Tag: tereset

  • Hrant Dink Olayi  ve Turk Destekcilerindeki Asagilik Kompleksi

    Hrant Dink Olayi ve Turk Destekcilerindeki Asagilik Kompleksi

    Hrant Dink olayi tamamen civitildi. Turkiye’yi, Turk tarihini, kulturunu, ulkesini ve insanini adeta kum torbasina cevirmek icin hem arac ve hem de ortam haline getirildi.

    Dink protestolari, Dink yuruyusleri, Dink panelleri, Dink makaleleri, Dink kitaplari, Dink filmleri, Dink odulleri, Dink internet siteleri, Dink muzeleri, Dink…Dink…Dink…

    Dink, yani bir Ermeni binlerce Turkten daha mi degerli?


    Biraz acayim:

    Ermeni teroristleri (ASALA, JCAG, ve digerleri) 1973-1993 arasi, dunyanin her yerinde, ve hatta Turkiye’de, binlerce teror eylemi yaptilar. Bu bombali, kursunlu saldirilarda yuzlerce Turk’u
    katlettiler. Binlerce insan yaralandi. Binalar, evler, arabalr, okullar, havaalanlari, bankalar, devlet binalari … onbinlerce bina hasar gordu. Yuzbinlerce insan degisen yogunlukta travmalar yasadi. Bugun Ermeni terorunun Turk kurbanlarindan hangisinin ismini hatirliyorsunuz?

    Eger bir tanesinin adini soyleyebilirseniz, ben bu yaziyi geri cekecegim ve siz de okumanizi burada

    Ermeni teroru kurbanlarindan hangisi icin yuruyusler, paneller, basin toplantilari, internet siteleri, surekli TV programlari, belgeseller, filmler, yapildi?

    Hangisi icin makaleler, kitaplar, agitlar, siirler, sarkilar yazildi? Oduller, paralar, serefler, burslar dagitildi? Avukatlar ordusu tutuldu? Muzeler, binalar insa edildi?

    Oyleyse soruyorum: Dink, yani bir Ermeni onlarca, yuzlerce, binlerce Turkten daha mi degerli?

    Kandirilmis bir Turk gencinin yaptigi tek bir teror eylemi, Ermenilerin son yuzelli yildir yaptigi binlerce teror eylemini siler mi? Unutturur mu?

    Birak 150 seneyi, bir Dink, bir Arikan’i unutturur mu?


    Suc bizde, cunku buna biz izin verdik…


    Arikan’i ozellikle sectim. Eminim ki cogu okurun Arikan’in kim oldugundan haberi yoktur. Iste sorun da zaten burada ya.

    Bazilarinin Turkiye’de Dink’e olan yaklasimi bir insan haklari ya da demokrasi yaklasimi degil; bilgisizlige dayali bir asagilik kompleksinin tezahuru, disavurumu. Bu yuzden de bu tip “Dink’ciler” e hem kiziyorum, hem de aciyorum…

    Zavallilar, kendi ulkelerini, vatanlarini, insanlarini, kulturlerini, tarihlerini, geleneklerini, goreneklerini, ruhlarini, benliklerini, kimliklerini azar azar sattiklarini goremiyorlar… Oylesine, futbol takimi tutar gibi, kӧrü kӧrüne, bilgisizce ama arsizca bir itaat icindeler… Dink de Dink… Ille de Dink…

    Hani bebeler vardir ya “cok, cok, cok, cok” boyuna emzik emerler… Bos ama mutlu gozlerle dunyaya bakarlar … Iste bu zavallilar da “dink, dink, dink, dink” diye sesler cikararak Turkiye-dusmani propagandalari emiyorlar…


    Karsilastirma oldukca ogretici:

    Arikan 1982 de Los Angeles’te bir genc tarafindan vurulmustu, adi Sasunyan. Dink’i 2007 de Istanbul’da vuran da bir Turk genciydi, adi Ogun Samast.

    Turk genci bazi soylemler ve vaatlerle o anlik kandirilmisti ama simdi pismandi. Arikan’i vuran Ermeni gencinin ise beyni sistematik olarak uzun yillar icinde Turk nefreti ile yikanmisti ve sucunu tekrarlamaya her an hazirdi…

    Arikan’da Dink te olduruldugunde 52 yasindaydi.

    Ikisi de kursunlara hedef oldugunda evliydi.

    Ikisinin de kizlari vardi ve onlar da benzer yaslardaydi.

    Ama Dink icin butun Turkiye ayaga kalkti, terore lanet okudu, yuruyusler yapti, “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz” diye bile sacmaladi…

    Arikan icin Los Angeles’te tek Ermeni bile yurumedi. Birak yurumeyi, yuzlercesi, binlercesi zil takip oynadi. Bir seytan daha gitti diyenler bayram yaptilar. Ermeni kiliselerinde Ermeni teroristler icin paralar toplandi. Bunlardan bihaber Turk magandalar ise 25 sene sonra Istanbul’da 2007 de bir pankart tasiyordu: “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz.” Soruyorum: asagilik kompleksi bu degidir de nedir?


    Dink’in katilini babasi polise yakalatti. Yani kendi babasi bile Turk katili desteklemedi. Sasunyan’i ise bazi Ermeni aileler gunlerce Los Angeles polisinden sakladi. Sonunda Amerikali gorgu sahitleri ortaya cikti da Sasunyan yakalanabildi. Yoksa o da bugun hala yakalanmamis olurdu, tipki suc ortagi gibi (o simdi Lubnan’daymis.)

    Halbuki Samast hemen yakalandi, yargilandi, 22 yila hapis cezasinamahkum oldu… Bu bile bazi Ermenilerin Turk-dusmanligini, kinini, nefretini dizginleyemedi… Neymis efendim, derin devletmis! Fransa’nin serbest biraktigi ASALA katili bugun Ermenistan’da kahraman muamelesi goruyor. Derine de lluzum yok, bunlar sig devletler… ve vapacik hareketler… Ama bu onlari ilgilendirmiyor, cunku olenler Turk ve Musluman… Yani “harcanabilir” turden… Dink lobisi ve onun bazi tanidik-bildik Turk isbirlikcileri bastiriyorlar: derin devlet de derin devlet…

    Dink’in oldurulmesini Turkiye Cumhurbaskani, Basbakani, Bakanlari, Valileri, Belediye Baskanlari, toplum liderleri, kanaat onderleri, sanayiciler, isadamlari, sanatcilar, sporcular, halk herkese
    kinadi… Bu Turkiye icin cok buyuk bir artidir. Tarihi bir hosgoru belgesidir…

    Arikan’in ӧlümünü ise, birkac soguk diplomatik aciklama disinda, kimse kayitsiz sartsiz olarak kinayamadi. Ne Ermeni diasporasi, ne Ermenistan politikacilari, ne Ermeni yazarlari, sanatcilari, aydinlari… Hic kimse! Hepsinde de kayitlar sartlar vardi. “Efendim, oldurme yanlisti ama bu yerde kanlar icinde yatan Turk diplomat, kanli tarihi nedeniyle olumu bir sekilde haketmisti…Zaten bunlar derin devletciydi… ” demeye getiren affettirici soylemler denediler.

    Turkler ve Ermeni Diasporasi aradaki bu “derin” davranis, hissiyat, ve ahlak farkini hala goremeyeniniz kaldi mi?


    Amerikali tarihci Justin McCarthy’nin “Turks In America” diye yeni bir kitabi var. Tavsiye ederim. Mutlaka okuyun. Turkcesi de yakinda cikiyormus galiba–cikmiyorsa da cikmali diye dusunuyorum. Dusunun ki, 500 sayfalik bir kitap ama 200 sayfasi kaynaklara, aciklayici notlara ayrilmis. Yani boylesine zengin ve ayrintili bir arastirma urunu.

    Kitap okuyacak vaktiniz yoksa, lutfen hic olmazsa sadece ikinci bolumunu okuyun. Bostonlu Protestan Misyonerlerin Batida yarattigi olumsuz Turk imajini anlayin, gorun, hissedin…

    Amerika’da son ikiyuz yilda Osmanli ve Turkiye hakkinda yazilanlari, soylenenleri bir okusaniz, kaniniz damarinizda donar. Benimki dondu.

    O kitapta 1819 yilinda bir Boston Kilisesinde Potestan misyoner Pliny Fisk’in vaazini bir okuyun. Yazar McCarthy, o gunlerden baslayip bugune kadar inatla gelen anti-Turk soylemlerin izini adeta usta bir izci surmus.

    Hangi mektup, hangi hutbe, hangi kilise, hangi okul, hangi kitap, hangi gazete, ne zaman, nerede… Kim neler soylemis, yazmis… Reaksiyonlar ne olmus… Bugunlere nerelereden gecilerek, hangi evrimler yasanarak gelinmis… Bunlari tek tek okuyun. Gorun. Nalinci keseri Dinkcilerin iste bu gelenegi nasil surdurdugunu anlayacaksiniz… Onlar icin Dink arac; Turkiye’ye saldirmak, Turk’u karalama amac…

    Bu kitap kadar yazdiktan sonra size biraz tattirmazsam bir belki yeriniz siser. O yuzden, izninzile, sadece ikinci bolumun cok kisa bir ozetini sunayim. Bu kitabin, “Dink’ciler” in bugunku davranislarinin ardindaki karanlik ve nefret dolu zihniyeti nasil aciga vurdugunu goreceksiniz.

    Amerika kuruldugu yillarda (1776-1818) Hristiyanlik, daha dogru bir deyimle Protestanlik, one cikiyor. Gerci anayasa ve yasalar var tabii ama yasam genellikle dini degerler uzerinden duzenleniyor.

    Inanislardan biri ise Yahudilerin Isa peygamber’e ihanet edip kotu yola saptiklari, dunyadaki tum kotuluklerinin kaynaginin bu oldugu, ve eger bu Yahudilerin tekrar Hristiyanliga dondurulmesi saglanabilirse Isa’nin yeryuzune tekrar geri gelecegi ve tum sorunlarin bitecegidir. Inanclari bu. Seversin, sevmezsin. Inanirsin, inanmazsin. Inanclar tartisilmaz ki.

    Hatta bu yuzden Protestanlar ve Presbyteryanlar Kudus’e buyuk ilgi duyuyorlar. Derken misyonerler gonderiyorlar. Ilk giden misyonerler raporlarinda Protestan yapilmasi gerekenleri siraliyorlar: once Yahudiler, sonra Muslumanlar, sonra Ortodokslar (Rum), sonra diger sapmis Hristiyanlar (Ermeni, Nasturi, Asuri, vs) ve sonra da Katolikler.

    Bunlardan ilk ucunde hicbir yol katedemeyince de Ermeniler uzerine yogunlasiyorlar ve anti-Turk,
    anti-Musluman soylemlerle, Anadolu’ya yuzlerce okul ve hastane yapip egitim ve saglik hizmetleri goturerek Ermeniler arasinda hatiri sayilir bir Protestan kesim yaratiyortlar. Iste sorun bu calismalardaki
    anti-Turk, kin dolu ve bolucu soylemlerde. Tamamen hurafe ve nefrete dayali bu soylemlerden bazilari aynen, bazilar hafifleyerek gunumuze kadar gelmisler.

    Iste ABD deki anti-Turk soylemlerin, makale ve kitaplarin, belgesel ve filmlerin, ve hatta politikalarin ardinda bu ikiyuz yillik misyoner edebiyati cikabiliyor.

    Bostonlu Protestan Misyonerlere gore Muslumanlik sahte bir dindir, gelenekleri sapiktir, tum Muslumanlar Hristiyan olmadikca dunyada huzur yoktur. Turkler de Muslumanlarin en birincil temsilcisidir. Tembeldir, sakindir,kafasi calsimaz, reform yapamaz, kendisini yenilemesi, gelistirmesi mumkun degildir, ama kizdigi zaman cok kotu seyler yapan bir canavardir. (Misyonerlik merkezinin, soykirim iddialarini kabul ettigini ilk defa 2003 yilinda beyan eden Globe gazetesinin ve Ermeni Devrimci Orgutu merkezinin hepsinin de Boston’da bulunmasi bir tesaduf mudur?)

    Ondikuzuncu yuzyilda koskoca Osmanli imparatorlugu icin sadece bir veya iki paragraf vardir lise tarih kitaplarinda ve onlarda yukarida yazdigim yalan ve hakaret dolu seylerdir. Bu kitaplara gore Turk’te sanat ve bilim yoktur, varsa mutlaka Hristiyan kokenliler tarafindan yapilmistir. Turk’un mimarisi, han, hamam, kopru, cesme, yol, cami ve diger eserleri, sanati, siiri, felsefesi, Mevlana’si, Yunus’u, Nasreddin
    Hoca’si, Dede Korkut’u, cinisi, halisi, minyaturu, muzigi, hic ama hic yoktur.)

    Binlerce yillik Turk, Amerika’nin Tarih kitaplarinda iki paragraftir ve ikisi de cok kotudur. Haritada zor bulacaginiz Karayip adalarina bile sayfalarca yer veren bu tarih kitaplari, uc kitaya 623 hukmetmis bir dunya imparatorlugu icin sadece iki paragraph ayirmistir… ve orada bile hakaret etmistir.

    Boylece, Pazar okullarinda anti-Turk soylemler ile tanisan minnacik cocuklar, orta okulda ve lisede birkac paragraf ta olsa bu nefret ve onyargi soylemini tekrar duymaktadir. Universiteye gelen genc
    Turk hakkinda fazla birsey bilmez ama bildigi cok kotu seylerdir.

    Universitede ise anti-Turk soylem bilimsel bir havaya sokulur. 1453 Istanbul’un fethi ve onun etkilerinden soz edilirken Turklerin nasil yakip yiktigi belgelenmeye calisilir. Bizans yasami, sanati ve teknolojisi one cikarilir. Dogal olarak, bunu okuyan genc te Turkiye’ye karsi, en hafif deyimiyle,
    endiseli ve mesafeli olur. Seni sever, dost olursun, tanisirsin, Turk oldugunu ogrenince ilk lafi su olur: “Hic Turk’e benzemiyorsun?” Cunu kafasinda pala biyikli, kilicindan kan damlayan bir katil imaji var. (Boylelerine genellikle esprili cevap veririm: Eger devemi ne yaptigimi ima ediyorsan hemen soyleyeyim, onu binanin arkasina parkettim.)

    85 milyonluk Almanya’dan 4-5 milyon turist ceken Turkiye’nin, 330 milyonluk ABD den yarim milyon turist bile cekememesinin ardinda yatan etken sadece cografi uzaklik degildir; yukarida anlattigimiz bu tarihi, dini, ahlaki boyutlardaki uzakliktir. Onyargidir. Haydi nefret demeyeyim de antipatidir. Derin kizginlik ve sevgisizliktir…


    Bu onyargilarin isiginda, ben Dinkciler’i degerlendiriyorum:

    1) Dink ailesi ve yakinlari – bunlarin acisi gercektir ve tabii ki anlasilabilir. Bunlar zaten grubun binde biri bile degildir.

    2) Ozurcu aydinlar – Yani Dink’i Turkiye’yi surekli karalamak icin bir arac ve/veya bir platform olarak kullananlar. Bunlar genellikle 70 li yillarin eli kanli solculari, bugunlerin ise liberal veya dinci yazarlari. Kimse aldanmasin: bunlarin meselesi Turkiye’ye duyduklari kindir ve saldirmak icin her araci kullanirlar: Dink, demokrasi, insan haklari, AB, inanc ozgurlugu… Ben bunlara karsi degilim ama bunlari yaparken Turkiye’ye insafsizca hucum edilmesine karsiyim. Bunlar bence yuzde biri ikiyi gecmez… Azdir ama cok yaygara yaparlar.

    3) Gizli Turk dusmanlari ile bazi asagilik kompleksliler : Bunlar Arikan’i bilmezler. Ermeni terorunun 70 den fazla Turk kurbani icin tek damla goz yasi dokmus degildirler, zaten hatirlamazlar. Tarihteki Ermeni isyanlari, ihanetleri, teroru, bombali kursunlu saldirilari, apartheid icin toprak istekleri, Islamofobyasi ve Turkofobyasi konusunda pek bilgisiz olduklari icin de Ermeni soykirim iddialarina karsi “aman canim, ver-kurtul” yaklasimina siginirlar. Boylece demokrasi, insan haklari, ve AB cephesine tasindiklarini , yani aklandiklarini dusunurler. Zavallidirlar ama buyuk cogunluk da bunlardadir. Merak ediyorum, acaba “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz” pankartlarini tasiyanlar bunlar olabilir mi? Sorunun yanitini okura birakiyorum.


    Eger teror kurbanlari icin adam gibi, Insanca uzuleceksen, o zaman hepsi icin uzul; “Bu Dink, bu degil” diye ayirma. Biraz da sen insan ol. Bu arada biraz oku ve ogren ki seni bu kadar kolayca manipule edemesin “Ozurculer” ve “Dinkciler”. Bunlara karsi en iyi mucadele bilgi ile olur. Onlarin ezberi ancak bilgi ile bozulur.

    Son soz: Onlarin Dink’i varsa benim de Arikan’im var… Ve Arikan’imin yaninda 70 tane Alim, Velim, Mehmedim, Ahmedim var. Dinkciler ve Ozurculer hatirlamak istese de var… istemese de var!

    Yeter artik gozumuzun icine baka baka yaptiginiz bu kadar irkcilik, ayrimcilik, ve hakaretler; hepsini ama hepsini sizlere gerisin geri iade ediyorum. Tepe tepe kullanin!

    Hem babasi ve hem annesi Balkan Savaslarindan sag cikabilmislerin oglu

    Not: Ingilizce argumanlar icin:



    The 33 Chilean miners were not the only ones brought to daylight last week; a massive criminal Armenian immigrant ring defrauding the Medicare by a whopping $135 million was, also. While the former delighted us and uplifted our spirits, the latter shocked, disgusted, and outraged us.

    How can one not be incensed? While those gold chain wearing, hairy and smelly thieves were lining up to buy 350,000 dollar sports cars with American taxpayers’ hard-earned money, most American families, faced with job cuts, dwindling incomes, and foreclosures, were dreading to put food on table.

    But there is worse. What the Armenian crooks perpetrated has far reaching implications impacting a wide range of policies and programs affecting all of us well into the future. These range from the cost of recent health care reforms, identification theft, and safety of senior citizens, all the way to the security of government archives, abuse of taxpayer funds, and foreign policy influenced by Armenian crooks and terrorists with access to some gullible or corrupt American politicians.


    This is why I think Boxer’s campaign chest must be investigated: “Armenian organization to back Barbara Boxer at November elections”, news.am, October 15, 2010: https://news.am/eng/news/34644.html ; )

    “ The committee on political affairs of the Armenian Council of America will back Sen. Barbara Boxer at the elections scheduled for November…The Armenian Council of America made the decision due to close ties of Sen. Boxer with the Armenian community and pro-Armenian activities in the Senate…Barbara Boxer is an advocate of the Armenian Genocide recognition and has repeatedly been the author of relevant bills. She also raised the issue on unblocking of the Armenian border by Turkey. Senators Barbara Boxer and Robert Menendez have jointly placed a “hold” on U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan nominee Matthew Bryza, noting his close ties with Azerbaijan.”

    Here is my beef with all this: ambassadors to Turkey and Azerbaijan, both staunch American allies, cannot be appointed, as the vetting process is taken hostage by the Armenian lobby through their proxies in the Senate, Boxer and Menendez. I am wondering, therefore, how much of that dirty Armenian money found its way into the coffers of Boxer, Menendez, Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, and other passionate “genociders” who bend over backwards to appease the Armenian lobby, even at the cost of sacrificing American interests.

    I am in the process of getting a copy of the official indictment. I plan to check the Armenian names against the Armenian donors of Boxer and Menendez, as the Federal Election Commission reports are public. If names match, then Boxer and Menendez must resign immediately for using Armenian fraud money to serve Armenian interests. Whether American interests were hurt or not by their actions does not even matter at that moment, because they will have served the interests of a foreign government (Armenia) without first registering as a foreign agent or lobbyist, thus breaking the law. This goes for Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, and other bogus “genociders” on the hill.

    I appreciate that it could be hard to check, since Boxer has had over 8,000 donors in 2010, and the tricky Armenians use different spelling variations of their names making it much harder to track them down without serious investment of time and resources. But I think FBI should do it to protect the American taxpayer. If FBI finds some of those Armenian crooks in the donor rolls of Boxer, Menendez, or others, then so be it! If they do the crime, they should do the time. Let’s throw the trash out! Impeach them!

    If you think all this is far-fetched, then I suggest you think again. See, for example, “Dem donor arrested in Medicare ring”, Politico, October 14, 2010 ( .)

    One of the alleged Armenian gangsters arrested in the record-breaking $163 million Medicare fraud scheme was also a major donor to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Pogos Satamyan of Glendale, CA, reportedly arrested today, gave the DCCC $10,000 just this July, according to public records. (Only $10K? What a cheapskate! )


    Armenian fraud is not something new. “Outsmarting the system” seems to be a national pass time among most Armenians. Deception, fraud, lies, in the finest tradition of Andonian of the fake Talaat telegrams fame, should give any fair minded American a clue about the Armenian psyche.

    What I wonder is not that organized Armenian fraud makes the news for the millionth time, but did any of this Armenian fraud money, even a cent, found its way into the campaign funds of some gullible and/or corrupt politicians. After all, these politicians sold America’s interests time and again, just for a few dirty Armenian dollars, didn’t they? Shouldn’t we impeach corrupt politicians for siding with Armenian criminals?


    This is not the first case of medical fraud by Armenians in US, nor is it the biggest. For example, just two years ago, in 2008, some 6 Armenians were indicted by the FBI on a $2 million fraud case: . Here is what was said in the April 4, 2008 report “ Six arrested and charged in connection with $2 million health care fraud ring”:

    “ LOS ANGELES – Six men charged with running a crime ring that stole nearly $2 million from federal and private health insurers were arrested here today following a federal and local probe involving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) into a health care fraud scheme.
    Collectively, the defendants face 62 counts of conspiracy to commit a crime, money laundering and grand theft of personal property. The alleged crimes occurred between March 2005 and September 2006.

    ‘On a national level, health care fraud continues to milk billions of dollars annually from government-funded health plans and private health insurers,’ District Attorney Steve Cooley said. ‘Health care fraud affects us all. These criminals not only squander health funds for underserved populations who truly warrant subsidized aid, they also affect the average consumer who is hit in the pocket book by fraud-related costs incurred by private health companies.’

    Robert Schoch, special agent in charge of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Office of Investigations in Los Angeles, said ICE will continue to work with its local and federal law enforcement partners to attack and dismantle these kinds of schemes.

    ‘Aside from the obvious harm to insurers and needy patients, the money siphoned off in fraud schemes like this is often funneled into other forms of criminal enterprise,’ Schoch said.

    Those charged in the case are: Karapet Khacheryan, 37; Hovik Joe Altunyan, 30; Edkar Mikirtijyan, 25; Grigor Khorikyan, 29; Vahan E. Harutyunyan, 32; and Smbat Khachtryan, 26. The six men are due to be arraigned at the Criminal Justice Center April 7. Bail is recommended at $1.98 million for each defendant.
    The case, which was referred to the District Attorney’s Office by ICE and the United States Department of Health and Human Services – Office of the Inspector General, began as a drug and money laundering investigation, later expanding to include health care fraud.

    ‘Fighting Medicare and Medicaid fraud is a top priority,” said Glenn Ferry, Special Agent in Charge for the Los Angeles Region of the Office of Inspector General for the federal Department of Health and Human Services. “We will work tirelessly with our federal and state law enforcement partners to bring those who perpetrate such frauds to justice.’

    The men were taken into custody early this morning by federal authorities from residences in North Hollywood, Glendale, and Van Nuys, Calif. A seventh suspect was taken into custody on an unrelated gun charge. Search warrants also were executed at two businesses in Burbank. Of those named in the case, the highest number of charges faced by a single defendant is 31 counts. ..”

    It was a coordinated effort The Los Angeles County Health Authority Law Enforcement Task Force (HALT), the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Major Crimes and COPS bureaus, and the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Medical Fraud and Elder Abuse assisted federal agents in this investigation. All defendants faced special allegations because the offenses involved fraud and embezzlement with a pattern of related felony conduct. The special allegations also stemmed from the fact the defendants were suspected of taking more than $500,000, with estimated property losses exceeding more than $1 million.


    I remember well how back in 1999, we were all shocked to learn that a bunch of Armenian crooks defrauded Medi-Cal (that’s California’s Medicaid) of $1 billion USD! That’s by far the largest medical fraud case in the history of the world:

    Here is what was reported by Rone Tempest , Los Angeles Times Sacramento Bureau Chief, on December 08, 1999, in his article titled “Medi-Cal Scandal Alarms Armenians”:

    “ Culture: Leaders stress that those caught are a tiny minority, and that they may have learned such behavior as a survival skill in former Soviet Union.

    Chagrined by the estimated $1-billion Medi-Cal fraud scandal among new immigrants in their community, Armenian church and civic leaders say that an explanation may lie not in Los Angeles, where most of the crime occurred, but in the culture and politics of their homeland in the former Soviet Union.

    Vazken Movsesian, parish priest of St. Gregory Armenian Orthodox Church in Pasadena, said members of the largely ethnic Armenian network charged with bilking the state and federal governments using phony medical billings came from a place ‘where the government was the government you cheated from.’ “

    Nice try by the Armenian priest to control damage, but unfortunately for Armenians, the organized fraud cases unearthed since this 1999 report shows that the Armenian community supports such illegal activities, just like they supported Armenian terrorism victimizing Turks, both in the Ottoman Empire from 1882-1922 and in the United States 1973 to present. Violence and corruption, the twin evils, seem to find fertile grounds in the Armenian culture.
    Armenian Consul General in Los Angeles and Mayor are in jail as we speak for selling fake documents to Armenian murderers and rapists to get a permanent residence in USA, for a mere , $35.000… A bargain!


    Alarmed by the developments, the government of Armenia embarked upon a hastily put together damage control program (See “Armenia to help US investigate Medicare scam”, By AVET DEMURYAN, Associated Press, YEREVAN, Armenia, October 14, 2010: . ) Too little, too late.

    Armenia now says it will cooperate with the United States in an investigation of Armenian gangsters accused of using bogus health care clinics to cheat Medicare out of $163 million.
    Foreign Ministry spokesman Tigran Balayan said today that Armenia was sorry. The operation was reportedly led by captured crime boss, Armen Kazarian, who is known by the Soviet term “thief in law,” or “godfather” in English. Here is the rub: a top Armenian police who wanted to remain anonymous apparently told The Associated Press that about 40 ethnic Armenian godfathers operate in Europe, the U.S., Australia and the Middle East. U.S. authorities, who say this is the largest fraud in Medicare’s history, are not amused.


    See “Dozens Charged in $163M Medicare Fraud Scheme”, a CBS, , New York, Oct. 13, 2010:

    Here is a glimpse of what CBS said:

    “A vast network of Armenian gangsters and their associates used phantom health care clinics and other means to try to cheat Medicare out of $163 million, the largest fraud by one criminal enterprise in the program’s history, U.S. authorities said Wednesday. (Scroll down to watch a “60 Minutes” report on Medicare fraud from earlier this year)

    Federal prosecutors in New York and elsewhere charged 73 people. Most of the defendants were captured during raids Wednesday morning in New York City and Los Angeles, but there also were arrests in New Mexico, Georgia and Ohio.

    CBS News reports that more than 60 people were in custody as of Wednesday afternoon.

    The scheme’s scope and sophistication “puts the traditional Mafia to shame,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said at a Manhattan news conference. “They ran a veritable fraud franchise.” ( Read the First Indictment (PDF) , Read the Second Indictment (PDF) )

    Unlike other cases involving crooked medical clinics bribing people to sign up for unneeded treatments, the operation was “completely notional,” Janice Fedarcyk, head of the FBI’s New York office, said in a statement. “The whole doctor-patient interaction was a mirage.” (video:
    Medicare Fraud: A $60 Billion Crime )

    The operation was under the protection of an Armenian crime boss, known in the former Soviet Union as a “vor,” prosecutors said. The reputed boss, Armen Kazarian, was in custody in Los Angeles.

    Bharara said it was the first time a vor – “the rough equivalent of a traditional godfather” – had been charged in a U.S. racketeering case.

    Kazarian, 46, of Glendale, Calif., and two alleged ringleaders – Davit Mirzoyan, 34, also of Glendale, and Robert Terdjanian, 35, of Brooklyn – were named in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan.

    Most of the defendants were to appear in court later Wednesday on charges including racketeering conspiracy, bank fraud, money laundering and identity theft.

    Authorities began the New York-based investigation after information on 2,900 Medicare patients in upstate New York – including Social Security numbers and dates of birth – were reported stolen.

    The defendants in the New York case also had stolen the identities of doctors and set up 118 phantom clinics in 25 states, authorities said. The names were used to submit fake bills for care that was never given, they said.

    Some of the phony paperwork was a giveaway: It showed eye doctors doing bladder tests; ear, nose and throat specialists performing pregnancy ultrasounds; obstetricians testing for skin allergies; and dermatologists billing for heart exams…”

    In the New York portion of the case, more $100 million in fraudulent bills were submitted and Medicare paid out at least $35 million, sometimes by wiring it to the clinics’ banks accounts, according to the investigators. Most of the defendants were reported to be “ Armenian nationals or immigrants” with substantial ties to Armenia and even criminals there, in the indictment. Couriers would often carry cash proceeds from the fraud back to Armenia, it added. Prosecutors were reportedly seeking forfeiture of real estate in Las Vegas; Palm Springs, Calif.; and elsewhere, and of expensive cars like a 2007 Maserati and a 2006 Jaguar.


    This is far from over as the saga of Armenian thieves, crooks, swindlers, fast talkers, and genocide peddlers continues…

    Stay tuned !



    The 33 Chilean miners were not the only ones brought to daylight last week; a massive criminal Armenian immigrant ring defrauding the Medicare by a whopping $135 million was, also. While the former delighted us and uplifted our spirits, the latter shocked and outraged us.

    How can one not be incensed? While those gold chain wearing, hairy and smelly thieves were lining up to buy 350,000 dollar sports cars with American taxpayers’ hard-earned money, most American families, faced with job cuts, dwindling incomes, and foreclosures, were dreading to put food on table.

    But there is worse. What the Armenian crooks perpetrated has far reaching implications impacting a wide range of policies and programs affecting all of us well into the future. These range from the cost of recent health care reforms, identification theft, and safety of senior citizens, all the way to the security of government archives, abuse of taxpayer funds, and foreign policy influenced by Armenian crooks and terrorists with access to some gullible or corrupt American politicians.


    This is why I think Boxer’s campaign chest must be investigated: “Armenian organization to back Barbara Boxer at November elections”, news.am, October 15, 2010: https://news.am/eng/news/34644.html ; )

    “ The committee on political affairs of the Armenian Council of America will back Sen. Barbara Boxer at the elections scheduled for November…The Armenian Council of America made the decision due to close ties of Sen. Boxer with the Armenian community and pro-Armenian activities in the Senate…Barbara Boxer is an advocate of the Armenian Genocide recognition and has repeatedly been the author of relevant bills. She also raised the issue on unblocking of the Armenian border by Turkey. Senators Barbara Boxer and Robert Menendez have jointly placed a “hold” on U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan nominee Matthew Bryza, noting his close ties with Azerbaijan.”

    Here is my beef with all this: ambassadors to Turkey and Azerbaijan, both staunch American allies, cannot be appointed, as the vetting process is taken hostage by the Armenian lobby through their proxies in the Senate, Boxer and Menendez. I am wondering, therefore, how much of that dirty Armenian money found its way into the coffers of Boxer, Menendez, Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, and other passionate “genociders” who bend over backwards to appease the Armenian lobby, even at the cost of sacrificing American interests.

    I am in the process of getting a copy of the official indictment. I plan to check the Armenian names against the Armenian donors of Boxer and Menendez, as the Federal Election Commission reports are public. If names match, then Boxer and Menendez must resign immediately for using Armenian fraud money to serve Armenian interests. Whether American interests were hurt or not by their actions does not even matter at that moment, because they will have served the interests of a foreign government (Armenia) without first registering as a foreign agent or lobbyist, thus breaking the law. This goes for Schiff, Pallone, Radanovich, and other bogus “genociders” on the hill.

    I appreciate that it could be hard to check, since Boxer has had over 8,000 donors in 2010, and the tricky Armenians use different spelling variations of their names making it much harder to track them down without serious investment of time and resources. But I think FBI should do it to protect the American taxpayer. If FBI finds some of those Armenian crooks in the donor rolls of Boxer, Menendez, or others, then so be it! If they do the crime, they should do the time. Let’s throw the trash out! Impeach them!

    If you think all this is far-fetched, then I suggest you think again. See, for example, “Dem donor arrested in Medicare ring”, Politico, October 14, 2010 ( .)

    One of the alleged Armenian gangsters arrested in the record-breaking $163 million Medicare fraud scheme was also a major donor to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Pogos Satamyan of Glendale, CA, reportedly arrested today, gave the DCCC $10,000 just this July, according to public records. (Only $10K? What a cheapskate! )


    Armenian fraud is not something new. “Outsmarting the system” seems to be a national pass time among most Armenians. Deception, fraud, lies, in the finest tradition of Andonian of the fake Talaat telegrams fame, should give any fair minded American a clue about the Armenian psyche.

    What I wonder is not that organized Armenian fraud makes the news for the millionth time, but did any of this Armenian fraud money, even a cent, found its way into the campaign funds of some gullible and/or corrupt politicians. After all, these politicians sold America’s interests time and again, just for a few dirty Armenian dollars, didn’t they? Shouldn’t we impeach corrupt politicians for siding with Armenian criminals?


    This is not the first case of medical fraud by Armenians in US, nor is it the biggest. For example, just two years ago, in 2008, some 6 Armenians were indicted by the FBI on a $2 million fraud case: . Here is what was said in the April 4, 2008 report “ Six arrested and charged in connection with $2 million health care fraud ring”:

    “ LOS ANGELES – Six men charged with running a crime ring that stole nearly $2 million from federal and private health insurers were arrested here today following a federal and local probe involving U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) into a health care fraud scheme.
    Collectively, the defendants face 62 counts of conspiracy to commit a crime, money laundering and grand theft of personal property. The alleged crimes occurred between March 2005 and September 2006.

    ‘On a national level, health care fraud continues to milk billions of dollars annually from government-funded health plans and private health insurers,’ District Attorney Steve Cooley said. ‘Health care fraud affects us all. These criminals not only squander health funds for underserved populations who truly warrant subsidized aid, they also affect the average consumer who is hit in the pocket book by fraud-related costs incurred by private health companies.’

    Robert Schoch, special agent in charge of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Office of Investigations in Los Angeles, said ICE will continue to work with its local and federal law enforcement partners to attack and dismantle these kinds of schemes.

    ‘Aside from the obvious harm to insurers and needy patients, the money siphoned off in fraud schemes like this is often funneled into other forms of criminal enterprise,’ Schoch said.

    Those charged in the case are: Karapet Khacheryan, 37; Hovik Joe Altunyan, 30; Edkar Mikirtijyan, 25; Grigor Khorikyan, 29; Vahan E. Harutyunyan, 32; and Smbat Khachtryan, 26. The six men are due to be arraigned at the Criminal Justice Center April 7. Bail is recommended at $1.98 million for each defendant.
    The case, which was referred to the District Attorney’s Office by ICE and the United States Department of Health and Human Services – Office of the Inspector General, began as a drug and money laundering investigation, later expanding to include health care fraud.

    ‘Fighting Medicare and Medicaid fraud is a top priority,” said Glenn Ferry, Special Agent in Charge for the Los Angeles Region of the Office of Inspector General for the federal Department of Health and Human Services. “We will work tirelessly with our federal and state law enforcement partners to bring those who perpetrate such frauds to justice.’

    The men were taken into custody early this morning by federal authorities from residences in North Hollywood, Glendale, and Van Nuys, Calif. A seventh suspect was taken into custody on an unrelated gun charge. Search warrants also were executed at two businesses in Burbank. Of those named in the case, the highest number of charges faced by a single defendant is 31 counts. ..”

    It was a coordinated effort The Los Angeles County Health Authority Law Enforcement Task Force (HALT), the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Major Crimes and COPS bureaus, and the California Department of Justice, Bureau of Medical Fraud and Elder Abuse assisted federal agents in this investigation. All defendants faced special allegations because the offenses involved fraud and embezzlement with a pattern of related felony conduct. The special allegations also stemmed from the fact the defendants were suspected of taking more than $500,000, with estimated property losses exceeding more than $1 million.


    I remember well how back in 1999, we were all shocked to learn that a bunch of Armenian crooks defrauded Medi-Cal (that’s California’s Medicaid) of $1 billion USD! That’s by far the largest medical fraud case in the history of the world:

    Here is what was reported by Rone Tempest , Los Angeles Times Sacramento Bureau Chief, on December 08, 1999, in his article titled “Medi-Cal Scandal Alarms Armenians”:

    “ Culture: Leaders stress that those caught are a tiny minority, and that they may have learned such behavior as a survival skill in former Soviet Union.

    Chagrined by the estimated $1-billion Medi-Cal fraud scandal among new immigrants in their community, Armenian church and civic leaders say that an explanation may lie not in Los Angeles, where most of the crime occurred, but in the culture and politics of their homeland in the former Soviet Union.

    Vazken Movsesian, parish priest of St. Gregory Armenian Orthodox Church in Pasadena, said members of the largely ethnic Armenian network charged with bilking the state and federal governments using phony medical billings came from a place ‘where the government was the government you cheated from.’ “

    Nice try by the Armenian priest to control damage, but unfortunately for Armenians, the organized fraud cases unearthed since this 1999 report shows that the Armenian community supports such illegal activities, just like they supported Armenian terrorism victimizing Turks, both in the Ottoman Empire from 1882-1922 and in the United States 1973 to present. Violence and corruption, the twin evils, seem to find fertile grounds in the Armenian culture.
    Armenian Consul General in Los Angeles and Mayor are in jail as we speak for selling fake documents to Armenian murderers and rapists to get a permanent residence in USA, for a mere , $35.000… A bargain!


    Alarmed by the developments, the government of Armenia embarked upon a hastily put together damage control program (See “Armenia to help US investigate Medicare scam”, By AVET DEMURYAN, Associated Press, YEREVAN, Armenia, October 14, 2010: . ) Too little, too late.

    Armenia now says it will cooperate with the United States in an investigation of Armenian gangsters accused of using bogus health care clinics to cheat Medicare out of $163 million.
    Foreign Ministry spokesman Tigran Balayan said today that Armenia was sorry. The operation was reportedly led by captured crime boss, Armen Kazarian, who is known by the Soviet term “thief in law,” or “godfather” in English. Here is the rub: a top Armenian police who wanted to remain anonymous apparently told The Associated Press that about 40 ethnic Armenian godfathers operate in Europe, the U.S., Australia and the Middle East. U.S. authorities, who say this is the largest fraud in Medicare’s history, are not amused.


    See “Dozens Charged in $163M Medicare Fraud Scheme”, a CBS, , New York, Oct. 13, 2010:

    Here is a glimpse of what CBS said:

    “A vast network of Armenian gangsters and their associates used phantom health care clinics and other means to try to cheat Medicare out of $163 million, the largest fraud by one criminal enterprise in the program’s history, U.S. authorities said Wednesday. (Scroll down to watch a “60 Minutes” report on Medicare fraud from earlier this year)

    Federal prosecutors in New York and elsewhere charged 73 people. Most of the defendants were captured during raids Wednesday morning in New York City and Los Angeles, but there also were arrests in New Mexico, Georgia and Ohio.

    CBS News reports that more than 60 people were in custody as of Wednesday afternoon.

    The scheme’s scope and sophistication “puts the traditional Mafia to shame,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said at a Manhattan news conference. “They ran a veritable fraud franchise.” ( Read the First Indictment (PDF) , Read the Second Indictment (PDF) )

    Unlike other cases involving crooked medical clinics bribing people to sign up for unneeded treatments, the operation was “completely notional,” Janice Fedarcyk, head of the FBI’s New York office, said in a statement. “The whole doctor-patient interaction was a mirage.” (video:
    Medicare Fraud: A $60 Billion Crime )

    The operation was under the protection of an Armenian crime boss, known in the former Soviet Union as a “vor,” prosecutors said. The reputed boss, Armen Kazarian, was in custody in Los Angeles.

    Bharara said it was the first time a vor – “the rough equivalent of a traditional godfather” – had been charged in a U.S. racketeering case.

    Kazarian, 46, of Glendale, Calif., and two alleged ringleaders – Davit Mirzoyan, 34, also of Glendale, and Robert Terdjanian, 35, of Brooklyn – were named in an indictment unsealed in Manhattan.

    Most of the defendants were to appear in court later Wednesday on charges including racketeering conspiracy, bank fraud, money laundering and identity theft.

    Authorities began the New York-based investigation after information on 2,900 Medicare patients in upstate New York – including Social Security numbers and dates of birth – were reported stolen.

    The defendants in the New York case also had stolen the identities of doctors and set up 118 phantom clinics in 25 states, authorities said. The names were used to submit fake bills for care that was never given, they said.

    Some of the phony paperwork was a giveaway: It showed eye doctors doing bladder tests; ear, nose and throat specialists performing pregnancy ultrasounds; obstetricians testing for skin allergies; and dermatologists billing for heart exams…”

    In the New York portion of the case, more $100 million in fraudulent bills were submitted and Medicare paid out at least $35 million, sometimes by wiring it to the clinics’ banks accounts, according to the investigators. Most of the defendants were reported to be “ Armenian nationals or immigrants” with substantial ties to Armenia and even criminals there, in the indictment. Couriers would often carry cash proceeds from the fraud back to Armenia, it added. Prosecutors were reportedly seeking forfeiture of real estate in Las Vegas; Palm Springs, Calif.; and elsewhere, and of expensive cars like a 2007 Maserati and a 2006 Jaguar.


    This is far from over as the saga of Armenian thieves, crooks, swindlers, fast talkers, and genocide peddlers continues…

    Stay tuned !



    ergun sThe tables are slowly but surely turning and Armenians are in visible panic. All this because of a recent legal defeat. Prof. Guenter Lewy is cleared of all defamations dished out by Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), perhaps a hapless tool in the Armenian propaganda. If this intrigues you, then fasten your seatbelt for what follows.

    Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), one of America’s revered civil rights organizations, accused in 2008 Professor Guenter Lewy of being part of a network of academicians financed by the Turkish government, based on input from SPLC, we now understand that an Armenian employee misled SPLC with falsified information (why am I not surprised?)

    SPLC even compared Prof. Lewy and Neo-Nazis, even though Prof. Lewy had been harassed by Nazi thugs on Kristallnacht in 1938 and later joined the British Army’s Jewish Brigade in World War II to fight Nazis. Armenian fanaticism, deception, and misrepresentations know no ends, in the true tradition of the master falsifier Aram Andonian of fake Tallat telegrams, and the above article is no exception.

    The court battle forced the SPLC to publish an embarrassing apology and retraction, perhaps a first in their history, as a small price for trusting Armenian falsifiers and Turk haters in matters relating to the Turkish Armenian conflict. Reportedly, SPLC will also provide Prof. Lewy a monetary settlement.

    Prof. Lewy was still kind when he commented, “The SPLC has made important contributions to the rule of law and the struggle against bigotry. Thus I took no pleasure in commencing legal action against it. But the stakes, both for my reputation as a scholar and for the free and unhindered discussion of controversial topics, were compelling. It must be possible to defend views that contradict conventional wisdom without being called the agent of a foreign government.”

    David Saltzman, one of Lewy’s co-counsel from the TALDF was more to the point when he said, “Academic freedom requires that scholars not work under a cloud of suspicion of their motives. Professor Lewy has been transparent and objective in his work.”

    Bruce Fein, Lewy’s other co-counsel reinforced this by stating, “SPLC did the right thing by admitting and correcting their errors” whereby they rescued Professor Lewy’s reputation and “… advanced a common goal of free inquiry as the best method of discovering truths.”

    Lincoln McCurdy, president of Turkish Coalition of America, perhaps put it best when he observed, “Reconciliation between the Turkish and Armenian peoples will require a full accounting of history. TCA supports an open dialogue and unfettered academic inquiry into this controversial period of Ottoman-Armenian history and tragedy. We are proud of TALDF’s hard work which hopefully will contribute to this open debate and offer our congratulations to Professor Lewy.”


    Jewish Holocaust is supported by due process and a court verdict by a competent tribunal (Nuremberg, 1945.) What due process and court verdict support Armenian claims of genocide? The answer might surprise you: none!

    Armenian claims are based on a racist and dishonest version of history, not law or the truth. They are racist because they ignore the Turkish victims at the hands of Armenian revolutionaries (120,000 in the year 1914 alone, according to the dictionary of World War One, by Stephen Pope and Elizabeth-Anne Wheal, 2003, page 34.) And they are dishonest because they simply dismiss the six T’s of the Turkish-Armenian conflict. The “poor, starving Armenians myth” needs to be reconciled with these photos of the Armenian ultra-nationalists armed to the teeth (www.ethocide.com .)

    Whereas the picture is crystal clear: Armenians took up arms against their own government. After a millennium of harmonious cohabitation, Armenians, thus chose to resort to revolts, terrorism, supreme treason, and territorial demands, causing countless Muslim/Turkish casualties, all of which triggered the TERESET (temporary resettlement of 1915). These are the plain facts.
    Armenians must face up to their own unspeakable crimes against humanity before any closure can occur. If you are still in doubt, let me refer you to an Armenian source to see photos of Armenian murderers, gun-toting Armenian clergy, their Muslim, mostly Turkish, victims: Houshamatyan of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Centennial, Album-Atlas, Volume I, Epic Battles, 1890-1914 (The Next Day Color Printing, Inc., Glendale, CA, U.S.A., 2006)

    These facts contradict with the embellished and falsified Armenian narrative, which in turn, creates “cognitive dissonance” in Armenian people. Modern psychology informs us that this trauma can be resolved in two ways:

    1) accept the new facts and change your attitude accordingly, or

    2) ignore/dismiss the new facts and demonize all dissenters.

    Most Armenians, unfortunately, seem to still choose the latter, hence no closure after a century.



    If you click on

    To read about “Groundbreaking for Armenian memorial in Boston today” by Globe Staff, September 9, 2010, you will read readers’ comments.

    But you will also see this:

    “We removed Kirlikovali’s comment”

    Twice (so far!)


    Were the messages using curse words, insults, slander, lies, deception, falsification, misrepresentation, or anything remotely related to any one of these traits?

    Absolutely, positively not!

    Armenian falsifiers and Turk haters may disagree with me, but that does not make what I write wrong or justify censorship.

    If anyone can prove to me that my message is not substantiated or justified by historic facts, I will stop writing altogether.

    But if my writing have legitimate historical sources and sound evidence, then I want an apology from www.Boston.com, a long overdue one, along with a chance to present my case, perhaps in the form of an unabridged, uncensored op-ed.

    Is that a deal?

    Please read the following message and contemplate. See if you can justify censorship by a major news outlet in a major American city in 21st Century.


    Is it because the Armenian pressure in Boston, and Massachusetts, is that unbearable?

    Is it because the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, established in 1890 in Tbilisi, Georgia, and involved in many acts of violence and terrorism against Ottoman and Turkish Muslim since then, responsible for the murder of many thousands of Muslims since 19th Century, is now headquartered in Boston?

    Is it because the ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions)—the Protestant missionaries– mentors of Armenian separatism, insurgency, revolts, treason, terrorism, and more, are also located in Boston?

    Is it because the Boston Globe is the first American newspaper to surrender to Armenian intimidation, harassment, and other forms of political, religious, and economical pressure?

    Or is it simply because of the deeply ingrained anti-Turkish, anti-Muslim in Boston Globe?

    Or is it all of the above, some of the above, and/or some other, overt or covert, considerations, too?

    Whatever the reason, www.Boston.com’ s blatant censorship is and shall remain as a shameful stain in America’s record of freedom of speech, enshrined in the U.S. constitution, and legendary accommodation of diversity, and tolerance of dissent. This is an unfortunate lapse and a reflexive return to the “sundown towns” of a dark America when slavery was shamelessly justified in the columns of newspapers, including Boston Globe.

    Boston.com failed in its duty to present all sides of a story to its unsuspecting and trusting readers. It seems Boston.com is quiet at ease with censoring opinions they do not like.

    You be the judge.


    Here is my message censored by www.Boston .com:



    Allegations of Armenian genocide are racist and dishonest history. They are racist because they ignore the Turkish dead: about 3 million during WWI; more than half a million of them at the hands of Armenian nationalists. And dishonest because they simply dismiss the six T’s of the Turkish-Armenian conflict:

    1) TUMULT (as in numerous Armenian armed bloody revolts between 1882 and 1920)

    2) TERRORISM (by well-armed Armenian nationalists and militias victimizing Ottoman-Muslims between 1882-1920)

    3) TREASON (Armenians joining the invading enemy armies as early as 1914 and lasting until 1921)

    4) TERRITORIAL DEMANDS (where Armenians were a minority, not a majority, attempting to establish Greater Armenia, the would-be first apartheid of the 20th Century with a Christian minority ruling over a Muslim majority )

    5) TURKISH SUFFERING AND LOSSES (i.e. those caused by the Armenian nationalists: 524,000 Muslims, mostly Turks, met their tragic end at the hands of Armenian revolutionaries during WWI, per Turkish Historical Society. This figure is not to be confused with about 2.5 million Muslim dead who lost their lives due to non-Armenian causes during WWI. Grand total: more than 3 million. Source: “Death & Exile” by Prof. Justin McCarthy.)

    6) TERESET (temporary resettlement) triggered by the first five T’s above and amply documented as such; not to be equated to the Armenian misrepresentations as genocide.)


    According to the “Dictionary of WWI” by Stephen Pope & Elizabeth-Anne Wheal, 2003, ISBN 0 85052 979-4, page 34, 120,000 Muslims, mostly Turkish, were killed by Armenian nationalists in 1914. And that does not even take into account the infamous Van Rebellion by Armenians in April of 1915 where about 40,000 Muslim inhabitants of the town were cut down by Armenians and the city was turned over to Russian invader.

    The U.S. crossed oceans and continents to wage a trillion dollar global war on terrorism because about 3,000 of its citizens were killed on American soil. Why is it, then, so difficult to understand that the Ottoman Empire, having lost 120,000 of its citizens, resorted to similar , but much lesser, measures of TERESET (Temporary Resettlement) of the arrogantly treasonous perpetrators?


    24th of April, 1915, is the beginning of OTTOMAN GUANTANAMO, not the alleged genocide. On that day, some 237 Armenian suspects (not thousands as claimed) of treason and terrorism were arrested and sent to central Anatolia, and subjected to house arrest, which meant they could roam around during the day but had to check into a designated house at night. So it is not exactly even Guantanamo, is it? All of the Armenians were returned in the end, except two. They were murdered but on unrelated matters of money and trade. No matter how one slices it, this does not sound like genocide, does it?


    Turks and Armenians had lived in a relatively harmonious cohabitation in Anatolia for nearly a millennium before the Armenian took up arms against their own government towards the end of that millennium (i.e. 1894-1915). Had the Armenians (and others) not taken up arms against their own neighbors, co-citizens, and government, they would have still been living in Anatolia today, just like the Armenians of Istanbul who mostly stayed loyal to the Ottoman Empire .


    I posted the following today. Let’s see if the white-hooded fellows at the censorship board at www.Boston.com will allow my messages to stand:


    “…For fourteen days, I followed the Euphrates; it is completely out of the question that I during this time would not have seen at least some of the Armenian corpses, that according to Mrs. Stjernstedt’s statements, should have drifted along the river en masse at that time. A travel companion of mine, Dr. Schacht, was also travelling along the river. He also had nothing to tell when we later met in Baghdad… …In summary, I think that Mrs. Stjernstedt, somewhat uncritically, has accepted the hair-raising stories from more or less biased sources, which formed the basis for her lecture…”

    Source: H.J. Pravitz, A Swedish officer, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, 23 April, 1917 issue
    (A Swedish Newspaper published from 1859 to 1944)


    “…In some towns containing ten Armenian houses and thirty Turkish houses, it was reported that 40,000 people were killed, about 10,000 women were taken to the harem, and thousands of children left destitute; and the city university destroyed, and the bishop killed. It is a well- known fact that even in the last war the native Christians, despite the Turkish cautions, armed themselves and fought on the side of the Allies. In these conflicts, they were not idle, but they were well supplied with artillery, machine guns and inflicted heavy losses on their enemies….”

    Source: Lamsa, George M., a missionary well known for his research on Christianity,
    The Secret of the Near East, The Ideal Press, Philadelphia 1923, p 133


    “…Few Americans who mourn, and justly, the miseries of the Armenians, are aware that till the rise of nationalistic ambitions, beginning with the ‘seventies, the Armenians were the favored portion of the population of Turkey, or that in the Great War, they traitorously turned Turkish cities over to the Russian invader; that they boasted of having raised an Army of one hundred and fifty thousand men to fight a civil war, and that they burned at least a hundred Turkish villages and exterminated their population…”

    Source: John Dewey, The New Republic, 12 November 1928


    “… The deafening drumbeat of the propaganda, and the sheer lack of sophistication in argument which comes from preaching decade after decade to a convinced and
    emotionally committed audience, are the major handicaps of Armenian historiography
    of the diaspora today…”

    Source: Dr. Gwynne Dyer, a London-based independent journalist, 1976


    “…In all the countries, under all the regimes, the staff of the armies in the field evacuate towards the back, the populations which live in the zone of fights and can bother the movement of the troops, especially if these populations are hostile. Public opinion does
    not find anything to criticize to these measures, obviously painful, but necessary. During
    winter of 1939-1940, the radical – socialist French government evacuated and transported in the Southwest of France, notably in the Dordogne, the entire population of the Alsatian villages situated in the valley of the Rhine, to the east of the Maginot line. This German-speaking population, and even sometimes germanophil, bothered the French army. It stayed in the South, far from the evacuated homes and sometimes destroyed until 1945….And nobody, in France, cried out for inhumanity…”

    Source: Georges de Maleville, lawyer and a specialist on the Armenian question, La Tragédie Arménienne de 1915, (The Armenian tragedy of 1915), Editions F. Sorlot-F. Lanore, Paris, 1988, p 61-63


    “…From 1911 to 1923, the Ottoman Empire and the people of Turkey participated in five long, hard, and destructive wars. These were the Tripolitanian War / Trablusgarb Harbi / Türk Italyan Harbı (1911-1912), the two Balkan Wars (1912-1913), World War I (1914-1918), and the Turkish War of National Liberation (1918-1923). To most Turkish people who lived through that era, these wars were really only one, the Seferberlik, or period of mobilization, which went on continuously throughout these years.

    During these wars, the entire infrastructure of life in the Ottoman Empire was destroyed. Fields were left barren and uncultivated; roads and railroad lines were destroyed and their equipment wrecked; harbors and quays were blown up by repeated bombing, and many of the people living nearby were killed; Istanbul and the other great cities of the empire were partially destroyed by bombing, bombarding and great fires. The entire nation, thus, was for all practical purposes destroyed. One of the greatest miracles of Atatürk’s leadership during and after the Turkish War of National Liberation was the manner in which he was able to raise the Turkish people from this wreckage and lead them to revive and reconstruct what became the Turkish Republic.

    In the midst of all this destruction, no fewer than 30 percent, one third, of all the people who lived in the Ottoman Empire at the start of the war died. In the war zones, Macedonia and Thrace, western Anatolia, northeastern Turkey and southeastern Turkey, that percentage was as high as sixty or even seventy percent, much higher than any other country that was involved in these wars. No-one was counting, so it is very difficult to give actual figures, but perhaps no fewer than four million people died in the lands of the Ottoman Empire during these wars, and these were people of all races and religions, all ethnic origins, they were Muslims, Jews and Christians, they were Turks and Armenians, Arabs and Greeks, and many more…”

    Source: From “The Ottoman Holocaust”; a lecture delivered by Stanford J. Shaw (1930-2006, Professor of Modern Ottoman History, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey; Professor of Turkish History, University of California, Los Angeles,) to the First International Symposium on Armenian Claims and The Reality of Azerbaijan, sponsored by the Atatürk Research Center, 5 May 2005, Ankara, Turkey




    Why is it that the Muslim victims at the hands of Armenian nationalists during WWI is almost always ignored?

    According to the “Dictionary of WWI” by Stephen Pope & Elizabeth-Anne Wheal, 2003, ISBN 0 85052 979-4, page 34, 120,000 Muslims, mostly Turkish, were killed by Armenian nationalists in 1914.

    And that does not even take into account the infamous Van Rebellion by Armenians in April of 1915.

    Why is it so difficult to comprehend that the Van Revolt by Armenians—where about 40,000 Muslim inhabitants of the town were cut down by Armenians and the city was turned over to Russian invader—is the EQUIVALENT TO 9/11 FOR THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE?

    Consider this: The U.S. crossed oceans and continents to wage a trillion dollar global war on terrorism because about 3,000 of its citizens were killed on American soil. Why is it, then, so difficult to understand that the Ottoman Empire, having lost 120,000 of its citizens, resorted to similar , but much lesser, measures of TERESET (Temporary Resettlement) of the perpetrators?

    Rephrased, how can 3,000 victims in 2001 justify a international, global war, but 120,000 victims in 1914 (and many more in 1915) do not justify even a domestic, local TERESET ?

    Values and concepts like fairness, balance, double standards, religious bias, ethnic bigotry, racial prejudice, defamation, demonization, and others seem to all come into play here…


    Why is it so hard to see that the 24th of April, 1915, is the beginning of OTTOMAN GUANTANAMO, not the bogus genocide. On that day, some 237 Armenian suspects (not thousands as claimed) of treason were arrested and sent to central Anatolia, to places like Corum, and subjected to house arrest, which meant they could roam around during the day but had to check into a designated house at night. Not exactly even Guantanamo, is it? All of them were returned in the end, except two. They were murdered but on unrelated matters of money and trade. No matter how one slices it, this does not sound like genocide, does it?

    Here is, then, the forest for those who miss it because of a tree or two: Turks and Armenians had lived in a relatively harmonious cohabitation in Anatolia for nearly a millennium before the Armenian took up arms against their own government towards the end of that millennium (i.e. 1894-1915). Had the Armenians (and others) not taken up arms against their own neighbors, co-citizens, and government, they would have still been living in Anatolia today, just like the Armenians of Istanbul who mostly stayed loyal to the Ottoman Empire .

    Since when, then, defending one’s home a genocide?

    Would America behave differently today if three million Americans (roughly equivalent of 120,000 Ottomans killed by Armenians) were mercilessly killed by some insurgent groups who then enthusiastically joined the enemy armies equally brutally invading America?
