Kurdish Jews

  • Kurdish Jewish History Arrives In Baltimore

    Kurdish Jewish History Arrives In Baltimore

    Kurdish-Jewish history preserved by author and son of an immigrant. Rochelle Eisenberg Staff Writer When Ariel Sabar was growing up in Los Angeles, he was […]

  • A family history on the Jews of Kurdistan (sic)

    A family history on the Jews of Kurdistan (sic)

    By SHELDON KIRSHNER, Staff Reporter Wednesday, 08 April 2009 Walter Fischel, an American academic, visited the Jews of  Kurdistan in the 1940s. “Such Jews,” he […]

  • Enduring voices [Editor’s Column]

    Enduring voices [Editor’s Column]

    Andrew Silow-Carroll NJJN Editor-in-Chief April 9, 2009 I was exchanging e-mails recently with a reader about a column I wrote defending endogamy — that is, […]

  • DUIN: Jews, Kurds linked

    DUIN: Jews, Kurds linked

    Bu konu aylardır ortalıkta… Ignatius’un Washington Times’ının bu kritik dönemde attığı başlık çok ilginç… Tam bir kaç gün sonraya denk geliyor. Makale ile başlık birbirine […]

  • The Man From Zakho

    The Man From Zakho

    Ariel Sabor’s ‘My Father’s Paradise’ paints a portrait of one man and the vanished Kurdish ‘Jerusalem’ from which he came. by Sandee Brawarsky Jewish Week […]

  • The Road Not Taken

    The Road Not Taken

    Decades before Herzl, Benjamin Disraeli wrote a novel that grappled with Zionism by Adam Kirsch By the beginning of 1830, when he was twenty-five, Benjamin […]