Tag: Terrorism

  • Turkey to Create Special Police to Fight Terror, Hurriyet Says

    Turkey to Create Special Police to Fight Terror, Hurriyet Says

    By Emre Peker

    Turkey is establishing an 11,000- person police unit that will carry out intelligence duties and combat terror alongside the military in rural areas, Hurriyet reported, citing Interior Ministry officials it didn’t identify.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan last year asked the ministry, which controls the police, to start work on a special- forces unit aimed at broadening resources to fight terror, the Istanbul-based newspaper said. A commission comprised of the military, justice and interior ministries, police force, intelligence and gendarmerie started work on a legal framework, Hurriyet said.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Emre Peker in Ankara at [email protected].

    To contact the editor responsible for this story: Louis Meixler in Jerusalem at [email protected].

    via Turkey to Create Special Police to Fight Terror, Hurriyet Says – Bloomberg.



    somaliPirate 1630437c



    This video shows Russian Navy commandos on a Somalian pirate ship shortly after the pirates had captured a Russian oil tanker. The Euro Union navy that patrols these waters would not interfere because they feared there could be casualties.

    All explanations are in Russian with a single exception of when a wounded pirate says something in English and the Russian soldier says “This is not a fishing boat”. All conversations between the commandos are in Russian. If you don’t understand Russian, the pictures speak for themselves.

    The soldiers freed their compatriots and the tanker. The Russian Navy Commandos moved the pirates back to their own (pirate) ship, searched the pirate ship for weapons and explosives and then they left the ship and exploded it with all remaining pirates hand-cuffed to it.

    The commandos sank the pirate ship along with the pirates and without any court proceedings, lawyers etc. That is, they used the anti-piracy laws of the 18th and 19th centuries where the captain of the rescuing ship has the right to decide what to do with the pirates. Usually, they were hung.

    I would think from now on, Russian ships will not be targets for Somali pirates .

    click on this link… https://true-turtle.livejournal.com/85315.html

  • Assimilation’s Failure, Terrorism’s Rise

    Assimilation’s Failure, Terrorism’s Rise

    07malik oped popupBy KENAN MALIK


    SIX years ago today, on July 7, 2005, Islamist suicide bombers attacked London’s transit system. They blew up three subway trains and a bus, killing 52 people and leaving a nation groping for answers.

    In one sense the meaning of 7/7 is as clear to Britons as that of 9/11 is to Americans. It was a savage, brutal attack intended to sow mayhem and terror. Yet whereas 9/11 was the work of a foreign terrorist group, 7/7 was the work of British citizens. The question that haunts London, but that Washington has so far barely had to face, is why four men brought up in Britain were gripped by such fanatic zeal for a murderous, medieval dogma.

    British authorities have expended much effort in seeking to understand how the 7/7 terrorists acquired their perverted ideas and became “radicalized.” In the immediate wake of the attacks, much ink was spilled over the role of extremist preachers and radical mosques. More recently, the focus has shifted to universities as recruitment centers for terrorists.

    But this obsession with radicalization misses the point. The real question is not how people like Mohammad Sidique Khan, the leader of the 7/7 bombers, came to be radicalized, but why so many young men, who by all accounts are intelligent, articulate and integrated, come to find this violent, reactionary ideology so attractive. To answer it, we need to look not at extremist preachers or university lecturers but also at public policy, and in particular the failed policy of multiculturalism.

    via Assimilation’s Failure, Terrorism’s Rise – NYTimes.com.

  • The Betrayal Of The Armenian Lobby Of The Interests Of The USA And Western Countries

    The Betrayal Of The Armenian Lobby Of The Interests Of The USA And Western Countries

    281210 diasporaThe relations of the Armenian Intelligence Service with terrorist organizations is well known in Russia, in the USA, and in the Western World. Selling weapons to PKK, a terrorist organization, with the help of the famous criminal nicknamed “Ded Hasan” (Usoyan) via the territory of Armenia and performing terror acts in BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) pipeline is also known to the public. Now, the Armenians, being afraid of Azerbaijan’s economic development, are cooperating with the terrorist organizations to prevent Azerbaijan from developing its military power.

    By judging these facts given by Hafiz Musayev, the Major-General of the Azerbaijan National Security Ministry, in his book titled “The Principles and Characteristics of Special Services Activities in the Fight of Against International Terrorism”, we can assume that the terrorists supported by the Armenians try to deliver a blow to the interests of the USA and the Western countries in Azerbaijan. The importance of the book lies in its having developed dozens of interesting suggestions by analyzing the methods of fighting of foreign intelligence services against international terrorism and the activities of intelligence and counter-intelligence services in the regional war on international terrorism.

    The book is a clear and authoritative guide to strengthening the cooperation of world leading countries in the war against international terrorism and for this purpose, the author suggests the formation of the Regular International Secret Service Network in the Europe and USA. The membership of such organization should be on a voluntary basis.

    Throughout the book the author steps calmly and firmly into the fact that, all terror organizations know that fighting against them the USA and the Western countries carry the 30% of the cargo by using Azerbaijan’s air space en route to the conflict zones. And the activities of the terrorists are more concentrated on how to interfere with carrying the cargo than on Azerbaijan. Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora try to direct the activities of terrorists towards Azerbaijan by fighting against the interests of the USA.

    The author also comments on the Armenians living in the USA and the Western countries who became billionaires. But their hostility and ill-intentioned policy towards Azerbaijan inveigles them into the fight against the interests of the countries who fed them.

    The book consistently presents that there is no such a notion as “friend” for the Armenian lobby living the USA who supports the unmasked Armenian terror organizations in the USA. It has already been proved that the Armenian lobby is even ready to shock the interests of the USA with the purpose of joining Daglig Garabag to Armenia.

    The book shows how, under the strong statements of the President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev, agitated are the Armenian officials in Yerevan and the Armenian Lobby in the USA. Based on the information from the mass-media, it has become known that the USA Intelligence Service has laid bared the relations of Armenian Lobby in the USA with the terrorist organizations.

    Today Armenia and the Armenian Lobby by using their relations with the terrorist organizations try to strike a blow to Azerbaijan who is ready to free its occupied territories by declaring a war on Armenia. But mostly the interests of the USA and western countries will suffer from this terror attacks. The political elites of the USA and the West must realize this without any hesitation.

    Thoroughly discussing terrorism issues in the globalization era, the author quotes academician R. Mehdiyev, the head of President’s Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who masterly analyses the process of globalization:

    “Globalization has already made remarkable gifts to the mankind, opened new perspectives in development, and expedited the processes of world movement. Meanwhile, as it happens in every gigantic process, the globalization has also its own negative features appearing in various, sometimes in nihilistic forms. First of all, it indicates itself in living level growing disparity of the population of the “rich” and “poor” countries.”

    The way out of this situation of the Armenian people living in poverty is becoming limited day by day. For its expansionist policy Armenia has been put aside of all regional-economic projects. Taking part in these projects Azerbaijan and Georgia have been developing their economies, but Armenian economy went down. The poverty inveigles the Armenian people into trading in arms, drugs, and in cooperation with international terrorist organizations.

    But the role of the Azerbaijan Intelligence Service in struggle against international terrorism is unexampled. In most of his interviews the Azerbaijan National Security Minister Eldar Mahmudov announced that the relations of the Azerbaijan Intelligence Service with the world most powerful Intelligence Services are in a high level and he supplied with some examples on discovering suspects linked to terrorist organizations and their extradition.


  • Foreign Policy of Turkey

    Foreign Policy of Turkey

    Foreign Policy of Turkey- 1

    -Dr. Abdul Ruff


    The foreign policy challenge of Turkey, former Ottoman Empire, is its genuine, rightful ambition as a European state for EU membership, but opposed by some EU members. A close ally of USA and circumstances-forced-member of the notorious NATO terror syndicates led by the USA-UK terror twins, Ankara began formal negotiations to join the European Union five years ago but talks have nit progressed as Turkey expected because France and Germany oppose Islamic Turkey’s EU entry.

    Turkey thus is still unable to officially determine its national identity-whether it’s a European state or a Mideastern member is still troubling the former strong power. And this kind of dichotonomy in defining its national image is being exploited by all concerned to their advantages – including a fascist Israel.

    Turkey’s location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance. The talks slowed over Ankara’s 36-year military presence in northern Cyprus. Republic of Turkey is a Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian peninsula in western Asia and Thrace in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Turkey’s location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance. The predominant religion in Turkey is Islam with small minorities of Christianity and Judaism. The country’s official language is Turkish, whereas Kurdish and Zazaki languages are spoken by Kurds and Zazas, who comprise 18% of the population.

    USA roped in Turkey in to Western security arrangement now called the NATO terror syndicate ostensibly to fight against the expansionist policy of the Moscow’s Kremlin under Stalin. The European Commission is set to release a progress report on Turkey’s bid for membership later on Tuesday. It is expected to criticize the speed of reforms. The number of Turkish citizens in favor of EU membership has dropped from 48 percent in 2009 to 38 percent now, according to a German Marshall Fund poll published in September.

    Turkey is a founding member of the United Nations (1945), the OECD (1961), the OIC (1969), the OSCE (1973), the ECO (1985), the BSEC (1992) and the G-20 major economies (1999). On October 17, 2008, Turkey was elected as a non-permanent member of the notorious United Nations Security Council. Turkey’s membership of the council effectively began on January 1, 2009.

    Since the rest of European states are Christian and some of them even anti-Islamic, Turkey faces impediments in becoming an EU member. EU indirectly suggest to Turkey to abandon its EU efforts and in stead join the Mideastern Islamic zone to protect the genuine interests of Muslims as a top leader. Recently, Turkish President Abdullah Gul has told European leaders that the EU needs his country as a member if it wants to remain a global force. In an address to London-based think-tank Chatham House, Gul said the 27-nation bloc should see Turkish membership as “imperative”.

    Given the fact that the international balance of power tends to shift towards the East and Asia in 20-50 years, it is, indeed, a strategic imperative for the EU to have Turkey as a member.” The current short-sighted EU vision is the major impediment before the idea of the EU as a global actor, capable of assuming greater responsibilities on political and security issues complementing its economic clout. Gul’s comments appear to be a veiled attack on France and Germany. The two countries oppose Turkey ever gaining full membership. They promote instead the idea of a “privileged partnership.”

    EU is not in favor of Islam in Europe but Islam is the dominant religion of Turkey with 99 percent described as Muslim. The Orthodox Church has been headquartered in Istanbul since the fourth century AD. Starting from the thirteenth century, the Ottoman beylik united Anatolia and created an empire encompassing much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. After the Ottoman Empire collapsed following its defeat in World War I, parts of it were occupied by the victorious Allies. A cadre of young military officers, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, organized a successful resistance to the Allies; in 1923, they would establish the modern Republic of Turkey with Atatürk as its first president.

    Gul promised that Turkey will fight for joining EU and expressed readiness to fulfill all demands needed for membership and blamed members of the European Union for hindering Turkey’s membership to the European Union by putting “unfair and artificial” obstacles in Turkey’s way..


    (More to follow…>)

    د. عبد راف

    Dr. Abdul Ruff

    Specialist on State Terrorism

    10 Nov 2010


    Dr. Abdul Ruff (91-9961868309)., Specialist on State Terrorism; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Chronicler of Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Researcher, Independent Analyst, Commentator in International Affairs; Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Fake democracies like USA and India have zero tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices. Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than “terrorism”. Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Unfortunately, we have many hypocrites among Muslims. ([email protected])

    via Foreign Policy of Turkey- 1 | altnews.asia.

  • 101,000 stop and searches. No terror arrests

    101,000 stop and searches. No terror arrests

    Heavy-handed police tactics have harmed race relations, human rights groups warn

    By Robert Verkaik, Home Affairs Editor

    stop and searchNot one person stopped and searched under anti-terrorism powers in Britain was arrested for terrorism-related offences last year, the Government’s own figures show.

    The alarmingly high use of random searches is more evidence of heavy-handed policing which will alienate all communities, human rights groups said yesterday.

    The Home Office statistics also revealed that no terror suspects had been held in custody before charge for longer than 14 days since 2007. In all, 101,248 people were stopped and searched in England, Wales and Scotland under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act, which does not require a police officer to have reasonable suspicion that an offence might have been committed.

    Of the 506 arrests that resulted, none were terrorism-related. Since July, police are not allowed to stop and search people unless they “reasonably suspect” them of being a terrorist.

    Of all the searches, four out of five were made in the Metropolitan Police area, with almost a fifth being made by British Transport Police. Shami Chakrabarti, director of the civil rights group Liberty, said the statistics highlighted what a “crude and blunt instrument” stop and search had been. “It costs us dearly in race equality and consent-based policing with very little return in terms of enhanced security,” she added. 

    Overall, 59 per cent of the people stopped described themselves as white, 17 per cent as Asian or Asian British, 10 per cent as black or black British and 2 per cent as of mixed ethnicity, the figures showed. The use of stop and search powers fell by 60 per cent compared with 2008-09.

    Detention and stop and search powers are being looked at as part of a review of the Government’s counter-terrorism policy by the Liberal Democrat peer Lord Ken Macdonald, whose findings are to be published shortly.

    The former shadow home secretary David Davis said the figures showed “what a massively counter-productive policy this is”. He added: “A policy which fuels resentment and antagonism amongst minority communities without achieving a single terrorist conviction serves only to help our enemies and increase the terrorism threat.”

    Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said it was clear that some ethnic groups were still being disproportionately targeted and that the powers were “irrelevant and useless, as well as a waste of money and resources”.

    But the Policing and Criminal Justice minister, Nick Herbert, said: “The [terrorism] threat to the UK remains at severe. I commend the hard work of the police, the agencies and the CPS in foiling those who would do us harm and in bringing them to justice.

    “The Government is committed to ensuring that all counter terrorism powers are used proportionately and the Counter Terrorism Review will report back shortly.”

     http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/101000-stop-and-searches-no-terror-arrests-2119529.html, 29 October 2010