Tag: Eric Holder

  • Jihad Jane Was A CIA Actor Working For The FBI To Generate Internet Terror Fear

    Jihad Jane Was A CIA Actor Working For The FBI To Generate Internet Terror Fear

    In the guise of fighting a foreign enemy

    An arab foreigner CIA agent made dual citizen with a fraudulent white citizen personality created by the FBI staging false flag terror attacks against America with a full media circus to hype it.

    Jihad Jane was given a deal by Eric Holder to stage a fake terror threat on the internet so Eric Holder and Obama could look like good terrorism fighters and create a diversion from the trillions in wealth being given away free to insiders.

    I covered this story well on one of my older suspended accounts. It was an obvious fake FBI job from the start, they admitted she worked for almost a year with them before her “arrest”. They forgot to tell us she was Nada. I have videos of her mental patient FBI patsy fake mom actor. Her fake boyfriend said she just disappeared. It was all an act, fake. Fake with fake media lies on top of it. She was in an FBI office getting va paycheck for months before we heard of it all over CBS and ABC as a real deal. We were conned and the news never said a word. I would not trust this CIA FBI actor trying to sell a book after stabbing her country in the back with a fake false flag terrorism scare that was used to steal real taxdollars. The FBI stages fake terrorism and the fake is used as a real attack for political and financial gain. Its extortion, Eric Holder runs Al-Qaeda in America, planning the next fake FBI attack to scare you into giving up your rights and wealth. Obama ran this whole operation, he is Al-Qaeda, literally. They dont exist without him running fake Mohammed cartoon, underwear, and Portland Christmas tree attacks on you. This was timed with the MUmbai David Headley trial in Chicago, both accused of fake cartoonist scares. They staged a fake Mohammed scare trial to protect Headley from a real trial in India and summary execution for the attacks he planned. Eric and Obama protected the Mumbai mastermind in a fake show trial tied to Jihad Janes fake cartoon internet scare. All timed coinciding with policy or budget needs in DC. Fake terrorism against Americans is planned in the White House. Did I say fake enough times? Obama is staging terror attacks against America, period. He is using the fear from the attacks for political gain, a terrorist by the purest definition of the word.

    Uploaded [Youtube] by IranContraScumDid911 on 14 Nov 2011