• 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan

    1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan



    MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage announces 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

    Information. Forum will be held under slogan “Explore, Protect and Promote!”. Youth of the age till 35 from different countries will forward new ideas in the line of study, protection and promotion of cultural heritage. In the end speakers and participants will be granted certificates.

    Purpose. The Forum aims at maintaining collaboration perspectives in the direction of protection and study of cultural heritage, tourism and new fields of tourism by gathering youth among the countries, achieving wide application of exchange of new ideas and successful practices.

    For this purpose:
    – brings together young people from different countries; helps widening of cultural and tourism relations among those countries;
    – displays the role of youth in exploration, protection and promotion of cultural heritage;
    – tries to study culture, tourism, traditions of different countries;
    – promotes traditions, rich history, culture and tourism of our country among youth of various world countries;
    – gives “peace and unity” message to the world;
    – listens to the youth’s ideas and initiatives and on its basis adoption of Declaration.

    Terms of participation: Youth of 16-35 ages having cultural heritage and tourism activities, wishing to have new relations are invited to participate as presenters of forum and share ideas and practices. Along with Azerbaijan, youth from Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Italy, Macedonia, India, France, Germany, Spain, Egypt and other countries will participate there. The papers covered new ideas, methods and conception, understandings and the analysis of successes and failures in the field of cultural heritage and tourism will be preferred. Take into consideration the following when sending the abstract:
    1. Abstracts must be in Azerbaijani or English languages.
    2. Abstracts must be short (maximum 300 words) and should cover main purpose and results. Basic measurements for the forum: quality, originality, comprehensiveness. Abstract covers: (a) title ( abstract topic); (b) entrance with the forum purposes; (c) short description of relevant practice processes; (d) new and non-published information base (d) result.

    Authors are accountable for any ideas, as well as writing and grammar rules or mistakes in scientific facts indicated in the abstract. The participant should fill in this application form on ‘miras.az’ web-site to register and then send an abstract.

    Deadline: 8th January, 2015
    The accepted will be notified till 22nd January, 2015.

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web page: www.miras.az

    There is no limit for participants of the forum. Fill in the application form on web-site miras.az and register.

    Presenters – 60 AZN (publications, 2-day coffee breaks and lunch);
    Participants – 30 AZN (2-day coffee breaks and lunch).

    Venue and date:
    1-2 February, 2015
    Modern Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan


    Advisory Board:
    Veli Aliyev, ANAS Associate member
    Jafar Giyasi, ANAS Associate member
    Prof.Dr. Gafar Jabiyev
    Prof.Dr. Luigi Scrinzi (Italy)
    Prof.Dr. Kubra Aliyeva
    Prof.Dr. Minakhanim Tekleli-Nuriyeva
    Prof.Dr. Shikar Gasimov
    Prof.Dr. Abbas Seyidov
    Prof.Dr. Kamil Ibrahimov
    Dr. Fariz Khalilli
    Dr. Juanjo Pulido (Spain)
    Dr. Irina Gusac (Russia)
    Ahmet Aytaç (Turkey)
    Emil Safarov
    Maleyka Huseynova
    Arzu Soltan
    Gulshan Huseynova
    Teymur Najafzade
    Mammad Rahimov


    Organization Committee:
    Jafar Mansimi
    Shola Bayramova
    Aida Malikova
    Valeh Jafarov
    Elnur Aliyev (Georgia)
    Chinara Aliyeva
    Ilgar Babayev (Turkey)
    Karim Musazade (Iran)
    Enrico Greco (Italy)
    Zeyneb Gasimova



    1 February, 2015
    10.00-11.00-Registration of participants
    11.00-12.30-Opening ceremony of the Forum
    12.30-14.00- Lunch
    14.00-18.00-The session “Explore”

    2 February, 2015
    09.00-13.00-Session “Protect”
    14.00-18.00- Session “Promote”
    18.00-19.00-Discussions (cultural heritage and tourism studies), adoption of Declaration
    19.00-19.30-Granting of certificates

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1) Qeydiyyat INGILISCE(1)

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1)


    SOURCE: Jafar Mansimi







    2-3 April 2015


    Baku, Azerbaijan


    MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage will hold 1st International Symposium on Genocides of History in Baku city of Azerbaijan.
    Information. In the history there are rather many people claiming to be exposed to genocide and demanding their rights. What is genocide? Which tragedies and massacres can be considered as genocides? In the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: “genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”. It is recognized in the preamble of the Convention that “all periods of history genocide has inflicted great losses on humanity”.
    Goal. The symposium aims at bringing together historians and researchers from the various world countries who write articles, study and discuss crime of genocide. Many reasonable and groundless claims on the issue exist over the history. Views of the scientific community will be learnt on methods of researches of these claims, the done analyses and the results obtained and to be printed. It is expected to publish materials of new studies and archives within the symposium. Symposium is intended to be held as range of events to follow new researches in the future.
    Main topics:
    – What is genocide? Juridical solution of the problem;
    – Methods of research of genocide history;
    – Genocides of pre-20th century;
    – Genocide acts on eve of 1st World War;
    – Genocide acts on eve of 2nd World War;
    – Political systems and genocides committed;
    – Genocides in Azerbaijani history.
    Deadline of call for abstracts: 10 March, 2015
    Notifications of acceptance of abstracts: 15 March, 2015.
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web: www.miras.az

    SOURCE: Jafar Mansimi

  • 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan

    1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan



    MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage announces 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

    Information. Forum will be held under slogan “Explore, Protect and Promote!”. Youth of the age till 35 from different countries will forward new ideas in the line of study, protection and promotion of cultural heritage. In the end speakers and participants will be granted certificates.

    Purpose. The Forum aims at maintaining collaboration perspectives in the direction of protection and study of cultural heritage, tourism and new fields of tourism by gathering youth among the countries, achieving wide application of exchange of new ideas and successful practices.

    For this purpose:
    – brings together young people from different countries; helps widening of cultural and tourism relations among those countries;
    – displays the role of youth in exploration, protection and promotion of cultural heritage;
    – tries to study culture, tourism, traditions of different countries;
    – promotes traditions, rich history, culture and tourism of our country among youth of various world countries;
    – gives “peace and unity” message to the world;
    – listens to the youth’s ideas and initiatives and on its basis adoption of Declaration.

    Terms of participation: Youth of 16-35 ages having cultural heritage and tourism activities, wishing to have new relations are invited to participate as presenters of forum and share ideas and practices. Along with Azerbaijan, youth from Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Italy, Macedonia, India, France, Germany, Spain, Egypt and other countries will participate there. The papers covered new ideas, methods and conception, understandings and the analysis of successes and failures in the field of cultural heritage and tourism will be preferred. Take into consideration the following when sending the abstract:
    1. Abstracts must be in Azerbaijani or English languages.
    2. Abstracts must be short (maximum 300 words) and should cover main purpose and results. Basic measurements for the forum: quality, originality, comprehensiveness. Abstract covers: (a) title ( abstract topic); (b) entrance with the forum purposes; (c) short description of relevant practice processes; (d) new and non-published information base (d) result.

    Authors are accountable for any ideas, as well as writing and grammar rules or mistakes in scientific facts indicated in the abstract. The participant should fill in this application form on ‘miras.az’ web-site to register and then send an abstract.

    Deadline: 8th January, 2015
    The accepted will be notified till 22nd January, 2015.

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web page: www.miras.az

    There is no limit for participants of the forum. Fill in the application form on web-site miras.az and register.

    Presenters – 60 AZN (publications, 2-day coffee breaks and lunch);
    Participants – 30 AZN (2-day coffee breaks and lunch).

    Venue and date:
    1-2 February, 2015
    Modern Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan


    Advisory Board:
    Veli Aliyev, ANAS Associate member
    Jafar Giyasi, ANAS Associate member
    Prof.Dr. Gafar Jabiyev
    Prof.Dr. Luigi Scrinzi (Italy)
    Prof.Dr. Kubra Aliyeva
    Prof.Dr. Minakhanim Tekleli-Nuriyeva
    Prof.Dr. Shikar Gasimov
    Prof.Dr. Abbas Seyidov
    Prof.Dr. Kamil Ibrahimov
    Dr. Fariz Khalilli
    Dr. Juanjo Pulido (Spain)
    Dr. Irina Gusac (Russia)
    Ahmet Aytaç (Turkey)
    Emil Safarov
    Maleyka Huseynova
    Arzu Soltan
    Gulshan Huseynova
    Teymur Najafzade
    Mammad Rahimov


    Organization Committee:
    Jafar Mansimi
    Shola Bayramova
    Aida Malikova
    Valeh Jafarov
    Elnur Aliyev (Georgia)
    Chinara Aliyeva
    Ilgar Babayev (Turkey)
    Karim Musazade (Iran)
    Enrico Greco (Italy)
    Zeyneb Gasimova



    1 February, 2015
    10.00-11.00-Registration of participants
    11.00-12.30-Opening ceremony of the Forum
    12.30-14.00- Lunch
    14.00-18.00-The session “Explore”

    2 February, 2015
    09.00-13.00-Session “Protect”
    14.00-18.00- Session “Promote”
    18.00-19.00-Discussions (cultural heritage and tourism studies), adoption of Declaration
    19.00-19.30-Granting of certificates

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1) Qeydiyyat INGILISCE(1)

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1)