Tag: petition

  • Foreign Ministers of the OIC countries recognize Khojaly massacre as a crime against humanity

    Foreign Ministers of the OIC countries recognize Khojaly massacre as a crime against humanity



    A resolution was adopted today on the activities of the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC) at the final plenary meeting of the 37th session of the Islamic Council of Foreign Ministers (ICFM) of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) held on 18-20 May 2010, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The resolution calls on the OIC Member States and the OIC institutions to actively participate in the activities of the “Justice for Khojaly” international civil awareness campaign and recognition of the Khojaly mass massacre as a “crime against humanity” in both international and national levels. 

    The document praises the work of the Forum, particularly the implementation of the program “Humanitarian catastrophes in the OIC countries throughout the XX century”, carried out together with ISESCO. The resolution also calls on Member-states to support the international campaign of “Justice for Khojaly” initiated by Mrs. Leyla Aliyeva, the General Coordinator on Intercultural Dialogue of ICYF-DC to disseminate the truth on Khojaly mass massacre among the international community. 

    “This is the first resolution, in which Ministers of foreign affairs from 57 countries, which came together in the second largest international organization after the United Nations, unambiguously voted for resolution using the term ‘crime against humanity’ as a definition and declared their position for the historical truth on Khojaly tragedy. The term has both political and international law components. It is being considered one of serious violations of the international humanitarian law, including genocide” said the Secretary General of ICYF-DC Ambassador Elshad Iskandarov who participated at the ICFM session in Dushanbe as a head of delegation. 

    “The facts that the document was adopted by the experts of foreign ministers of Member states and then by ministers with consensus is an indication of increasing confidence of the true nature of Khojaly genocide by the OIC. The current document assesses the Khojaly tragedy as the resolution adopted by Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member-states in January 2010 which creates a solid political and legal framework for the recognition of Khojaly mass massacre as a crime against humanity and to raise the issue of recognition in international level” mentioned E. Iskandarov while commenting the adopted resolution.


    “Effective actions of the “Justice for Khojaly” campaign initiated and consistently coordinated by General Coordinator of the Forum Mrs. Leyla Aliyeva played important role in the formation of such a position of 57 OIC Member States. The resolution highly appreciated the work of the campaign and the Member States are called upon to actively participate in the campaign”, Secretary General of the ICYF-DC said.


    The international civil awareness campaign “Justice for Khojaly” was launched in 2009 and was presented in more than 35 countries including OIC, European and Latin American countries. 

    Justice for Khojaly campaign 

    To be part of global awareness campaign and to have your voice heard at the highest political level visit:

    It takes just a few second to send Petition to Wrold leader to ask them to recognize this tragedy as crime against humanity:


  • US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong

    US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong

    Baroness Sarah Ludford Ingiliz Liberal Party Avrupa Milletvekili – soyledikleri cok guzelkendisine tesekkur edelim assagidaki yazisi icin (emaili var)

    Turkish Forum, Ingiltere


    —–Original Message——————————————————————————————
    From: Sarah Ludford MEP (Lon) <Office@sarahludfordmep.org.uk>
    To: grassroots@turkishnews.com; turkish-forum-advisory-board@googlegroups.com

    Sent: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 10:02
    Subject: US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong
    liberal democrats



    MEP Liberal Democrat MEP for London


    Date: Monday 8 March 2010


    Sarah Ludford or Sonia Dunlop +44 (0)20 7288 2526 or Mobile +44 (0)7970 795 278

    Email: office@sarahludfordmep.org.uk

    US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong

    London Liberal Democrat MEP Sarah Ludford, the party’s European justice & human rights spokeswoman and vice-chair of the European Parliament delegation to the United States, has strongly criticised the vote by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives to label the treatment of Armenians in 1915 as ‘genocide’.

    She said:   “Both the US and the EU have backed the welcome moves to set up a joint commission of historians from Turkey and Armenia to try and establish the truth about the tragic and large-scale wartime deaths almost a century ago. It makes no sense for outsiders in Europe or America to wade in with hobnail boots and prejudge the outcome of that sensitive exercise.”

    “That there were deportations which entailed atrocities and deaths of many Christian Armenians is not in doubt. But the precise actions, the 1915 war context, and the extent of reciprocal killings of Muslim Turks all need to be better understood.”

    “The term genocide has a very narrow meaning under the 1948 Convention: the deliberate intent to destroy an ethnic, national, racial or religious group. It is deeply irresponsible to use that term without establishing the full facts about the Armenian case and to leave the suspicion that politics or even religious prejudice is a motive.

    That is why as an MEP I have always refused to define the events of 1915 and preferred to await the conclusion of honest and objective research. That is not a cop-out, it is acting with integrity.”

    “The Congressional vote was won by the narrowest of margins, 23 to 22. I hope that in those circumstances wisdom will prevail, with Congressmen heeding the call of President Obama and Secretary Clinton not to progress this to a vote of the full House.”



    The Right Honourable
    Sarah, Lady Ludford
    225px Sarah Ludford MEP at Bournemouth

    Member of the European Parliament
    for London
    Assumed office

    Born 14 March 1951 (1951-03-14) (age 58)
    Nationality British
    Political party Liberal Democrat
    Spouse(s) Steve Hitchins
    Alma mater London School of Economics

    Sarah Ann Ludford, Baroness Ludford (born 14 March 1951) is a Liberal Democrat Member of the European Parliament and a nonvoting member of the House of Lords (where her voting membership is suspended during her MEP tenure).

    She was made a Life peer as Baroness Ludford, of Clerkenwell in the London Borough of Islington in 1997.

    A former councillor in the London Borough of Islington, and married to the former leader of the council, Steve Hitchins, she was elected as a Member of the European Parliament in the European Parliament election, 1999 and re-elected in 2004 and in 2009 representing London.

    Because of the change in the rules of the European Parliament, she is not entitled to sit in the Lords due to her re-election to the European Parliament in the 2009 election. In October 2008, Parliament’s rules were changed so that if a member of the Lords were elected as an MEP, their right to sit and vote in the Lords would be suspended. This satisfies the new European Parliament rules and hence, Lady Ludford, the only person to whom this applies, is not allowed to vote in the Lords while an MEP.

    She is a member of the Liberal Democrat groups Friends of Israel and Friends of Turkey.

    [edit] External links

    • Sarah Ludford MEP official site
    • Sarah Ludford profile at the European Parliament
    • Sarah Ludford profile at the site of the Liberal Democrats

    Ludford: Senatonun Kararı ‘Korkunç’

    Avrupa Parlamentosu Üyesi İngiliz Milletvekili Sarah Ludford, ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Dış İlişkiler Komisyonu’nun Aldığı Kararı Eleştirdi. Kararın Yanlış Olduğunu Söyleyen Sarah Ludford, “Türkiye Ve Ermenistan Bu Olayın Araştırılması Için Bir Tarih Komisyonunun Kurulması Konusunda Anlaşmışken, Soykırım Iddialarını Yargılamak Ne ABD Ne De AB’nin Işi Olmalı.” Dedi.

    1915 Yıllarında Büyük Toplulukların Göçe Zorlandığı Bir Sırada Acı Ölümlerin Yaşandığını Belirten Ludford, “Bu Sırada Çok Sayıda Hıristiyan Ermeni’nin Öldüğünden Hiç Kimsenin Şüphesi Yok. Ancak 1915 Olayları Daha İyi Analiz Edildiğinde Müslüman Türklerin Öldürülmesi Olayının Da Anlaşılması Gerekiyor.” Ifadesini Kullandı.

    Soykırım Sözünün 1948 Konvansiyonu’na Göre Çok Net Bir Anlamı Olduğunu Sözlerine Ekleyen Ludford, Bir Milleti, Irkı Ya Da Dini Bir Grubu Kasten Ve Sistematik Bir Şekilde Ortadan Kaldırma Durumunda Ancak Soykırımdan Bahsedilebileceğini Söyledi. 1915 Yılındaki Ermeni Iddialarını Araştırmadan Ve Konuyu Bilmeden Bu Sözcüğü Kullanmanın Tam Bir ‘Sorumsuzluk’ Olduğunu Vurgulayan Ludford, “Bir Milletvekili Olarak Ben Bu Yüzden Her Zaman 1915 Olaylarını ‘Soykırım’ Olarak Adlandırmaktan Kaçındım Ve Bu Konudaki Bağımsız Araştırmaların Sonucunu Bekledim. Bu Sorumluluktan Kaçma Ya Da Bir Uydurma Değil. Bu Dürüst Olmak Demektir.” Diye Konuştu.

    Dış İlişkiler Komisyonu’nun Bir Oy Farkla Bu Kararı Aldığını Hatırlatan Ludford, Sağ Duyunun Galip Gelmesini, Kongre Üyelerinin ABD Başkanı Barack Obama Ve Dışişleri Bakanı Hillary Clinton Ile Birlikte Bu Tasarıyı Temsilciler Meclisi’ne Gelmesini Engellemeyi Umduğunu Dile Getirdi.

  • BTF Türk Kızlarının Eğitimi İçin facebook’ta

    BTF Türk Kızlarının Eğitimi İçin facebook’ta

    Anadolu’da bir kiz ogrenci yurdu yaptirma projesi


    [19 January at 20:54

    Haluk bey,

    Bize yardim edebilir misiniz? Su asadaki mesaji Turkish Forum gruba uye olanlari yoliyabilirseniz, cok cok memnun oluruz.

    Lynn Eser

    Degerli Arkadaslar,

    Facebook üzerinde dünya çapinda yapilan ve 1 milyon dolar ödüllü yarismada Anadolu’da bir kiz ogrenci yurdu yaptirma projesi ile temsil ediliyoruz.

    22 Ocak Cuma günü tamamlanacak olan yarismada sadece 1 dakikanizi ayirip asagidaki linkten oyunuzu kullanarak Türkiyemize destek olabilirsiniz.

    Linke tikladik…tan sonra yapmaniz gerekenler;

    * Chase uygulamasinin yüklenmesine izin verin.

    * Chase sayfasi için “Become a fan” (Hayrani Ol) linkine tiklayin.

    * “Vote for Charity” (Dernege Oy Ver) linkine tiklayin.

    Oylama linki;

    Daha detayli bilgi almak için;

    Bu mesaji bütün arkadaslarinizla paylasabilirseniz seviniriz.



    From: Meltemb [meltem@earthlink.net]
    Bu yaziya tepki verilmesi gerekli

    A collective civil uprising against fascist oppression is taking place at this very moment, but there is no mention of it anywhere in the mainstream or even alternative media!!! Millions of Kurds are right now on their feet and marching for liberation from the terror state of Turkey.  For five long days millions of Kurds are marching and demonstrating for the most basic human rights, but the whole world has turned a blind eye.  Turkey is the open-air concentration camp for the Kurdish people. The Turkish military occupies our homelands for decades, tortures and kills innocent people just because they don’t want to call themselves Turks, terrorizes and murders us because we want to be free Kurds. And the anti-Kurdish world supports their fascist terror and genocidal crimes.

    The leader of the Kurdish Liberation Movement, Mr. Ocalan, was captured by those who call themselves “democrats” and the “civilized world” and was handed over to our oppressors, the Turkish military and state.  For 109 years he is kept in a Turkish dungeon, subjected to psychological and physical torture.  Why? His crime was that he wanted to be a free Kurd, to speak his native language freely, to live his own native culture in freedom.  His crime was that he wanted the Kurds to have the same rights as all the other nations have and enjoy fully.

    By turning a blind eye the West has become accomplice of the Turks of never-before witnessed terror, evil, injustice.  Together they are against the freedom of Kurds and Kurdistan; together they want us to remain in slavery forever.

    We see how they made the terror state of Turkey a member of the Security Council. This is like spitting into our faces, beating our heads, cutting our hands and throats. It is open support of murder and genocide.

    But the Kurds are waking up.  We will no longer accept this global anti-Kurdish hatred.  We do not accept living in slavery any longer. We want to be free in our own ancient homelands.  We want to be free from the terror regime of the conquerors and occupiers. We want to be free from this racial hatred and violence.  We want peace and freedom for our children.  We want the freedom of being Kurds, we want the freedom of Kurdistan, we want to live in dignity and honour!!!

    Now the fascists and their anti-Kurdish supporters have two choices:  They either accept the reality and existence of the Kurdish nation and thus they accept their natural and god-given rights as a cistinct people, with their distinct culture and language and recognize and accept the sanctity of their homelands by accepting our offer for peaceful negotiations and settlement  or else they must carry out full-scale genocide against the Kurdish people.

    They should know and decide because for us there will be no alternative than liberation.

    I’m Kurdish, and thus I don’t have a place to call my homeland. My ancient country, Kurdistan, has been under occupation for centuries by barbaric forces. They are against a free Kurdistan, against free Kurds, against freedom and democracy. The West supports them and the brutal status quo. They set up most of the local regimes as puppets, trained and equipped their armies to maintain the status quo: Exploitation and control of the energy resources. They don’t want a change of this status quo of terror and injustice, they don’t want freedom, democracy, justice for the region. I want to inform the public about the injustices done to my people and my country with real and relevant information, by serving truth – something the elite and corporate controlled media of the West will never do.



    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing to you in relation to the Saturday Breakfast program that was aired on 21 June and 28 June 2008 on ABC Radio National. Author Giles Milton was the guest of these programmes and he spoke about his recent book “Paradise Lost: Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam’s City of Tolerance”. During the program, he uttered groundless and biased allegations about the march of Turkish army to Izmir in 1922 to rightfully save the city from enemy occupation.

    I would like to point out that fabricating such blackening and one-sided stories about a nation’s history does not conform to scientific objectivity which seems to be totally lacking in the author’s book Furthermore, airing such biased views on a national broadcasting service does not comply with the spirit of harmonious relations among different societies successfully established by the multicultural character of Australia.

    I therefore underline my deep disappointment and strongly protest the ABC Radio National for airing one week after another, such a biased interviews full of fabricated and slanderous propaganda. By the way, it was the Greek occupation army which had destroyed and burnt the beautiful Turkish city of Izmir and committed heinous crimes as they fled.
    With the sincere hope of listening to programmes reflecting not only fabrications but also the objective truths of a story.


    1. Click the link below to open ABC complaints page:
    2. Fill in the necessary spaces.
    3. Copy and paste the above text to the appropriate space.
    4. Click send.





    Dear Ladies, Dear Gentlemen, Dear Representatives:

    I am writing to register my deep objection to any mandating by the Wisconsin legislature of the alleged “Armenian genocide” as required study material of the history of the world curriculum in
    State’s school.

    The allegation has been hotly disputed among reputable American and other scholars, and has never been proven in a court of law or other impartial tribunal. World War I and its aftermath inflicted
    terrible suffering on hundreds of thousands of both Muslims and Armeniansin a virutal civil war within an international conflict. All the victims deserve equal official mourning and respect. Further, to single out Armenians for remembrance and Ottoman Muslims for demonization will only encourage hate crimes and other forms of intimidation on United States soil as corroborated by last month’s terrorist indictment of Armenian leader Mourad Topalian whose purported motivation was revenge for
    the alleged genocide. The state of Wisconsin should not lend its credibility to an unproven charge against an entire nation nor add incitement to would-be Armenian terrorists. But an official Remembrance Day would do just that. I remain,

    Sincerely yours’
    Capt. Onur Y. Uranli

    “Genocide Lies”:

    Once again Armenian lobby is pushing for their point of views in one of our state capitols. Once again they are doing so by using their well established lobbying organization throughout the nation. And once again they are presenting their version of the distorted history. It is absolutely crucial for our politicians to be able to discriminate between truth and fiction before they declare April 24th as the so-called “genocide Remembrance Day” for the Armenians.

    Turkish Americans and friends of Turkey do not agree with this fabricated history. The word “genocide” is absolutely a wrong term to describe what has transpired in eastern Anatolia. But we acknowledge that Ottoman Armenians have suffered heavy losses during World War I. The events
    that took place are very complex and cannot be solved in state capitols. It can only serve ill-minded politics and can cause harm to the objectivity of history.

    It was a war where Ottoman Empire was fighting Western allied powers in the West but also with Czarist Russia in the East. During the Russian campaigns the revolutionary Dashnak and Hunchak Armenian organizations have led inhumane campaigns against their long time neighbors Turks
    and Kurds and as a result slaughtered innumerable innocent people all under the protection of occupying Czarist armies. However, when the Russians were forced to pull back Armenian villagers were left behind unprotected. Hence, Turkish and Kurdish citizens of the empire who were literally raped by the brutalities of the Armenian anarchists striked back in vengeance. This led to
    the horrors of “blood feud”.

    There are in fact official documents created by the Ottoman government which explain that the state ordered and organized an involuntary exodus of Armenians to prevent further bloodshed between the involved groups. At the time it was thought that it would be easier to relocate the minority population of the region, the Armenians. No matter how honorable intentions the Ottomans intended to have this decision actually led to further losses by the Armenians. But again, it was not planned extermination of a nation.

    There are absolutely no written documents proven a well calculated so-called genocide of the Ottoman Armenians. The only documents that the Armenian lobby is basing their claim on, the well known Andonian documents are nothing but fabricated documents by French Armenians as
    demonstrated by the British Foreign Office. The proponents of the “genocide” are yet to produce irrefutable proof that Turks actually committed genocide.

    All the prominent historians well known to Armenian lobbyists unanimously agree that there was no genocide against the Armenian nation. But as usual once these people of conscious make their statement publicly they are being threatened to submission to their silence. These tactics are
    not new to the extremists.

    The Dashnaks have terrorized Turks and Kurds in the early part of this century. Then more recently they helped to rape and slaughter the Azerbaijanis in the famous Karabagh conflict.

    It was only couple of weeks ago when FBI has arrested Mr. Mourad Topalian for his alleged terrorist activities against the Turkish nation. As you know he is a well known Dashnak member and recent president of the major Armenian American lobby, namely ANCA. Again recent news have
    illustrated the same Dashnak terrorists have raided the Armenian parliament and killed many elected officials including the prime minister and the speaker of the house to stop the Armenian government from making a concession on the Karabagh issue with the Azerbaijanis.

    In short one needs to understand there were massacres that took place on both sides. It was never one-sided tragedy. Thus, the alleged history cannot be claimed as a history of a genocide. Certainly it cannot be even compared to the horrors experienced by the Jewish nation in the first half of this century.

    Again, to accept the so-called Armenian genocide will serve only the ill-minded politicians and the aspirations of the terrorist Dashnak organization. While it is absurd to even blame Turkey for the
    alleged events (1915) that took place before its birth (1923) it is equally absurd to claim genocide when Turks even have suffered heavier losses than Armenians did as history proves.

    You should know that Turkish Americans sympathize with the Armenian survivors of the horrors of eastern Anatolia. But Armenians should do the same for the Turkish and Kurdish survivors, whose voices cannot be heard in this great land of ours.