• ‘EU pushed Turkey to look elsewhere’

    ‘EU pushed Turkey to look elsewhere’

    In interview, Obama encourages Europe to ally with Turkey.

    US President Barack Obama said that Europe’s reluctance to allow Turkey into the European Unions may have pushed Ankara to “look elsewhere,” in an interview published in the Thursday edition of Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

    'EU pushed Turkey to look elsewhere'

    Obama said that the US “always expressed the opinion that it would be wise to accept Turkey into the European Union. I recognize this raises strong feelings in Europe, and I do not think…[this] is the sole or predominant factor at the root of some changes recently observed in Turkey’s orientation.”

    However, Obama told the Italian newspaper, this is “destined to play a role in how Turkish people see Europe. If they do not feel like they’re being treated as part of the European family, it’s natural that they would look elsewhere for alliances.

    “Although some things, such as an attempt to broker an agreement with Iran on nuclear issue, have been unfortunate, I think they were motivated by the fact that Turkey has a long border area with Iran and does not want any type of conflict in that area,” Obama added.

    “Perhaps the desire to flex muscles played a role,” Obama told Corriere della Sera. “What we can do is continue to work with Ankara, clarify to them the benefits of integrating with the West, while respecting their unique qualities, that they are a great Islamic democracy.”

    Obama said that alliances with Turkey “can potentially be very good for us, if they embody a kind of Islam that respects universal human rights and the secular state, and can have a positive influence on the Muslim world.”

    The Jerusalem Post

  • Generous Turks Support American Politicians

    Generous Turks Support American Politicians

    Generous Turks Support American Politicians

    Thursday, 01 July 2010 08:48

    Candidates who compete for the federal and local posts in American political system, receive the biggest financial assistance from their supporters who donate their political campaign. As a part of the political system in United States, Turkish community in US supports candidates in local and national politics. TurkAvenue prepared a report regarding the amount of the donations Turkish-Americans made to support their favourite candidates.

    Turkish businessman Yalcin Ayasli and his family, who established two big organizations:Turkish Cultural Foundation and Turkish Coalition of America, is by far the biggest contributor to the political campaigns of candidates. The amount of the donations that Ayasli family made to 169 different campaigns is $657,100.

    Yalcin Ayasli’s company Hittite Microwave, which he founded in 1985, designs and manufacturers high volume IC products for high-speed voice and data transfer systems focusing on RF to millimeter wave components. Massachusetts based company’s market price is about $1,4 billion.

    Ayasli is followed by another Turkish businessman, Ali Riza Bozkurt, who was taken captive by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq during Gulf War in 1991 and released by the initiatives of late President Turgut Ozal. The sum of the donations that Bozkurt made up to now amounts to $103,750. He is remembered with his donations to GOP in the period when he was considering of nomination for the Congress.

    Bozkurt is followed by Kenan Sahin, who drew attention by donating a total amount of $100 million to globally known MIT University in 1999. The sum of the donations that Sahin made to support American candidates between 1999 and 2004 amounts to $102,000.

    Renown Turkish-American cardiothoracic surgeon and author Mehmet Oz and his spouse Lisa come into prominence with a total support of $70,000 for 58 different campaigns.

    Mehmet Celebi, former President of the Turkish American Cultural Association and a former fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton, is placed among the top five Turkish donors wıth a total amount of $80,000. Celebi, who successfully collected more than $700,000 for the campaign of Hillary Clinton, is also known for his support to Turkish candidates. It should be noted that Celebi could have been the first Turk in the White House if not for the attacks of pro-Armenian and pro-PKK groups during the presidential election campaign in 2008.

    Late Turkish Businessman Ahmet Ertegun draws attention with the amount of electoral campaigns he supported. Supporting 59 different electoral campaign through all his life, Ertegun made a total of $78,700 to nominates. He made his first ever donation during presidential elections in 1980 to the campaign for Jimmy Carter with an amount of $600. Ertegun also supported the election campaign of the first ever Turkish candidate for a seat in the U.S. Congress, Osman Bengur.

    Arif Mardin, renown Turkish- American music producer who was among the contributors of the campaign of Osman Bengur, made $6750 of donation to eight different electoral campaigns.

    The list of most generous Turkish-Americans includes Floridian Turkish businessman Ahmet Sandikci with $47,700, CEO of Calik USA Mahmut Topal with $18,450, owner of the Dervish Restaurant at the Times Square, Salim Gorur with $9,350 and Californian activist Ergun Kirlikovali with $16,041, businessman Sahir Erozan with $29,450 and outstanding entrepreneur Sinan Kanatsiz with $16,150, founder of Turkish Philanthropic Fund (TPF) Businessman Haldun Tasman with $15,250 and Director of Ramamerica Nur Emirgil Bunyak with $14,300.


    On the other hand, the amount of the visible private donations that are made by the community leaders who uses  their valuable time to organize major campaigns and effectively contact with politicians on the open issues, and who call Turkish-Americans to be sensitive regarding social issues do not compete with the amounts of the private donations made by Turkish-American businessmen.

    kaya boztepe

    President of Federation of Turkish American Associations Kaya Boztepe made a total of $3,300 donation while Turkish Forum’s President, CEO Kayaalp Buyukataman(also the former President of Federation) made a total of $2500. It should be noted that direct/open donations of both community leaders did not include the campaign of Turkish-American candidate Osman Bengur.( They have attended and organized campaign for Osman Bengur, however Their private donations were not made public).

    Turkish Forum is the biggest umbrella organization covering entire turkish diaspora in 5 continents (22 Countries). (Note: Turkish Forum also organized several electoral  campaigns outside the United states.)


    Former president of Federation of Turkish American Associations, Ata Erim draws attention with an amount of $35,014 which makes him the most generous donor among community leaders. Former presidents Erim and Egemen Bagis were also among the contributors of the electoral campaign of Osman Bengur.  Dr.  Ata Erim also organized electoral campaigns for Osman Bengur, However contributors and amounts were not made public, the reason for that Like other Federations and Turkish Forum  presidents, Dr. Ata Erim Collected contributions directly for Osman Bengur and transfered as such)


    ATAA Presidents

    Presidents of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA), one of the biggest umbrella organizations in United States encompassing regional organizations across the United States, seem to be more generous than the leaders of FTAA.

    ATAA’s current president Gunay Evinch comes into prominence with a total amount of $20,800 while former presidents of the organization, Dr. Tamer Acikalin gave $9,150, Dr. Orhan Kaymakcalan $8,575, Dr. Tolga Cubukcu $6,850, Vural Cengiz $1,300, Ercument Kilic $1000 and Nurten Ural $1000.




    erdogan tayyip obama

    June 11 2010

    The [Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in
    Asia] that was held in Istanbul on 7 and 8 June – which was marked
    mostly by debates over Israel’s attack on the Gaza flotilla – was
    over but Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan’s work was not yet done.

    He received a phone call in the evening with a request from US
    President Barack Obama to have a phone conversation with him. The
    subject of the requested conversation was obvious. The US-sponsored
    resolution on imposing additional sanctions on Iran because of its
    nuclear programme would be put to a vote in the UN Security Council
    the next day, that is on 9 June. Obama wanted to talk to influence
    Turkey’s decision.

    Erdogan consulted with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and
    other senior officials. His government had talked to the Iranian
    administration with the approval and knowledge of the United States
    and other UN Security Council members, and these talks had resulted in
    a declaration that was released in Tehran on 17 May. As stipulated by
    that declaration, one week later, on 24 May, the Iranian administration
    had written to the Vienna Group – which was formed by the United
    States, Russia, France, and the IAEA – to state that it would accept a
    uranium swap via Turkey. Nothing had been heard from the Vienna Group,
    but in the meantime the United States had mobilized to win approval
    for UN sanctions, which, as stated in Obama’s 20 April letter, was seen
    as a parallel rather than an alternative process to the Tehran talks.

    Tense conversation

    Obama’s phone call came soon after 01:30 on 9 June in Turkey, although
    it was still 8 June in Washington. Obama and Erdogan had a lengthy
    and difficult conversation for 45 minutes.

    According to official sources who spoke to Radikal, Obama thanked
    Turkey for its good will and mediation efforts and said that he
    appreciates this work. However, he did not find Iran’s assurances
    adequate. In any event, Iran was not saying anything binding with
    regard to stopping its uranium enrichment work.

    For these reasons, the US President was asking Turkey to vote “yes” on
    imposing additional sanctions on Iran in the UN Security Council. The
    official sources also told Radikal that they had the impression that
    Obama was willing to accept happily a pledge from Erdogan to “abstain”
    or not “not to vote,” although he did not say so explicitly.

    However, Erdogan responded that Turkey would contradict itself if
    it voted “yes” when the agreement it signed in Tehran was still on
    the table.

    According to the same sources, Erdogan also told Obama that voting in
    favour of sanctions when the Tehran declaration had not yet produced
    any results would be unbecoming of Turkey’s character. Erdogan said
    that he could not do that and that a “yes” vote was impossible.

    Yesterday, Erdogan said: “History would not forgive us.” This is the
    backstage of those remarks.

    Other side of coin

    When we look at the other side of the coin, we see that this principled
    stand is a first or a turning point in the known history of Turkish-US

    According to diplomatic sources, there is a custom in Washington’s
    relations with some of its allies. If the heads of state or government
    – such as presidents or prime ministers – of a small group of countries
    that include Turkey – other examples are Britain, Germany, Israel,
    Japan, and South Korea – request anything from the US president,
    then the US president accedes to their requests provided that they
    do conflict with other strategic priorities; if necessary, he asks
    questions later.

    Obama’s positive response to Erdogan’s request for a joint campaign
    against the PKK [Kurdistan Workers’ Party] is viewed within this
    framework. Similarly, Obama did not remain indifferent to Erdogan’s
    requests for support with respect to the [pending] Armenian genocide
    resolution [before the US House of Representatives].

    In view of this, Erdogan’s repudiation of Obama’s request over the
    Iran sanctions is considered a first and a turning point in Turkish-US

    On the other hand, the rejection of the 1 March 2003 authorization
    bill – the first other instance that comes to mind – is not considered
    to be in this category. That is because, according to US records,
    the Turkish prime minister kept his word to send the bill to the
    Assembly but the Assembly did not approve it.

    The disappointment the current situation has caused in Washington has
    also become evident another way. Reporters in Washington are given
    at least some information about every conversation US presidents
    have with foreign leaders. No information was given to reporters
    about Obama’s conversation with Erdogan even though questions were
    asked about it. The explanation given for this is that Obama did not
    want the public to know that Turkey, an ally, turned down his request
    about Iran sanctions at a time when he is having a hard time at home
    over the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

    In view of these, it would be too optimistic to interpret US Secretary
    of State Hillary Clinton’s remarks that “we have differences of
    opinion but we understand them and expect results” as meaning that
    nothing has changed as far as the United States is concerned.

    [translated from Turkish]



    KKTC Tanıtma Derneği, 80 bin imza toplamak hedefiyle “Tanınmak İstiyoruz” isimli imza kampanyası başlatıyor. Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı’nın yıldönümü 20 Temmuz’da başlayacak ve 80 gün sürecek olan kampanyada toplanacak imzalar ve tanınma talep eden mektup, “en az yüz kişilik bir kafileyle” New York’a gidilerek Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Genel Sekreterliği önünde yapılacak basın açıklamasının ardından Genel Sekreter’e sunulacak.
    KKTC Tanıtma Derneği, 80 bin imza toplamak hedefiyle “Tanınmak İstiyoruz” isimli imza kampanyası başlatıyor.
    Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı’nın yıldönümü 20 Temmuz’da başlayacak ve 80 gün sürecek olan kampanyada toplanacak imzalar ve tanınma talep eden mektup, “en az yüz kişilik bir kafileyle” New York’a gidilerek Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Genel Sekreterliği önünde yapılacak basın açıklamasının ardından Genel Sekreter’e sunulacak.
    Derneğin, bu konuda daha fazla ses getirmek için BM’ye sunulacak imzalarla mektubun eş zamanlı olarak KKTC’nin temsilcilikleri bulunan ülkelerde de dışişleri bakanlarına sunulmasını planlandığı belirtildi.
    KKTC Tanıtma Derneği Genel Başkanı Efgan Bilgi, kampanyayla ilgili bugün düzenlediği basın toplantısında, “KKTC’nin tanınması sadece Kıbrıs Türkü için gerekli değil, tüm Türk ulusunun başındaki dertlerin tamamının çözümüne en büyük vesile olacaktır” dedi.
    Bilgi, 80 gün sürecek kampanya çerçevesinde tüm köyleri gezeceklerini ve kampanyayı anlatarak imza toplayacaklarını belirtti.
    15 Kasım’da imzaların toplanmasının ve hazır olmasının hedeflendiğini söyleyen Bilgi, imzaları derneğin kuruluş yıldönümünde sergileyeceklerini söyledi.
    Derneğin konseyleşme çalışmalarına da değinen Bilgi, bu yöndeki çalışmaların büyük ilgi gördüğünü ve derneğe bunun için bağışlar yapılmakta olduğunu anlattı.
    Bilgi, derneğin 17 Temmuz’da genel kurula gideceğini ve yönetim kurulu için üyelik aranmayacağını da belirtti.
    Derneğin; halkın devlete olan güvenini yükseltmek, adaletli ve demokratik yapıyı korumak, milli gün ve anıları yaşatmak, çağdaş Kıbrıs Türk gencinin dünya ile yarışabilecek bilgi beceride olduğunu göstermek ve tüm tanınma faaliyetlerini bir düzen intizama almak maksadıyla 6 komite kuracağını ifade eden Bilgi, bu komitelerin; “Devlet Alacakları Takip Komitesi”, “Vatandaş Şikayetleri Komitesi”, “Milli Günler ve Organizasyon Komitesi”, “Dış İlişkiler Komitesi”, “Turizm ve Tanıtma Bütçeleri Takip Komitesi” ve “80 Günde 80 Bin İmza ve New York Komitesi” olduğunu dile getirdi.
    Bilgi, bütün gayretlerinin; halkın devletine sahip çıktığını ve tanınma istediğini tüm dünyaya duyurmak olduğuna vurgu yaparak, herkese kampanyaya katılma çağrısında bulundu.
  • China, Turkey want diplomacy on Iran

    China, Turkey want diplomacy on Iran

    UN Security Council member states China and Turkey have reiterated commitment to finding a diplomatic solution to the impasse over Iran’s civilian nuclear program.

    “We will do everything possible to build trust between Iran and the United States and Iran and the West to avoid a military confrontation and possible sanctions,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was quoted as saying by London-based Al-Hayat newspaper.

    Davutoglu went on to call for “more diplomatic efforts to engage with Iran in order to build trust between (all) sides.”

    The remarks come one day after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in an address before the 2010 Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at the UN headquarters in New York, confronted the United States for refusing to exclude Iran from the list of countries that could become the target of US nukes.

    Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters on Tuesday that the permanent UNSC member state was in favor of “relevant measures” to help resolve the issue through talks.

    “Dialogue and negotiations are the best way out to resolve this issue and relevant discussions are still under way,” she added.

    Washington and its allies are rallying support for tougher UNSC sanctions against Iran. However, the imposition of sanctions requires nine affirmative votes including those of the five veto-wielding members of the Security Council.

    Permanent UNSC member China and temporary members Turkey and Brazil are among the countries that support Iran’s right to a peaceful nuclear program.

    While the West accuses Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program, Tehran has repeatedly rejected the allegation and argues that as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), it is entitled to the peaceful use of the technology for electricity generation and medical research.

    President Ahmadinejad offered an itemized proposal to the NPT review conference, calling for measures to limit the power held by nuclear armed states in the UNSC.

    Press TV

  • Message from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

    Message from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

    kanada gundem gurubundan dagitilmisdir

    From: Mehmet Bor, President Canada Turk Federation
    Subject: Message from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

    Arkadaslar, bu yil elde ettigimiz en onemli basari iste bu bence. Bu iletide gizli bir kac anlam yukludur saniyorum. Oncelikle bu, Kanada hukumetinin 1915 olaylari konusunda gayri-resmi (unofficial) bir politika degisikliginin sinyalidir. Ayrica Kanada Federal hukumetinin, bence artik Turk tezlerine daha olculu ve tarafsizca yaklasmaktan yana oldugunun bir isaretidir bu. J.K. bu tavir degisikliginin bu yazi ile sozcusu olmasindan ote, kesinlikle bu tavir degisikliginde en etken kisidir.

    Boyle onemli bir tavir degisikligi elbetteki bir tek sebebe baglanamaz. Son bir yilda, Kanadanin Turk-Ermeni sorunu konusundaki dis politikasini gozden gecirmesine neden olacak bir cok siyasi degisimler oldu tabiiki. Ancak, J.K’nin bu tavir degisikliginde ve yolladigimiz  davetiye mektubuna Basbakan ve kendi adina yanit yollamasinda yakin gecmisteki bir olayin cok buyuk bir etkisi oldugundan eminim. Yani 4-5 ay onceki Missisauga toplantimizdan bahsediyorum. Orada sadece Federasyon YK’nu degil, 250 milyonluk Turk dunyasinin dunyanin cesitli bolgelerinden gelmis olan tum temsilcilerini kendisine tanittik. Boyle buyuk bir kaynaktan beslenen ve ayni masada birlikte toplanip, dayanisma icinde, iyi ve kotu gunde gerekirse birlikte hareket edebilecegimizi gordu. Daha en az 20 yil politik yasami olan akilli bir politikaci icin uzun vadede zamanin bizim lehimize calistigini gormesi ve boyle bir secmen kitlesi ile dost gecinmenin geregini kabul etmesi beklenen bir sey tabii.

    Yani dogru yoldayiz arkadaslar. Ancak, sureklilik, tutarlilik ve kararlilik gormeden kimse bu tur gosterileri uzun vadede ciddiye almaz. Yani dogru baslangic yaptik demek daha dogru olur. Sureklilik icin tum toplumun destegi ile daha cok caba ve zaman harcamak gerekecek. Bilmis olun. Turk toplumunun buradaki gorunurlugunu artiran 23 Nisan benzeri etkinlikleri Federasyon olarak desteklemeye devam edecegiz en azindan.

    Simdi J.K’den hic degilse 23 Nisan’in Kanadada gelenek haline gelmesi icin aciktan destek isteyebiliriz sanirim. Ermeni sorununu onunla konusmanin artik hic bir geregi bile yok bence. Kendisinin bu konudaki bize en buyuk katkisi 23 Nisan’in Kanadada bir bayram olarak kutlanmasini desteklemek ve saglamaktir. Elbetteki bunlari oturup hep birlikte tartisarak gerekli politikalari birlikte belirleyecegiz.

    Bu basarida katkisi olan herkese tesekkurler.

    Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 07:33:20 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    Subject:  Message from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

    Dear All,

    Please find the attached, on behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, greetings from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Hon Jason Kenny’s message to the FCTA.


    Huseyin Nurgel

    Secretary- FCTA

    Greetings from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

    I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all those celebrating April 23 – International Children’s Day. On behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, I would like to thank the Turkish Culture and Folklore Society of Canada for your steadfast commitment to building the Canada we all love – a strong, united and pluralistic society.

    In Turkey, this very special day is celebrated as National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. It marks the anniversary of the first meeting of the Grand National Assembly, on April 23, 1920, during the Turkish War of Independence. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dedicated April 23 to the children of the country in recognition of the fact that they represented the future of the new nation.

    Here in Canada, Turkish Canadians have continued this great tradition, inviting all Canadians to experience the great joy of living in a multicultural society, by sharing in the celebration of this beautiful annual event. As Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated: “Canadians can be proud to live in a society where we can celebrate our tremendous diversity while, at the same time, always taking pride in our country’s unique heritage.”

    As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I would like to thank Turkish Canadians for your remarkable contributions to Canada and to wish you great success in your future endeavours.

    Best wishes for a wonderful celebration.


    The Honourable Jason Kenney, PC, MP

    Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

    From: Burlacu.Alex
    Sent: April 23, 2010 4:32 PM
    To:[email protected]
    Cc: Bhagat.Melissa; Levesque.Sarah
    Subject: Message from the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism

    Good Afternoon,

    Minister Kenney would like to extend his warmest greetings to all those celebrating April 23 – International Children’s Day.

    Please find attached a greeting message.

    Yours sincerely,

    Alex Burlacu
    Public Events Coordinator | Coordonnateur d’événements publics
    NHQ – Strategic Policy and Priorities Sector | AC – Politique et priorités stratégiques
    Citizenship and Immigration Canada | Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada
    365 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa ON K1A 1L1 | 365, avenue Laurier Ouest Ottawa ON K1A 1L1
    Office | Bureau JETS B2140
    [email protected]
    Telephone | Téléphone 613-954-3825
    Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-952-5906
    Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada