Tag: freemasonry

  • Why Former Ottoman Provinces cannot become Proper States

    Why Former Ottoman Provinces cannot become Proper States

    Assurbanipal Augustus ChosroesHunting Justinian Umayyad_calif_Sassanian_prototyp Nasir_al-Din_al-Tusi 13 c Istambul_observatory_in_1577 Ottoman_Sultan_Selim_III_1789(First published in a shorter form in www.buhodle.post – Friday, July 5th, 2013)

    By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis


    As commentary to an earlier article, a shrewd reader’s question hit at the very epicenter of today’s most critical problems of the Islamic world; the question was why the modern states, which were Ottoman provinces before being progressively detached from Turkey (from 1798 to 1918), namely Egypt, Algeria, Aden, Sudan, Tunisia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia, cannot become – once for all – normal, independent states, and as such implement a proper nation building process, and demonstrate public order and discipline, while abiding by their traditions and cultures.


    1. Arab Spring can happen only to Pseudo-States

    The question is very timely as the fake revolutions, fallaciously termed as ‘Arab Spring’ by the Freemasonic – Zionist mass media, proved to be the result of a sheer, yet systematic and sophisticated, manipulation of the local mobs by the secret services of the US, UK, France, Holland, Belgium, Israel, Canada, Australia, and eventually other Western countries (in coordination and for a rather long period that only recently showed its dreadful result).


    To truly understand what has happened to the aforementioned destitute, wrecked pseudo-states, one has to correctly assess first how the leading Western countries are ruled, and to retrace the origin of their ruling system, before making comparisons. The essence of the administration, and of the ruling system of a country, determines the success of a state, society and people, irrespective of religion, culture, language, origin, past, and location.


    In what is called today “foreign policy” at the local level and “international politics” at the global level, there is a most important element that eclipses all the rest, because it comprises of a most determinant set of rules as to how to successfully implement governmental plans and programs, promote national interests and concepts, and make national enemies’ plans fail. This element is called: “imperial government”. Of course, this is not openly admitted at any level, namely a) politics, foreign policy making and diplomacy, b) education and political science, and c) mass media and publications. On the contrary, a great effort id deployed to conceal and obscure this reality.


    1. The Origin of the Imperial Government 

    Imperial government existed in the Ottoman Empire indeed, and it was an excellent combination of two imperial governmental traditions, notably the earlier Caliphates’ governmental tradition and the Christian Eastern Roman governmental tradition; the first goes back to the 7th c. CE, whereas the second is relevant of the 4th c. CE (the times of the Christianization of the Roman Empire), and of the end of the 1st c. BCE (the initial period of inception of the Roman Empire). It is of seminal importance to notice that the Islamic Imperial governmental tradition, since its very beginning and the emergence of the Umayyad dynasty of Damascus, was always interconnected with the Eastern Roman governmental tradition; quite indicatively, Greek was the official language of the Islamic Caliphate for several decades until 701 before being replaced by Arabic – when the ‘contents’ of the notion of Imperial Government were fully transferred within the newly appeared state.


    However, both lines of tradition rely on earlier stages of imperial government; the early Omayyad Caliphate was also formed under the strong impact of the Iranian Sassanid governmental tradition, which in turn depended on earlier Iranian dynasties’ governmental tradition (Arsacid, 250 BCE – 224 CE / Achaemenid, 550 – 330 BCE). Successively, Iranian imperial government was traced after the Assyrian – Akkadian Mesopotamian imperial governmental tradition that goes back to the middle of 3rd millennium BCE, when the original concept of the Universal State as Imperium was developed under Sargon of Akkad the world’s first and foremost forefather of emperors.


    On the other hand, the Roman imperial government was formed under the strong impact of the Oriental imperial governmental tradition and due to a strenuous search for the concepts and the principles of other nations’ imperial governmental tradition. The Egyptian imperial governmental impact on Rome took also a strikingly religious and philosophical dimension, due to the diffusion of Ancient Egyptian cults, faiths, mysteries and ideologies across the Roman Empire; hundreds of temples dedicated to Isis, Osiris, Horus, Anubis and other significant representatives of the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon have been excavated in Italy, Greece and other Balkan states, Germany and Central Europe, France, Belgium, Holland, and England, as well as across the Iberian Peninsula. The academic series of publications EPRO – Etudes Préliminaires pour les Religions Orientales dans l’ Empire Romain (French acronym for ‘Preliminary Studies on the Oriental Religions within the Roman Empire’) contains more than 150 voluminous books, but nothing of all these reflections and representations of the historical truth was ever duly popularized in Europe, North America, and elsewhere.


    The Roman search for the Ideal Imperium went back to Assyria too. Romans attempted to imitate and reflect attitudes, behaviors, thoughts and concepts of the Macedonian Emperor, and invader of Achaemenid Iran, Alexander the Great of Macedonia whose ideal imperial concept can be evidently retraced back to the 8th – 7th c. BCE Sargonid Assyrian Empire, the greatest of all the Oriental Empires. Several centuries after Alexander of Macedonia, the national poet of Rome stated that the new imperial capital should become a New Nineveh – the capital of the Assyrian Empire opposite today’s Mosul on the eastern bank of Tigris (Dicle) river.


    Studies focused on the imperial governmental ideology and the history of the administration of the Sargonid Assyrian Empire lead to the conclusion that not any other later or earlier ideology had the intellectual vigor, the spiritual strength, and the philosophical universality of the Sargonid Assyrian Empire (722 – 609 BCE). All the later empires only imitated Nineveh, and always failed to reflect the Assyrian majesty and splendor in their entirety.


    The Oriental Imperial tradition was transferred from empire to empire, and from the Orient to the Occident (the terms denote merely a geographical distinction – no cultural distinction), and although the tradition did not remain exactly the same, it survived down to the Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire of Iran, and the Mughal Empire of India.


    At the same time, the imperial tradition was also preserved in several European medieval and modern states, namely the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (which was later known as Austria-Hungary), Spain, Russia, France, England, Germany, and Italy. However, in reality, all of them were mere shadows of the Christian Roman Imperial government in terms of Empire conceptualization, Imperial Universality, Government & Society contextualization, spiritual strength, and Weltanschauung; quite contrarily, they were far crueler and at times inhuman and barbaric.


    1. The End of the Imperium in the West, & the Villainous Freemasonic Lodge

    The attested barbarism, lowly character, corrupt nature, villain attitude, and the ensuing overall vulgarization that were involved in modern European imperial states were only due to the slow but firm infiltration of the Freemasons. In this regard, it goes without saying that the degree of vulgarization corresponds only to the level of Freemasonic infiltration. The Ottoman Empire, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Germany were far less vulgar than England and France as empire forms and ruling systems, because the latter two states were already in the 19th c. almost fully controlled by Freemasons.


    When the apostate Freemasonic lodge failed to control a targeted empire through infiltration, subversion, coercion, and (at times) by forcing a compromise on the imperial family, other means were used to destroy it, namely ruse, deceitful alliances, wars, rebellions or a combination of methods. Freemasonry brought to power lewd, deviate, and monstrous villains with no moral compunction, and they became the new ‘elite’ (whereas in reality they could never be any) – only to contribute to the gradual erosion, advanced decay, and final demise of the Imperial Government system.


    In this regard, the French revolution (1789) was an ignoble and hideous means by which the Freemasons brought down the Catholic Christian French Kingdom.


    World War I was an enormous trickery aptly stage-managed by the Freemasonry-controlled pseudo-imperial (the term is used because the lowly and villain character of the rulers) governments of France, England, and the US in order to eliminate imperial states that were not controlled by the Freemasons (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire).


    With the rise of the Freemasonic involvement, the imperial government took a lewd, lowly, and vulgar character that is best portrayed in the latest imperial formation, e.g. the US administration which is well-known for its coarse and beastly officers, the likes of the disreputable Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama.


    1. The Slow Decline of the Imperium in the Islamic World

    Over the centuries, there were several negative developments within the Ottoman Empire (1301 – 1922), the Safavid and Qadjar Iranian Empires (1501 – 1736 / 1796 – 1925), and the Mughal Empire of India (1526 – 1857) that progressively brought decadence and decomposition to the three gigantic Islamic realms that controlled the whole territory from Atlantic to the Pacific. These developments were not economic or military of character; they did not reflect any ceremonial or protocol change within the imperial administration, nor did they result from any degeneration of the imperial system of rule itself.


    Quite contrarily, the gradual phenomenon of the Islamic Imperial decadence was due to the slow diffusion and penetration of corrupt, false, barbaric, and disastrous theoretical, judiciary, and theological systems that cannot bring but decay and chaos wherever they appear and are allowed to survive. It was a quite long process that lasted no less than one millennium, although one can pinpoint some key moments. Actually, these developments had started even before the rise of the Ottomans, and are therefore integral part of Islamic History.


    These negative developments consist in the widespread diffusion and adoption of un-Islamic, anti-Islamic, inhuman and barbaric theories and ideas that were successively composed by the lowest of the low theologians of Islam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (780 – 855), Ahmad ibn Taimiyah (1263 – 1328) and Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahhab (1703 – 1792). All three lived in different eras (with an approximate 400 years’ distance from one another), but had indeed a lot of traits, attitudes and behaviors in common; their succession involves also the fact that among them the posterior referred to the anterior as his ‘valuable’ theological master. All three were of lowly, uncultured and uneducated origin; they were rejected by their masters as wrong and incapable students of Islam; and they were imprisoned or pursued for heresy and rejection of the Islamic governmental authority, and for threatening the safety of the Islamic state.


    Their pathetic and worthless pseudo-theories have had also a lot of common points. They came out of a limited background and were deprived of the basic perceptive abilities; during their poor studies, they had a minimal exposure to diverse fields of knowledge; they were totally unaware of other civilizations, cultures, philosophies and ruling systems; they totally misunderstood basic notions of intellectual life; they deeply hated any open-minded standpoint because it contained elements of which they had no clue; they loathed and reviled reason, reasoning, exploration, analysis, synthesis, comparison, argumentation and knowledge contextualization because their incapacitated minds fully prevented them from all key theoretical and academic processes; they were totally cut off from any spiritual dimension, and ended up as vicious nominalists and unconscious materialists.


    What ensued from their personal failure was a reduced and false microcosm that they idiotically identified with what they thought that Islam is/was (or can be) and catastrophically tried to defend – at the calamitous detriment of real Islam that they never imagined, let alone understood.


    They therefore reflected a simplistic approach to society, state and world affairs; as they hated knowledge and wisdom they turned out to be ignorant fanatics able only to stick to their silly assumptions and useless opinions. As their childish and worthless minds could never encompass the perplexity of the Islamic Imperial Government, they totally failed to grasp what was necessary for the Islamic Caliphate in order to prevail over its enemies.


    Consequently, they totally disregarded the fact that their nonsensical ideas and catastrophic opinions would assuredly weaken the Islamic Imperial state – only to the benefit of the enemies of Islam. They calmly promoted misery and ignorance because of their limited mindsets, and they generated a downgrading spiral within Islam because of their attachment to their poor and execrable background from which they originated.


    As they hated self-improvement and had actually no ability to properly learn and improve their mental and intellectual qualifications, they came up with reductionist, minimalistic structures at the antipodes of every cognitive system.


    Their thought structures were all gravely anti-Islamic, because they triggered among followers the complete rejection of study, research and knowledge, thus spreading unadulterated barbarism of cataclysmic dimensions and consequences. Particularly Ahmad ibn Taimiyah can be credited with an effort to also alter and distort Islam, by diffusing polytheistic concepts – that he simply was not mentally and intellectually capacitated to assess in their proper dimensions and nature.


    The evil followers of the above trashy, fake imams flattered all the weaknesses and all the vices of low, ignorant and villainous people whom they did not want to educate, empower and improve, but only use for their scheme to take control over the Islamic Government and impose their ignorant and idiotic opinions.


    Through these evil methods, and after discrediting great philosophers and erudite scholars, prominent architects and artists, leading scientists and spiritual teachers to the eyes of the mob, the followers of the three fake imams managed to always widen their sphere of nefarious influence and to acquire a remarkable power within the society they lived in. Their gradual rise to predominance is also due to the fact that the Ottoman Empire was involved into too many war fronts (against Portugal in Eastern Africa, against Spain in Northwestern Africa, against Austria-Hungary in Central Europe, against Russia in the plains of Ukraine, and against Iran in the Caucasus and Zagros Mountains region) and the Sultans were reluctant to focus on and resolve their vast empire’s internal affairs. Similar developments took place in Iran and India. Of course, the above description is quite short and schematic; there have been many other theologians of lesser importance who followed in the path of the above mentioned three calamitous figures, further diffusing similar ideas and spreading decay and disaster.


    1. The Culmination Point in the Fight between Civilization and Barbarism within Islam

    The negative results of the aforementioned developments started being noticed around 1580. The ignorant, uneducated, vulgar, and Satan-led mob that followed Ahmad ibn Taimiyah’s filthy concepts and silly ideas attacked the Istanbul Observatory and destroyed what was at the time the world’s most advanced Center of Learning and Research. Which was the reason? Science was unnecessary to them!


    Founded by the leading astrologist and astronomer Taqieddin Efendi (Taqi al Din), the Istanbul Observatory was better equipped than Tyho Brahe’s in Central Europe (Uraniborg), whereas Taqieddin Efendi’s Zij (observational clock) was more advanced than Tyho Brahe’s and Copernicus’. This was due to the fact that, when Taqieddin Efendi petitioned Sultan Murat III to finance the construction and the equipment of the Observatory, he had in mind the famous Samarqand Observatory which had been constructed under the guidance of Ulugh Begh (1394 – 1449), one of the top Muslim erudite scholars of all times whose astronomical and mathematical texts were translated to Latin in 15th c. Europe.


    The execrable and barbaric theologians and followers of Ibn Taimiyah knew that, if Islamic Knowledge and Imperial Power were diffused among the people and, in parallel, their ignorance and darkness were removed, the Ottoman Empire would control the entire world. But the true Islam and the Islamic Caliphate were very hateful to them, because they considered as ‘Islam’ their own Satanism and barbarism. Provenly acting under Satan’s guidance, they mobilized the mob against erudite scholars, scientists, astrologists and astronomers, they assassinated philosophers, artists and intellectuals, they disregarded Islamic Science, Literature, Philosophy and Art, they propagated a catastrophic lack of interest for the ‘other’, and they disreputably taught their ignorant and pathetic followers that Islam is just limited to prayer, fasting, and few other acts of worship – of which they did not know even the real meaning and reason.


    This development greatly affected the Imperial Government of the Ottoman Sultans; more and more silly and uneducated people started working in important positions of the administration. Wherever practiced, the Imperial Government has always been linked with Knowledge and Science (in Islam, Christianity, Rome, Iran, Egypt and Assyria). The reason is simple: you cannot govern an empire without perceiving correctly, knowing in detail, and understanding in-depth. No empire can exist without Spirituality, Wisdom, Science, Intellect, Art and Ethics. And villains like Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah have none of them.


    Deprived of spirituality, the Islamic prayer is a worthless form of verbosity. The same is actually true for any prayer performed by any adept of any religion anytime anywhere. However, the anti-Islamic and barbaric theological systems that prevailed among Muslims due to the increased diffusion of the heretic opinions and vicious teachings of ibn Hanbal and ibn Taimiyah progressively eliminated every trace of spirituality among Muslims.


    Similarly, deprived of spirituality, the Islamic fasting is just an odd and incomprehensible diet. Worse, as it is practiced today, within the – largely undetected by the Muslims – materialistic culture that enveloped Islam during the colonial and postcolonial times, Ramadhan fasting can become an explosion of fabulous, Lucullan iftars (meals) at the antipodes of the very principles that stand behind the concept of Islamic fasting.


    The above are only two examples of de-conceptualized and de-contextualized, fake Islam that prevails widely among today’s Muslims who are fully unaware of the development that took place progressively from generation to generation due to the encrustation of the aforementioned alien theological systems on the main body of the Islamic beliefs.


    Compared to the Imperial Government in Islam (which is what we call the Islamic Caliphate – Islam’s top materialization on Earth), the Islamic prayer and fasting are merely two important elements of cult; nothing more. But the prevalence among Muslims of a de-conceptualized, de-contextualized and de-spiritualized cult entailed also the emergence of a de-valorized perception and understanding of the Islamic Government, e.g. the Islamic Caliphate.


    Many countries can survive and have actually survived for centuries after the local people lost their original spirituality and faith; this situation certainly represents a form of decadent culture, but the concepts of rule, law, government and discipline can be still intact and strong, sustaining a powerful administration and a formidable military force for generations.


    But when the spirituality of the Caliphate, the concept of God’s representative on Earth, the entire semiotic context of the Islamic Imperium, and the real value of the Islamic Government are lost, then the average fake Muslim has a viciously false, desecrated idea about his ruler, and the total and final collapse comes fast.


    This means that the Satanic systems of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah eroded the Islamic society from inside, and in the process, they did not only alter the Islamic faith but also weakened the Islamic state by destroying the average Muslims’ concept of, devotion in, commitment to, reliance on, and passion for, the Islamic Empire.


    In the Golden Age of Islam, for the high administrators of Abbasid Baghdad or Umayyad Andalusia, and for the magistrates of other great states of the Islamic Ages, the performance of prayer was a secondary matter of minor importance, because serving the Caliphate was already a spiritual dimensions’ service of the utmost value. Their focus was therefore on the Spirituality, Knowledge and Art of Governing; when all this went lost because of Ahmad ibn Taimiyah’s villainous barbarism, the Islamic Empire underwent its final downfall.


    What today’s idiotic sheikhs and uneducated imams fail to understand is that, if the prayer and the fasting are harmful to the Supreme Power of the Caliphate (the Islamic Imperial Government), they are rejected by Allah and become ultimately a curse for the hypocrites (munafiqun) and the infidels (kuffar) who only impersonate the Muslims, without truly being faithful. This is so because the top interest, concern and commitment of a Muslim should be the consolidation of Islam’s power in this world, and this involves as top priority not a fake prayer and a ridiculous fasting but a wholehearted contribution to the supremacy of the Islamic Caliphate.


    In fact, there cannot be any Islamic prayer that is good for a Muslim when the act of the prayer is due to a state of mind that can harm the Islamic Imperial Government in any sense.


    1. The Freemasonic Colonial Powers and the Collapsed Islamic Imperium

    In the modern times and for the past 200-250 years, due to the ignorance and idiocy imposed among Muslims by the Freemasonry-led Western colonial countries through the fabricated by Western academia, un-Islamic and anti-Islamic system of ‘Political Islam’ or ‘Islamism’, the outright majority of the Muslims failed to understand that, in the material world, Islam equals Islamic Caliphate, and when the Islamic Caliphate does not exist, there is no Islam.


    But I am digressing. To go back to the original subject and terminate the present brief analysis, I should add that, when the Freemasonry-led Western colonial powers entered into competition and undertook their expansionist policies, they sent their agents in the lands of Islam. These agents presented themselves as travelers, scholars, explorers, etc. and as such they were allowed to cross and observe / study the Islamic lands; this was certainly a terrible mistake and a great part of naivety from the part of the Islamic authorities which can be interpreted as an indication of the advanced decay. The Western agents reported back home the disastrous situation that prevailed in the Islamic World (Ottoman Empire, Iran, India and other territories in Asia, Europe and Africa). Even in the case of militarily strong countries (like 17th century Ottoman Empire), the local societies were already rotten, tenebrous and barbaric, because of the widespread diffusion of the perverse and Satanic ideas of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah that had meanwhile prevailed in even larger scale one way or another, eliminating Spirituality, Wisdom, Science, Exploration, Philosophy, Aesthetics and Ethics, and turning the already de-spiritualized religion of Islam into a ridiculous judicialized pseudo-religion of do’s and don’ts, a worthless nominalist dogma of uncultured and uneducated imams and sheikhs, and a materialist theory accepted by followers only because of the rewards ‘promised’ in the Hereafter for their orthopraxy.


    The Freemasonic Anglo-French plan to eradicate Islam, which means to eliminate the Islamic Imperial Governments (because without them there is no Islam in this world), was now in motion. As the central power of the Islamic World was the Ottoman Empire, it became the main target of the English and the French agents, explorers, businessmen, military, academia and diplomats. In prominent position among them, there were the Orientalists: those who unearthed archaeological evidence, deciphered epigraphic material, published textual records, conceptualized and contextualized the past of the targeted countries as per the interests of the colonial powers, and in brief, robbed the Heritage and the Identity of the Orient from their own owners without them even imagining of what they were losing…..


    The Western diplomats, agents and academics knew very well that the local people were idiotic and ignorant, silly and trashy, because of the diffusion of the teaching of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah, and they concluded that, although Muslim, they would be easy to manipulate and cheat, because their idiocy marked them with a catastrophic lack of sophistication. And they were right. Unadulterated coercion was thus to apply to them. And it did, quite successfully.


    Psychologically inferior, poor, and ignorant, the local Egyptians (of 1798 and onwards) and Algerians (of 1830 and onwards), if compared to the knowledge and the sophistication of the French explorers, linguists, archaeologists and historians who flooded these two detached Ottoman provinces, would look like a brainless, silly, and uneducated child in front of a leading savant, a distinguished academician, and an erudite discoverer or inventor.


    As the provinces were progressively cut off from the capital (after Egypt and Algeria, it was the turn of Aden, Sudan, Tunisia, Eritrea, the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf, Oman, Libya, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Arabia), there were no local forces to understand (let alone achieve) the level of sophistication of the Imperial Government at a time the enemy invaded their lands. Due to the diffused ignorance, even Istanbul was a shadow of the Imperial Government of the great old times of Suleiman the Magnificent or his father and predecessor, Selim I.


    Thus, Islam’s top achievement in the world, the Devlet-i Ebed-müddet (“The Eternal State”), was abandoned – first in Egypt and in Algeria and later in the other detached provinces – by the corrupted materialistic followers of the pseudo-Islamic theologians Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ahmad ibn Taimiyah, all those who did not want to die for the real Islam, but to survive like rats in the colonial regimes’ fake and distorted Islam.


    The complete collapse of the Islamic World happened indeed in 200 years (1580 – 1798), and once the ultimate demolition of Islam was triggered with Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, there was no apparent force in the Islamic Caliphate (let alone its detached provinces) to oppose the imperial sophistication of the Western colonial powers.


    Worse, not even one person from the entire Islamic World managed to detect as early as 1800 or 1830 the ultimate end of the Freemasonic Anglo-French plots and conspiracies. This is indeed the chronicle of a death foretold. The end of Islam came in less than a century later, and what is even more striking is that the idiotic sheikhs, uneducated imams, and pseudo-Islamic universities of today fail to understand and admit that, following the dissolution of the Caliphate, there is no more Islam on Earth.


    1. What it takes to launch the True Islamic Caliphate today

    Today, the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate would certainly solve all the troubles of the Islamic world, but there is no driving force to lead this development. There are no true Muslims – with the necessary spirituality, with the demanded wisdom and knowledge, with the required ethics and morals, with the indispensable accurate perception and assessment of the ‘other’, and with the much needed evaluation and judgment of Islam’s complete collapse and disintegration – who would be up to the task of re-inventing and implementing the Islamic Caliphate.


    In fact, all those fake Muslims who, fanatic in their pseudo-faith and extreme in their worthless opinion, want to defend ‘Islam’ fail to realize that you can never protect what you never properly identified, learned, understood, and abode by. This tells much about what today’s primary task for the Islamic World is; Muslims must first reject themselves, fully deny their false self, liberate themselves from their corrupt mind, replace their ignorance with original knowledge, and abolish their false faith for true Islamic spirituality. For today’s fake Muslims, the top priority task is the proper re-birth in the historical Islam, and the parallel rejection of all aspects of today’s mindsets, attitudes, behaviors, lifestyles, opinions, interpretations, teachings, beliefs, assumptions, socio-political organization, and public & international affairs.


    Re-discovering the Islamic Imperial Government and Islam, as Science, Art, Ethics, Religion, Culture, and Civilization, will not be an easy task. Actually, the proper study of the Islamic Imperial Art of Government (in total opposition to today’s villainous politics and in full rejection of today’s pseudo-Muslim gangsters who serve these evil purposes) is a very complicated task. It has always been so.


    When the Ottoman Caliphate was still functioning as a proper Imperial Islamic Government (certainly up to 1580), it was never an easy task for an indigenous young man to study, familiarize with, and become an expert in the Imperial Government. It would take 10 or 20 years of diverse studies and associated training for someone to become a successful Ottoman, Iranian or Mughal Indian administrator. It was a complex and sophisticated curriculum that eclipsed those of the other great powers’ administrators. It goes without saying that this curriculum was not as miserable and as cheap as studying religion today with a sheikh in pseudo-Islamic universities like Al Azhar, Madinah, etc.


    As a matter of fact, religion and fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) were only a very small part of the Imperial Government Curriculum; there were many other more important subjects to study and learn for someone wishing to serve as an administrator, expert or adviser in the Imperial Islamic Government. To put it better, being part of an Islamic Imperial Government took a major life effort. Of course, Imperial Government meant about all continuity; people live and die, but imperial administrations live as long as an empire pursues successful policies and reproduces the class of its wise potentates, high caliber administrators, and formidable magistrates. The ruling class of an Imperial Government is therefore bound to always reproducing itself through incessant preparation and enrolment of worthy, valuable young men who can become successful rulers after pursuing long studies.


    As it can be easily surmised, this process always happens in the capital cities of the empires. A mere farmer in Clairmont Ferrant (France), Sfax (Tunisia) or Taiz (Yemen) is good for nothing, when it comes to Imperial Government.


    1. Ottoman Provinces turned to Colonies, and then to Fake States

    The top concern of the French and the English in their centuries long, multifaceted confrontation with the Ottoman Empire was to progressively detach provinces, and corrupt the local societies through a long list of vicious policies of alteration and disfigurement in order to achieve an advanced level of de-Islamization.


    But as the detached provinces of the Ottoman Empire were cut off from Istanbul, the Islamic Imperial Government tradition was lost for those territories whereby the Western powers selected the filthiest and the unworthiest of the local population, i.e. all those who were ready to betray their true country (e.g. not the detached province that was merely a technical entity, but) the Ottoman Empire and cooperate with the invaders – a behavior that is tantamount to high treason and comprehensive betrayal and denial of Islam.


    As per the typical colonial method, the local administrators of the colonial powers sent often these corrupted traitors back to Paris or London to convert them from uneducated agents to sophisticated traitors of their own country in order to subsequently appoint them as heads of the shameful local colonial administration that was setup only to exploit the detached province to the benefit of the enemy and occupier (i.e. the French and the English). How can one expect that a trashy person of this lowly behavior may ever be able to rule his country and, in doing so, mighty enough to oppose empires?


    Take as example an uneducated, trashy and idiotic person, like Gamal Abdel Nasser! He did not pursue even a minimal part (one hundredth) of the study required to be an administrator of the Imperial Government. If one compares Gamal Abdel Nasser’s worthless curriculum, which was a mere copy of Western doctrine (so, automatically rejected as per the original Islamic standards), to that of the high magistrates of Abbasid Baghdad, Umayyad Andalusia, and Ottoman Istanbul, one understands how lower, more cowardly, more ignorant, and more impotent Gamal Abdel Nasser was to resume governmental positions. And of course he may have never reached any, had the Americans not initiated him in the secrets of being a filthy agent at their service and therefore able only to execute order given by kuffar, which is tantamount to betraying one’s religion, harming one’s country, and ridiculing oneself.


    Where did Gamal Abdel Nasser or any other worthless and pathetic local ruler, Qadhafi, Saddam Hussein, Hafez Assad, Bourguiba, Buteflika, Anwar al Sadat, Mubarak and their likes, learn how to become an effective and worthy administrator of the Islamic Imperial Government? Already they never imagined, let alone understood what the Islamic Imperial Government is. Instead of it, their world was that of filthy (and genuinely anti-Islamic) ‘politics’, i.e. the vulgar, hideous and lowly manner of Freemasonic ruling that was first implemented in England and France (when the Freemasons prevailed in these two countries) and thence exported to the rest of the world.


    The above-mentioned self-disastrous gangsters studied in military academies, universities and institutes, but there was no Islamic Imperial Government tradition anymore in their countries, so they could not possibly study the Art of Islamic Imperial Government. The same concerns other Muslim countries like Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc. In fact, when an empire collapses, the Imperial Government disappears, the tradition is lost, and after centuries of colonialism, the new, idiotic, ignorant and useless elite that comes to surface (only through the scrupulous colonial filters) acts like typical slaves of the English, the French and the Americans. This is what actually occurred in every country that is today inhabited by Muslims, be it a ‘republic’ or a ‘kingdom’. If Kemal Ataturk’s Turkey constituted an exception, it is always useless to remember that the exception confirms the rule.


    So, how could one expect Gamal Abdel Nasser, a silly street boy and a worthless soldier, to properly serve the interests of his country the nature and the dimensions of which he could not even understand and assess?


    And this concludes the case of the present gangsters who rule the detached provinces of the Ottoman Empire without having the chance even to imagine what the Islamic Imperial Government is (or can be) and how the great powers of the West are governed. They can only be valueless, one-use puppets at the hands of the foreign enemies of the Islamic world, e.g. the administrations that methodically destroyed the Islamic Caliphate and nowadays continue their nefarious policies of identity distortion, heritage disregard, social-cultural alteration and deformation, and economic robbery against the Oriental (not only the Islamic) countries.


    These trashy and brainless idiots-turned-gangsters can only have the calamitous end that they deserve. The principles of the Islamic Imperial Government are always there, even though the Islamic Caliphate collapsed. These principles can never be removed. Similarly, the Islamic Ethics are always there, and no foreign government or local high traitor can ever remove them. Anyone who opposes them simply prepares an ominous end for himself and a permanent damnation for his soul.


    1. Issues of Islamic Imperial Government – a Model Country

    To take matters more closely, I will now focus on a country that is rather viewed as ‘peripheral’ to the Islamic world, without however being so. This wrong consideration reveals the vast and detrimental ignorance that prevails among the world’s Muslims as regards the Islamic Imperial Government, which is the most important part of Islam, when it comes to social affairs, irrespective of what the ignorant, criminal, and Satanic sheikhs of Al Azhar and Madinah may think or say. The country-example is Somalia.

    In Somalia, there was an Islamic Imperial Government tradition. Perhaps, it was not at the level of Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul, Isfahan, Delhi or Granada, but it was quite typical for countries located at the Islamic World’s geographical margin (North Nigeria, Mali, Central Asia, and Indonesia). In all these cases, local emirs and sultans referred to the Caliph as the principal authority in terms of Islamic Imperial Government, and therefore maintained close and harmonious contacts with the capital of the Caliphate. In the History of Islamic Somalia, the Islamic Imperial Government tradition was embodied in various Empires like the Sultanates of Ifat, Adal, Warsangali, Majerten, Hobyo, Mogadishu, Ajuran, and Geledi.


    In the moment of its greatest expansion (basically 1500-1600), the Islamic Caliphate – viewed not only as the Ottoman Empire, but holistically as central Caliphate and regional dependencies – was a very decentralized form of state and a great part of the decision-making process was delegated to the regions. This was able to happen exactly because the Art of Islamic Rule was widely diffused and elaborate forms of Government bound with Spirituality, Science and Exploration were attested even in faraway places.


    A typical example is the Great Somali Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim whom the Somalis have been used to call Gurey in Af Somali, their language. More recently, due to the colonization, the Somalis too have lost the Islamic Imperial Government tradition, and as consequence, they have been by now used to call Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim merely a ‘sheikh’ or ‘imam’, not an Emperor as they should. This means that today’s Somalis do not understand what is and what is not important.


    Quite contrarily, the neighboring barbaric Abyssinians always call ‘emperors’ the diverse series of filthy and incestuous soldiers whose mothers were prostitutes, and who were at times appointed as thugs-in chief of their barbaric realm. To add perjury to their list of crimes, the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians fallaciously attribute their origins to Solomon (Hz. Suleyman) who – of course – never got married with the Yemenite (not Abyssinian) Queen of Sheba (contrarily to their lies), and consequently never had a son named Menelik. The false myth of Menelik was forged only lately within their vulgar, hideous and fallacious literature named ‘Kebra Negast’ that dates back to the end of the 13th c. CE; no earlier literature in any language mentions this forgery.


    However, even before 100 years, the Somali dervishes at Taleh seem to have preserved the basics of the Islamic Imperial Government tradition in their opposition to the criminal Freemasonic gangsters of England.


    It is totally wrong to assess that the Taleh dervishes made a war upon the English just for religious purposes; this is exactly what the colonial thugs of the vulgar, lowly, and pseudo-royal government of England wanted to diffuse in order to misrepresent the epic struggle of the Taleh dervishes for National Independence and Imperial Islamic Government.


    Following the vicious, racist, anti-Somali propaganda of the worthless English, their regional puppets, e.g. the Wahhabi bogus-Muslims of Saudi Arabia and the Amhara – Tigray Tewahedo (Monophysitic) cholera of Abyssinia, started also pretending and diffusing the filthy falsehood as per which the Taleh dervishes fought to establish a radical, Islamist and extremist religious state. This is a vicious lie.


    The Somali dervishes and the great King Muhammad Abdallah Hassan rejected the English presence, because of their faith in the Islamic Imperial Government, i.e. the Caliphate, and its values and principles that are the only to allow Muslims to live in a noble Islamic way and to arrange their societies as per Islam’s virtues and spirituality, and in full rejection of the Amhara incestuous barbarism, and of the Western modernism and materialism.


    The Somali dervishes and the great King Muhammad Abdallah Hassan had kept the Imperial Government tradition vivid in their hearts and minds. They knew quite well that this was what the inhuman English beasts wanted to uproot in order to spread materialistic perversion and utter barbarism in the Holy Islamic Land of Somalia.


    And this is in fact what exactly today’s Somalia is missing. If the true spirit and the original spirituality of King Maxamed Cabdille Xasan is recaptured and rekindled, the filthy gangsters of the English and American administrations will stop calling this Great African Hero as ‘Mad Mullah’.


    In our effort to recapture King Muhammad Abdallah Hassan’s spirituality and vision of Islamic Imperial Government, we have to study his own model: the Great Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim who preceded him by 400 years. Spirituality deprives anyone and anything of the worthless notion of time, because in the spiritual world that the Taleh dervishes so much sought after there is no time. This means that the Great Anti-Colonial Hero Muhammad Abdallah Hassan was able to see his own model, Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey), just face to face. He was able to grasp the very deep meaning of Gurey’s acts and targets.


    This is exactly what today’s Somalis have failed to achieve, as they have been plunged in the useless materialist concerns and approaches generated during 23 years of Civil War and because of the ensuing dependence of a significant portion of the Somali economic and political class on the vicious, Satanic, Western capitals.


    Yet, the only means to ensure the reunification, rehabilitation and reinstatement of the Somali Nation is the re-acquisition of the spirituality of the Taleh dervishes. Today’s Somalis need to delve in the values and the virtues of the Islamic Imperial Government as revealed by the action of Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey). In fact, to do so, today’s Somalis have only to realize a key point: between the Great Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey) and us today, there is less than one minute distance. Not 500 years!


    It was not by mere coincidence or due to simple hatred that the Great Emperor tried to extinguish the cursed and inhuman race of the Amhara. He knew very well that, if they survived, they would attempt to turn the entire Eastern Africa into a hell of barbarism, ignorance, bestiality, fornication and incest – elements that were already noticed by the early 16th c. Somalis as the basic constituent traits of the worthless and lowly Amhara society. To the visionary Emperor, it was crystal clear that the utmost barbaric society would be – to the incestuous Amhara – a ‘paradise’.


    We, now, taking into account the Rastafarian description of their villainous and Satanic ideas, we can understand how clairvoyantly Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (Gurey) assessed the situation and wanted to disperse and annihilate the Amhara pestilence; Rastafarians promote filthiness, incest and every other bestiality, while believing that the entire African continent will be called Zion when their fake Messiah comes. Rastafarians did not properly exist before 500 years, but the core of their beliefs existed already among the pseudo-Christian Amhara, and this was well known to the Great Somali Emperor Gurey who did his best to cancel the then forthcoming hardships of his illustrious nation, the Somalis. It was quite clear to Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim that the Amhara evilness would end up at the End of Times (Al Yom al Ahar) with siding with, and offering their state to, the Antichrist (Masih al Dajjal).


    Perfectly well versed into the concepts and the notions of the Islamic Imperial Government, Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim won, prevailed over, and dispersed the barbaric Amhara realm. However, the Emperor’s real enemy proved to be the colonial Portuguese maritime force that was sent urgently to oppose him.


    The Portuguese, who were infiltrated and guided by Freemasons, searched to find the dispersed Amhara soldiers – who were left with no state due to the great victories of the Great Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim. The Portuguese managed to save and reorganize the dispersed Amhara (and thus to preserve them for the Freemasonic plots of the Latter Day), and they engaged the Somali armies in several battles. The Islamic Imperial Government was evidently considered by the Western European Freemasons as the main enemy, because they knew that sooner or later they would prevail over the Catholic Church in Western Europe, and that the Islamic Caliphate was what really stood on their way to setup a barbaric global state of Satanic nature.


    The Portuguese Freemasons knew that they had to defeat the Great Somali Emperor through ruse in the battlefield, in order to allow the evil, incestuous Amhara to survive until a later and greater colonial involvement would setup a closer Amhara – Anglo-French – American – Ashkenazi Zionist cooperation in view of the forthcoming appearance of the Antichrist (Masih al Dajjal) whom the evil forces are anticipated to accept as the true Messiah.


    When the later colonial involvement took place, 300 years after the assassination of the Great Somali Emperor Ahmad ibn Ibrahim, the English and the French helped the Amhara expand from their tiny and unimportant barbaric kingdom to all directions (north, south, west, east) and invade the greatly civilized nations of the Oromos, the Afars, the Kaffas, the Hadiyas, the Sidamas, the Ogadeni Somalis, and others who have been held captive within the barbaric tyrannical state of Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized as Ethiopia) over the past 160 – 60 years (as per case).




    Pictorial documentation:

    Assurbanipal – Emperor of the Universe (Sar Kissati) & Emperor of Assyria

    Octavian Augustus, First Roman Emperor

    Sassanid Iranian Emperor Khusraw (Chosroes) I Anushak Ravan (Immortal Soul)

    Justinian I – the greatest Eastern Roman Emperor

    Coin of Umayyad Caliph – having striking similarities with Sassanid Iranian coins

    Nasir al Din al Tusi, one of the greatest astronomer and erudite scholars of Islam, 13th c.

    Istanbul Observatory 1577

    Sultan Selim III at the Top Kapi Palace in 1789





  • The Coming World Crisis

    The Coming World Crisis

    En Route To Global Occupation“Chapter 7 – The Coming World Crisis


    Before the nations of the world ultimately embrace a system of global government, they must first have a reason to do so. Humanity, convinced that permenant world peace cannot be attanied without the creation of a powerful world authority capable of pretecting countries from one another, will eventually sacrifice the current world order – seeing no
    alternative. Significant strides have already been made in this directionsince the turn of the century, end if history repeats itself, further “progress” will be made soon.

    Two world wars have already been fought in the twentieth century. In each case, an aggresive power was used to ignite a crisis that drew in the rest of the world; and both times the aggressor was defeated. After each war, as supranational organization was established for the alleged purpose of
    promoting world peace, first the League of Nations, then the United Nations. Each organization has brought us one step closer to the realization of a one world government. The United Nations today is the closest thing to world government that humanity has ever known. Unlike the incomplete League of Nations, which consisted of only 63 countries and did not include the US, the United Nations consists of 159 nations, nearly every country in the world. Its infrastructure is all-encompassing and includes the World Court, the UN peace-keeping forces, and specialized organizations ranging from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to the World HealthOrganization (WHO). It oversees dozens of additional agencies ranging from UNESCO to UNICEF, covering virtually every aspect of life. The UN lacks only the power to implement and enforce its strategies.

    Could a third world war be used to finally lead mankind to accept a New World Order? If so, how might such a war begin? Who would be its main players? And what would be the outcome? To answer these important questions we must examine those areas where current events and the blueprints of the conspirators coincide with what the Bible teaches must yet take place.

    A Possible Scenario

    I believe that insiders will initiate a world crisis only if they feel it isnecessary to get the public to accept their New World Order. The mere threat of a major world conflict could be enough to scare the public into accepting such a change-especially when coupled with the existing problems of world hunger and global debt, and the created panic over the environment. As their campaign slogan openly proclaims, “Global Problems Demand Global Solutions!” Historically, however, wars have been effective in advancing the cause of
    world government; the fact is, major changes occur more easily during times of crisis. 

    Unlike the previous world wars in which Germany was the main instigator, the world’s next major conflict will undoubtedly be sparked by the hotbed of tensions surrounding the Middle East. If not Iraq a second time, then perhaps Iran or Syria.

    This writer believes that Syria might play a significant role in ushering in the New World Order, if not as an instigator of war, then as a middle man for negotiating peace. It is too critical a nation to remain on the sidelines for very long and, contrary to popular belief, Syria -not Iraq- is the most powerful Islamic military state in the Middle East. It therefore merits close watching.

    During the past several years, Syria appears to have been laying the groundwork for its own attack against Israel. Syrian troops now hold long sought after positions in Lebanon and have been prepared for such an invasion since early 1984. According to the USA Department of Defense publication, Soviet Military Power, Syria has also become the site of the largest Soviet arms build-up in the Third World, having contrasted for 19 billion dollars in military hardware. It currently boasts the largest number of Soviet military advisors of any Third World country. (1)

    The Syrian government, meanwhile, has effectively turned the tables by falsely warning its people of a coming Israeli attack on Syria, although Israel has repeatedly denied such allegations. (2) According to the Jerusalem Post during one of Syria’s propaganda campaigns several years ago it took a personal statement from Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzak Shamir, to maintain peace. Shamir voiced his “incomprehension” at Syrian “nervousness”, “which, he said, had triggered several strong Soviet warnings to Israel in recent days.” (3) I beleive the Syrian government was deliberately misleading its people in order to justify its own “pre-emptive” strike against Israel down the road. For these reasons, I have chosen to use Syria as our example in this scenario (although a similar scenario could beconstracted using Iraq, Iran, or even Libya).

    If the powers-that-be were to move Syria against Israel, it would be Syria’s fatal mistake, planned this way by the conspirators in order to precipitatea world crisis. Unlike previous invasions, the Jewish state this time would have almost no time to respond. Its back would be to the wall quickly as Syrian MIGs would strike over Jerusalem within 4 minutes. Israel would be faced with a very difficult decision -either allow itself to be conquered, or else launch its nuclear arsenal against Syria and possibly Iraq. In late 1986, “London’s Sunday Times printed an article stating that Israel may havea stockpile of as many as 200 nuclear warheads.” (4) So we know that a nuclear exchange is a very real possibility.
    There is an Old Testament prophesy concerning Damascus, the capital of Syria, which has yet to be fulfilled. Isaiah proclaimed: “See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.” (Is. 17:1). As it is, Damascus is the oldest standing city in the world, never having experienced mass destruction. This prophesy must be fulfilled some time before the return of Christ.

    Having lost several thousand of its military advisors in the exchange and with world opinion seemingly turned against Israel for her use of nuclear force, the Soviet Union could seize this opportunity to do what it has long desired – move against Israel. Arab pressure on the Soviets to invade Israel would add to the temptation.

    If the Soviet Union came to the rescue of Syria, it would suddenly find itself on opposite sides with the United States. What could happen next is unthinkable. Mankind will have been brought to the brink of destruction.

    Wicked man high places have been contemplating such a crisis for years. In a letter to the Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini dated 15 Agust 1871 Albert Pike, the leader of the Illuminati’s activities in the United States and the head of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry at the time, describeda distant final war, which he felt would be necessary to usher in the New World Order. (5) According to Pike, this conflict between two future superpowers would be sparked by first igniting crisis between Islam and Judaism. He went on to write:

    We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which, in all its horror, will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of  savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then, everywhere, the people, forced to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization; and multitudes, disillusioned with Christianity whose deistic spirits will be from that moment on without direction and leadership, anxious for an ideal but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the uiversal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view; a  manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. (6) (*)

    Should such a crisis be permitted to occur, the amount of destruction would be staggering. Humanity would tremble with fear believing that man is about to destroy himself. For even if Soviet Union or the United States were eliminated as military powers, over 30 countries would still have nuclear capacity. It would be a time of despair and mass confusion. Add to this the resulting chaos of global financial markets, which are already on the brink of disaster; the economic turmoil would only contribute to the world’s state of panic.

    (1) US Department of Defense, Soviet Military Power, 1986 (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1986), 133

    (2) Post Diplomatic Correspondent, “Jerusalem incomprehension at Syriannervousness,” The Jerusalem Post, (12 April 1984): 1, col. 1-2.

    (3) Ibid.

    (4) “Israel’s Nuclear Prowess – A Leak by Design?” US News and World Report(10 November 1986): 8.(5) Salem Kirban, Satan’s Angels Exposed (Roseville, GA: Grapevine Books, 1980), 158-161(6) Myron Fagan, The Illuminati-CFR, Emissary Publications, TP-107, 1968.
    This letter between Pike and Mazzini is now catalogued in the British Museum in London (According to Salem Kirban, Satan’s Angels Exposed, 164). Parts of this letter are also quoted in “Descent Into Slavery” by Des Griffin

    En Route To Global Occupation back(*) It is a pure coincidence that the most powerful figures of the Middle East are Freemasons? Have they been destined to trigger the conflict about which Albert Pike wrote? A prominent Arab Christian leader recently informed me that according to his contacts in Lebanon, King Assad of Syria and King Hussain of Jordan are both Freemasons. If this is true, we could be closer to the New World Order than people realize. (He was uncartain about whetherSaddam Hussain belonged to the same secret society.)

    A few months ago, the son of this same Arab Christian gave me a masonic document – a membership certificate – which he found in Lebanon, issued by a Phoenician Lodge located in Lebanon. However, the document notes that the Lodge is under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Jordan, which is under the authority of the Arab Supreme Council. For at least several centuries,Jordan has been a bastion of secret societies in the Middle East and has much more influence in the regions behind-the-scenes politics than most people realize. The same masonic symbol appearing on our dollar bill and found at ancient occult worship sites throughout the world, the all-seeing eye, is prominently displayed on the certificate.

    Source: “En Route to Global Occupation” by Gary H. Kah, 1991, [Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, Louisiana]

    Tanrıyı Kıyamete Zorlamak – Kağan Kurt – 1.Bölüm by HoneyMedia

    Armageddon Coalition Russia Iran Turkey Libya Ethiopia

  • Anders Behring Breivik is a freemason

    Anders Behring Breivik is a freemason


    Anders Behring Breivik in a freemason uniform, in footage uploaded to YouTube on 23 July

  • Archbishop allows freemason to be bishop

    Archbishop allows freemason to be bishop

    The Archbishop of Canterbury is at the centre of a row after it emerged he had appointed a Freemason to be a bishop.

    Rev Jonathan Baker
    Rev Jonathan Baker and The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.

    By Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Religious Affairs Correspondent

    Dr Rowan Williams named the Rev Jonathan Baker as the next Bishop of Ebbsfleet despite knowing he was an active and senior mason.

    The appointment, announced earlier this month, marked a significant U-turn by Dr Williams who had previously said that Freemasonry was “incompatible” with Christianity and had refused to promote Masons to senior posts.

    Last week, as news of Fr Baker’s membership of the Masons began to circulate through the Church, it provoked growing concern and criticism from clergy and members of the General Synod.

    When contacted by The Sunday Telegraph on Friday, Fr Baker defended his continued membership of the Masons and insisted it was compatible with his new role as a bishop.

    Yet yesterday he said he had changed his mind was leaving the masons so he could concentrate on being a bishop, adding: “I wish nothing to distract from the inauguration of that ministry.”

    Freemasonry, a secretive male-only organisation dating back 300 years, requires its members to declare a belief in a “supreme being” and to undergo elaborate rituals.

    Fr Baker joined the Apollo University masonic lodge in Oxford while he was a student, in an initiation ceremony that involves promising to keep the “secrets of Freemasonry”.

    This ritual is said to involve members being blindfolded, wearing a hangman’s noose, and being warned that those who break the oaths of allegiance will have their throat slit and their tongue torn out before being buried in the sand.

    He remained a member of the lodge for more than 20 years until his resignation yesterday, rising in the organisation to serve a term as an assistant Grand Chaplain.

    Fr Baker, who is currently principal at Pusey House in Oxford, said he had told Archbishop Williams he was a mason when they discussed his appointment to be the next Bishop of Ebbsfleet – one of the “flying bishops” who oversee clergy opposed to women priests. The post had fallen vacant when its previous holder quit to join the Roman Catholic Church.

    He said on Friday: “For many years I have been an active member and I continue to be a member. This came up in discussion with Rowan, but it has not caused a problem for me at any stage of my ministry and it won’t cause a problem now.”

    He argued that it would not interfere with his role of overseeing traditionalist parishes and said he saw no conflict in being a bishop and a Freemason.

    “I’ve never found it to be anything other than an organisation that is wholly supportive of the Church.”

    However, yesterday he said: “I have concluded that, because of the particular charism of episcopal ministry and the burden that ministry bears, I am resigning my membership of Freemasonry.”

    He said that in his conversation with Dr Williams about taking up the Ebbsfleet post, the Archbishop had asked him to reconsider his membership of Freemasonry, but was happy for the appointment to go forward while he was still a Mason.

    Yet Dr Williams has previously expressed serious concerns about clergy being involved with the organisation.

    In 2002, shortly before he became the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Williams wrote in a letter to Hugh Sinclair, of the Movement for the Register of Freemasons: “I have real misgivings about the compatibility of Masonry and Christian profession … I have resisted the appointment of known Masons to certain senior posts.”

    A year later he repeated this unease when he tried to apologise for upsetting Freemasons with his comments, saying: “Where anxieties exist they are in relation not to Freemasonry but to Christian ministers subscribing to what could be and often is understood [or misunderstood] as a private system of profession and initiation, involving the taking of oaths of loyalty.”

    His senior advisers went even further at the time. “He questions whether it’s appropriate for Christian ministers to belong to secret organisations,” said The Rev Gregory Cameron, a close friend and former chaplain to Dr Williams. “He also has some anxiety about the spiritual content of Masonry.”

    A spokesman for Dr Williams said at the time that he was “worried about the ritual elements in Freemasonry, which some have seen as possibly Satanically inspired and how that sits uneasily with Christian belief”.

    He continued: “The other idea is that because they are a society, there could be a network that involves mutual back-scratching, which is something he would be greatly opposed to.”

    Last night, Christina Rees, a member of the Archbishops’ Council, said: “The fact that Jonathan Baker has resigned as a Freemason suggests to me there is a serious incompatibility between the organisation and the Church. If it was only a matter of perception, surely he could have stuck it out.”

    Her comments were echoed by Alison Ruoff, a prominent member on the General Synod, who said she had been stunned to learn of Fr Baker’s involvement with the Masons.

    “I’m pleased to hear he’s resigned as a Mason because it is clear that the gospel does not go with masonic beliefs,” she said.

    “I think Rowan should have said he could not be a bishop if he continued to be a Mason.”

    The Rev David Phillips, general secretary of the Church Society, a conservative evangelical group, said: “The Church has said that Freemasonry is not compatible with Christianity so appointing him as a bishop seems to contradict its own stance.”

    Lambeth Palace declined to comment.

    www.telegraph.co.uk, 14 May 2011

  • Egypt’s Revolution: Creative Destruction for a ‘Greater Middle East’?

    Egypt’s Revolution: Creative Destruction for a ‘Greater Middle East’?

    F. William Engdahl, February 5, 2011
    Fast on the heels of the regime change in Tunisia came a popular-based protest movement launched on January 25 against the entrenched order of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak. Contrary to the carefully-cultivated impression that the Obama Administration is trying to retain the present regime of Mubarak, Washington in fact is orchestrating the Egyptian as well as other regional regime changes from Syria to Yemen to Jordan and well beyond in a process some refer to as “creative destruction.”

    The template for such covert regime change has been developed by the Pentagon, US intelligence agencies and various think-tanks such as RAND Corporation over decades, beginning with the May 1968 destabilization of the de Gaulle presidency in France. This is the first time since the US backed regime changes in Eastern Europe some two decades back that Washington has initiated simultaneous operations in many countries in a region. It is a strategy born of a certain desperation and one not without significant risk for the Pentagon and for the long-term Wall Street agenda. What the outcome will be for the peoples of the region and for the world is as yet unclear.
    Yet while the ultimate outcome of defiant street protests in Cairo and across Egypt and the Islamic world remains unclear, the broad outlines of a US covert strategy are already clear.
    No one can dispute the genuine grievances motivating millions to take to the streets at risk of life. No one can defend atrocities of the Mubarak regime and its torture and repression of dissent. Noone can dispute the explosive rise in food prices as Chicago and Wall Street commodity speculators, and the conversion of American farmland to the insane cultivation of corn for ethanol fuel drive grain prices through the roof. Egypt is the world’s largest wheat importer, much of it from the USA. Chicago wheat futures rose by a staggering 74% between June and November 2010 leading to an Egyptian food price inflation of some 30% despite government subsidies.
    What is widely ignored in the CNN and BBC and other Western media coverage of the Egypt events is the fact that whatever his excesses at home, Egypt’s Mubarak represented a major obstacle within the region to the larger US agenda.

    To say relations between Obama and Mubarak were ice cold from the outset would be no exaggeration. Mubarak was staunchly opposed to Obama policies on Iran and how to deal with its nuclear program, on Obama policies towards the Persian Gulf states, to Syria and to Lebanon as well as to the Palestinians.1 He was a formidable thorn in the larger Washington agenda for the entire region, Washington’s Greater Middle East Project, more recently redubbed the milder sounding “New Middle East.”

    As real as the factors are that are driving millions into the streets across North Africa and the Middle East, what cannot be ignored is the fact that Washington is deciding the timing and as they see it, trying to shape the ultimate outcome of comprehensive regime change destabilizations across the Islamic world. The day of the remarkably well-coordinated popular demonstrations demanding Mubarak step down, key members of the Egyptian military command including Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Sami Hafez Enan were all in Washington as guests of the Pentagon. That conveniently neutralized the decisive force of the Army to stop the anti-Mubarak protests from growing in the critical early days.2

    The strategy had been in various State Department and Pentagon files since at least a decade or longer. After George W. Bush declared a War on Terror in 2001 it was called the Greater Middle East Project. Today it is known as the less threatening-sounding “New Middle East” project. It is a strategy to break open the states of the region from Morocco to Afghanistan, the region defined by David Rockefeller’s friend Samuel Huntington in his infamous Clash of Civilizations essay in Foreign Affairs.
    Egypt rising?

    The current Pentagon scenario for Egypt reads like a Cecil B. DeMille Hollywood spectacular, only this one with a cast of millions of Twitter-savvy well-trained youth, networks of Muslim Brotherhood operatives, working with a US-trained military. In the starring role of the new production at the moment is none other than a Nobel Peace Prize winner who conveniently appears to pull all the threads of opposition to the ancien regime into what appears as a seamless transition into a New Egypt under a self-proclaimed liberal democratic revolution.

    Some background on the actors on the ground is useful before looking at what Washington’s long term strategic plan might be for the Islamic world from North Africa to the Persian Gulf and ultimately into the Islamic populations of Central Asia, to the borders of China and Russia.
    Washington ‘soft’ revolutions

    The protests that led to the abrupt firing of the entire Egyptian government by President Mubarak on the heels of the panicked flight of Tunisia’s Ben Ali into a Saudi exile are not at all as “spontaneous” as the Obama White House, Clinton State Department or CNN, BBC and other major media in the West make them to be.

    They are being organized in a Ukrainian-style high-tech electronic fashion with large internet-linked networks of youth tied to Mohammed ElBaradei and the banned and murky secret Muslim Brotherhood, whose links to British and American intelligence and freemasonry are widely reported.3

    At this point the anti-Mubarak movement looks like anything but a threat to US influence in the region, quite the opposite. It has all the footprints of another US-backed regime change along the model of the 2003-2004 Color Revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine and the failed Green Revolution against Iran’s Ahmedinejad in 2009.

    The call for an Egyptian general strike and a January 25 Day of Anger that sparked the mass protests demanding Mubarak resign was issued by a Facebook-based organization calling itself the April 6 Movement. The protests were so substantial and well-organized that it forced Mubarak to ask his cabinet to resign and appoint a new vice president, Gen. Omar Suleiman, former Minister of Intelligence.
    April 6 is headed by one Ahmed Maher Ibrahim, a 29-year-old civil engineer, who set up the Facebook site to support a workers’ call for a strike on April 6, 2008.
    According to a New York Times account from 2009, some 800,000 Egyptians, most youth, were already then Facebook or Twitter members. In an interview with the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment, April 6 Movement head Maher stated, “Being the first youth movement in Egypt to use internet-based modes of communication like Facebook and Twitter, we aim to promote democracy by encouraging public involvement in the political process.”4

    Maher also announced that his April 6 Movement backs former UN International Atomic Energy Aagency (IAEA) head and declared Egyptian Presidential candidate, ElBaradei along with ElBaradei’s National Association for Change (NAC) coalition. The NAC includes among others George Ishak, a leader in Kefaya Movement, and Mohamed Saad El-Katatni, president of the parliamentary bloc of the controversial Ikhwan or Muslim Brotherhood.5

    Today Kefaya is at the center of the unfolding Egyptian events. Not far in the background is the more discreet Muslim Brotherhood.

    ElBaradei at this point is being projected as the central figure in a future Egyptian parliamentary democratic change. Curiously, though he has not lived in Egypt for the past thirty years, he has won the backing of every imaginable part of the Eyptian political spectrum from communists to Muslim Brotherhood to Kefaya and April 6 young activists.6 Judging from the calm demeanour ElBaradei presents these days to CNN interviewers, he also likely has the backing of leading Egyptian generals opposed to the Mubarak rule for whatever reasons as well as some very influential persons in Washington.

    Kefaya—Pentagon ‘non-violent warfare’

    Kefaya is at the heart of mobilizing the Egyptian protest demonstrations that back ElBaradei’s candidacy. The word Kefaya translates to “enough!”
    Curiously, the planners at the Washington National Endowment for Democracy (NED)7 and related color revolution NGOs apparently were bereft of creative new catchy names for their Egyptian Color Revolution. In their November 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia, the US-financed NGOs chose the catch word, Kmara! In order to identify the youth-based regime change movement. Kmara in Georgian also means “enough!”

    Like Kefaya, Kmara in Georgia was also built by the Washington-financed trainers from the NED and other groups such as Gene Sharp’s misleadingly-named Albert Einstein Institution which uses what Sharp once identified as “non-violence as a method of warfare.”8

    The various youth networks in Georgia as in Kefaya were carefully trained as a loose, decentralized network of cells, deliberately avoiding a central organization that could be broken and could have brought the movement to a halt. Training of activists in techniques of non-violent resistance was done at sports facilities, making it appear innocuous. Activists were also given training in political marketing, media relations, mobilization and recruiting skills.
    The formal name of Kefaya is Egyptian Movement for Change. It was founded in 2004 by select Egyptian intellectuals at the home of Abu ‘l-Ala Madi, leader of the al-Wasat party, a party reportedly created by the Muslim Brotherhood.9 Kefaya was created as a coalition movement united only by the call for an end Mubarak’s rule.

    Kefaya as part of the amorphous April 6 Movement capitalized early on new social media and digital technology as its main means of mobilization. In particular, political blogging, posting uncensored youtube shorts and photographic images were skillfully and extremely professionally used. At a rally already back in December 2009 Kefaya had announced support for the candidacy of Mohammed ElBaradei for the 2011 Egyptian elections.10

    RAND and Kefaya

    No less a US defense establishment think-tank than the RAND Corporation has conducted a detailed study of Kefaya. The Kefaya study as RAND themselves note, was “sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense agencies, and the defense Intelligence Community.”11

    A nicer bunch of democratically-oriented gentlemen and women could hardly be found.
    In their 2008 report to the Pentagon, the RAND researchers noted the following in relation to Egypt’s Kefaya:
    “The United States has professed an interest in greater democratization in the Arab world, particularly since the September 2001 attacks by terrorists from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Lebanon. This interest has been part of an effort to reduce destabilizing political violence and terrorism. As President George W. Bush noted in a 2003 address to the National Endowment for Democracy, “As long as the Middle East remains a place where freedom does not flourish, it will remain a place of stagnation, resentment, and violence ready for export” (The White House, 2003). The United States has used varying means to pursue democratization, including a military intervention that, though launched for other reasons, had the installation of a democratic government as one of its end goals.
    However, indigenous reform movements are best positioned to advance democratization in their own country.”12

    RAND researchers have spent years perfecting techniques of unconventional regime change under the name “swarming,” the method of deploying mass mobs of digitally-linked youth in hit-and-run protest formations moving like swarms of bees.13

    Washington and the stable of “human rights” and “democracy” and “non-violence” NGOs it oversees, over the past decade or more has increasingly relied on sophisticated “spontaneous” nurturing of local indigenous protest movements to create pro-Washington regime change and to advance the Pentagon agenda of global Full Spectrum Dominance. As the RAND study of Kefaya states in its concluding recommendations to the Pentagon:
    “The US government already supports reform efforts through organizations such as the US Agency for International Development and the United Nations Development Programme. Given the current negative popular standing of the United States in the region, US support for reform initiatives is best carried out through nongovernmental and nonprofit institutions.14

    The RAND 2008 study was even more concrete about future US Government support for Egyptian and other “reform” movements:
    “The US government should encourage nongovernmental organizations to offer training to reformers, including guidance on coalition building and how to deal with internal differences in pursuit of democratic reform. Academic institutions (or even nongovernmental organizations associated with US political parties, such as the International Republican Institute or the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs) could carry out such training, which would equip reform leaders to reconcile their differences peacefully and democratically.

    “Fourth, the United States should help reformers obtain and use information technology, perhaps by offering incentives for US companies to invest in the region’s communications infrastructure and information technology. US information technology companies could also help ensure that the Web sites of reformers can remain in operation and could invest in technologies such as anonymizers that could offer some shelter from government scrutiny. This could also be accomplished by employing technological safegaurds to prevent regimes from sabotaging the Web sites of reformers. “15

    As their Kefaya monograph states, it was prepared in 2008 by the “RAND National Security Research Division’s Alternative Strategy Initiative, sponsored by the Rapid Reaction Technology Office in the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics.
    The Alternative Strategy Initiative, just to underscore the point, includes “research on creative use of the media, radicalization of youth, civic involvement to stem sectarian violence, the provision of social services to mobilize aggrieved sectors of indigenous populations, and the topic of this volume, alternative movements.16

    In May 2009 just before Obama’s Cairo trip to meet Mubarak, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted a number of the young Egyptian activists in Washington under the auspices of Freedom House, another “human rights” Washington-based NGO with a long history of involvement in USsponsored regime change from Serbia to Georgia to Ukraine and other Color Revolutions. Clinton and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman met the sixteen activists at the end of a two-month “fellowship” organized by Freedom House’s New Generation program.17

    Freedom House and Washington’s government-funded regime change NGO, National Endowment for Democracy (NED) are at the heart of the uprisings now sweeping across the Islamic world. They fit the geographic context of what George W. Bush proclaimed after 2001 as his Greater Middle East Project to bring “democracy” and “liberal free market” economic reform to the Islamic countries from Afghanistan to Morocco. When Washington talks about introducing “liberal free market reform” people should watch out. It is little more than code for bringing those economies under the yoke of the dollar system and all that implies.
    Washington’s NED in a larger agenda

    If we make a list of the countries in the region which are undergoing mass-based protest movements since the Tunisian and Egyptian events and overlay them onto a map, we find an almost perfect convergence between the protest countries today and the original map of the Washington Greater Middle East Project that was first unveiled during the George W. Bush Presidency after 2001.
    Washington’s NED has been quietly engaged in preparing a wave of regime destabilizations across North Africa and the Middle East since the 2001-2003 US military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The list of where the NED is active is revealing. Its website lists Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Sudan as well, interestingly, as Israel. Coincidentally these countries are almost all today subject to “spontaneous” popular regime-change uprisings.
    The International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs mentioned by the RAND document study of Kefaya are subsidiary organizations of the Washington-based and US Congress-financed National Endowment for Democracy.
    The NED is the coordinating Washington agency for regime destabilization and change. It is active from Tibet to Ukraine, from Venezuela to Tunisia, from Kuwait to Morocco in reshaping the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union into what George H.W. Bush in a 1991 speech to Congress proclaimed triumphantly as the dawn of a New World Order.18

    As the architect and first head of the NED, Allen Weinstein told the Washington Post in 1991 that, “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA19

    The NED Board of Directors includes or has included former Defense Secretary and CIA Deputy head, Frank Carlucci of the Carlyle Group; retired General Wesley Clark of NATO; neo-conservative warhawk Zalmay Khalilzad who was architect of George W. Bush’s Afghan invasion and later ambassador to Afghanistan as well as to occupied Iraq. Another NED board member, Vin Weber, co-chaired a major independent task force on US Policy toward Reform in the Arab World with former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and was a founding member of the ultra-hawkish Project for a New American Century think-tank with Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, which advocated forced regime change in Iraq as early as 1998.20

    The NED is supposedly a private, non-government, non-profit foundation, but it receives a yearly appropriation for its international work from the US Congress. The National Endowment for Democracy is dependent on the US taxpayer for funding, but because NED is not a government agency, it is not subject to normal Congressional oversight.
    NED money is channelled into target countries through four “core foundations”—the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, linked to the Democratic Party; the International Republican Institute tied to the Republican Party; the American Center for International Labor Solidarity linked to the AFL-CIO US labor federation as well as the US State Department; and the Center for International Private Enterprise linked to the free-market US Chamber of Commerce.
    The late political analyst Barbara Conry noted that,
    “NED has taken advantage of its alleged private status to influence foreign elections, an activity that is beyond the scope of AID or USIA and would otherwise be possible only through a CIA covert operation. Such activities, it may also be worth noting, would be illegal for foreign groups operating in the United States.”21

    Significantly the NED details its various projects today in Islamic countries, including in addition to Egypt, in Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iran and Afghanistan. In short, most every country which is presently feeling the earthquake effects of the reform protests sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa is a target of NED.22

    In 2005 US President George W. Bush made a speech to the NED. In a long, rambling discourse which equated “Islamic radicalism” with the evils of communism as the new enemy, and using a deliberately softer term “broader Middle East” for the term Greater Middle East that had aroused much distruct in the Islamic world, Bush stated,
    “The fifth element of our strategy in the war on terror is to deny the militants future recruits by replacing hatred and resentment with democracy and hope across the broader Middle East. This is a difficult and long-term project, yet there’s no alternative to it. Our future and the future of that region are linked. If the broader Middle East is left to grow in bitterness, if countries remain in misery, while radicals stir the resentments of millions, then that part of the world will be a source of endless conflict and mounting danger, and for our generation and the next. If the peoples of that region are permitted to choose their own destiny, and advance by their own energy and by their participation as free men and women, then the extremists will be marginalized, and the flow of violent radicalism to the rest of the world will slow, and eventually end… We’re encouraging our friends in the Middle East, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, to take the path of reform, to strengthen their own societies in the fight against terror by respecting the rights and choices of their own people. We’re standing with dissidents and exiles against oppressive regimes, because we know that the dissidents of today will be the democratic leaders of tomorrow…”23

    The US Project for a ‘Greater Middle East’

    The spreading regime change operations by Washington from Tunisia to Sudan, from Yemen to Egypt to Syria are best viewed in the context of a long-standing Pentagon and State Department strategy for the entire Islamic world from Kabul in Afghanistan to Rabat in Morocco.
    The rough outlines of the Washington strategy, based in part on their successful regime change operations in the former Warsaw Pact communist bloc of Eastern Europe, were drawn up by former Pentagon consultant and neo-conservative, Richard Perle and later Bush official Douglas Feith in a white paper they drew up for the then-new Israeli Likud regime of Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996.
    That policy recommendation was titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. It was the first Washington think-tank paper to openly call for removing Saddam Hussein in Iraq, for an aggressive military stance toward the Palestinians, striking Syria and Syrian targets in Lebanon.24

    Reportedly, the Netanyahu government at that time buried the Perle-Feith report, as being far too risky. By the time of the events of September 11, 2001 and the return to Washington of the arch war hawk neoconservatives around Perle and others, the Bush Administration put highest priority on an expanded version of the Perle-Feith paper, calling it their Greater Middle East Project. Feith was named Bush’s Under Secretary of Defense.
    Greater Middle East orthographic projection

    Behind the facade of proclaiming democratic reforms of autocratic regimes in the entire region, the Greater Middle East was and is a blueprint to extend US military control and to break open the statist economies in the entire span of states from Morocco to the borders of China and Russia.

    In May 2005, before the rubble from the US bombing of Baghdad had cleared, George W. Bush, a President not remembered as a great friend of democracy, proclaimed a policy of “spreading democracy” to the entire region and explicitly noted that that meant “the establishment of a USMiddle East free trade area within a decade.” 25

    Prior to the June 2004 G8 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia, Washington issued a working paper, “G8-Greater Middle East Partnership.” Under the section titled Economic Opportunities was Washington’s dramatic call for “an economic transformation similar in magnitude to that undertaken by the formerly communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.”

    The US paper said that the key to this would be the strengthening of the private sector as the way to prosperity and democracy. It misleadingly claimed it would be done via the miracle of microfinance where as the paper put it, “a mere $100 million a year for five years will lift 1.2 million entrepreneurs (750,000 of them women) out of poverty, through $400 loans to each.” 26

    The US plan envisioned takeover of regional banking and financial affairs by new institutions ostensibly international but, like World Bank and IMF, de facto controlled by Washington, including WTO. The goal of Washington’s long-term project is to completely control the oil, to completely control the oil revenue flows, to completely control the entire economies of the region, from Morocco to the borders of China and all in between. It is a project as bold as it is desperate.

    Once the G8 US paper was leaked in 2004 in the Arabic Al-Hayat, opposition to it spread widely across the region, with a major protest to the US definition of the Greater Middle East. As an article in the French Le Monde Diplomatique in April 2004 noted, “besides the Arab countries, it covers Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Israel, whose only common denominator is that they lie in the zone where hostility to the US is strongest, in which Islamic fundamentalism in its anti-Western form is most rife.27 It should be noted that the NED is also active inside Israel with a number of programs.

    Notably, in 2004 it was vehement opposition from two Middle East leaders—Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and the King of Saudi Arabia—that forced the ideological zealots of the Bush Administration to temporarily put the Project for the Greater Middle East on a back burner.

    Will it work?

    At this writing it is unclear what the ultimate upshot of the latest US-led destabilizations across the Islamic world will bring. It is not clear what will result for Washington and the advocates of a USdominated New World Order. Their agenda is clearly one of creating a Greater Middle East under firm US grip as a major control of the capital flows and energy flows of a future China, Russia and a European Union that might one day entertain thoughts of drifting away from that American order.

    It has huge potential implications for the future of Israel as well. As one US commentator put it, “The Israeli calculation today is that if ‘Mubarak goes’ (which is usually stated as ‘If America lets Mubarak go’), Egypt goes. If Tunisia goes (same elaboration), Morocco and Algeria go. Turkey has already gone (for which the Israelis have only themselves to blame). Syria is gone (in part because Israel wanted to cut it off from Sea of Galilee water access). Gaza has gone to Hamas, and the Palestine Authority might soon be gone too (to Hamas?). That leaves Israel amid the ruins of a policy of military domination of the region.28

    The Washington strategy of “creative destruction” is clearly causing sleepless nights not only in the Islamic world but also reportedly in Tel Aviv, and ultimately by now also in Beijing and Moscow and across Central Asia.

    1 DEBKA, Mubarak believes a US-backed Egyptian military faction plotted his ouster, February 4, 2011, accessed in www.debka.com/weekly/480/. DEBKA is open about its good ties to Israeli intelligence and security agencies. While its writings must be read with that in mind, certain reports they publish often contain interesting leads for further investigation.

    2 Ibid.

    3 The Center for Grassroots Oversight, 1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood ally to oppose Egyptian President Nasser, www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=western_support_for_islamic_militancy_202700&scale=0. According to the late Miles Copeland, a CIA official stationed in Egypt during the Nasser era, the CIA allied with the Muslim Brotherhood which was opposed to Nasser’s secular regime as well as his nationalist opposition to brotherhood pan-Islamic ideology.

    4 Jijo Jacob, What is Egypt’s April 6 Movement?, February 1, 2011, accessed in http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/107387/20110201/what-is-egypt-s-april-6-movement.htm

    5 Ibid.

    6 Janine Zacharia, Opposition groups rally around Mohamed ElBaradei, Washington Post, January 31, 2011, accessed in .

    7 National Endowment for Democracy, Middle East and North Africa Program Highlights 2009, accessed in http://www.ned.org/where-we-work/middle-east-and-northern-africa/middle-east-and-north-africahighlights.

    8 Amitabh Pal, Gene Sharp: The Progressive Interview, The Progressive, March 1, 2007.

    9 Emmanuel Sivan, Why Radical Muslims Aren’t Taking over Governments, Middle East Quarterly, December 1997, pp. 3-9

    10 Carnegie Endowment, The Egyptian Movement for Change (Kifaya), accessed in http://egyptelections.carnegieendowment.org/2010/09/22/the-egyptian-movement-for-change-kifaya

    11 Nadia Oweidat, et al, The Kefaya Movement: A Case Study of a Grassroots Reform Initiative, Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Santa Monica, Ca., RAND_778.pdf, 2008, p. iv.

    12 Ibid.

    13 For a more detailed discussion of the RAND “swarming” techniques see F. William Engdahl, Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order, edition.engdahl, 2009, pp. 34-41.

    14 Nadia Oweidat et al, op. cit., p. 48.

    15 Ibid., p. 50.

    16 Ibid., p. iii.

    17 Michel Chossudovsky, The Protest Movement in Egypt: “Dictators” do not Dictate, They Obey Orders, January 29, 2011, accessed in https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-protest-movement-in-egypt-dictators-do-not-dictate-they-obey-orders/22993

    18 George Herbert Walker Bush, State of the Union Address to Congress, 29 January 1991. In the speech Bush at one point declared in a triumphant air of celebration of the collapse of the Sovoiet Union, “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea—a new world order…”

    19 Allen Weinstein, quoted in David Ignatius, Openness is the Secret to Democracy, Washington Post National Weekly Edition, 30 September 1991, pp. 24-25.

    20 National Endowment for Democracy, Board of Directors, accessed in

    21 Barbara Conry, Loose Cannon: The National Endowment for Democracy, Cato Foreign Policy Briefing No. 27, November 8, 1993, accessed in .

    22 National Endowment for Democracy, 2009 Annual Report, Middle East and North Africa, accessed in http://www.ned.org/publications/annual-reports/2009-annual-report.

    23 George W. Bush, Speech at the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, DC, October 6, 2005,accessed in http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com/speeches/10.06.05.html.

    24 Richard Perle, Douglas Feith et al, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, 1996, Washington and Tel Aviv, The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, accessed in www.iasps.org/strat1.htm

    25 George W. Bush, Remarks by the President in Commencement Address at the University of South Carolina, White House, 9 May 2003.

    26 Gilbert Achcar, Fantasy of a Region that Doesn’t Exist: Greater Middle East, the US plan, Le Monde Diplomatique, April 4, 2004, accessed in https://mondediplo.com/2004/04/04world

    27 Ibid.

    28 William Pfaff, American-Israel Policy Tested by Arab Uprisings, accessed in http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/american-israeli_policy_tested_by_arab_uprisings_20110201/


  • Freemasons Hire Fresh PR Support In Bid To Rethink ‘Secret Society’ Image

    Freemasons Hire Fresh PR Support In Bid To Rethink ‘Secret Society’ Image

    Gemma O’Reilly

    The governing body of Freemasonry in the UK has called in external PR help in a drive to shrug off a ‘secret society’ image.

    United Grand Lodge of England
    Image overhaul: Freemasons

    Since its inception in the 18th century, the practice of Freemasonry has been well known for allegedly using secret handshakes and other obscure rituals.

    But the United Grand Lodge of England is keen to shed more light on its shadowy practices as the organisation approaches its 300th birthday in 2017.

    The Lodge, which governs Freemasonry in England, Wales and the Channel Islands, has appointed Bondy Consulting as a retained consultancy to build greater awareness of Freemasonry and ensure the practice’s long-term future.

    Grand secretary of the United Grand Lodge Nigel Brown said: ‘Freemasonry is now run as a modern business and it is important our communication reflects this. Freemasonry plays a unique role in society today and it is vital we encourage people to talk openly about it and dispel the many unfounded myths associated with it.’

    Freemasonry has 250,000 members, including 30,000 overseas. It is one of the world’s largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.

    Bondy founder Jessica Bondy said: ‘We have been appointed to combat common misconceptions including those of secrecy. There are no secrets in Freemasonry and we need to encourage people to talk openly about it. Information is totally accessible for anyone that wants it and anyone can come into Freemasons’ Hall.’

    Bondy, a former MD at Ketchum, also said: ‘There is no sec ret handshake – this is one of the myths.’

    As part of the PR drive, the agency will also promote Freemasons’ Hall, which has featured in a number of Hollywood blockbuster movies.

    Bondy was selected after a competitive agency pitch.

    Ironically, both Bondy and the United Grand Lodge were tight-lipped about the Freemasons’ previous PR support.

    prweek.com, 23 June 2010