Tag: İTÜ

  • PSU student wins Fulbright award to teach in Turkey

    PSU student wins Fulbright award to teach in Turkey

    News release issued by Pittsburg State University

    Gregory Campbell, a recent Pittsburg State University graduate from St. Louis, Mo., will be teaching English this fall and also building bridges between his home and Turkey.

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    Campbell, who received a master’s degree in music in May, is a recipient of a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship through the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Fulbright Program, established in 1946, is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries.

    “It is indeed a fantastic achievement and a great honor for Gregory to be chosen in this highly selective program,” said Dr. Selim Giray, Campbell’s adviser at PSU and himself a native of Turkey.

    Giray said Campbell will teach at the Istanbul Technical University Centre for Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM).

    Campbell said it was his relationship with Giray that first got him thinking about teaching in Turkey.

    “My adviser and several of my colleagues are from Turkey and we have had in-depth conversations about the educational system, the political climate and the culture,” Gregory wrote in his application. “After our frequent talks, I had a strong desire to go to Turkey.”

    As a graduate assistant at PSU, Campbell not only taught courses, but also mentored international undergraduate students and helped them with their English. He also volunteered with the orchestra program at Pittsburg High School.

    “Gregory has an amazing gift to relate to any person, whether they have a similar or dissimilar background,” Giray said. “He is always eager and excited to learn a new culture. I cannot imagine a better person to represent our country.”

    Campbell, who taught in the Kansas City (Mo.) School District before coming to PSU, said he is eager to take what he has learned about English education to classrooms in Turkey, but he added that the learning goes both ways.

    “It is my hope that while I am teaching English in Turkey, that I can learn from my students as much as possible…I not only want to see what’s different about Turkish students, but I also want to draw parallels with American students.”

    While in Turkey, Campbell also hopes to travel and to learn more about Turkish music and culture.

    “I believe that not one second of the time I spend in Turkey should be wasted,” he said.

    Campbell said he expects his Fulbright experience in Turkey to make him a better teacher when he returns to the U.S.

    “I plan to take my experiences from Turkey back to the U.S. classrooms,” Campbell said. “I believe that this experience and experiences like these help me to creatively and effectively educate American children.”

    Campbell is the first PSU student to win a Fulbright award since 2000. Competition for 2012-13 awards is now open. The application deadline at PSU is Sept. 15. For additional information about the program, interested persons may contact the PSU Office of International Programs and Services at 620-235-4680.

    via PSU student wins Fulbright award to teach in Turkey – KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg.

  • Istanbul students plan 145/435 MHz satellite

    Istanbul students plan 145/435 MHz satellite

    satIstanbul students plan 145/435 MHz satellite

    Students at Istanbul Technical University are working on a 3U CubeSat that will carry a linear transponder for SSB/CW amateur radio communications.

    TURKSAT-3USAT will carry a 50kHz bandwidth 145/435 (V/U) linear transponder, beacon and telemetry downlink. It is hoped to have an early 2012 launch into a Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) at around 680km.

    Istanbul Technical University’s first Communication Satellite

    Istanbul Technical University TURKSAT-3USAT

    TURKSAT-3USAT on the IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination pages


    via Istanbul students plan 145/435 MHz satellite | Southgate Amateur Radio News.

  • Maslak set for Turkey’s Digital Base

    Maslak set for Turkey’s Digital Base

    A new research and development center that will bring together scientists from İstanbul Technical University (İTÜ) and product development businesses from the Informatics Industry Association (TÜBİSAD) is expected to be among the country’s largest R&D facilities.

    A view from Maslak
    A view from Maslak

    İTÜ Rector Muhammed Şahin and TÜBİSAD Chairman Turgut Gürsoy on Wednesday signed the protocol that pushes the button for the new project, which will cost approximately $45 million in total. Domestic and foreign corporations such as Hewlett Packard (HP) are also supporting the project. The center, called Digital Base, will be completed in one-and-a-half years.

    In their speeches the participants emphasized that the project would become a technological base for Turkey in two to three years’ time and improve Turkey’s technological standing as well as provide job and career opportunities for students during training.

    Information Technology and Communications Authority (BTK) head Dr. Tayfun Acarer and the dean of the faculty of computers & information at İTÜ, Dr. Eşref Adalı, also attended the signing ceremony on Wednesday.

    Adalı said, “If a university does not cooperate with information technology businesses, it would be like a hospital without a faculty of medicine.” He also stressed the importance of the information technology and communications sector.

    Acarer also delivered an address during the ceremony. In addition to his expectations for the new center, he also commented on the music-sharing website Fizy.com, which had been shut down in recent months. “The site was banned because of copyright issues, and we are continuing our work to minimize restrictions on the Internet,” he said.

  • Students Convicted for Criticism of Prime Minister

    Students Convicted for Criticism of Prime Minister

    18 students were sentenced to 1 year and 3 month each behind bars because of criticizing PM Erdoğan at the opening ceremony of the Istanbul Technical University. They had voiced their protest in slogans and banners.

    Erol ÖNDEROĞLU [email protected]

    Istanbul – BİA News Center 24 November 2010, Wednesday

    The Sarıyer (Istanbul) 3rd Criminal Court of First Instance handed down a 1year and three months prison sentence each to 18 students of the Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ). The students were punished for protesting Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the course of the politician’s visit on the occasion of an opening ceremony at the university.

    The trial against the 18 students was opened two years ago in 2008. The court convicted the students under charges of opposing Law No. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations. The sentences were postponed due to a lack of criminal record of the defendants.

    The young defendants were convicted on 5 November. The sentence will be executed if they commit the same sort of crime within the coming five years. The students had shouted slogans critical of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) during the prime minister’s visit and posted banners reading, “The İTÜ madrasah”, “An AKP government movie”, “The great invasion” and “The keynote speaker of the İTÜ opening ceremony, the rectorship is not a branch of the AKP”.

    Tüzer and Yılmaz detained for eight months

    Ferhat Tüzer and Berna Yılmaz, two members of the “Youth Federation”, have been detained for eight months now. They were arrested for displaying a banner reading “We want free education, and we will get it” during the speech of PM Erdoğan at the “Romani meeting” on 14 March this year in Istanbul.

    Mother of detained student called on Prime Minister

    The trial against Tüzer and Yılmaz started on 30 September before the Istanbul 10th High Criminal Court. Preceding the first hearing, Tüzer’s mother called on the Prime Minister and President Abdullah Gül, “I am just as much a prisoner as my son. He did not hit anybody, he did not steal. He wanted free education which is the right of any student. My son experienced injustice. They should let him free. I am calling on the President, the Prime Minister and the President of YÖK [Higher Education Council] with the cry for help from a mother. Give an end to this injustice”.

    Tüzer and Yılmaz are charged with “membership of an illegal organization” and face imprisonment of between six to 15 years. The next hearing is scheduled for 14 December. (EÖ/VK)

    via English :: Students Convicted for Criticism of Prime Minister – Bianet.