You are cordially invited to the following virtual session:
A Remarkable Journey to Highlight Plastic Pollution in The Ocean Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean With Erden Eruç & Distinguished Speakers Observance of The Ocean Day (8 June) and in support of SDG 14: Life Below Water THE OCEAN DAY 2022 (8 JUNE) | A/RES/63/111
ON TUESDAY, 7 JUNE, 2022 | Time: 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. EST Virtual Event| Language: English | Via Zoom Platform
Please REGISTER in advance: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subject: Informative Meeting on the 2023 J.U.C. Media, Research & Writing Awards on Sunday, May 22 at 12:00 (EST)
You are cordially invited to AN INFORMATIVE & INTERACTIVE Virtual Session on The 2023 J.U.C. MEDIA, RESEARCH AND WRITING AWARDS CONCEPT, DEFINITION, TIMELINE AND GUIDELINE On SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2022 at 12:00 – 1:30PM (EST) PleaseREGISTERin advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The GUIDELINE of the 2023 J.U.C. Awards
The 2023 J.U.C. Media, Research & Writing Awards is developed “In Loving Memory of J.U.C.” for High School students under The Light Millennium, Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (2001, New York) Status#501(c)3. • CALL FOR STUDENT ENTRIES: THE 2023 J.U.C. MEDIA, RESEARCH AND WRITING AWARDS SUBMISSION DEADLINE BY JANUARY 30, 2023
Sunday, May 29, 2022 12:00pm-1:30pm ET | 11:00am-12:30pm CT 9:00am-10:30am PT | 19:00-20:30 TR Zoom Registration:
About the Keynote Speaker
Gizem Şalcıgil White has been a goodwill ambassador for Turkish coffee culture since 2009 and is the founder of the award-winning non-profit Turkish Coffee Truck initiative. She has been working voluntarily to promote Turkish coffee culture in the U.S. and abroad for the past 10 years. With the support from a dedicated volunteer team from American Turkish Association of DC (ATA-DC), the Turkish Coffee Truck initiative has been bridging cultures through coffee conversations since 2012. Through this cultural diplomacy initiative, more than 20,000 people in the U.S. and Europe was exposed to Turkish coffee for the first time. Gizem’s one-of-a-kind cultural diplomacy project made the headlines of major international publications including The Washington Post, Washingtonian, PRI/BBC and her fans started calling her the “Turkish Coffee Lady”. In 2015, she was honored as the one of the “Top Young Outstanding persons of Turkey” by JCI. Turk of America magazine also awarded her as one of “40 Under 40 – The Most Influential Turkish American” in March 2016. In 2017, she started the first and only authentic Turkish coffee chain in the U.S. with the support of her partners and her dedicated team.
About the Documentary
In December 2013, Turkish coffee was admitted to UNESCO’s World Heritage list as a “cultural inheritance that has to be protected.” Initiated by the Turkish Coffee Lady Foundation, the world’s first coffee diplomacy platform, the documentary is composed of special shootings featuring “dibek coffee” in Mardin, “mirra coffee” in Şanlıurfa, “menengiç coffee” in Gaziantep, “saffron coffee” in Karabük, “coffee brewed on ash” in Nevşehir, “coffee brewed on sand” in Ankara, “mastic coffee” in Izmir and “traditional coffee” in Istanbul.
About the Guest Artists
Hasan Kale is a world-renowned micro artist master who can turn tiny objects into minuscule paintings. Known as “Turkey’s Microangelo”, Kale’s exquisitely detailed paintings include pumpkin seeds, coffee beans, rice grains, chickpeas and tiny discarded items such as matchsticks to bottle caps. One of İstanbul’s most famous and talented artists, Hasan Kale’s showcasing some tiny masterpieces and unique designs will be shown from pre-recorded videos during the webinar.
Atilla Can graduated from Atatürk University. He learned marbling art (Ebru) from Ali Çalışır at the Zal Mahmut Pasha Complex. He also learned marbling from Vedat Vaytaş. After five years, Can obtained his professional license in marbling. He organized and served as a president to establish the worldwide “Ebru Day.” He has participated in numerous group exhibitions and festivals in Turkey and abroad. He has received many awards for his work. Can continues his work in Istanbul.
11:45-12:00PM (EST) ENTRY to ALL Registrants Language: Bilingual Session-1 #Turkish Session-2 #English #IMLD2022
First Session – in Turkish | Türkçe – 1. Bölüm (1 hour 15minutes)
Celebrating International Mother Language Day through Turkish
Opening Music byAKM Çocuk Korosu, Atatürk Çocukları Şarkısı, ATAMLA (Video: 3:11 min.) Can Gözümoğulları, Eda Algür, Selin Ayşe Müdar and Kezban Aslan Welcoming Remarks by Mr. MAZLUM KOŞMA President, Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA)
Introduction by Ms. BİRCAN ÜNVER Founder-President of The Light Millennium (LMGlobal)
Keynote Speaker Ms. GÜLGÛN FEYMAN Anchorwoman, Presenter, Writer, Diction Instructor A surprise short Video to illustrate the Scope of the Digital Environment (~1.5 dk.)
Presentations by Turkish Women’s League of America (TWLA) and New York Atatürk School Introductions by Ms. Sermin Özçilingir, President, TWLA Ayça Ergisi, Principal, NY Atatürk School (Video) Mar Deniz Gömez-Koldemir, Alumna, NY Atatürk School (2018) Efe Yenigün, Alumna, NY Atatürk School (2015)
Association of Turkish Americans of Southern California (ATASC) Introduction byNilay Senel-Nylund, President, (ATASC)
ATASC-San Diego Turkish School Introduction byMs. Didem Brott, President, ATASC-SD Turkish School Reading performances by Emre Brott, “Andımız“, Duru Kıncal, “Selected quotes by Atatürk, Derin Balcı and Ege Balcı “Why we should speak Turkish“; Mert Arslan, Nazım Hikmet’s poem “Davet“; Reyhan Sıdal Atatürk’s “Nutuk for Children; The speech of Atatürk for children“; Anka Engin, “Learning Turkish language on a digital platform” and Psychologist Gökçe Boz, “What does it feel like to be a graduate of Turkish School?“.
Empowering the Turkish American Community (ETAC-USA) Presentations by Ayla Sönmez Birer, ETAC Çocuk Kulübü üyesi (video 2 dk.12sn) Atlas Yurdutemiz,ETAC Çocuk Kulübü üyesi (video 1dk.35sn) Yağmur Yazıcı, ETAC Çocuk Kulübü üyesi (video 1dk.3sn) Tutku Birik, “Selam” Poem by Ahmet Muhip Dranas, Student at ETAC Children’s Club
Turkish American Cultural Alliance (TACA) Atatürk Elementary School Introduction by Vildan Görener, President, TACA Atatürk Okulu tanıtım – Ceren Cevher Rodriguez (1-1.5 dk) Atatürk Okulu öğrencileri – Şiir okuma – “Mustafa Kemal’i Düşünüyorum” Ümit Yaşar Oğuzcan – Liyah ve Leila Taylor (1dk) Video: Atatürk Okulu anasınıfı öğrencileri (1dk)
Turkish American Repertory Theater & Entertainment (TARTE) Introduction by Ayşe Eldek, Founder/Artistic Director, TARTE Turkish poems: “Sessiz Gemi”, Yahya Kemal Beyatlıcited by Ayşe Eldek “Gidisini Anlatıyorum”, Rıfat Ilgaz cited by Ezgi Cohen “Tepeden”, Yahya Kemal Beyatlı cited by Feryal Kilisli
Special Project Chapter – Atatürk Memorials Chapter (ATAMLA) Introduction byVega Sankur, President, ATAMLA Turkish Poem “Daha Güzel Bir Dünya” Rıfkı Kaymaz cited bySelin Ayşe Müdar
Moderator & Closing Remarks Bİrcan Ünver Founder-President of The Light Millennium, Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization
* * *
Second Session (In English) (1 hour 15minutes)
Video: Transition to the 2nd Session – A TRT Production from 1987 | (3.27min) Video (If time permits): Dr. Eda Algür, Alumna, New York Atatürk School
Learning Turkish and Turkic Languages on Digital Environment in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities
Moderator Professor Sibel Erol Professor of Middle Eastern Studies New York University
Keynote Speaker Feride Hatiboğlu, PhD President of the American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages (AATT)
Professor Timur Kocaoğlu Professor of International Relations at James Madison College, Michigan State University
Müge Satar, PhD Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, Newcastle University, UK
Güliz Kuruoğlu, PhD Turkic Languages and linguistics [Retired] Lecturer, UCLA
Interactive Session
Closing Remarks
Thank Yous…
The theme of the 2022 International Mother Language Day is by UNESCO, “Using technology for multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities”, encourages to explore the potential role of technology to advance multilingual education and support the development of quality teaching and learning for all.
The first session of the webinar will celebrate the Turkish mother language with renowned Turkish Anchorwoman, Presenter, Writer, Diction Instructor Gülgûn Feyman along with several Turkish-American Weekend-Elementary Schools from New York City to Chicago and to San Diego through short presentations by the contributing organizations, schools, students, alumni and performers both as live and via video.
The second session will be in English language. Its theme is adapted by UNESCO’s 2022 Theme for the IMLD as it is indicated in the prior paragraph into the following titled, “Learning Turkish and Turkic Languages on Digital Environment in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities.” This session will be an academic panel discussion, which will explore on the UNESCO’s laid out theme and on the following two points:
Enhancing the role of teachers in the promotion of quality multilingual teaching and learning in correlation with teaching Turkish and Turkic Languages in the United States
Reflecting on technologies and its potential to support multilingual teaching and learning along with presented challenges.
Background: On 17 November 1999, under the leadership of Bangladesh, 21 February was recognized as the International Mother Language Day by the United Nations (UN) Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote cultural diversity and multilingualism, and the right to education in mother tongue and mother tongue has been guaranteed.
[In Turkish]
UNESCO tarafından 2022 Uluslararası Anadili Günü’nün teması olan “Çokdilli öğrenme için teknolojiyi kullanmak: Zorluklar ve fırsatlar”, teknolojinin çok dilli eğitimi ilerletmedeki potansiyel rolünü tartışmaya ve herkes için kaliteli öğretim ve öğrenimin gelişimini desteklemeye teşvik ediyor.
Sanal oturumun ilk bölümü Türkçe ana dilinde sunulacak. Bu bölümde ünlü Türk Haber Spikeri, Sunucu, Yazar, Diksiyon Eğitmeni Gülgûn Feyman ile birlikte olacağız. Aynı zamanda, New York Şehri’nden Şikago’ya ve San Diego’ya kadar Amerika’nın doğusundan–batısına uzanan birçok Türk-Amerikan Hafta sonu-İlköğretim Okullarının öğrencileri, mezunları ve sanatçılar tarafından okunacak şiirler ve kısa seçkiler ile hem canlı hem de video sunumlarıyla Türkçe anadili Amerika’da kutlanacaktır. Aynı zamanda, bu oturuma katkıda bulunan kuruluşların temsilcileri de kısa sunumlar yapacak.
İkinci oturum ise İngilizce akademik bir panel formatında olacaktır. Teması ise UNESCO’nun 2022 IMLD Teması tarafından bir yukarıdaki ilk paragrafta belirtildiği gibi Türkçe ve Türk dilleri çerçevesine uyarlanmıştır: “Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde Dijital Ortamda Türkçe ve Türk Dillerini Öğrenmek: Zorluklar ve Fırsatlar” Bu oturum, UNESCO’nun tanımlamış olduğu tema kapsamında, aşağıdaki iki noktaya odaklanacaktır:
• Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde Türkçe ve Türk Dilleri öğretimi ile bağlantılı olarak üniversitelerde ki durum ile kaliteli çok dilli öğretim ve öğrenimin teşvik edilmesinde öğretmenlerin rolünün arttırılması;
• Sunulan zorluklarla birlikte çok dilli öğretim ve öğrenimi destekleme potansiyeli ve teknolojileri üzerine farklı üniversitelerden (Amerika ve İngiltere) katılacak akademisyenlerin tecrübeleri, durum değerlendirmesi ve zorluklara karşı önerileri.
Tarihçesi: 17 Kasım 1999’da, Bangladeş’in öncülüğünde, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Eğitim, Bilim ve Kültür Örgütü (UNESCO) tarafından kültürel çeşitliliği ve çok dilliliği desteklemek amacıyla 21 Şubat günü, Uluslararası Anadili Günü olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bu çerçevede, anadili ve anadilinde eğitim hakkı güvence altına alınmıştır.
You are cordially invited: “Our Constitutional Rights:…” Webinar on Tuesday, FEB. 8 at 3:00PM (ET)
[Please feel free to share the below webinar invitation. Thank You. B.Ü.] Turkish Anti-Defamation Alliance and The Light Millennium, Charitable Global Human Advancement Org., Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications; Jointly invites you to the below titled webinar:OUR FUNDEMENTAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS: CHALLENGES TO OVERCOME DISCRIMINATION, HATE, SEGREGATION, AND BULLYING IN THE PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM (#NYS BillA4734)
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Mr. BRUCE FEIN, Attorney at Law, Author and Legal Advisor of Turkish Anti-Defamation Alliance (From the New York State Law & U.S. Constitution Perspectives)
WHEN: ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2022 TIME: 3:00PM (ET) Via Zoom platform
Registration is Required. Please REGISTER in advance via the following link:
(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.)
The webinar aims to respond below questions on the ground of “Constitutional Rights” (ref. 1 & 2 – NYS Bill #A4734):
• What are the fundamental Civil Rights through the Education System in the State of New York?
• What are the basic legal preventable laws that students and families should be aware of?
• What are our and our children’s fundamental Constitutional Rights?
• Bullying: What are the key preventable measures to teach our children to engage with any form of verbal and/or physical response as an instant defense mechanism?
• When a student has been bullied due to his/her ethnicity, accordingly, what should parents do? Are there any legal actions to take?
• What are the preventable measures from discrimination, hateful behaviors, bullying, segregation in the State of New York Public Education System?
• What will require to make Peace Education, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Culture of Peace, and UN Charter at large mandatory classes in NYS Public Education System toward global citizenship versus NYS Bill#A4734?
• Further, the session will be presented in correlation with basic democratic rights and critical thinking at large.
INTERACTIVE SESSION (will be conducted via Chat Box)
For the full text along with the Keynote Speaker’s Bio:
– Related Open Letter – Dated: January 16, 2022 (in Turkish)– Bircan Ünver, Founder-President of The Light Millennium, Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (LM, 2001, New York); Associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (formerly UN.DPI/NGO since 2005). • Founder-Executive Producer of The Light Millennium Television, (LMTV, 2000, New York). • 2019 (Amended & Broadened) MISSION / PURPOSES: • Co-founder and Publisher of the U.S. Turkish Library and Museum for Friendship and Peace project (TLM, 2011). – Web sites: | | | | – Social media @The Light Millennium (Linkedin) | @lightmillennium (Twitter) | @lightmillennium (Facebook)
Dear Colleagues and Friends, Greetings to you ALL,We are pleased to announce our 2nd webinar on the World Water Day (22 March). Save the Date for #WWD2022:
Observance of the World Water Day (March 22, A/RES/47/193) in support of SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation & SDG 15: Life on EarthThis webinar will be presented back to back in two different sessions. When: Monday, March, 21, 2022 Time: 12:00 – 14:30 PMEastern Time (US and Canada)
Groundwater is invisible, but its impact is visible everywhere.
Out of sight, under our feet, groundwater is a hidden treasure that enriches our lives.
Almost all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater.
As climate change gets worse, groundwater will become more and more critical.
We need to work together to sustainably manage this precious resource.
Groundwater may be out of sight, but it must not be out of mind. (Source:
Concept Note (as web page): (as pdf file)
Webinar | Language: English | Via Zoom PlatformREGISTRATION link will be provided (via upcoming media release along with bios and photos of the confirmed speakers)
For more information, please visitWWW.LMGLOBAL.ORG, or email to:[email protected][2021] #Groundwater #WWD2022 #WaterDay #UNWater #SDG6 #SDG15 #SourceofLife #WaterSustainably #lightmillennium #LMGlobal #UNWithCivilSociety