin görüşlerini
    > kabul etmektedir. Hatta  KıbrıslıTürklerin görüşlerini de almak üzere
    > tek bir kişinin KPKG’ye davet edilmemesi çok manidardır.
    > KPKG Başkanı olarak, David Burrowes diğer Milletvekillerinin de Kıbrıs
    > Rum yanlısı bir tavır almaları için etkin bir pozisyona sahiptir.
    > Birleşik Kraliyetinde yaşayan Kıbrıslı Türklerin meşru endişelerini
    > gözardı ederek sözkonusu Grup Başkanlık müdafaasını imkansız
    > kılmaktadır. Kendisi bizim görüşlerimizle ilgilenmediği için Avrupa
    > Bakanı ve KPKG üyelerinden David Burrowes’ın sözkonusu Başkanlıktan
    > derhal istifasını talep etmeleri ve onun yerine, çoktan beri dikkate
    > alınmayan Kıbrıslı Türklerinin görşlerine de saygı duyan yeni bir
    > Başkanın seçilmesi için çağrıda bulunuyoruz. Bu konuda Çarşamba 28
    > Kasım 2012 öğle vaktine kadar yapıcı ve kesin kararların alınmasını
    > bekliyoruz. Bu yönde birlik ve beraberliğimizi göstermek amacıyla
    > hepimiz adına başta Avrupa Bakanı ve Milletvekili David Liddington
    > olmak üzere, tüm KPKG üyelerine bir mektup yazmış bulunuyoruz.
    > Britanyalı Kıbrıslı Türk Birliği olarak sizleri ve örgütünüzü bizimle
    >                  ortak hareket etmeye davet ediyoruz.
    >    Eğer bu mektuba desteğinizi vermek istiyorsanız [email protected]
    >  e-mail adresine, isim, soy isminizi, ünvanınızı ve temsil ettiğiniz
    >            sivil toplum örgütünün ismini verebilirsiniz.
    >    Sözkonusu mektubun altına sizin de isminizin kaydedilmesini arzu
    > ederseniz, Çarşamba 28 Kasım 2012 öğle vaktine kadar bize bildirmeniz
    >                              gerekiyor.
    > ***Şimdiye kadar bize isimlerini göndererek ve mektubun hazırlanışında
    >      destek veren tüm şahıslara ve örgütlere teşekkür ederiz.***


  • Turkey Doesn’t Want Greek Cyprus Taking EU Council Presidency

    Turkey Doesn’t Want Greek Cyprus Taking EU Council Presidency

    eu1The Turkish government declared that it will suspend its relations with the European Union if the Greek half of Cyprus takes the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union scheduled in July 2012 without first solving the reunification issue between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots. Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan stated that Turkey does not recognize Cyprus as a nation.

    The modern history of Cyprus starting in the 1970′s is strife with military violence and political struggles that resulted in a Greek coup d’etat, a Turkish invasion and the formation of a North Turkish state and a Southern Greek state. These events led to a two-way movement of refugees on the island.

    The movement of civilians in recent times has caused many controversially claiming ‘family land’ and other such land that was supposed to be inherited decades ago.

    Both sides on the relatively small island have caused their shares of troubles between the European world and Turkey.

    The island countries have been the site of United Nations interventions and the heavy presence of more than 30,000 Turkish troops and the Greek Cypriot National Guard effectively cutting the island into two entirely different ethnic and political camps.

    The Greek side became recognized by the European Union enjoying more benefits, such as the chance to preside as EU president, than its Turkish neighbor.

    Talks between the two sides in the past have failed or faltered but were rejuvenated in 2008. Both sides in the past have tried reunification plans including the Annan Plan which failed in part because of the Greek Cypriot’s admant rejection of the plan.

    (Cover Photo: European Community)

    via Turkey Doesn’t Want Greek Cyprus Taking EU Council Presidency | iNewp.com.

  • N Cyprus prepares its own drilling plan

    N Cyprus prepares its own drilling plan

    Northern CyprusTurkey and northern Cyprus are planning to sign an agreement to draw an exclusive economic zone in the Mediterranean Sea and invite foreign companies for gas and oil exploration, in retaliation to Greek Cyprus’ scheduled drillings set for October.

    “Turkish Cypriots will sign their own agreements and start their own offshore exploration activities, if the Greek Cypriot side fails to suspend its activities to explore and extract oil and natural gas off the southern shores of Cyprus,” Kudret Özersay, Turkish Cypriot leader Derviş Eroğlu’s special representative, told the Hürriyet Daily News on Friday.

    Before a unification deal with Turkish Cyprus is brokered, Greek Cypriot ambition to benefit from potentially rich gas and oil reserves in the Mediterranean Sea has once again increased regional tension. The announcement that a U.S. firm, Noble Energy, would begin drilling for natural gas off southern Cyprus’ coast on Oct.1 has drawn Ankara’s reaction both against Greek Cyprus and countries whose companies have been involved in the process.

    Turkey urged the United States to convince interested U.S. companies to stay away from these kinds of activities if they do not want to push the region into turmoil. It also said such moves would seriously hurt ongoing reunification talks between the two sides of the divided island.

    “We will act in the context of the principle of reciprocity,” Özersay said. Even if countries are divided, they could get all the benefits of a former partnership, he said, implying that if reunification talks fail and the island becomes divided into two states, the Greek Cypriots’ benefits from the island’s natural resources must be shared.

    “If Greek Cypriots do not suspend the natural gas drilling and receive its benefits in the future, Turkish Cypriots would obtain their share on the island’s natural sources,” he said. A unilateral act of the Greek Cypriot side did not mean that the island’s natural resources belong solely to them.

    Another official from the Turkish Cypriot administration, who wanted to remain anonymous, clarified their future plan for action if the Greek Cypriots insist on drilling for natural gas.

    “We can sign an agreement with Turkey for delimitation of the exclusive economic zone, so the ships of TPAO (Turkish Petroleum Company) can explore off the southern and western part of the island,” the official said.

    “In the past, foreign companies asked us about gas and oil exploration. We can also invite them and provide a license for them to perform explorations around the island,” he added.

    Since the early 2000s, Greek Cyprus has signed a number of agreements with littoral countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea to draw economic zones, with each of them being able to benefit from gas and oil reserves. Turkey made counter-attacks against the move, urging all Eastern Mediterranean countries suspend these deals with Greek Cyprus.

    Hürriyet Daily News

  • Operation Sunshine in Cyprus

    Operation Sunshine in Cyprus

    murat yetkin

    Does anyone know what Operation Sunshine is, or was? It is, or was, an MI6 operation in Cyprus back in 1959. The details are revealed in the enlightening research of Stephen Dorril under the title “MI6-Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service.”

    The summary is as follows: Cyprus was drawn into ethnic conflict in the late 1950s. Armed, right-wing Greek bands were carrying out attacks against British rule on the island and against Turkish civilians – something that would be named as an attempt at ethnic cleansing in today’s world. In response, Turkey secretly helped an embryonic resistance among Turkish Cypriots, organizing and arming them.

    The Brits decided to take effective steps. MI6 started to tap some VIP telephones, relying on the cutting-edge technology of the day in order to prevent further killings and provide a basis for a settlement between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. The names included the Greek leader, Archbishop Marakios III. While eavesdropping on Makarios’ lines in order to obtain some political and military information, they recorded some other stuff by mistake – “Rather unusual homosexual proclivities,” as described by the book.

    That was in 1958 and when Makarios resisted signing an agreement with Turkish Cypriots under the guarantee of Britain, Turkey and Greece in 1959 in Zurich, he had a visitor in his hotel room with some information to share. Makarios changed his mind overnight, came down to the hotel lobby where his Turkish counterpart Fazıl Küçük was waiting and signed the first treaty on Cyprus which lead the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus in 1960.

    That was Operation Sunshine. That is a part of the background story about how the Republic of Cyprus with Makarios as the president and Küçük as the deputy president was established.

    That British-made fragile structure began to fall apart a few years later, ultimately leading to theTurkish military intervention which divided Cyprus into two in 1974.

    Being happy with the status quo, Ankara did almost nothing other than support the declaration of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, of which only Turkey recognizes.

    Turgut Özal was the first Turkish leader who talked about a “bi-zonal, bi-communal, federal system” in the 1980s. In the mid-1990s, Turkey silently distanced itself from that formula, which was not adopted by the Greeks anyway.

    Under the Justice and Development Party, or AK Parti, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan adopted a U.N.-backed reunification strategy, which was rejected by the Greek Cypriots in 2004. The European Union’s subsequent admittance of the Republic of Cyprus (officially representing the separated Turks in the north as well), made Erdoğan upset, like many of the Turks.

    Now Erdoğan is going back to Özal’s federal model and is threatening whomever by starting to support two separate states on the island, risking Turkey’s relations with the EU.

    That brings us to the threshold of a series of very interesting events in the coming months in the eastern Mediterranean.

    Hürriyet Daily News




    What follows below is a yet another typical, toxic and vituperative anti-Turkish propaganda, this time from the notorious Turk-hater Congressman Sarbanes, the son of equally notorious Turk-hater Greek-American Senator Sarbanes—of originator of US-arms-embargo-on Turkey- in-1970s fame. Sarbanes spewed this disinformation and falsifications to mark the 36th anniversary of the Turkish rescue and peace operation on Cyprus on July 20, 1974 to protect the lives and liberty of the island’s Turkish Cypriots. First Sarbanes’ words, then my rebuttal. Enjoy!



    by Rep. John Sarbanes, Huffington Post, July 20, 2010


    Turkey has been getting a lot of attention recently. American foreign policymakers, among others, are beginning to realize that the United States cannot count on its ally Turkey in a pinch. But American surprise and dismay at Turkey ‘s increasing petulance on the world stage and among its NATO peers reflects just how naive the U.S. has been in its interpretation of Turkish behavior over many decades. Turkey ‘s unreliability as a NATO ally and its incompatibility with Western democratic values is well understood by those who have long suffered Turkish aggression in the Eastern Mediterranean .

    Turkey ‘s failure to genuinely uphold the shared values of NATO makes it a weak link in the alliance. By design, NATO originated as a defensive political and military alliance for those countries engaged in the hostilities of WWII. Turkey , the largest NATO member not to have fought in WWII, was enlisted to reinforce defenses against the Soviet Union . Yet, in the summer of 1974, NATO member Turkey invaded and occupied more than one third of the island Republic of Cyprus . Coming at the height of the Cold War, and at a time of delicate relations between Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, and the NATO alliance, Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus risked war with NATO member Greece and a resultant rupturing of the NATO alliance.

    Adding insult to injury, the weapons used by the Turkish military to invade Cyprus were those of its NATO benefactors, principally the United States . In 1975, the Congress imposed an arms embargo on Turkey for its offensive use of American weapons. Rather than fulfill its NATO obligations, or follow its legal obligations as demanded by Congress , Turkey retaliated by closing all American military installations on Turkish soil, and by severely restricting American access at two NATO bases. At that time, military installations in Turkey were deemed essential surveillance posts in the Cold War fight against the Soviet Union . Turkey refused to reopen these facilities until the U.S. lifted the arms embargo, signaling that its relationship with the United States was never more than a transactional one, rather than one rooted in a shared commitment to the rule of law, individual liberties, democracy, and collective Western security.

    July 20th marks 36 years that the Turkish military has occupied Cyprus . In that time, neither the Republic of Cyprus nor its people have directed any aggression towards Turkey . In stark contrast, Turkey maintains an active colonization program where it is illegally resettling some 180,000 Anatolian Turks into the homes and possessions of the 200,000 Greek Cypriots it evicted from the occupied territories. The Turkish military is also systematically eradicating the Hellenic and Christian heritage from the occupied territories. All but five of the 500 Greek Orthodox Churches in the occupied territories have been looted, desecrated, or destroyed. To no avail, the international community, including the United States , the European Union, the United Nations, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice have all called on Turkey to honor its international obligations and cease and desist from these hostilities against the people of Cyprus .

    The Republic of Cyprus is a full-fledged member of the European Union. Turkey seeks that status as well, but as a NATO member illegally occupying European Union soil, Turkey puts NATO and the EU at loggerheads. The result is that the EU and NATO are unable to cooperate in the consolidation of their economic and strategic interests in the Eastern Mediterranean .

    Turkey ‘s ongoing occupation of Cyprus is compelling evidence that it has little interest in meeting the standards of individual liberties, human rights and religious tolerance shared by America and other democratic nations. Lacking the ties that bind, Turkey is apparently quite willing to jeopardize relations with its long-time allies. Witness its 2003 denial of the deployment of US forces along the Northern Iraq border and its recent vote in the U.N. against Iran sanctions.

    The United States and its allies must call upon Turkey to abide by international law and meet its responsibilities as a dependable NATO partner. And on this, the 36th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Cyprus , the United States should demand an immediate withdrawal of the 45,000 Turkish soldiers now occupying northern Cyprus . Until that occurs, policymakers in the White House and in the Congress must press the issue in every conversation with their Turkish counterparts. In this way, the United States can work towards establishing a strong, enduring, and values-based alliance with Turkey that will serve to bring justice to the people of Cyprus , strengthen NATO, and reinforce collective Western security.



    The Cyprus question is one of the longest-running ethnic conflicts in the world dating back to the mid-1950’s. It is the result of the Greek Cypriot armed campaign to annex the island to mainland Greece – an irredentist ambition known by the Greek term enosis –against the will of Turkish Cypriots, one of the two ethnic peoples of Cyprus for over four centuries, and against the internationally established legal status of the state of Cyprus.


    The independent Republic of Cyprus was born as a compromise solution in 1960. The Republic of Cyprus was a partnership state based on the political equality of the co-founding Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot peoples. It had a Greek Cypriot president and a Turkish Cypriot vice-president, each with veto powers to ensure political equality at the executive level. The legislature reflected the demographic balance between the two communities, on the one hand (with a 70/30 per cent ratio), and their political equality and effective participation in the legislative process, on the other. The judiciary was composed of one judge from each side, with a “neutral” judge from a third country as its president. This partnership Republic was guaranteed by the three “Guarantor” powers – Turkey, Greece and the United Kingdom – under a special international treaty, the Treaty of Guarantee.


    The “state of affairs” thus created by the Zurich and London Agreements of 1960 was based on an internal balance between the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities, as well as an external balance between Turkey and Greece as the respective “motherlands” of the two ethnic peoples of the
    island. This seemingly perfect system of checks and balances, however, faced a serious challenge within three years of its inception, when the Greek Cypriot side attempted to amend the Constitution by removing all provisions that gave the Turkish Cypriots a meaningful say in the affairs of the State. Failing that, they launched an all-out armed attack on the Turkish Cypriots throughout the island, killing and wounding thousands, driving one-quarter of the Turkish Cypriot population out of their homes and properties in 103 villages and causing widespread destruction.


    The ferocity of this onslaught was described by former Undersecretary of the US State Department, George Ball, in his memories titled “The Past Has Another Pattern” by observing that Makarios, the then Greek Cypriot leader, had “turn(ed) this beautiful island into his private abattoir.” He further stated that “Makarios’ central interest was to block off any Turkish intervention so that he and his Greek Cypriotes could go on happily massacring the Turkish Cypriots.”


    The Turkish rescue operation undoubtedly saved the Turkish Cypriot community from mass-extermination; prevented the annexation of Cyprus to Greece, and thus saved the independence of the island. Turkey’s legitimate and timely action has kept the peace on the island since 1974. Today, the Constitution of the Republic is dead and the “Cyprus” government has been completely usurped and monopolized by the Greek Cypriots. Turkish Cypriots and successive Turkish Governments have worked for the achievement of a settlement and have either initiated or accepted all major United Nations documents aimed at such just and lasting solution.


    The latest and most elaborate document in this respect was the “Annan Plan” named after former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who was the architect of the plan. The Annan Plan was put to separate and simultaneous referenda of Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots on April 24, 2004. It was overwhelmingly accepted by the Turkish Cypriot people by a 65% majority; but was rejected by the Greek Cypriot people, at the behest of their leadership, by even a greater margin of 76%.


    Although the United States, the European Union and other members of the international community have joined in the call for the lifting of the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots, little has been done to put words into action in this regard. What is at stake is not only the long-overdue and well deserved restoration of the human rights of the Turkish Cypriots through their integration with the international community, but also the credibility of those who have made promises and took decisions to end this
    isolation. Concrete and meaningful steps in that direction will not only put an end to this untenable situation but will also help the unification efforts on the island by motivating the Greek Cypriot side to come to a just and lasting settlement.


    Despite the absence of an international solution to unify the island of Cyprus, Turkish Cypriots have been enjoying peace and tranquility and have developed strong democratic institutions, world class universities, tourism facilities and able entrepreneurs. In fact, Turkish Cyprus can be a model for other nations in that region on how to cope with hardship within the framework of democracy and respect for human rights. A beautiful country with its unspoiled nature and famous for its warm Turkish hospitality, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a place worth visiting year around. For more information on travel and other issues related to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, please visit www.trncinfo.com.

    For more information please visit: www.tc-america.org. and www.ataa.org