Tag: ethocide

  • A Nation of Conspiracies

    A Nation of Conspiracies


    The article which states ” In the first, the AKP is a party of religious deception that seeks to bring all elements of the government under its control. Its hidden goal is the eradication of the secular state, the wrenching of Turkey from the West, and, ultimately, the imposition of Islamic law.”.

    AHMET SUEbR  [[email protected]]

    President, TASAA (Turkish Society of Augusta and Aiken):

    • MARCH 13, 2010

    Coup plots and growing extremism. Why the West can’t ignore Turkey’s paranoia


    Last fall, having observed that few women in Istanbul took martial-arts classes, I conceived the idea to work with local instructors on creating a women’s self-defense initiative. My project met with initial enthusiasm, particularly among women concerned with the high rate of domestic violence in Turkey. But other martial arts instructors in the city grew uneasy, sensing a plot to swindle them out of their small pieces of the martial-arts pie. Istanbul quickened with lunatic rumors that the initiative was a conspiracy to disparage the other instructors’ martial prowess and steal their students. Martial-arts cliques consumed themselves with plotting and counter-plotting. Secret tribunals were held, covert alliances formed, poison-pen letters sent, friends betrayed. I gave up in disgust.
    No one familiar with the prominent role of conspiracies and paranoia in Turkish social and political life will be surprised. Last month, more than five dozen military officers were arrested and charged with plotting a coup. The detained stand accused of planning to bomb mosques and down Greek fighter jets as a pretext for toppling the government. Whether it is true, I don’t know. But either way, the country is drowning in persecutory theories.

    Turkey’s strategic and economic significance to the West is massive—and American-Turkish relations took a turn for the worse earlier this month when a U.S. congressional committee recommended the full House of Representatives take up a vote on a resolution condemning the slaughter of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as genocide.
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    Turkey is a rarity in the Middle East, a democracy with a secular constitution. It has the second-largest army in NATO; it provides a crucial energy route to Europe. The Incirlik air base is a crucial staging point for the US military. Turkey has made a sizable contribution to the coalition forces in Afghanistan. It has a seat on the U.N. Security Council, and could be a vital diplomatic partner—or a vexed antagonist—to America throughout the Middle East and Islamic world.

    The West, understandably, is concerned about the trouble in Turkey. Particularly disturbing is the growing anti-Israel animus of Turkey’s foreign policy and its growing intimacy with the most extremist regimes and parties of the Islamic world. Turkey’s trade with Iran is galloping. Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the first international figure to host Hamas. He has called for the expulsion of Israel from the U.N. while offering diplomatic support for the denial of genocide in Darfur.

    Turkey has seen three military coups in the past half century—by definition, you can’t have a coup without a conspiracy. The military, which conceives itself as the guardian of Turkish democracy and secularism, has intervened, most recently in 1997, to unseat prime ministers who have veered too far off the secular rails.

    The ruling Justice and Development Party, known as the AKP, came to power in 2002. Its senior figures rose from the ranks of virulent—and banned—Islamist parties, but the AKP claims to be moderate.

    Almost everyone in Turkey subscribes to one of two conspiracy narratives about this party or its antagonists. In the first, the AKP is a party of religious deception that seeks to bring all elements of the government under its control. Its hidden goal is the eradication of the secular state, the wrenching of Turkey from the West, and, ultimately, the imposition of Islamic law. In this narrative, the specter of the sect leader Fethullah Gülen, who has undefined ties to the party and has taken exile in Utah, arouses particular dread. His critics fear he is the Turkish Ayatollah Khomenei; they say that his acolytes have seeped into the organs of the Turkish body politic, where they lie poised, like a zombie army, to be awakened by his signal.
    The second version holds that the AKP is exactly what it purports to be: a modern and democratic party with which the West can and should do business. Mr. Gülen’s followers say the real conspirators are instead members of the so-called Deep State—what they call a demented, multitentacled secret alliance of high-level figures in the military, the intelligence services, the judiciary and organized crime.
    Neither theory has irrefragable proof behind it. Both are worryingly plausible and supported by some evidence. But most significantly, one or the other story is believed by virtually everyone here. It is the paranoid style of Turkish politics itself that should alarm the West. Turkey’s underlying disease is not so much Islamism or a military gone rogue, but corruption and authoritarianism over which a veneer of voter participation has been painted.

    The system does not look too undemocratic on paper. Turkish political parties are structured, in principle, around district and provincial organizations. There is universal suffrage, but a party must receive 10% of the vote to be represented in Parliament. Party members elect district delegates, district presidents and board members. Yet Turkish prime ministers have near-dictatorial powers over their political parties and are not embarrassed to use them.
    It is the​party members, not voters, who pick the party leader. Members of Parliament enjoy unlimited political immunity, as do the bureaucrats they appoint. The resulting license to steal money and votes is accepted with alacrity and used with impunity. Corruption and influence peddling are the inevitable consequence. Business leaders are afraid to object for fear of being shut out.
    Conspiracies flourish when citizens fear punishment for open political expression, when power is seen as illegitimate, and when people have no access to healthy channels of influence. They give rise inevitably to counterconspiracies that fuel the paranoia and enmity, a self-reinforcing cycle. Throughout Turkey is the pervasive feeling that no one beyond family can be trusted.
    The common charge that the AKP is progressively weakening the judiciary and the military is objectively correct, as is the claim that this concentrates an unhealthy amount of power in the hands of the executive branch. Yet the prime minister and his intimates insist that their actions are defensive. “For 40 years, they have kept files on us. Now, it is our turn to keep files on them,” AKP deputy Avni Doğan has said.

    Their enemies voice the same worldview. “When you look at Turkey today, it is as if the country has … fallen under foreign occupation,” the leader of the opposition CHP party Deniz Baykal has said.
    Paranoia is inevitably also grandiose. When the House Committee on Foreign Affairs passed up the recent resolution to describe the massacre of Armenians in the First World War era as a genocide, Suat Kiniklioglu, the spokesman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Turkish Parliament, explained Turkey’s outrage thus: “I think the Americans would feel that same if we were to pass a resolution in our parliament talking about the treatment of [native] Indians in this country.”
    Mr. Kiniklioglu speaks fluent English; he has spent years in the West. Yet he is blind to the most obvious of facts about American culture: No one in America would give a damn.
    Meanwhile, discussion of Turkey’s most serious social and economic problems—corruption, poverty, unemployment, and a legal system held in contempt even by its attorneys—has been eclipsed. Reports of economic miracles under the AKP have, as everyone now understands, been exaggerated by statistical legerdemain. This is all too easy to do, because Turkey has one of the largest underground economies in the world, worth somewhere between one-third and two-thirds of the country’s GDP. Every major economic sector in Turkey is largely off-the-record. No one can say confidently whether these sectors are growing or shrinking, and even officially, Turkey now has the second-highest rate of unemployment in Europe. This is hardly the mark of an expanding middle class.
    Among the most serious of Turkey’s problems, ignored in the constant din of mutual accusations, is the grave seismic risk to Istanbul. The city’s position on a highly active fault line and the prevalence of shoddy construction make it not only possible but probable that it will be the world’s next Port-au-Prince. The death and displacement of half a million Turks in an earthquake would clearly be the end of any hope of stability and peace in this region.
    The failure to prepare for this predictable event is a betrayal of trust, like so many the Turkish people have suffered. Each deepens the paranoia. Each citizen believes that to survive, he must lie and conspire. Everyone assumes everyone else is lying and conspiring against him because he himself is lying and conspiring.
    Turkish Ambassador Namik Tan recently said that the West “must understand that in this region, two plus two doesn’t always equal four. Sometimes it equals six, sometimes 10. You cannot hope to understand this region unless you grasp this.”
    Psychiatrists are typically advised to attempt to form a “working alliance” with the paranoid patient, avoid becoming the object of projection, and provide a model of non-paranoid behavior. This is also sound advice in diplomacy.
    But paranoia is known to be a particularly intractable disorder. Those who experience it do not trust those trying to help them. The West should keep this, too, in mind, for the paranoid spiral here could easily do what spirals are known to do: spin out of control.



    Good news! Apparently, an unassuming event in a place tucked away in picturesque Spain may elucidate the ugliness and shamelessness behind the persistent Armenian deception surrounding the alleged genocide.

    It is not uncommon to wake up to news that the parliament of so and so place passed a resolution recognizing the alleged” Armenian genocide. Names like Wales, Catalonia, Patagonia, Uruguay, and others make you think: “What? Do these voters even know where Armenia is today, let alone the complexities of the Armenian revolts, treason, and terrorism of 1877-1921 period and the Ottoman Empire’s security measures taken in response to them some 100 years ago half a world away?”

    Then you read the resolution and go : “Hmmm. Where did I read that before?”

    Finally it downs on you: it is the same worthless and baseless propaganda piece you have seen in all the perennial resolutions in the US Congress and elsewhere, penned by the Armenian extremists, and shoved down the throats of unsuspecting public through equally devious and selfish politicians who could not give a damn about history and even less about human rights. Because if they did, they would not violate the human rights of Turks by ignoring article 11 which says every human being is entitled to defend him/herself in the face of accusations. Turks’ right to defend themselves against the accusation of a high crime are stripped with the ill-informed and malicious votes. American (and universal) value of assumption of innocence until the guilt is proven, at a court of law, after due process, is abandoned.

    This happens all too often, no thanks to the deceitful Armenian lobby, victimizing Turks. In the meantime, no word of condemnation of Armenian terrorism since 1973 causing 70+ fatalities among Turkish diplomats or Armenian ethnic cleansing and aggression in Azerbaijan since 1992 causing one million Azeris to suffer in leaky tents while their homes are populated by Armenian soldiers conducting target practice on places of Azeri cultural heritage, schools, and mosques. I guess current human suffering of enormous dimensions is not as important to these righteous, virtuous, honorable politicians as the falsified history of a scheming Armenian radicals.

    Back to the story. You then dig a bit deeper to find out about the Patagonia-Armenia connection and that’s when you notice the dishonest and corrupt Armenian lobby rearing its ugly head. You check it in Wales… Catalonia… You see them everywhere… And the mystery is resolved: the politicians are duped by the Armenian lobby.

    Here is how the Armenian lobby does it: the contacts of the Armenian community are used to impress upon unsuspecting people that Armenian are persecuted by Turks, never showing them the photos of Armenian thugs armed-to-the-teeth (www.ethocide.com) murdering Turkish women and children. The Armenian lobby only talks about how bloody the Turkish retaliation were, but never about Armenian rebellions, treason, bombings, assassinations, hostage takings, bank raids, murders, and terrorism, at a time of war, when the motherland was under brutal foreign occupations, that finally drove the Turks to TERESET (temporarily resettle) the Armenians suspected of fifth column activities.

    An intensely emotional atmosphere is created before the vote is taken. That’s when the tricky Armenian lobby, for good measure, wheels in a few 80-year-olds in wheel chairs and pass them as “genocide survivors”. The theatrical stage is set for a bogus Armenian genocide. Resolution passes.

    Then you read in the media that so and so place has accepted the genocide resolution, never mentioning all the fanfare and drama staged by the fraudulent Armenian lobby. The impression is created that, somehow, these people in some part of the world, all of a sudden, came to their senses on a raging moment of righteousness attack, decide to call a spade a spade. Really? Where did that come from? You wonder.

    These shenanigans, at least in one case, in the case of Catalonia, was exposed today when an irate president “apologized” to Turkey for the abuse of his parliamentarian system by the wily Armenian lobby.

    First we read that “…the decision of Catalonian Parliament on recognition of Armenian genocide allegations does not reflect the opinion of Spain regarding to the issue…” Turkey’s Foreign Minister Davutoglu discusses the issue with his Spanish counterpart and expresses Turkey’s concerns . He stresses that “… Turkey condemns recognition of baseless (genocide) claims and that it is not the job of local or national parliaments to write history.” Davutoglu is pleased to hear from his Spanish counterpart that the “…Spanish government announced that recognition of so called Armenian genocide does not reflect the views of the Spanish government related to the issue”. Then comes the clincher. Catalonian Autonomous Government’s President Jose Montilla apologizes on behalf of his administration and stresses “…that the decision was baseless…” (source: .)

    So, here you are, dear fair-minded truth-seeker, another Armenian falsification is exposed. If you go after each and every recognition masquerade in all forty states and the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the United States and some twenty countries, mostly in Europe, you will see the common thread of deception and distortion by Armenians running through all of them, repeat, all of them. No self-respecting parliament would reduce itself to the level of approving a fallacy and legislating a racist and dishonest version of history. It is only a matter of time before the entire Armenian hullabaloo bites the dirt as spotlights of scrutiny and critical thinking are shone on the Armenian propaganda.

    So, what did just happen here?

    First came the vote, then the apology for the vote.

    Hmmm. I say chalk this one off to the start of enlightenment and awakening. Turkish perseverance in sticking with the truth, in a sea of bias and bigotry, may be paying some dividends after all.

    One word of advice to the Armenians who shamelessly promote a bogus genocide: GET A LIFE!



    March 12, 2010

    Hon. Ambassador Jonas Hafström
    Embassy of Sweden
    2900 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20007, USA
    Phone: 202-467 2600
    Fax: 202-467 2699
    Email: [email protected]

    Dear Ambassador Hafström,

    According to the report of International Radio of Sweden, Sweden’s former Consulate General to Istanbul and Middle East expert Ingmar Karlsson said that the decision of Swedish Parliament will have negative effects especially on Armenia. Stressing that Armenia is isolated from the rest of the world, Karlsson said, “The ones who consider that they are struggling for Armenia should know that their efforts will affect Armenia negatively.” Karlsson stressed that voting in the Swedish parliament may undermine the achievements that are made till now and said, “The risk for Armenia to fall under the influence of Russia is more than any other time now.” (Source: .)
    I agree with Ingmar Karlsson and wish to record it here for the use of future generations, in no uncertain terms, that those politicians who voted for the bogus genocide in Washington DC and Stockholm are responsible for destroying a peace process.

    Readers of my columns at www.turkla.com, www.historyoftruth, www.turkishny.com , www.turkishjournal.com , www.turkishforum.com , and elsewhere know well that I have repeatedly written that if Armenian does not wish to become a distant, irrelevant, isolated province of Russia, then Armenia must do three things:

    1) stop the military occupation of Azerbaijan soil in Karabagh and the seven surrounding provinces (thus honoring the U.N. Security Council resolutions for same,)

    2) allow a million Azeri refugees made refugees on their own soil at gunpoint by Armenian regulars and irregulars armed with Russian weapons and advisors,

    3) and stop political pressure by its diaspora on foreign parliaments designed to defame and demonize Turkey with falsified history promoted as genocide in meaningless resolutions.

    Armenia, and its diaspora, delivered on none of those expectations. Now that The U.S. Congress Foreign Affairs Committee and the Swedish Parliament, both voted by a single vote majority, to take Armenian propaganda at face value with total disregard for the truth, as summarized in the six T’s of the Turkish-Armenian conflict (www.turkla.com) , the Turkey is in no mood to feel charitable towards its land-locked, poverty-stricken, starving, aggressive, violent, corrupt, and tiny neighbor, Armenia. The protocols signed between the two last October, signaling a rapprochement of sorts, are pretty much dead-on-arrival now, thanks in no small part to those irresponsible politicians whose narrow personal interests outweighed the considerations of peace between two nations, and indeed an entire region of Caucasus involving Azerbaijan and Georgia.

    I protest, therefore, the incredibly selfish actions of a few politicians who chose their own selfish interests over peace in a difficult region involving millions of people.




    Re:  “ The Armenian Genocide: A Case Of Selective Memory”,  By Dmitry Babich, RIA Novosti, Moscow, 9 March 2010, (produced below for your convenience – the undersigned thanks www.TurkishForum.com.tr for bringing this anti-Turkish, anti-Azeri, andti-Muslim artcile to my atention, giving me a chance to respond.)



    Dear Editor,

    So this is what Journalism Department of Moscow State University produces:  cockeyed look at world events to promote Russian interests at all costs.  Here is a writer who will shamelessly complain about selective memory while “practicing” it.

    Did you read any lines about Azeris killed by Armenians above?

    Did you see any remorse about Khodjaly exterminations of Azeris (genocide?) by Armenian thugs using Russian advisors and weapons?

    Any word about the mass killings of Azeris in Karabagh by Armenian soldiers and paramilitaries under the command of Russian “advisors”  using Russian tanks?

    Azeris were killed by Armenians toting Russian Mosins in 1893 and Russian Kalashnikovs in 1993?  Both under the leadership of Russian “advisors”.  What has changed in the hundred years, other than the model of the murder weapon?

    How about Armenian aggression in the seven rayons (provinces) surrounding Karabagh?  Why is he silent about that?  Isn’t that pure aggression and persecution?

    Most dramatic of all, perhaps, is the embarrassing silence of the Russian writer (and I use the term loosely) about the million or so Azeri refugees bracing, made homeless by the Armenian thugs toting Russian rifles, bracing for the 18th scorching summer after 17th freezing winter endured in leaky tents with little food or medicine.  Is this how a Russian “journalist” sees events?  Through the prism of selective memory?

    Just like those biased promoters of a bogus genocide who will…

    a) remember Morgenthau’s falsified reports but not Bristol’s or Hubbard’s eyewitness reports;

    b) remember the long-discredited lie of 1.5 million dead Armenians, but not the Paris Peace Conference report dated 29 March 1919 declaring the number “…more than 200,000…” from which the current lie had originated;

    c)  remember the Armenian dead (about 200,00 according to Paris Peace Conference of 1919) but not more than 524,000 Muslim, mostly Turkish dead;

    d) remember 24 April as the start of a fake genocide, but not the fact that 24 April was nothing more than the Ottoman Guantanamo when the known Armenian terrorists, insurgents, and spies and their suspected accomplices, were arrested for questioning, some of whom were later released;

    e) remember Turkish retaliations but not the Armenian revolts that started them, the biggest one of all being the Van rebellion of April 1915 which was the 9/11 of the Ottoman Empire when Armenian killed more than 40,000 of thei Muslim neighbors and turned the city over to the invading Russian armies;

    f)  remember Dink, but not Arikan, and 70 other the Armenians killed since 1973;

    g)  remember Armenia Tereset (temporary resettlement of 1915) but not the facts that Armenians backstabbed their own country at a time when the motherland was under brutal foreign invasion in the West (Dardanelles by the French, and Anzacs, in the East (by Russians and Armenians), in the South (by the British in Sinai, Palestine, and Mesopotamia);

    h)  remember Armenians who were resettled because of their treasonous activities and revolts but not the Crimean Tatars (Turks) who were deported in cattle wagons to Kazakhstan, or Meshketian Turks to Uzbekiastan, or Koreans or Ukranians or Chechens or tens of millions of others  to  distant deserts and barren plains of Central Asia and icy regios of Siberia, who met worse tragic end, if such a thing is possible,  at the hands of their brutal Russian handlers… and many more (too long to list here)

    i)  remember to quote the Armenian commentator Andronik today but not the Armenian terrorist Andranik of last century who ruthlessly murdered many non-combatant, unarmed Muslims, mostly Turks, after torturing them in unspeakable manners;  or those other Armenian terrorists like Dro, Aram, and thousands of others who were trained and supported by the Russians all along the way;

    Russians are the last people on earth to talk about selective memory or persecution of defenseless ethnic people.

    Sincerely,   Ergün KIRLIKOVALIPresident-Elect, ATAA    [email protected] 9741 Irvine Center Drive                   Irvine, CA 92618-4324 , USA Cell: (949) 878-1186



    Dmitry Babich

    RIA Novosti
    15:44 09/03/2010

    A resolution on the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, passed by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Relations, has raised a real storm in international diplomacy.

    Feverish diplomatic activity and apparent hesitations of the U.S. administration are a clear sign that Turkey’s foreign policy influence has grown.

    The committee’s resolution is non-binding and it is not clear if it will be placed before the whole house, but Turkey has already recalled its ambassador to Ankara for consultations, while U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to The New York Times, has asked the Congress not to take up this delicate matter now.

    When, in 1915, 1.5 million Armenians “disappeared” as a result of the action undertaken by the Young Turks’ government, Turkey and Armenia froze all contacts with each other. It was only last year that signs

    of thawing first became manifest, and in the fall of 2009 the sides agreed to establish diplomatic relations. This was viewed as a success for the Turkish leadership, both the prime minister and the president.

    Will now a final “thaw” be postponed again?

    That is not likely, although Turkish politicians are certain to take advantage of the situation to improve their standing.

    It is very likely that the current scandal will only boost the prestige of Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Not so long ago, he was the first politician in Turkish history to challenge the

    military, saying he uncovered a military plot initially scheduled for 2003. Before that, Erdogan made out a successful case for the Palestinians as Muslim brothers, harshly criticizing Israel for its Gaza Strip operation. During the U.S. Iraqi campaign, Turkey never allowed American troops to pass through its territory, forcing Washington to invade Iraq only from the south.

    Now the ambiguous position the U.S. has maintained for years on the Armenian genocide, which helped Washington to draw Turkey into NATO, is beginning to backfire against U.S. interests. This is a good

    lesson for all, and it is not limited to the events of 1915. There are other examples. The Western mass media are still keeping silent about anti-Armenian violence in Baku in 1989-1990. Most reports mention only that Soviet troops were introduced into the city.

    The reason for such selective memory in American and West European media is understandable: it is simple to place the blame on Moscow, forgetting all about previous events. At that moment, the troops

    sent by Moscow saved the lives of thousands of Armenians and other “Russian speakers” in Baku. Even many Russian media find the subject of the violence in Baku unpopular and almost forbidden. Some say this could lose Russia advertising contracts and lead to conflicts with influential people.

    “I do not know what has to be done to get the mass media throughout the world to highlight those events,” says political analyst Andronik Migranyan, a member of Russia’s Public Chamber. “Will Armenia itself

    have to carry out PR campaigns to make things change?”

    The point is that the events of 1915 and those of the 1980s in Armenia and Azerbaijan do not concern only Armenians; they concern everyone.

    The anti-Armenian violence in Baku came after an inhumane expulsion of Azerbaijanians from Nagorny Karabakh, followed by the Khodzhala tragedy that shocked the world. People must remember everything,

    because destruction of human life cannot be forgotten or remembered selectively. Otherwise, diplomatic embarrassments like the present U.S.-Turkish spat may become regular.

    The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.


    Biography of the author:  Dmitry Babich graduated from the Journalism Department of Moscow State University. From 1990-1996, he worked as a correspondent and senior parliament correspondent in Komsomolskaya Pravda, which was at the time a respected Russian daily newspaper with a circulation of up to 20 million. He the covered politics for the TV-6 television channel for three years before becoming head of the international department of the weekly newspaper Moscow News. While he was working at Moscow News, Dima won a prize from ITAR-TASS for developing Russian-Ukrainian information exchange following a series of reports from Ukraine. He joined Russia Profile as a staff writer at the beginning of 2004.




    Dmitry Babich

    RIA Novosti
    15:44 09/03/2010

    A resolution on the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, passed
    by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Relations, has raised a real
    storm in international diplomacy.

    Feverish diplomatic activity and apparent hesitations of the
    U.S. administration are a clear sign that Turkey’s foreign policy
    influence has grown.

    The committee’s resolution is non-binding and it is not clear if it
    will be placed before the whole house, but Turkey has already recalled
    its ambassador to Ankara for consultations, while U.S. Secretary of
    State Hillary Clinton, according to The New York Times, has asked
    the Congress not to take up this delicate matter now.

    When, in 1915, 1.5 million Armenians “disappeared” as a result of the
    action undertaken by the Young Turks’ government, Turkey and Armenia
    froze all contacts with each other. It was only last year that signs
    of thawing first became manifest, and in the fall of 2009 the sides
    agreed to establish diplomatic relations. This was viewed as a success
    for the Turkish leadership, both the prime minister and the president.

    Will now a final “thaw” be postponed again?

    That is not likely, although Turkish politicians are certain to take
    advantage of the situation to improve their standing.

    It is very likely that the current scandal will only boost the prestige
    of Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Not so long ago,
    he was the first politician in Turkish history to challenge the
    military, saying he uncovered a military plot initially scheduled
    for 2003. Before that, Erdogan made out a successful case for the
    Palestinians as Muslim brothers, harshly criticizing Israel for
    its Gaza Strip operation. During the U.S. Iraqi campaign, Turkey
    never allowed American troops to pass through its territory, forcing
    Washington to invade Iraq only from the south.

    Now the ambiguous position the U.S. has maintained for years on the
    Armenian genocide, which helped Washington to draw Turkey into NATO,
    is beginning to backfire against U.S. interests. This is a good
    lesson for all, and it is not limited to the events of 1915. There
    are other examples. The Western mass media are still keeping silent
    about anti-Armenian violence in Baku in 1989-1990. Most reports
    mention only that Soviet troops were introduced into the city.

    The reason for such selective memory in American and West European
    media is understandable: it is simple to place the blame on Moscow,
    forgetting all about previous events. At that moment, the troops
    sent by Moscow saved the lives of thousands of Armenians and other
    “Russian speakers” in Baku. Even many Russian media find the subject
    of the violence in Baku unpopular and almost forbidden. Some say this
    could lose Russia advertising contracts and lead to conflicts with
    influential people.

    “I do not know what has to be done to get the mass media throughout
    the world to highlight those events,” says political analyst Andronik
    Migranyan, a member of Russia’s Public Chamber. “Will Armenia itself
    have to carry out PR campaigns to make things change?”

    The point is that the events of 1915 and those of the 1980s in Armenia
    and Azerbaijan do not concern only Armenians; they concern everyone.

    The anti-Armenian violence in Baku came after an inhumane expulsion
    of Azerbaijanians from Nagorny Karabakh, followed by the Khodzhala
    tragedy that shocked the world. People must remember everything,
    because destruction of human life cannot be forgotten or remembered
    selectively. Otherwise, diplomatic embarrassments like the present
    U.S.-Turkish spat may become regular.

    The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s and do not
    necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.


    Dmitry Babich
    Dmitry Babich graduated from the Journalism Department of Moscow State University. From 1990-1996, he worked as a correspondent and senior parliament correspondent in Komsomolskaya Pravda, which was at the time a respected Russian daily newspaper with a circulation of up to 20 million. He the covered politics for the TV-6 television channel for three years before becoming head of the international department of the weekly newspaper Moscow News. While he was working at Moscow News, Dima won a prize from ITAR-TASS for developing Russian-Ukrainian information exchange following a series of reports from Ukraine. He joined Russia Profile as a staff writer at the beginning of 2004.

    ======REPONCE FROM ERGUN KIRLIKOVALI ===============================


    Re:  “ The Armenian Genocide: A Case Of Selective Memory”,  By Dmitry Babich, RIA Novosti, Moscow, 9 March 2010, (produced below for your convenience – the undersigned thanks www.TurkishForum.com.tr for bringing this anti-Turkish, anti-Azeri, andti-Muslim artcile to my atention, giving me a chance to respond.)


    Dear Editor,

    So this is what Journalism Department of Moscow State University produces:  cockeyed look at world events to promote Russian interests at all costs.  Here is a writer who will shamelessly complain about selective memory while “practicing” it.

    Did you read any lines about Azeris killed by Armenians above?

    Did you see any remorse about Khodjaly exterminations of Azeris (genocide?) by Armenian thugs using Russian advisors and weapons?

    Any word about the mass killings of Azeris in Karabagh by Armenian soldiers and paramilitaries under the command of Russian “advisors”  using Russian tanks?

    Azeris were killed by Armenians toting Russian Mosins in 1893 and Russian Kalashnikovs in 1993?  Both under the leadership of Russian “advisors”.  What has changed in the hundred years, other than the model of the murder weapon?

    How about Armenian aggression in the seven rayons (provinces) surrounding Karabagh?  Why is he silent about that?  Isn’t that pure aggression and persecution?

    Most dramatic of all, perhaps, is the embarrassing silence of the Russian writer (and I use the term loosely) about the million or so Azeri refugees bracing, made homeless by the Armenian thugs toting Russian rifles, bracing for the 18th scorching summer after 17th freezing winter endured in leaky tents with little food or medicine.  Is this how a Russian “journalist” sees events?  Through the prism of selective memory?

    Just like those biased promoters of a bogus genocide who will…

    a) remember Morgenthau’s falsified reports but not Bristol’s or Hubbard’s eyewitness reports;

    b) remember the long-discredited lie of 1.5 million dead Armenians, but not the Paris Peace Conference report dated 29 March 1919 declaring the number “…more than 200,000…” from which the current lie had originated;

    c)  remember the Armenian dead (about 200,00 according to Paris Peace Conference of 1919) but not more than 524,000 Muslim, mostly Turkish dead;

    d) remember 24 April as the start of a fake genocide, but not the fact that 24 April was nothing more than the Ottoman Guantanamo when the known Armenian terrorists, insurgents, and spies and their suspected accomplices, were arrested for questioning, some of whom were later released;

    e) remember Turkish retaliations but not the Armenian revolts that started them, the biggest one of all being the Van rebellion of April 1915 which was the 9/11 of the Ottoman Empire when Armenian killed more than 40,000 of thei Muslim neighbors and turned the city over to the invading Russian armies;

    f)  remember Dink, but not Arikan, and 70 other the Armenians killed since 1973;

    g)  remember Armenia Tereset (temporary resettlement of 1915) but not the facts that Armenians backstabbed their own country at a time when the motherland was under brutal foreign invasion in the West (Dardanelles by the French, and Anzacs, in the East (by Russians and Armenians), in the South (by the British in Sinai, Palestine, and Mesopotamia);

    h)  remember Armenians who were resettled because of their treasonous activities and revolts but not the Crimean Tatars (Turks) who were deported in cattle wagons to Kazakhstan, or Meshketian Turks to Uzbekiastan, or Koreans or Ukranians or Chechens or tens of millions of others  to  distant deserts and barren plains of Central Asia and icy regios of Siberia, who met worse tragic end, if such a thing is possible,  at the hands of their brutal Russian handlers… and many more (too long to list here)

    i)  remember to quote the Armenian commentator Andronik today but not the Armenian terrorist Andranik of last century who ruthlessly murdered many non-combatant, unarmed Muslims, mostly Turks, after torturing them in unspeakable manners;  or those other Armenian terrorists like Dro, Aram, and thousands of others who were trained and supported by the Russians all along the way;

    Russians are the last people on earth to talk about selective memory or persecution of defenseless ethnic people.

    Sincerely,   Ergün KIRLIKOVALI
    President-Elect, ATAA
    [email protected]
    9741 Irvine Center Drive
    Irvine, CA 92618-4324 , USA
    Cell: (949) 878-1186



    Study One:

    The Armenians and Ottoman Military Policy, 1915
    Edward J. Erickson
    War in History 2008 15 (2) 141–167 (27 pages)
    10.1177/0968344507087001 © 2008 SAGE Publications

    First page, first paragraph:

    “ Mainstream western scholarship maintains that the Armenian insurrection of
    1915 was never an actual threat to the security of the Ottoman state in the First World War and that the relocation of the Armenians of eastern Anatolia was unnecessary. In truth, no study of the Armenian insurrection and its effect on Ottoman military policy has ever been conducted. This article examines the Ottoman army’s lines of communications architecture and logistics posture in eastern Anatolia in 1915. Armenian threats to the logistics and security of the
    Ottoman armies in Caucasia and Palestine are overlaid on this system. Evolving and escalatory Ottoman military policies are then explained in terms of threat assessments and contemporary counter-insurgency strategy. The article seeks to inform the reader why the Ottomans reacted so vigorously and violently to the events of the spring of 1915 “

    Last page, last paragraph:

    “ Nothing can justify the massacres of the Armenians nor can a case be made that the entire Armenian population of the six Anatolian provinces was an active and hostile threat to Ottoman national security. However, a case can be made that the Ottomans judged the Armenians to be a great threat to the 3rd and 4th Armies and that genuine intelligence and security concerns drove that decision. It may also be stated that the Ottoman reaction was escalatory and responsive rather than premeditated and pre-planned. In this context the
    Ottoman relocation decision becomes more understandable as a military solution to a military problem. While political and ideological imperatives perhaps drove the decision equally, if not harder, these do not negate the fact that the Armenians were a great military danger.”


    Study Two:

    Captain Larkin and the Turks: The Strategic Impact of the Operations of HMS Doris in Early 1915
    Edward J. Erickson
    Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 46, No. 1, 151–162, January 2010

    Page 1, first paragraph:

    “ As the Ottoman Empire entered the First World War in November 1914 there were a
    number of troubling events involving Armenians that served to convince the Turks
    of impending Armenian insurgency. It is well known that in the Caucasus, numbers
    of Armenian men fled to join the Czar’s armies against the Ottoman Empire and
    guerrilla warfare between Armenian bands and the Turks broke out on the frontier
    near the Black Sea. It is less well known that the Ottomans were also extremely
    concerned about Armenian activities in the area of Alexandretta (the modern
    Turkish port of Iskenderun) particularly around Dörtyol, a tiny railway stop and
    village close by the Mediterranean Sea. This concern was mainly the result of the
    operations of the HMS Doris in December 1914 and January 1915. This article uses
    British, German, and Turkish archival sources to focus on the ship’s operations in
    the vicinity of Dörtyol and on the strategic affect these had on Ottoman perceptions
    of threats to the empire and on actual Ottoman responses. The Doris figures
    prominently in two critical strategic outcomes – the relocation of the Armenians in
    1915 and in the activation of three Ottoman army divisions for coastal defence and
    internal security.”

    Last page, last paragraph:

    “ Arguably, in the end, Larkin’s missions were a failure as the Ottoman lines of
    communication were never seriously disrupted nor did the prospective British
    amphibious invasion at Alexandretta ever take place. Nevertheless, Captain Frank
    Larkin’s voyages in command of HMS Doris in the winter of 1914–15 had an effect
    out of all proportion to their duration and scale. Larkin’s activities were so actively
    consistent and aggressive that the Ottomans came to believe that a British
    amphibious invasion was being coordinated with and supported by an imminent
    Armenian insurrection in the vicinity of Do¨ rtyol. Unintentionally, Larkin played a
    key role in driving the Turks to some very poor decisions. It is problematic to
    imagine that had Larkin actually been tasked to conduct deception operations or
    diversionary activities that his raiding would have been nearly as convincing as what
    he actually accomplished. In any case, there is no question that Larkin and HMS
    Doris helped convince the Turks to make strategic decisions that diverted substantial
    valuable and scarce resources away from the war effort.”