Tag: pandemic

  • Epidemics in world history: the coronavirus in context

    Epidemics in world history: the coronavirus in context

    United World International

    Coronavirus has officially made its appearance in Turkey, putting it in the headlines and minds of people across the country — but how serious is the problem in comparison with other major outbreaks of the past?

    The Antonine Plague (Plague of Galen)

    The Antonine plague was an epidemic brought by soldiers returning from their eastern conquests between the years 165 and 180 AD. It was one of the first major plagues and is known to have killed roughly 2,000 people a day at its peak.

    Although researchers suspect that the disease was smallpox or measles, the true cause of the plague remains unknown. The plague killed the Roman Emperors Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and caused the empire to lose around 30% of its total population.

    The Plague of Justinian

    In 541, while the Emperor Justinian sat on the throne in Constantinople, a plague that began in Europe first reached Egypt, then Palestine, Syria and Anatolia. Even though Emperor Justinian closed all the entrances and exits to Constantinople, the plague somehow found its way through mice in the equipment that soldiers had brought to the city.

    An airborne insect called ‘Xenopsylla’, which had lurked inside the mice’s fur and were more than a millimeter small, carried a deadly bacterium called ‘Pasteurella pestis’ into the city.

    The disease continued its normal course and disappeared slowly over time, but not before it killed around 40% of the population of Constantinople, one of the most populated cities of the time. The plague caused the weakening of the Byzantine Empire which suffered a massive loss of labor and soldiers and made it vulnerable to outside attacks. This eventually led to the events that radically changed European history.

    The Black Death (Black Plague)

    The Black Death plague, which occurred between the years 1346 and 1353, is believed to have killed between 75 and 200 million people. Although it is impossible to know the exact numbers, it is estimated that the European population has decreased by roughly 30% to 60% during these years.

    The Black Death led to a questioning of religion and the church and is thought to be one of the main causes of the Reformation and the Renaissance.

    Smallpox in the Americas

    In the 15th century, Europeans discovered the New World. The European explorers quickly came into contact with the natives in the Americas, intentionally and unintentionally infecting them with viruses and bacteria that they had brought along with them.

    Smallpox had already killed one third of Europe, but the Native Americans whose immune systems had not encountered the disease and who had no proper medicines stood no chance against it. Millions of people eventually died, around 90% of the indigenous population being extinguished. This made it a great deal easier for the Europoeans to colonize the Americas.

    Cocoliztli epidemics

    The epidemics in the 16th century in the region called ‘New Spain’ (now known as Mexico), are in fact several different epidemics occurred in the same period which are collectively called the “Cocoliztli epidemics.”

    Today’s investigations show that the epidemics could have been caused by salmonella bacteria found in fish, and ended up killing around 15 million people between the years 1520 and 1576. This led to the end of the Mayan Civilization, and over the years it is thought to have spread from Venezuela to Canada.

    The Third Cholera epidemic

    There have been several major cholera epidemics in the history of civilization, but the deadliest was the third major outbreak which occurred between 1852 and 1860. The main cause of Cholera is the contamination of the drinking water, but this was not understood until during the third epidemic.

    For a long period of time, human feces and other waste were poured into the water sources that were also used for drinking and cooking. India in particular faced disaster during this time.

    With the massive outbreak in the 19th century, Cholera had spread all over in India, and then to Afghanistan and Russia. According to the official records, the outbreak killed 1 million people in Russia alone before reaching Europe, Africa and finally the Americas.

    When not treated quickly, half of the infected people are likely to die. Although the exact number of people dying in the all cholera outbreaks is unknown, it is possible to estimate them in millions.

    During the third major cholera outbreak, doctors found the cause of the disease, after which disinfecting and boiling drinking water became commonplace throughout the world.

    The Third Plague pandemic

    This outbreak began in China and killed around 12 million people in China and India alone between the years 1855 and 1859. It was called “the Third Plague Pandemic” after the Plague of Justinian and European Black Death.

    The outbreak, which had lasted for about a century, came to the Americas on mice from the Far East. Unlike during previous plagues, modern medicine allowed the examination of this disease and the synthesis of a cure, including antibiotics.

    Typhus outbreak during the First World War

    The Typhus bacteria was spread widely by lice during the First World War. In Europe and Asia, more than 25 million people were infected and nearly 3 million people died as a result, particularly in the Soviet Union. Western countries understood what caused the outbreak more quickly and the measures had been taken in order to get rid of the lice. Eastern countries took action only later, which is why many more people died in these parts of the world.

    The 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak

    In the years following the First World War, the H1N1 influenza virus, which had infected around 500 million people, caused the deaths of between 50 and 100 million people worldwide. This number is more than the total number of people killed in the First and The Second World War combined.

    The 1957 Asian Flu outbreak

    This Pandemic is thought to be a result of the Influenza-A virus, which began in China and mutated in ducks and passed on to humans. The so-called Asian Flu disease killed up to 4 million people. The outbreak was prevented by vaccinations, with some 40 million being vaccinated within a single year.

    HIV (AIDS) virus

    The first example of the HIV virus, which is thought to have been passed from the apes to humans during the mid-20th century, has been traced back to Congo in 1959. However, its diagnosis and classification were only made in the 1980s. There is still no effective cure to the virus, which has taken 36 million lives in the last 30 years. The only way to handle the virus has been to take precautions from getting it in the first place, or to take medications one’s entire life.

    The Hong Kong flu

    The Hong Kong flu was seen between 1968 and 1969 and is estimated to have killed around 2 million people.


    The Ebola pandemic first began in West Africa between 2013 and 2016, and has led to more than 11,300 deaths. The West African Ebola pandemic began in Guinea in December 2013, and eventually spread to the West African countries such as Liberia and Sierra Leone. The virus infected around 28,616 people before coming to an end in June 2016. This pandemic was recorded as the deadliest Ebola pandemic in history, in terms of the number of infected and number of deaths.

    This article was originally published in the Turkish scientific magazine, Bilim ve Ütopya (bilimveutopya.com.tr)

  • Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?

    Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?

    b5Same strain of influenza was released by accident three decades ago

    By Steve Connor, Science Editor  30 June 2009


    It has swept across the world killing at least 300 people and infecting thousands more. Yet the swine flu pandemic might not have happened had it not been for the accidental release of the same strain of influenza virus from a research laboratory in the late 1970s, according to a new study.


    Scientists investigating the genetic make-up of flu viruses have concluded there is a high probability that the H1N1 strain of influenza “A” behind the current pandemic might never have been re-introduced into the human population were it not for an accidental leak from a laboratory working on the same strain in 1977.

    Yesterday, the Department of Health announced a further surge in the number of cases in Britain with another 1,604 confirmed over the weekend, and the death of a girl in Birmingham with underlying medical complications; the third death in Britain from swine flu-related problems.

    Almost 6,000 Britons have now been infected with the influenza “A” (H1N1) strain of swine flu. But two medical researchers believe that this strain of the virus had been extinct in the human population for more than 20 years until it was unwittingly reintroduced by scientists working in a research lab somewhere in the world, leading to a pandemic in 1977 that began in Russia and China.

    “Careful study of the genetic origin of the [1977] virus showed that it was closely related to a 1950 strain, but dissimilar to influenza ‘A’ (H1N1) strains from both 1947 and 1957. This finding suggested that the 1977 outbreak strain had been preserved since 1950. The re-emergence was probably an accidental release from a laboratory source,” according to the study published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

    Shanta Zimmer and Donald Burke from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania said that influenza “A” (H1N1) disappeared completely from humans after a pandemic of another strain of flu in 1957. H1N1 was not detected in annual surveillance until an outbreak of H1N1 swine flu in January 1976 at a US Army base in Fort Dix, New Jersey.

    This outbreak affected 230 military personnel, killing one person, but it was successfully contained and was almost certainly caused by the direct transmission of swine flu from pigs. Nevertheless, the global anxiety caused by the Fort Dix outbreak led to a surge in research into H1N1 around the world, with experiments on frozen samples of the virus stored in labs since the 1950s, Dr Zimmer said.

    “I would imagine that most labs researching into influenza would have had the 1950s strain. We cannot actually pinpoint which lab had it or accidentally released it, but the re-emergence of H1N1 in 1977 made it potentially a man-made pandemic,” she said.

    “It’s a reminder that we need to be continually vigilant in terms of laboratory procedures. The identical virus in the current pandemic would not have occurred because a component of it comes from the H1N1 strain of 1977 – but it doesn’t mean to say that we wouldn’t have had another one causing a pandemic,” she added.

    One of the most likely routes for the release of the 1950s virus is that laboratory workers became infected accidentally and then infected families and friends, Dr Zimmer explained. After the 1977 pandemic, the H1N1 strain of flu re-appeared annually as seasonal flu but this year it underwent a radical genetic change to become another pandemic strain.

    Professor John Oxford of the Royal London Hospital said that the accidental release of the 1950s strain of H1N1 in 1977 is entirely plausible, but it may have been a good thing as it would have given many older people alive today some measure of immunity to the current pandemic. “We can look upon it now as a stroke of good luck,” he said.

    The Independent