Tag: PKK

  • French envoy says EU supports Turkey’s fight against PKK violence

    French envoy says EU supports Turkey’s fight against PKK violence

    Emie, the French ambassador in Ankara, said that the EU would stand with Turkey on the fight against PKK since nothing could justify violence.

    Wednesday, 29 October 2008 07:53

    The ambassador of France, holding the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU), reaffirmed on Tuesday the union’s support for Turkey’s fight against PKK violence.

    Bernard Emie, the French ambassador in Ankara, said that the EU would stand with Turkey on the fight against PKK since nothing could justify violence.

    “The PKK is for all of us a terrorist organization and is treated accordingly in all our countries,” Emie said during a luncheon he hosted in honor of Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ali Babacan, who is also the chief negotiator for the EU.

    Emie said that the EU was very much confident that the Turkish government would deal with that issue (terrorism) with the arms of democracy.

    On the crisis in Caucasus, Emie said that the French presidency of the EU supported Turkey’s initiatives (the Turkish idea of a platform for cooperation and stability in the Caucasus and President Abdullah Gul’s trip to Yerevan on September 6).

    Emie said that there was yet much that remained to be done to restore the full stability of the region and the EU presidency had decided to work hand in hand.

    Referring to Turkey’s EU membership bid, the ambassador said that the French presidency was holding its course and keeping its promises.

    “I am glad that Turkish authorities acknowledged the fact that France’s pledge of a neutral, objective and impartial presidency towards Turkey was kept,” Emie said.

    Emie expressed belief that the draft for the national program on integration of the acquis had the potential to become an important roadmap for the reforms that still needed to be done.

    “We also very much hope that some further progress will be registered in terms of freedom of expression,” the ambassador said.

    Emie also said that the French presidency was doing its utmost to carry on, with all the European partners, the preparatory work for the opening of new chapters.

    “We very much hope that the full involvement of the Turkish side that we have witnessed in the past weeks, under your leadership, will continue to prevail so that we should be in a position to open two chapters,” the French ambassador said.

    Emie expressed hope that the talks held in Cyprus would yield results some time soon, and said that the EU stood ready to assist and to continue to bring its direct assistance to the Turkish Cypriots that were also members of the European family.

    The French ambassador also congratulated Turkey on its election as a non-permanent member of the United Nations (UN) Security Council for the term 2009-2010.


    Source: www.worldbulletin.net, 29 October 2008

  • PKK Party Congress Sets Long-Term Strategy Based on Threat Perceptions

    PKK Party Congress Sets Long-Term Strategy Based on Threat Perceptions

    Terrorosm Monitor
    Volume 6, Issue 20 (October 24, 2008)

    PKK Party Congress Sets Long-Term Strategy Based on Threat Perceptions

    By Nihat Ali Özcan, Saban Kardas

    The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan – PKK) was established in 1973 against the background of Cold War politics. In the formation of the PKK’s institutional culture and practices, the prevailing Marxist ideas and strategies adopted by other leftist movements of the time played a major role in their ideology. Influenced by the experiences of various Marxist organizations around the world, the PKK’s organizational structure was based on three pillars: a party organization acting as the ideological center and running the movement according to strict hierarchical rules, a military wing to carry out subversive military activities, and a “front” organization to oversee the activities of all PKK supporters in both legal and extralegal domains. Even after the Cold War came to an end, the PKK maintained its adherence to these institutional practices and behavioral habits. In this essay, we will evaluate one of the deep-seated practices of the PKK, party congresses. In particular, we will examine the PKK’s threat perceptions as reflected in the conclusions of the tenth party congress, held on August 21-30 in shelters in the mountainous terrain of northern Iraq. We will also discuss the PKK’s response to these challenges in the context of recent developments.

    The Role of Congresses in the PKK’s history

    The PKK has sought to project itself as more than a mere armed organization terrorizing a local population to reach some short-term goals. On the contrary, it defines itself as a party advocating a well-established political program through the application of a long-term strategy. To preserve this image, the PKK went to great lengths to hold party congresses even under dire circumstances. PKK congresses have served as a platform for evaluating the organization’s performance during previous years, assessing the existing situation and setting the agenda of the organization for subsequent years. So far, the PKK has held ten congresses. Although the organization has sought to hold its congresses approximately every five years, in some cases it convened extraordinary meetings. Since it had its first congress in Turkey in 1978, the PKK has convened two congresses in Lebanon, four in Syria and the latest three in northern Iraq.

    Prior to the actual PKK congresses, militants conduct preliminary meetings in their respective regions to determine the agenda of the convention, as well as select the delegates who will attend. The ceremonial value attached to them aside, the congresses perform three main functions. First, in addition to reaffirming the loyalty of the delegates to the imprisoned leader, Abdullah Ocalan, they help incoming members of the organization’s leadership cadres solidify their legitimacy. Second, members of the PKK assess the organization’s past activities, as well as the state of political and military conditions prevailing in the region and discuss new strategic goals and alternative instruments for future activities. These deliberations are conducted under the influence of a dogmatic attachment to Marxist principles. Third, by utilizing the milieu of the conferences, the PKK seeks to foster a sense of motivation among the members while boosting their morale.

    The conduct of delegates at congresses helps sustain the internal legitimacy of leadership cadres in several ways. Abdullah Ocalan has been the unchallenged and unquestioned leader of the PKK in all these gatherings. Over time, he has come to assume a symbolic role as the unifying element of the entire movement, and as such a “personality cult” was created around his name. According to the established practice in congresses, the members of the organization, except for Ocalan, engage in self-criticism before their comrades; they reflect on their past mistakes and acknowledge their weaknesses in fulfilling their duties. In essence, these almost ritualistic acts serve to shake the reliability of the leading figures of the PKK other than Ocalan before other delegates. As a result, through the discussions as well as ceremonies during the sessions, the congresses not only legitimize the leadership cadres but also ensure the continuation of the organization’s loyalty to the leader.

    Another function of the congresses is their role in providing a platform for analyzing the past, present and future conditions of the organization in line with its ideological disposition. In general, despite the drastic changes in world politics, the PKK’s discourse is still heavily influenced by Marxist thinking. For instance, it is commonplace to hear criticisms of capitalism in congresses. Similarly, the members of the organization seek to demonstrate their comprehension of Ocalan’s teachings through bombastic flattery of their leader. The rulings concerning the future direction of the organization are also framed in line with its ideological discourse. Therefore, decisions taken at congresses have strategic value for the evolution of the organization. The PKK publishes the conclusions of congresses in print or on the internet to communicate its goals to the public. [1]

    Lastly, congresses help motivate members of the organization. The proceedings of congresses contain short, clear and effective slogans to mobilize members. Following congresses, militants accelerate their attacks to demonstrate their loyalty to the organization and their determination to carry out the conclusions.

    Of the ten congresses the PKK has held so far, the following stand out in particular: The third congress held in 1982 called for the return of the PKK militants from Lebanon to Turkey to initiate an armed struggle against the state. The fifth congress in 1995 prioritized the political struggle over the armed struggle. The eighth congress of 1999 decided to cease terror attacks following Ocalan’s capture and the ninth congress of 2005 agreed to halt attacks against Turkish security forces. Such decisions have marked important turning points in the PKK’s overall strategy.

    Decisions of the Tenth Congress, August 2008

    The PKK convened its latest congress in northern Iraq on August 21-30. Delegates met in mountain shelters under the threat of airstrikes from Turkish jetfighters. In the traditional spirit of the congresses, the latest gathering declared the forthcoming period as “Freedom to Ocalan.” The tenth congress also maintained the tradition of assessing the past, present and future of the organization. The statements following the congress indicate one of the biggest current sources of concern is the new situation created by the meeting between Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President George Bush in November 2007. [2] After this meeting, the United States started to share actionable intelligence with Turkey, with alarming results for the PKK. The closing statement of the congress maintains that the United States, along with Turkey and Iran, is determined to eliminate the PKK.

    The PKK’s major concern appears to be the decision of the Barzani-led Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to reconsider its relations with the PKK, which may result in it abandoning the PKK (Firat Haber Ajansi, September 8). If the KRG indeed withdraws its support from the PKK, this development will likely have a grave impact on the organization’s use of the terrain of northern Iraq as a safe haven. So far the PKK’s activities in this region have been largely unhindered, which at times has led the Turkish government to accuse the KRG of actively supporting the PKK. Nonetheless, the PKK is uneasy about prospects for U.S. pressure on Barzani as well as a possible rapprochement between Turkey and Barzani (Referans, October 14). To forestall such scenarios, the PKK congress expresses its support for Barzani on the Kirkuk question (Firat News Agency, September 8).

    The conclusions of the congress also indicate that the PKK is concerned about the fate of its “front” organization (Firat News Agency, September 8). PKK supporters established various associations and political parties in the legal domain to advocate for Kurdish nationalism and compete in Turkish electoral politics. Since entering the legal political sphere in the 1980s, Kurdish nationalists have operated a series of political parties such as the Democratic Party (DEP) and the Democratic People’s Party (DEHAP), a new entity arising each time the last manifestation was shut down by the state. The most recent of these is the Democratic Society Party (Demokratik Toplum Partisi – DTP), founded in 2005. These groups nonetheless maintained organic ties with the PKK, steadfastly refusing to condemn PKK violence. The legal advocates of ethnic nationalism benefited from the violence as fear became an important factor in mobilizing people around their agenda. Continued connections or support for the PKK eventually led the Turkish state to close down many of these organizations. Despite continued protestations from DTP leaders that they do not act as a front for the PKK, the party has recently faced court proceedings designed to shut it down. At a recent meeting with three leading DTP MP’s, Deputy Prime Minister Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat (himself of Kurdish origin) told the MP’s, “We know your reality. The type of relations you have with the PKK are an obstacle for the prime minister’s efforts to implement solutions to the problem. We want you to recognize the PKK as a terrorist organization” (Hurriyet, October 19).

    As a matter of fact, the threat to the PKK’s front organizations was unwittingly aggravated by its decision to refrain from attacking civilians following the 9/11 terror attacks in order to cultivate a more sympathetic image (Ozgur Politika, March 14, 2002). Having lost the leverage of being able to “penalize” civilians, the PKK encountered serious problems in disciplining its front organizations. The most common problems were encountered in mobilizing people for street demonstrations or providing logistical support for armed militants (Firat News Agency, September 18). Having been freed from fear of punishment, the priorities of sympathizers changed during the calm years between 2001 and 2005. They started to ignore the demands of the organization. To avoid this handicap, the PKK set up more militant shadow organizations (such as the Freedom Hawks of Kurdistan) and sought to motivate its supporters and terrorize its opponents. In some cases, the PKK executed civilians on charges of being government agents (hezaciwanan.com, August 11, 2004). The conclusions of the tenth congress show that the PKK is eager to regain the leverage of punishment, threatening cadres that have failed to conform to the organization’s ideology (Firat News Agency, September 18).

    The final statement of the congress, as well as ensuing developments, show that the PKK perceives another serious threat to its front organization: the growing power of the governing Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi -AKP) in the region as the March 2009 municipal elections approach (Milliyet, October 21). Current predictions indicate that the DTP, which currently controls municipalities in several cities such as Diyarbakir, will face a serious challenge from the AKP. Losing municipalities may cost the PKK dearly; even if its front organization avoids a total collapse, it will still face a severe crisis. Maintaining control over local municipalities is crucial, not only because they provide material resources to the organization and boost its supporters’ morale, but also because a political presence helps build the legitimacy of the movement domestically and internationally.

    A parallel development further disturbed the PKK. The new Turkish Chief of Staff Ilker Basbug, unlike his predecessors, has sought to establish channels of communication with local people in southeastern Turkey. Moreover, Basbug has drawn attention to the economic and social problems in the region. Perceiving this outreach as a threat to its interests, the PKK threatened those people who attended a meeting Basbug held with the representatives of various NGOs in Diyarbakir. [3]

    Threats to Survival

    In short, the PKK seems to perceive threats to its survival both inside Turkey and in northern Iraq. Its assessment of current threats – namely, the prospect that the PKK may lose its safe havens in northern Iraq and the challenges posed by upcoming municipal elections and other local developments to its front organization – led the delegates attending the tenth congress to focus on two alternatives: first, increasing the medium-intensity armed attacks; second, revitalizing mass public demonstrations in urban areas, marked by the visible attendance of women and children (Firat News Agency, September 18 ). Through these moves, the PKK plans to raise the tension in the run-up to the municipal elections and mobilize people along ethnic lines. It expects that if the people are confronted with the brutal face of the state, they will cast their votes based on ethnic identity. This mode of thinking largely explains the aggressive attitude the PKK has adopted lately, through intensifying its attacks on Turkish security forces and agitating Kurdish people in southeastern Turkey and the major cities in western Turkey.

    This new strategy was put into effect shortly after the congress. The number of terror incidents increased dramatically; between August 30 and October 20, around 180 attacks were reported, the most notorious being the one against the Aktutun border station on October 3, which took the lives of 17 Turkish soldiers (www.tsk.mil.tr; see also Terrorism Focus, October 21). At the same time, the PKK was successful in mobilizing civilians. To protest Prime Minister Erdogan’s trip to Diyarbakir, PKK sympathizers organized illegal demonstrations in various cities on the grounds that Ocalan was mistreated in prison, which disrupted provision of basic services in many places. DTP deputy Emine Ayna stated, “Ocalan is seen as a leader by many Kurds. If there is any physical violence toward him, this violence is directed at Kurds” (Turkish Daily News, October 23). With demonstrators threatening local businesses into shutting down their shops, the municipalities controlled by the DTP did not collect garbage and halted public transportation as part of the PKK’s protest of the AKP (kanaldhaber.com, October 20).


    To counter the political and military threats from inside and outside Turkey, the PKK has initiated proactive policies in line with the conclusions of the tenth congress. If it fails to mobilize ethnic sentiments among Kurdish speaking constituents, the DTP might have to concede electoral success in the 2009 municipal elections to the AKP, which has been making political inroads in southeast Turkey. Recent developments highlight the PKK’s determination to raise tensions in Turkey to reverse this process.


    1. For instance, see: Abdullah Ocalan, PKK 4. Kongresine Sunulan Politik Rapor (Istanbul: Zagros Yayinlari, 1993); Abdullah Öcalan, PKK 5. Kongresine Sunulan Politik Rapor (Istanbul: Gunes Ulkesi Yayinlari, 1995); Abdullah Öcalan, PKK Olaganustu 7. Kongresine Sunulan Politik Rapor (Istanbul: Mem Yayinlari, 2000).
    2. For Murat Karayilan’s statements, see Firat News Agency, September 18.
    3. For Basbug’s meetings, see Radikal, September 5 and Terrorism Focus, September 24; for the PKK threat, see Firat Agency, September 18.



    From: Meltemb [[email protected]]
    Bu yaziya tepki verilmesi gerekli

    A collective civil uprising against fascist oppression is taking place at this very moment, but there is no mention of it anywhere in the mainstream or even alternative media!!! Millions of Kurds are right now on their feet and marching for liberation from the terror state of Turkey.  For five long days millions of Kurds are marching and demonstrating for the most basic human rights, but the whole world has turned a blind eye.  Turkey is the open-air concentration camp for the Kurdish people. The Turkish military occupies our homelands for decades, tortures and kills innocent people just because they don’t want to call themselves Turks, terrorizes and murders us because we want to be free Kurds. And the anti-Kurdish world supports their fascist terror and genocidal crimes.

    The leader of the Kurdish Liberation Movement, Mr. Ocalan, was captured by those who call themselves “democrats” and the “civilized world” and was handed over to our oppressors, the Turkish military and state.  For 109 years he is kept in a Turkish dungeon, subjected to psychological and physical torture.  Why? His crime was that he wanted to be a free Kurd, to speak his native language freely, to live his own native culture in freedom.  His crime was that he wanted the Kurds to have the same rights as all the other nations have and enjoy fully.

    By turning a blind eye the West has become accomplice of the Turks of never-before witnessed terror, evil, injustice.  Together they are against the freedom of Kurds and Kurdistan; together they want us to remain in slavery forever.

    We see how they made the terror state of Turkey a member of the Security Council. This is like spitting into our faces, beating our heads, cutting our hands and throats. It is open support of murder and genocide.

    But the Kurds are waking up.  We will no longer accept this global anti-Kurdish hatred.  We do not accept living in slavery any longer. We want to be free in our own ancient homelands.  We want to be free from the terror regime of the conquerors and occupiers. We want to be free from this racial hatred and violence.  We want peace and freedom for our children.  We want the freedom of being Kurds, we want the freedom of Kurdistan, we want to live in dignity and honour!!!

    Now the fascists and their anti-Kurdish supporters have two choices:  They either accept the reality and existence of the Kurdish nation and thus they accept their natural and god-given rights as a cistinct people, with their distinct culture and language and recognize and accept the sanctity of their homelands by accepting our offer for peaceful negotiations and settlement  or else they must carry out full-scale genocide against the Kurdish people.

    They should know and decide because for us there will be no alternative than liberation.

    I’m Kurdish, and thus I don’t have a place to call my homeland. My ancient country, Kurdistan, has been under occupation for centuries by barbaric forces. They are against a free Kurdistan, against free Kurds, against freedom and democracy. The West supports them and the brutal status quo. They set up most of the local regimes as puppets, trained and equipped their armies to maintain the status quo: Exploitation and control of the energy resources. They don’t want a change of this status quo of terror and injustice, they don’t want freedom, democracy, justice for the region. I want to inform the public about the injustices done to my people and my country with real and relevant information, by serving truth – something the elite and corporate controlled media of the West will never do.

  • Babacan eyes three-way cooperation against PKK

    Babacan eyes three-way cooperation against PKK

    Tuesday, 21 October 2008

    Foreign Minister Ali Babacan (R) and his Spanish counterpart, Miguel Angel Moratinos, address a joint press conference in Ankara on Monday.Foreign Minister Ali Babacan yesterday welcomed proposals for the creation of a three-way mechanism between Turkey, the US and Iraq to fight the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been attacking Turkey from its bases in northern Iraq, but stressed its ongoing bilateral cooperation platforms with the Iraqi central government and the US should continue to function on their own.

    Babacan, speaking at a joint press conference with his Spanish counterpart, Miguel Angel Moratinos, said Ankara was working on the proposal, suggested by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani during a telephone conversation with Turkish President Abdullah Gül earlier this month. The two leaders spoke to discuss cooperation over antiterrorism after a deadly attack by the PKK on a military outpost near the border with Iraq on Oct. 3, killing 17 soldiers.

    “Such a trilateral structure may prove to be important in the sharing of intelligence and coordination of military activities,” said Babacan. “But this trilateral format is not something that will replace our bilateral cooperation with the US or our talks with the Iraqis. All the efforts and talks currently under way will continue. Whether we can have more cooperation as part of such a trilateral mechanism is something we will study.”

    The US is sharing intelligence with Turkey over the movements of the PKK in northern Iraq and allows Turkish jet fighters to use Iraqi airspace in cross-border aerial strikes on the terrorist group. Ankara has refused to include Iraqi Kurds, who run the administration in northern Iraq, in anti-PKK talks, saying they support the PKK. Ankara is urging the administration in Baghdad and the US to take action instead.

    But anti-PKK cooperation with the Iraqi Kurds is now a possibility, following talks between senior Kurdish officials and Turkish authorities. In May, Turkey’s special envoy to Iraq, Murat Özçelik, and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s foreign policy advisor, Ahmet Davutoğlu, met with Nechirvan Barzani, the prime minister of the Kurdish administration. Last week, Özçelik had talks with Massoud Barzani in Baghdad.

    Babacan said a new phase had begun in relations with the Kurds. “Until recently, we had no contact with the administration in northern Iraq,” he said. “We have crossed a major threshold and established direct dialogue.” The foreign minister said talks with the Kurds are addressing measures to be taken to remove the PKK from northern Iraq and end its terrorist activities.

    Also speaking at the press conference, Moratinos said Turkey and Spain were cooperating against terrorism but Babacan requested that this cooperation should be maintained in a more systematic way. Moratinos said an agreement could be signed to combat organized crime and terrorism. He also welcomed Turkey’s election to the UN Security Council, saying it will be a “guarantee” for peace in the world.

    On the subject of the Middle East, Babacan said he wanted Turkish-mediated talks between Syria and Israel to resume, expressing hope that Israel will decide to resume meetings once a new government is established.

    Border change to be discussed with Baghdad, not Kurds The Turkish government has no intention of discussing a possible change in the border with Iraq with the Iraqi Kurdish administration that runs the country’s north, Foreign Minister Ali Babacan indicated yesterday, saying the issue will be discussed with Iraq’s central administration.

    Iraqi Chief of Staff Babakir al-Zibari, an ethnic Kurd, had been quoted in the Turkish media as saying that Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani would agree even to change the borders to better deal with infiltration of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorists from northern Iraq if Turkey agreed to maintain dialogue with him. Barzani would consider possible Turkish demands to create a buffer zone inside northern Iraq or change the border to ensure border security, al-Zibari had told the Hürriyet daily.

    Asked to comment on al-Zibari’s comments, Babacan said such issues should be addressed by politicians. “These are not issues that are only up to the local administration in Iraq’s north. Baghdad’s stance is important, the stance of the central government is important,” Babacan said during a press conference with his Spanish counterpart, Miguel Angel Moratinos. “It will be important which issues will be discussed with whom,” he added.

  • Barzani: Recent meeting brings down walls with Turkey

    Barzani: Recent meeting brings down walls with Turkey

    Tuesday, 21 October 2008

    In his first public comments after a meeting with Turkish officials last week, Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani said the contact removed obstacles standing in the way of dialogue with Ankara and that the sides have turned a new page in ties.”The walls between us have been brought down. The channels are open for dialogue,” Barzani told reporters in the northern Iraqi city of Arbil. “Before, Turkey refused to have any kind of contact with us. Now, Ankara has taken a step to improve relations with us and the Baghdad government.”

    Turkey’s special envoy to Iraq Murat Özçelik and Foreign Ministry bureaucrats met with Barzani in Baghdad last week, the first public contact with the Kurdish leader since the US-led war on Iraq. No detail concerning the content of talks has been revealed but both sides said the meeting was positive. Barzani said neither the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) presence in northern Iraq nor any other issue were specifically on the agenda, adding that problems will be discussed in more detail in future talks.

    “The meeting was a beginning. This is a beginning to find positive solutions to problems between us,” he said. Barzani also said the talks will continue but did not elaborate on the timing or level of the new talks. “These will be announced later. But talks will take place both here and in Turkey,” he said.

    The PKK presence in Kurdish-run northern Iraq has been a major irritant in Turkey’s ties with the semi-autonomous Kurdish administration that runs the mountainous region. Ankara has long accused Barzani of supporting the PKK and had refused to have dialogue unless he proved his commitment to help Turkey in its fight with the terrorist group.

    But the no-talk policy is apparently changing. In May, Özçelik and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s foreign policy advisor Ahmet Davutoğlu met with Nechirvan Barzani, the prime minister of the Kurdish administration. Turkey has been launching cross-border raids on PKK targets in northern Iraq since last December. The United States is sharing intelligence with Turkey on the terrorist group.

    “We don’t want our relations to be confined to the PKK issue only. We want extensive ties in all areas,” said Nechirvan Barzani on Sunday in Arbil. He said more contacts between Turkey and the Iraqi Kurds were possible in the near future but did not elaborate. He also revealed that he had a meeting with Özçelik in London in July, discussing his planned meeting with Massoud Barzani.

    Barzani to discuss PJAK in Iran

    Massoud Barzani is expected to visit neighboring Iran this week and the presence of a PKK offshoot in northern Iraq will be on the agenda of his talks, which will focus on border security, Iranian news reports said yesterday. The Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK), which has organic links with the PKK, uses northern Iraqi bases to attack Iran. Turkey and Iran coordinate cross-border attacks on PKK and PJAK targets. Four PJAK members were killed in clashes with the Iranian security forces over the past two weeks. Three Iranian soldiers also died in the clashes.

  • Arson attack on Turkish embassy in Finland

    Arson attack on Turkish embassy in Finland

    PUKmedia       21-10-2008      19:04:06
    The Turkish Embassy in the Finnish capital of Helsinki was burned in an arson attack, PUKmedia correspondent in the city reported.
    In the early morning attack on Tuesday, the fire spread indoors before it was extinguished by fire fighters and an embassy worker was treated for inhaling smoke, the source added.

    Helsinki Police says they have detained four men on suspicion of the attack, indicating that after investigations with these suspects they are thought to be affiliated with the PKK.