Tag: six T’s

  • Hrant Dink Olayi  ve Turk Destekcilerindeki Asagilik Kompleksi

    Hrant Dink Olayi ve Turk Destekcilerindeki Asagilik Kompleksi

    Hrant Dink olayi tamamen civitildi. Turkiye’yi, Turk tarihini, kulturunu, ulkesini ve insanini adeta kum torbasina cevirmek icin hem arac ve hem de ortam haline getirildi.

    Dink protestolari, Dink yuruyusleri, Dink panelleri, Dink makaleleri, Dink kitaplari, Dink filmleri, Dink odulleri, Dink internet siteleri, Dink muzeleri, Dink…Dink…Dink…

    Dink, yani bir Ermeni binlerce Turkten daha mi degerli?


    Biraz acayim:

    Ermeni teroristleri (ASALA, JCAG, ve digerleri) 1973-1993 arasi, dunyanin her yerinde, ve hatta Turkiye’de, binlerce teror eylemi yaptilar. Bu bombali, kursunlu saldirilarda yuzlerce Turk’u
    katlettiler. Binlerce insan yaralandi. Binalar, evler, arabalr, okullar, havaalanlari, bankalar, devlet binalari … onbinlerce bina hasar gordu. Yuzbinlerce insan degisen yogunlukta travmalar yasadi. Bugun Ermeni terorunun Turk kurbanlarindan hangisinin ismini hatirliyorsunuz?

    Eger bir tanesinin adini soyleyebilirseniz, ben bu yaziyi geri cekecegim ve siz de okumanizi burada

    Ermeni teroru kurbanlarindan hangisi icin yuruyusler, paneller, basin toplantilari, internet siteleri, surekli TV programlari, belgeseller, filmler, yapildi?

    Hangisi icin makaleler, kitaplar, agitlar, siirler, sarkilar yazildi? Oduller, paralar, serefler, burslar dagitildi? Avukatlar ordusu tutuldu? Muzeler, binalar insa edildi?

    Oyleyse soruyorum: Dink, yani bir Ermeni onlarca, yuzlerce, binlerce Turkten daha mi degerli?

    Kandirilmis bir Turk gencinin yaptigi tek bir teror eylemi, Ermenilerin son yuzelli yildir yaptigi binlerce teror eylemini siler mi? Unutturur mu?

    Birak 150 seneyi, bir Dink, bir Arikan’i unutturur mu?


    Suc bizde, cunku buna biz izin verdik…


    Arikan’i ozellikle sectim. Eminim ki cogu okurun Arikan’in kim oldugundan haberi yoktur. Iste sorun da zaten burada ya.

    Bazilarinin Turkiye’de Dink’e olan yaklasimi bir insan haklari ya da demokrasi yaklasimi degil; bilgisizlige dayali bir asagilik kompleksinin tezahuru, disavurumu. Bu yuzden de bu tip “Dink’ciler” e hem kiziyorum, hem de aciyorum…

    Zavallilar, kendi ulkelerini, vatanlarini, insanlarini, kulturlerini, tarihlerini, geleneklerini, goreneklerini, ruhlarini, benliklerini, kimliklerini azar azar sattiklarini goremiyorlar… Oylesine, futbol takimi tutar gibi, kӧrü kӧrüne, bilgisizce ama arsizca bir itaat icindeler… Dink de Dink… Ille de Dink…

    Hani bebeler vardir ya “cok, cok, cok, cok” boyuna emzik emerler… Bos ama mutlu gozlerle dunyaya bakarlar … Iste bu zavallilar da “dink, dink, dink, dink” diye sesler cikararak Turkiye-dusmani propagandalari emiyorlar…


    Karsilastirma oldukca ogretici:

    Arikan 1982 de Los Angeles’te bir genc tarafindan vurulmustu, adi Sasunyan. Dink’i 2007 de Istanbul’da vuran da bir Turk genciydi, adi Ogun Samast.

    Turk genci bazi soylemler ve vaatlerle o anlik kandirilmisti ama simdi pismandi. Arikan’i vuran Ermeni gencinin ise beyni sistematik olarak uzun yillar icinde Turk nefreti ile yikanmisti ve sucunu tekrarlamaya her an hazirdi…

    Arikan’da Dink te olduruldugunde 52 yasindaydi.

    Ikisi de kursunlara hedef oldugunda evliydi.

    Ikisinin de kizlari vardi ve onlar da benzer yaslardaydi.

    Ama Dink icin butun Turkiye ayaga kalkti, terore lanet okudu, yuruyusler yapti, “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz” diye bile sacmaladi…

    Arikan icin Los Angeles’te tek Ermeni bile yurumedi. Birak yurumeyi, yuzlercesi, binlercesi zil takip oynadi. Bir seytan daha gitti diyenler bayram yaptilar. Ermeni kiliselerinde Ermeni teroristler icin paralar toplandi. Bunlardan bihaber Turk magandalar ise 25 sene sonra Istanbul’da 2007 de bir pankart tasiyordu: “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz.” Soruyorum: asagilik kompleksi bu degidir de nedir?


    Dink’in katilini babasi polise yakalatti. Yani kendi babasi bile Turk katili desteklemedi. Sasunyan’i ise bazi Ermeni aileler gunlerce Los Angeles polisinden sakladi. Sonunda Amerikali gorgu sahitleri ortaya cikti da Sasunyan yakalanabildi. Yoksa o da bugun hala yakalanmamis olurdu, tipki suc ortagi gibi (o simdi Lubnan’daymis.)

    Halbuki Samast hemen yakalandi, yargilandi, 22 yila hapis cezasinamahkum oldu… Bu bile bazi Ermenilerin Turk-dusmanligini, kinini, nefretini dizginleyemedi… Neymis efendim, derin devletmis! Fransa’nin serbest biraktigi ASALA katili bugun Ermenistan’da kahraman muamelesi goruyor. Derine de lluzum yok, bunlar sig devletler… ve vapacik hareketler… Ama bu onlari ilgilendirmiyor, cunku olenler Turk ve Musluman… Yani “harcanabilir” turden… Dink lobisi ve onun bazi tanidik-bildik Turk isbirlikcileri bastiriyorlar: derin devlet de derin devlet…

    Dink’in oldurulmesini Turkiye Cumhurbaskani, Basbakani, Bakanlari, Valileri, Belediye Baskanlari, toplum liderleri, kanaat onderleri, sanayiciler, isadamlari, sanatcilar, sporcular, halk herkese
    kinadi… Bu Turkiye icin cok buyuk bir artidir. Tarihi bir hosgoru belgesidir…

    Arikan’in ӧlümünü ise, birkac soguk diplomatik aciklama disinda, kimse kayitsiz sartsiz olarak kinayamadi. Ne Ermeni diasporasi, ne Ermenistan politikacilari, ne Ermeni yazarlari, sanatcilari, aydinlari… Hic kimse! Hepsinde de kayitlar sartlar vardi. “Efendim, oldurme yanlisti ama bu yerde kanlar icinde yatan Turk diplomat, kanli tarihi nedeniyle olumu bir sekilde haketmisti…Zaten bunlar derin devletciydi… ” demeye getiren affettirici soylemler denediler.

    Turkler ve Ermeni Diasporasi aradaki bu “derin” davranis, hissiyat, ve ahlak farkini hala goremeyeniniz kaldi mi?


    Amerikali tarihci Justin McCarthy’nin “Turks In America” diye yeni bir kitabi var. Tavsiye ederim. Mutlaka okuyun. Turkcesi de yakinda cikiyormus galiba–cikmiyorsa da cikmali diye dusunuyorum. Dusunun ki, 500 sayfalik bir kitap ama 200 sayfasi kaynaklara, aciklayici notlara ayrilmis. Yani boylesine zengin ve ayrintili bir arastirma urunu.

    Kitap okuyacak vaktiniz yoksa, lutfen hic olmazsa sadece ikinci bolumunu okuyun. Bostonlu Protestan Misyonerlerin Batida yarattigi olumsuz Turk imajini anlayin, gorun, hissedin…

    Amerika’da son ikiyuz yilda Osmanli ve Turkiye hakkinda yazilanlari, soylenenleri bir okusaniz, kaniniz damarinizda donar. Benimki dondu.

    O kitapta 1819 yilinda bir Boston Kilisesinde Potestan misyoner Pliny Fisk’in vaazini bir okuyun. Yazar McCarthy, o gunlerden baslayip bugune kadar inatla gelen anti-Turk soylemlerin izini adeta usta bir izci surmus.

    Hangi mektup, hangi hutbe, hangi kilise, hangi okul, hangi kitap, hangi gazete, ne zaman, nerede… Kim neler soylemis, yazmis… Reaksiyonlar ne olmus… Bugunlere nerelereden gecilerek, hangi evrimler yasanarak gelinmis… Bunlari tek tek okuyun. Gorun. Nalinci keseri Dinkcilerin iste bu gelenegi nasil surdurdugunu anlayacaksiniz… Onlar icin Dink arac; Turkiye’ye saldirmak, Turk’u karalama amac…

    Bu kitap kadar yazdiktan sonra size biraz tattirmazsam bir belki yeriniz siser. O yuzden, izninzile, sadece ikinci bolumun cok kisa bir ozetini sunayim. Bu kitabin, “Dink’ciler” in bugunku davranislarinin ardindaki karanlik ve nefret dolu zihniyeti nasil aciga vurdugunu goreceksiniz.

    Amerika kuruldugu yillarda (1776-1818) Hristiyanlik, daha dogru bir deyimle Protestanlik, one cikiyor. Gerci anayasa ve yasalar var tabii ama yasam genellikle dini degerler uzerinden duzenleniyor.

    Inanislardan biri ise Yahudilerin Isa peygamber’e ihanet edip kotu yola saptiklari, dunyadaki tum kotuluklerinin kaynaginin bu oldugu, ve eger bu Yahudilerin tekrar Hristiyanliga dondurulmesi saglanabilirse Isa’nin yeryuzune tekrar geri gelecegi ve tum sorunlarin bitecegidir. Inanclari bu. Seversin, sevmezsin. Inanirsin, inanmazsin. Inanclar tartisilmaz ki.

    Hatta bu yuzden Protestanlar ve Presbyteryanlar Kudus’e buyuk ilgi duyuyorlar. Derken misyonerler gonderiyorlar. Ilk giden misyonerler raporlarinda Protestan yapilmasi gerekenleri siraliyorlar: once Yahudiler, sonra Muslumanlar, sonra Ortodokslar (Rum), sonra diger sapmis Hristiyanlar (Ermeni, Nasturi, Asuri, vs) ve sonra da Katolikler.

    Bunlardan ilk ucunde hicbir yol katedemeyince de Ermeniler uzerine yogunlasiyorlar ve anti-Turk,
    anti-Musluman soylemlerle, Anadolu’ya yuzlerce okul ve hastane yapip egitim ve saglik hizmetleri goturerek Ermeniler arasinda hatiri sayilir bir Protestan kesim yaratiyortlar. Iste sorun bu calismalardaki
    anti-Turk, kin dolu ve bolucu soylemlerde. Tamamen hurafe ve nefrete dayali bu soylemlerden bazilari aynen, bazilar hafifleyerek gunumuze kadar gelmisler.

    Iste ABD deki anti-Turk soylemlerin, makale ve kitaplarin, belgesel ve filmlerin, ve hatta politikalarin ardinda bu ikiyuz yillik misyoner edebiyati cikabiliyor.

    Bostonlu Protestan Misyonerlere gore Muslumanlik sahte bir dindir, gelenekleri sapiktir, tum Muslumanlar Hristiyan olmadikca dunyada huzur yoktur. Turkler de Muslumanlarin en birincil temsilcisidir. Tembeldir, sakindir,kafasi calsimaz, reform yapamaz, kendisini yenilemesi, gelistirmesi mumkun degildir, ama kizdigi zaman cok kotu seyler yapan bir canavardir. (Misyonerlik merkezinin, soykirim iddialarini kabul ettigini ilk defa 2003 yilinda beyan eden Globe gazetesinin ve Ermeni Devrimci Orgutu merkezinin hepsinin de Boston’da bulunmasi bir tesaduf mudur?)

    Ondikuzuncu yuzyilda koskoca Osmanli imparatorlugu icin sadece bir veya iki paragraf vardir lise tarih kitaplarinda ve onlarda yukarida yazdigim yalan ve hakaret dolu seylerdir. Bu kitaplara gore Turk’te sanat ve bilim yoktur, varsa mutlaka Hristiyan kokenliler tarafindan yapilmistir. Turk’un mimarisi, han, hamam, kopru, cesme, yol, cami ve diger eserleri, sanati, siiri, felsefesi, Mevlana’si, Yunus’u, Nasreddin
    Hoca’si, Dede Korkut’u, cinisi, halisi, minyaturu, muzigi, hic ama hic yoktur.)

    Binlerce yillik Turk, Amerika’nin Tarih kitaplarinda iki paragraftir ve ikisi de cok kotudur. Haritada zor bulacaginiz Karayip adalarina bile sayfalarca yer veren bu tarih kitaplari, uc kitaya 623 hukmetmis bir dunya imparatorlugu icin sadece iki paragraph ayirmistir… ve orada bile hakaret etmistir.

    Boylece, Pazar okullarinda anti-Turk soylemler ile tanisan minnacik cocuklar, orta okulda ve lisede birkac paragraf ta olsa bu nefret ve onyargi soylemini tekrar duymaktadir. Universiteye gelen genc
    Turk hakkinda fazla birsey bilmez ama bildigi cok kotu seylerdir.

    Universitede ise anti-Turk soylem bilimsel bir havaya sokulur. 1453 Istanbul’un fethi ve onun etkilerinden soz edilirken Turklerin nasil yakip yiktigi belgelenmeye calisilir. Bizans yasami, sanati ve teknolojisi one cikarilir. Dogal olarak, bunu okuyan genc te Turkiye’ye karsi, en hafif deyimiyle,
    endiseli ve mesafeli olur. Seni sever, dost olursun, tanisirsin, Turk oldugunu ogrenince ilk lafi su olur: “Hic Turk’e benzemiyorsun?” Cunu kafasinda pala biyikli, kilicindan kan damlayan bir katil imaji var. (Boylelerine genellikle esprili cevap veririm: Eger devemi ne yaptigimi ima ediyorsan hemen soyleyeyim, onu binanin arkasina parkettim.)

    85 milyonluk Almanya’dan 4-5 milyon turist ceken Turkiye’nin, 330 milyonluk ABD den yarim milyon turist bile cekememesinin ardinda yatan etken sadece cografi uzaklik degildir; yukarida anlattigimiz bu tarihi, dini, ahlaki boyutlardaki uzakliktir. Onyargidir. Haydi nefret demeyeyim de antipatidir. Derin kizginlik ve sevgisizliktir…


    Bu onyargilarin isiginda, ben Dinkciler’i degerlendiriyorum:

    1) Dink ailesi ve yakinlari – bunlarin acisi gercektir ve tabii ki anlasilabilir. Bunlar zaten grubun binde biri bile degildir.

    2) Ozurcu aydinlar – Yani Dink’i Turkiye’yi surekli karalamak icin bir arac ve/veya bir platform olarak kullananlar. Bunlar genellikle 70 li yillarin eli kanli solculari, bugunlerin ise liberal veya dinci yazarlari. Kimse aldanmasin: bunlarin meselesi Turkiye’ye duyduklari kindir ve saldirmak icin her araci kullanirlar: Dink, demokrasi, insan haklari, AB, inanc ozgurlugu… Ben bunlara karsi degilim ama bunlari yaparken Turkiye’ye insafsizca hucum edilmesine karsiyim. Bunlar bence yuzde biri ikiyi gecmez… Azdir ama cok yaygara yaparlar.

    3) Gizli Turk dusmanlari ile bazi asagilik kompleksliler : Bunlar Arikan’i bilmezler. Ermeni terorunun 70 den fazla Turk kurbani icin tek damla goz yasi dokmus degildirler, zaten hatirlamazlar. Tarihteki Ermeni isyanlari, ihanetleri, teroru, bombali kursunlu saldirilari, apartheid icin toprak istekleri, Islamofobyasi ve Turkofobyasi konusunda pek bilgisiz olduklari icin de Ermeni soykirim iddialarina karsi “aman canim, ver-kurtul” yaklasimina siginirlar. Boylece demokrasi, insan haklari, ve AB cephesine tasindiklarini , yani aklandiklarini dusunurler. Zavallidirlar ama buyuk cogunluk da bunlardadir. Merak ediyorum, acaba “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz” pankartlarini tasiyanlar bunlar olabilir mi? Sorunun yanitini okura birakiyorum.


    Eger teror kurbanlari icin adam gibi, Insanca uzuleceksen, o zaman hepsi icin uzul; “Bu Dink, bu degil” diye ayirma. Biraz da sen insan ol. Bu arada biraz oku ve ogren ki seni bu kadar kolayca manipule edemesin “Ozurculer” ve “Dinkciler”. Bunlara karsi en iyi mucadele bilgi ile olur. Onlarin ezberi ancak bilgi ile bozulur.

    Son soz: Onlarin Dink’i varsa benim de Arikan’im var… Ve Arikan’imin yaninda 70 tane Alim, Velim, Mehmedim, Ahmedim var. Dinkciler ve Ozurculer hatirlamak istese de var… istemese de var!

    Yeter artik gozumuzun icine baka baka yaptiginiz bu kadar irkcilik, ayrimcilik, ve hakaretler; hepsini ama hepsini sizlere gerisin geri iade ediyorum. Tepe tepe kullanin!

    Hem babasi ve hem annesi Balkan Savaslarindan sag cikabilmislerin oglu

    Not: Ingilizce argumanlar icin:

  • Film Screening: THE ARMENIAN REVOLT (1894-1920)

    Film Screening: THE ARMENIAN REVOLT (1894-1920)

    Assembly of Turkish American Associations
    1526 18th St., NW Washington, DC 20036
    202.483.9090 – 202.483.9092 fx
    www.ataa.org, [email protected]

    ATAA Capital Forum Program proudly presents:
    A film screening at the U.S. Congress: THE ARMENIAN REVOLT (1894-1920)
    Wednesday, July 28, 2010
    Rayburn HOB, Room 2103, 12pm
    Washington, DC
    (Lunch will be served)
    To date, the United States legislature has considered 11 legislative initiatives opining on the history of the late Ottoman Empire, five that failed because they characterized the events of 1915 as genocide, and six that passed because they did not. The 12th initiative, H.Res. 252, which narrowly passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee 23-22 on March 4, 2010, looks to be the sixth to fail. Regardless, Turkish Americans are facing their ancient history, and so should Armenians Americans, as there are always two sides of a story.
    Accordingly, on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, the ATAA Capital Forum program will host a screening of the film, “The Armenian Revolt”, regarding the armed Armenian Independence Movement (1880-1919) which sought to create a politically, ethnically, and religiously homogenous Armenian state in the eastern region of the Ottoman Empire, and failed. Legal expert, Bruce Fein, will provide opening remarks.
    The producer of the film, Marty Callaghan, is a war documentarian, who recently produced, “Blood, Sand and Oil” regarding WWI in the Middle East and Allied use of micronationalism from the Caucasus to the Arabian Peninsula to destroy the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Ottoman Empire, and replace it with states servile to western empires. “The Armenian Revolt”, which appeared on Bloomington PBS, takes a look at WWI designs for the Caucasus.

    The ATAA will continue to host experts on the Ottoman Armenian matter with a view toward reconciliation based on truth.
    R.S.V.P. [email protected]
    ATAA serves as an information resource center for its members and component associations throughout the United States, while working locally and nationwide to develop an informed and effective Turkish American citizenry. The ATAA is a major resource for experts, policy makers, and media who seek a deeper and broader understanding of U.S.-Turkish relations. The ATAA is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed under the laws of the District of Columbia. To learn more about ATAA, please visit us at www.ataa.org



    Not to be confused with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) which is the most common form of dementia. This degenerative and terminal disease was named after the psychiatrist and neuropathologist that first described it. In the early stages, the most commonly recognized symptom is memory loss. This is an incurable disease striking millions of aging people every year. This is not what I am talking about in ALZ”HYE”MER’S disease.
    ALZ”HYE”MER’S is more of a later stage, quirky disease that inexplicably develops in patients already suffering from BOGUS GENOCIDIS, a curable social disease with a commonly recognized symptom of severe “SELECTIVE MEMORY LOSS”. The ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE sufferers will hate Turks, Muslims, and anyone who disagrees with Armenians, forget only those facts that refute their claims.
    For instance, ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE sufferers will remember 1915, but not 1914 when the Armenians terrorists, revolutionaries, and ultra-nationalists took up arms against their own government, attacked the rear of their own army, garrisons, banks, schools, and even their neighbors causing wide spread death and destruction.
    ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE sufferers will remember temporary resettlement order of May 1915 but not the Van Revolt Armenians staged, killing 40,000 Muslims, mostly Turks and Kurds, and turning the city over to the invading Russian armies. They cannot appreciate that this Van Revolt was the equivalent of 9/11 for the Ottoman Government and the April 24 decision to arrest the leaders of Armenian insurgency, terrorism, and fifth column as the equivalent of Guantanamo.
    ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE sufferers will remember Morgenthau (who was a rabid Turk-hater allowing his Armenian secretaries to falsify events in diplomatic reports and who posed as a career diplomat, historian, and a writer, but in fact, he was none of those, other than a real estate agent and a developer who raised the most money for Wilson campaign in 1912 and was rewarded with an ambassadorial post) but not Bristol who replaced him and refuted his claims of one-sided massacres with no provocation. They will also not remember Harbord, Niles, and Sutherland, all honorable U.S. soldiers who were commissioned to tour the war torn areas and report on their findings and which findings also refuted Armenian tall tales of extermination.
    ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE sufferers will remember Armenian women and children marching to scorching deserts but not Muslim women and children marching to freezing mountains under threat of death by Armenians and/or Russians just prior to former. They will remember their march but not others’ marches at the same time, same area, and due to same wartime conditions. They will also not remember Armenian complicity in war crimes and hate crimes that resulted in the TERESET (temporary resettlement). They will totally forget the six T’s of the Turkish-Armenian conflict: tumult (as in many bloody revolts), terrorism, treason, territorial demands, Turkish dead, and TERESET.
    ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE sufferers will remember the fake claim of 1.5 million alleged Armenian dead, but not remember the March 29, 1919 Paris Peace conference report setting the loss of Armenians at “more than 200,000”. They will also not remember how, magically by a crooked Armenian printer, this number was tripled within two months, as seen in a poster soliciting American aid in churches claiming 600,000 Armenian dead. They will also forget how this shenanigans was further increased to 800,000 with the flick of a pen in a New York Times article and late to a million and even 1.5 million today. Armenian dead are the only known case in humanity where the DEAD MULTIPLY!
    ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE sufferers will remember to tell the world the shameless lies of Turks burning the city of Izmir in 1922 but not the 22 Armenian Dashnak terrorists dressed up as Turkish soldiers who started the fires to avenge Turkish victory and to leave no prize behind for the Turkish victors.
    As the ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE advances, symptoms include confusion, irritability, aggression, mood swings, language breakdown, threats, intimidation and even violence at the sight of a Turk. This disease, as strange and self-imposed as it is, is reversible if truth can be administered to aggressive, violent, and deceptive patients.
    First, shock the patient with the photos of Armenian murderers and their Turkish victims at www.ethocide.com and follow up with a generous dose of truth with the “Six T’s of the conflict”. Watch for signs of life. If the patient responds favorably, then introduce him to legendary Turkish hospitality. Watch for fake signs of recovery or early signs of relapse. Some patients can be very dangerous. That said, there is always hope for full recovery of the patients if they see Turkish doctors.
    Hye is “Armenian” in the Armenian language. This tiny word, “hye”, is almost always used in such embarrassing company, however, that the “hyes” prefer to call themselves some other word, Armenians, in English.
    When one takes the liberty to stretch the root “hy” fully as “hye”—as I am sure you will extend the courtesy to me to freely exercise of such an entertaining thought process—then one sees nothing but diseases, suffering, and morbid characters attached to the root “hye”. Check it out yourselves:

    A state of extreme or exaggerated emotion such as excitement or panic, especially among large numbers of people. ( Does this description remind you of some people in an otherwise normal and beautiful city called Glendale? I don’t know about you, but it sure reminds me of perennial resolutions, deceptive memorials, and overall obsession with hate, vengeance, and death. Brrr. )

    To agitate; to create interest in dramatic methods; to intensify (advertising, promotion, or publicity) by questionable claims, methods; to trick; to gull, to deceive, to trick, or to cheat; as a noun: swindle, deception, or trick; but also: a drug addict, esp. one who uses a hypodermic needle. ( Agitation, cheating, swindle, deception, trick? Hmmm… Why do these terms always come up when Armenian claims are discussed?)
    There are more jewels in the history of the term “HYE”PE: “excessive or misleading publicity or advertising,” 1967, Amer. Eng. (the verb is attested from 1937), probably in part a back-formation of hyperbole, but also from underworld slang sense “swindle by overcharging or short-changing” (1926), a back-formation of hyper “short-change con man” (1914), from prefix hyper- meaning “over, to excess.” Also possibly influenced by drug addicts’ slang hype, 1913 shortening of hypodermic needle. In early 18c., hyp “morbid depression of the spirits” was colloquial for hypochondria (usually as the hyp or the hyps).
    Often referred to as health phobia or health anxiet refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. Often, “HYE”POCHONDRIA persists even after a physician has evaluated a person and reassured them that their concerns about symptoms do not have an underlying medical basis or, if there is a medical illness, the concerns are far in excess of what is appropriate for the level of disease. Many people suffering from this disorder focus on a particular symptom as the catalyst of their worrying, such as gastro-intestinal problems, palpitations, or muscle fatigue or Turks.
    “HYE”POCHONDRIA is often characterized by fears that minor bodily symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one’s body. (Preoccupation? Could it be the pre-occupation with genocide lies and slanders?)
    Many individuals with “HYE”POCHONDRIASIS express doubt and disbelief in the doctors’ diagnosis, and report that doctors’ reassurance about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing. Many “HYE”POCHONDRIACS require constant reassurance, either from doctors, family, or friends, and the disorder can become a disabling torment for the individual with “HYE”POCHONDRIASIS, as well as his or her family and friends. Some “HYE”POCHONDRIACAL individuals are completely avoidant of any reminder of illness, whereas others are frequent visitors of doctors’ offices. (Could these doctors be Schiff, Palone, Menendez, and Berman, et. al.?)
    This one is my favorite because the definition fits like a glove the character of Armenian falsifier and Turk-hater. Here it is:
    “Carnivorous but only for carrion, these ugly, smelly animals with their raucous voices and hysterical-sounding laughter are offensive in most ways. Doglike nocturnal mammal that feeds chiefly on carrion. Famed scavengers and often dine on the leftovers of other predators. The Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania actually leave their dead to be consumed by hyenas. In some areas they have been heavily hunted as destructive pests. Although hyenas appear similar to dogs, they are actually more closely related to cats. They live throughout much of Africa and eastwards through Arabia to India. Spotted hyenas live together in large groups called clans. Packs work together effectively to isolate a herd animal, sometimes one that is ill or infirm, and pursue it to the death. The victors often squabble over the spoils. Spotted hyenas are quite vocal and make a wide variety of sounds, including the “laughing resolutions” that has long been associated with their name.”
    (Wow, that’s what I call “hole in one”!)

    PSYCHOSIS , a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a ‘loss of contact with reality’, points to an abnormal condition of the mind. People suffering from psychosis are said to be psychotic.
    When I deal with Armenian falsifiers and Turk-haters (i.e. the AFATH community with some exceptions, of course) I am reminded of this psychiatric term. Loss of contact with reality is not a new phenomenon in the AFATH community. Even the first prime minister of the short-lived Armenia (1918-1920) described the same phenomenon in his address to the ARF convention in Bucahrest in July, 1923. Here are his words :
    “… We had created a dense atmosphere of illusion in our minds. We had implanted our own desires into the minds of others; we had lost our sense of reality and were carried away with our dreams. From mouth to mouth, from ear to ear passed mysterious words purported to have been spoken in the palace of the Viceroy; attention was called to some kind of a letter by Vorontzov-Dashkov to the Catholicos as an important document in our hands to use in the presentation of our rights and claims — a cleverly composed letter with very indefinite sentences and generalities which might be interpreted in any manner, according to one’s desire.

    “ We overestimated the ability of the Armenian people, its political and military power, and overestimated the extent and importance of the services our people rendered to the Russians. And by overestimating our very modest worth and merit we were naturally exaggerating our hopes and expectations.

    “ The deportations and mass exiles and massacres which took place during the Summer and Autumn of 1915 were mortal blows to the Armenian Cause. Half of historical Armenia —the same half where the foundations of our independence would be laid according to traditions inherited from the early eighties and as the result of the course adopted by European diplomacy — that half was denuded of Armenians: the Armenian provinces of Turkey were without Armenians. The Turks knew what they were doing and have no reason to regret today. It was the most decisive method of extirpating the Armenian Question from Turkey.

    Again, it would be useless to ask today to what extent the participation of volunteers in the war was a contributory cause of the Armenian calamity. No one can claim that the savage persecutions would not have taken place if our behavior on this side of the frontier was different, as no one can claim the contrary, that the persecutions would have been the same even if we had not shown hostility to the Turks. This is a matter about which it is possible to have many different opinions…” [1]
    That PSYCHOSIS, loss of touch with reality, a cultivated and treasured Armenian trait, has been evident in every phase of Armenian past and even more so at present. Armenia, a land-locked, poverty stricken, corrupt, aggressive and violent little regime still hopes to survive with all the Armenian war crimes and hate crimes unaddressed.
    They seriously believe that aggression in Karabakh, capture by brutal aggression of the seven provinces of Azerbaijan surrounding Karabakh, forcing a million Azeri men, women, and children out of their homes, into exile on their own soil, keeping the ethnically cleansed areas under a ruthless military occupation, passionately pursuing irredentist policies claiming territories of all neighbors (such as eastern Anatolia from Turkey, Javakheti region from Georgia, northwestern region from Iran, and who knows what from Russia and others) will somehow be kept away from the negations table just because Armenians says so. Dream on psychotics, dreaming is free. What is not free is breaking the isolation around Armenia. There is a cost for that: rollback to 1991. The Armenian aggression and ethnic cleansing will not stand, with or without protocols, and the sooner Armenia sees this, the better it is for Armenia. Otherwise Armenia will be relegated to dustbin of history soon as a distant, inaccessible, and inhospitable province of vast Russia. That possibility is not far fetched considering the facts that the Russians already own 80% of the country, including but not limited to transportation, energy, telecommunications, and more. Russians even stamp your passport as you enter the scary country and stand watch on its borders.
    [1] The Manifesto of Hovhannes Katchaznouni, First Prime Minister of the Independent Armenian Republic), Translated from the Original by Matthew A. Callender. Edited by John Roy Carlson (Arthur A. Derounian). Published by the Armenian Information Service, Suite 7D, 471, Park Ave., New York 22. 1955 Price 75c
    Inflicted with ALZ”HYE”MER’S DISEASE, Armenians choose to selectively forget the other side of the story which involves Armenian revolts, terrorism, raids, assassinations, bomb attacks, treason, Turkish victims, and TERESET (temporary resettlements.) Then they display selective morality, grieving only for Armenian suffering, totally ignoring the suffering the Armenians caused others. Armenian psychosis , or ‘loss of contact with reality’, while pointing to an abnormal condition of the mind, will no longer be allowed to destroy peace in the Caucasus, the middle east, or the west.
    A healthy dose of truth and reality should spoil the free lunch of laughing hyenas still feeding on the Turkish corpses of the World War One after 100 years or precisely known Azeri corpses of Karabakh, the seven surrounding provinces of Azerbaijan, and Khodjaly, after 18 years.




    According to the news article below that appeared on April 2, 2010, in the largest daily in Turkiye, Hurriyet, this Ukranian city of Izyum, population 60,000 and about 80 miles from the capitol of Harkov province, Ukraine, has rescinded on March 26, 2010 the genocide resolution that it passed in December 2009, thus no longer recognizing the Armenian claims at face value. Citing a report by the Crimean News Agency, the article heralds the first decision of its kind anywhere, which may indeed, be a turning point, a beginning of the end, for the diaspora Armenian propaganda efforts.

    Rehim Hümbetov, president of the Crimean-Azerbaijani Association, they worked hard to get the Armenian propaganda annulled, by suing the resolution on grounds that it violated Ukranian law, that it should be reviewed and rescinded, and won after intensive efforts.

    Rehim Hümbetov stated that the time has come to wage an international effort to overturn all such resolutions misrepresenting Armenian propaganda as settled history.


    Wow! I wonder if the days of “hye”nas feeding on Turkish corpses of WWI may be over…

    Who knows?

    Anyway, Here is the original article:



    A.A. / hurriyet.com.tr , 2 Nisan 2010

    Ukrayna’nın Harkov bölgesindeki bir yerel belediye meclisi, 1915 olaylarına ilişkin Ermeni iddialarıyla ilgili daha önce kabul ettiği kararını iptal etti.

    Kırım Haber Ajansı’nın haberine göre, İzyum Şehir Belediye Meclisi, Aralık 2009’da kabul ettiği Ermeni iddialarıyla ilgili kararı, 26 Mart’ta yapılan toplantıda iptal etti.

    Haberde, Ukrayna’da alınan bu iptal kararının, dünyada 1915 olaylarıyla ilgili ilk iptal örneği olduğu belirtildi.

    Karara ilişkin açıklama yapan ve iptal kararının alınması için çok çalıştıklarını belirten Kırım Azerbaycanlılar Derneği Başkanı Rehim Hümbetov, “Artık Ermeni iddialarına ilişkin kabul edilen kararların iptali için uluslararası düzeyde mücadele etme vaktinin geldiğini” söyledi.

    Hümbetov, belediye meclisinin daha önce aldığı kararın, Ukrayna kanunlarına aykırı olduğunu belirterek, incelenmesi ve iptali için İzyum savcılığına da başvurduklarını ve yoğun çabalar sonucunda kararın iptal edilmesini sağladıklarını belirtti.

    Yaklaşık 60 bin nüfuslu şehir, Harkov’un merkezinden 120 kilometre uzaklıkta bulunuyor.



    Good news! Apparently, an unassuming event in a place tucked away in picturesque Spain may elucidate the ugliness and shamelessness behind the persistent Armenian deception surrounding the alleged genocide.

    It is not uncommon to wake up to news that the parliament of so and so place passed a resolution recognizing the alleged” Armenian genocide. Names like Wales, Catalonia, Patagonia, Uruguay, and others make you think: “What? Do these voters even know where Armenia is today, let alone the complexities of the Armenian revolts, treason, and terrorism of 1877-1921 period and the Ottoman Empire’s security measures taken in response to them some 100 years ago half a world away?”

    Then you read the resolution and go : “Hmmm. Where did I read that before?”

    Finally it downs on you: it is the same worthless and baseless propaganda piece you have seen in all the perennial resolutions in the US Congress and elsewhere, penned by the Armenian extremists, and shoved down the throats of unsuspecting public through equally devious and selfish politicians who could not give a damn about history and even less about human rights. Because if they did, they would not violate the human rights of Turks by ignoring article 11 which says every human being is entitled to defend him/herself in the face of accusations. Turks’ right to defend themselves against the accusation of a high crime are stripped with the ill-informed and malicious votes. American (and universal) value of assumption of innocence until the guilt is proven, at a court of law, after due process, is abandoned.

    This happens all too often, no thanks to the deceitful Armenian lobby, victimizing Turks. In the meantime, no word of condemnation of Armenian terrorism since 1973 causing 70+ fatalities among Turkish diplomats or Armenian ethnic cleansing and aggression in Azerbaijan since 1992 causing one million Azeris to suffer in leaky tents while their homes are populated by Armenian soldiers conducting target practice on places of Azeri cultural heritage, schools, and mosques. I guess current human suffering of enormous dimensions is not as important to these righteous, virtuous, honorable politicians as the falsified history of a scheming Armenian radicals.

    Back to the story. You then dig a bit deeper to find out about the Patagonia-Armenia connection and that’s when you notice the dishonest and corrupt Armenian lobby rearing its ugly head. You check it in Wales… Catalonia… You see them everywhere… And the mystery is resolved: the politicians are duped by the Armenian lobby.

    Here is how the Armenian lobby does it: the contacts of the Armenian community are used to impress upon unsuspecting people that Armenian are persecuted by Turks, never showing them the photos of Armenian thugs armed-to-the-teeth (www.ethocide.com) murdering Turkish women and children. The Armenian lobby only talks about how bloody the Turkish retaliation were, but never about Armenian rebellions, treason, bombings, assassinations, hostage takings, bank raids, murders, and terrorism, at a time of war, when the motherland was under brutal foreign occupations, that finally drove the Turks to TERESET (temporarily resettle) the Armenians suspected of fifth column activities.

    An intensely emotional atmosphere is created before the vote is taken. That’s when the tricky Armenian lobby, for good measure, wheels in a few 80-year-olds in wheel chairs and pass them as “genocide survivors”. The theatrical stage is set for a bogus Armenian genocide. Resolution passes.

    Then you read in the media that so and so place has accepted the genocide resolution, never mentioning all the fanfare and drama staged by the fraudulent Armenian lobby. The impression is created that, somehow, these people in some part of the world, all of a sudden, came to their senses on a raging moment of righteousness attack, decide to call a spade a spade. Really? Where did that come from? You wonder.

    These shenanigans, at least in one case, in the case of Catalonia, was exposed today when an irate president “apologized” to Turkey for the abuse of his parliamentarian system by the wily Armenian lobby.

    First we read that “…the decision of Catalonian Parliament on recognition of Armenian genocide allegations does not reflect the opinion of Spain regarding to the issue…” Turkey’s Foreign Minister Davutoglu discusses the issue with his Spanish counterpart and expresses Turkey’s concerns . He stresses that “… Turkey condemns recognition of baseless (genocide) claims and that it is not the job of local or national parliaments to write history.” Davutoglu is pleased to hear from his Spanish counterpart that the “…Spanish government announced that recognition of so called Armenian genocide does not reflect the views of the Spanish government related to the issue”. Then comes the clincher. Catalonian Autonomous Government’s President Jose Montilla apologizes on behalf of his administration and stresses “…that the decision was baseless…” (source: .)

    So, here you are, dear fair-minded truth-seeker, another Armenian falsification is exposed. If you go after each and every recognition masquerade in all forty states and the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the United States and some twenty countries, mostly in Europe, you will see the common thread of deception and distortion by Armenians running through all of them, repeat, all of them. No self-respecting parliament would reduce itself to the level of approving a fallacy and legislating a racist and dishonest version of history. It is only a matter of time before the entire Armenian hullabaloo bites the dirt as spotlights of scrutiny and critical thinking are shone on the Armenian propaganda.

    So, what did just happen here?

    First came the vote, then the apology for the vote.

    Hmmm. I say chalk this one off to the start of enlightenment and awakening. Turkish perseverance in sticking with the truth, in a sea of bias and bigotry, may be paying some dividends after all.

    One word of advice to the Armenians who shamelessly promote a bogus genocide: GET A LIFE!



    March 12, 2010

    Hon. Ambassador Jonas Hafström
    Embassy of Sweden
    2900 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20007, USA
    Phone: 202-467 2600
    Fax: 202-467 2699
    Email: [email protected]

    Dear Ambassador Hafström,

    According to the report of International Radio of Sweden, Sweden’s former Consulate General to Istanbul and Middle East expert Ingmar Karlsson said that the decision of Swedish Parliament will have negative effects especially on Armenia. Stressing that Armenia is isolated from the rest of the world, Karlsson said, “The ones who consider that they are struggling for Armenia should know that their efforts will affect Armenia negatively.” Karlsson stressed that voting in the Swedish parliament may undermine the achievements that are made till now and said, “The risk for Armenia to fall under the influence of Russia is more than any other time now.” (Source: .)
    I agree with Ingmar Karlsson and wish to record it here for the use of future generations, in no uncertain terms, that those politicians who voted for the bogus genocide in Washington DC and Stockholm are responsible for destroying a peace process.

    Readers of my columns at www.turkla.com, www.historyoftruth, www.turkishny.com , www.turkishjournal.com , www.turkishforum.com , and elsewhere know well that I have repeatedly written that if Armenian does not wish to become a distant, irrelevant, isolated province of Russia, then Armenia must do three things:

    1) stop the military occupation of Azerbaijan soil in Karabagh and the seven surrounding provinces (thus honoring the U.N. Security Council resolutions for same,)

    2) allow a million Azeri refugees made refugees on their own soil at gunpoint by Armenian regulars and irregulars armed with Russian weapons and advisors,

    3) and stop political pressure by its diaspora on foreign parliaments designed to defame and demonize Turkey with falsified history promoted as genocide in meaningless resolutions.

    Armenia, and its diaspora, delivered on none of those expectations. Now that The U.S. Congress Foreign Affairs Committee and the Swedish Parliament, both voted by a single vote majority, to take Armenian propaganda at face value with total disregard for the truth, as summarized in the six T’s of the Turkish-Armenian conflict (www.turkla.com) , the Turkey is in no mood to feel charitable towards its land-locked, poverty-stricken, starving, aggressive, violent, corrupt, and tiny neighbor, Armenia. The protocols signed between the two last October, signaling a rapprochement of sorts, are pretty much dead-on-arrival now, thanks in no small part to those irresponsible politicians whose narrow personal interests outweighed the considerations of peace between two nations, and indeed an entire region of Caucasus involving Azerbaijan and Georgia.

    I protest, therefore, the incredibly selfish actions of a few politicians who chose their own selfish interests over peace in a difficult region involving millions of people.
