Tag: David Burrowes MP

  • Joint British Turkish Cypriot NGO Action Group calls for David Burrowes MP to resign as APPG Chairperson for Cyprus

    Joint British Turkish Cypriot NGO Action Group calls for David Burrowes MP to resign as APPG Chairperson for Cyprus

    David Burrowes with Greek Cypriot protestors

    FROM: Cetin Ramadan

    Dear Editor,


    Joint British Turkish Cypriot NGO Action Group calls for David Burrowes MP to resign as APPG Chairperson for Cyprus

    Tuesday, 04th December 2012:  The British Turkish Cypriot Association (BTCA) in conjunction with over 55 British Turkish and British Turkish Cypriot non-government & civil society organizations have collectively undersigned this statement as listed in Addendum A.  They are requesting the resignation of David Burrowes as the Chairperson of The British All Party Parliamentary Group for Cyprus (“APPG”).


    03 December 2012


    To all members of the Cyprus All Party Parliamentary Group

    House for Commons

    London SW1A 0AA


    Dear APPG Member,




    Over 55 British Turkish and British Turkish Cypriot non-government & civil society organizations have collectively undersigned this statement as listed in Addendum A.  We are requesting the resignation of David Burrowes as the Chairperson of The British All Party Parliamentary Group for Cyprus (“APPG”).


    Turkish Cypriots living in the UK have lost confidence in David Burrowes as an impartial guardian for the APPG.  We feel that his representation of Cypriot affairs in particular to the House of Commons is far from balanced and contrary to HMG policy.  He has consistently ignored the views of the overwhelming majority of the Turkish Cypriots living in the UK.


    As Chairperson of the APPG, and in accordance with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association principles, his actions should be impartial.  It is incumbent upon him to represent the views of ALL Cypriots.  Openly and without any reasonable justification dismissing British Turkish Cypriot NGO groups simply as “extremists” is incorrect and inappropriate behaviour on the part of Mr Burrowes.  Moreover, his selective refusal to communicate with British Turkish Cypriot NGO groups shows an absolute bias and a closed mindset.


    He has failed to exemplify any genuine intentions of using his position to re-connect the two communities and allowing a fair and equitable solution because his door is not open to ALL the Cypriot people and the APPG is not an impartial interlocutor as it is claimed.  David Burrowes has consistently expressed a one-sided attitude in relation to handling British Turkish Cypriot concerns.


    By far the worse illustration of his bias is his purposeful omission and demeaning of the destruction of the Turkish Cypriot National Heritage in the south.  More than 25% of the mosques left under the jurisdiction of the “Republic of Cyprus“ have been destroyed.  In contrast, less than 4% of the churches left in the north under Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ jurisdiction have been destroyed.  However, Mr. Burrowes’ commentary on this matter leads others to believe that the problem only exists in Northern Cyprus.


    David Burrowes conveniently chooses to ignore the facts and unashamedly misleads the House of Commons with false accusations and incorrect statements.  This deliberate and manipulative strategy is unacceptable behaviour from a person who is meant to be impartial.  His polarised views are harming the negotiation process because his actions entrench positions on all sides and he undermines any confidence building measures of the UN and/or the International Community at large.


    Turkish and Turkish Cypriots in the UK & Cyprus will no longer tolerate his bias and insulting views.  As the Chairperson of the APPG Mr Burrowes cannot continue to claim to represent both the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities if he is consistently singing the virtues of one over the other.  This renders his position untenable.


    We therefore request that David Burrowes should be requested to resign from his position as Chairperson of the APPG with immediate effect and appoint a person who is unprejudiced, unbiased and non-partisan.


    Yours sincerely



    Mr. Cetin Ramadan


    British Turkish Cypriot Association

    Joint UK Coordinator

    34-35 D`Arblay Street, London W1F 8EY, United Kingdom




      Addendum A


    The following UK non-government and civil society organizations have confirmed their support for the statement:


    Aksu Türk Birliği
    Anadolu Kultur Merkezi / Anatolian Cultural Centre
    Birmingham Türk Cemiyeti
    British CPTR
    British Turkish Cypriot Association
    Cezire Association
    Doğan Türk Birliği Dayanışma Derneği
    Erenköy Mücahitler Derneği
    Ergazililer Derneği / Ergazililer Association
    Green Tower Turkish Cypriots Elder’s Club
    Güney Londra Türk Yaşlılar Derneği
    Ingiltere Turk Dernekleri Federasyonu / The Federation of Turkish Associations UK

    (representing 16

    Kıbrıs Türk Cemiyeti Baskanı
    Kıbrıs Türk Kültür Derneği
    Kıbrıs Türk Ticaret Odası / Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce
    Kuzey Kıbrısla Dayanışma Derneği
    North London Turkish Islamic Trust / Kuzey Londra Türk İslam Vakfı
    Limasollular Dernegi
    Olıve Tree Educatıon Foundatıon
    Plan B Platform
    Polilıler Derneği
    Serdarlı Kıbrıs Türk Derneği
    Southwark Kıbrıs Türk Derneği
    Swindon Turkish Cypriot Union
    Toplumcu Dayanısma Dernegi
    TRNC Freedom
    Türk Birliği
    Turkish Cypriot Foundation
    Turkish Cypriot Surveyors Association
    Turkish Cypriot Trust
    Turkish Elders Club / Türk Yaşlılar Kulübü
    Turkish Forum World Turkish Alliance (TFWTA)
    UBP Londra Dayanısma Dernegi
    Vroisha-Yagmuralan Association
    Ataturk Society UK  / Ingiltere Ataturkcu Dusunce Dernegi
    Avrupa Turk Birligi
    KKTC Magdurlar Dernegi
    Association of Turkish Cypriots Abroad
    TRNC Human Rights Association (UK)
    The Azerbaijan House (London)


      Addendum B


    The following TRNC non-government and civil society organizations have confirmed their support for the statement:


    ISAD KKTC / TRNC Businessmen Association

    Milli Varolus Konseyi / Council of National Existence

    Ulusal Halk Hareketi  / The National People’s Movement 
    Emekli Ast Subaylar / Retired Non-Commissioned Officers
    K.K.T.C Parlamenterler Birligi / TRNC  Parliamentarians  Union
    T.M.T. Mucahiter dernegi / TMT Association of the Mujahideen
    Dunya Kibris Turkleri Vakfi / Worldwide Turkish Cypriot Foundation
    TRNC Human Rights Association
    TRNC Consumers Association
    Trade Union of the Public Service Personnel
  • REMINDER / HATIRLATMA: David Burrowes MP/ Milletvekili

    REMINDER / HATIRLATMA: David Burrowes MP/ Milletvekili

    David Burrowes MP who is known as the Fanatic Greek Cypriot Supporter
    David Burrowes MP who is known as the Fanatic Greek Cypriot Supporter

    > English
    > Throughout the years, many British MPs have taken a one-sided view
    > against Turkish Cypriots regarding the Cyprus issue.  David
    > Burrowes, the MP for Enfield-Southgate, is a perfect example of this
    > conduct.  He is the Chairperson of the All party Parliamentary Group

    > for Cyprus (APPG), an influential body in the UK’s Cyprus affairs, but
    > we feel that his representation of Cypriot affairs to the House of
    > Commons is far from balanced.  He conveniently chooses to ignore the
    > facts and his false accusations and incorrect statements are
    > misleading.  As head of the APPG he claims to represent both
    > communities whilst openly adopting the views and positions of Greek
    > Cypriot lobbyists; the fact that not a single speaker has appeared at
    > an APPG event to explain the concerns and views of Turkish Cypriots
    > speaks volumes.
    > As Chairperson of the APPG, David Burrowes is in a strong position to
    > influence other MPs in order to take a pro Greek Cypriot stance.  This
    > renders his position untenable as he continues to ignore the
    > legitimate concerns of the UK’s Turkish Cypriots.  He is not
    > interested in our views and we therefore request that the Minister for
    > Europe and APPG members for Cyprus ask David Burrowes to resign from
    > his position with immediate effect, and a new Chairperson who
    > is willing to take on board and represent the views of Turkish
    > Cypriots which have been ignored for far too long.
    >    We all wish to see constructive and decisive action by midday on
    >  Wednesday 28th November 2012 and in anticipation we have taken this
    >  opportunity to show unity by way of a collective letter addressed to
    >  the Minister for Europe, David Liddington and to all members of the
    >                Cyprus All Party Parliamentary Group.
    > The British Turkish Cypriot Association (BTCA) would like to formally
    >    invite you/your organisation to join us in this JOINT action.
    >  with your full personal name and title and the name of the NGO you
    >                              represent
    >    The closing date to notify us of your wish to be included as a
    >      signatory is midday (GMT) on Wednesday 28th November 2012.
    >  ***Many thanks to all those people who have already indicated that
    >  they wish to have their names included as joint signatories and who
    >        have also helped in the preparation of this statement***


    > Yıllar boyunca birçok Britanyalı Parlamenter, Kıbrıs konusunda
    > Kıbrıslı Türklerin görüşlerine karşı tek yanlı davranmışlardır. Bu
    > konuda Enfield-Southgate Milletvekili olan David Burrowes çok iyi
    > bir örnektir. Kendisi, Birleşik Kraliyet’nin Kıbrıs siyasetinde sözü
    > geçen Karma Parlamenterler Kıbrıs Grup Başkanıdır (All Party
    > Parliamentary Group for Cyprus – APPG). Biz bu şahısın Kıbrıs konusunu
    > parlamentoya dengeli bir şekilde yansıtmaktan çok uzak olduğuna
    > inanıyoruz. Kıbrıs’taki mevcut gerçekleri gözardı ederek, sahte ve
    > yanlış demeçler vermektedir. Karma Parlamenterler Kıbrıs Grubu (KPKG)
    > Başkanı olarak, her iki Kıbrıslı toplumu temsil ettiğini iddia
    > etmesine rağmen, açıkca sadece Kıbrıs Rum lobicilerinin görüşlerini
    > kabul etmektedir. Hatta  KıbrıslıTürklerin görüşlerini de almak üzere
    > tek bir kişinin KPKG’ye davet edilmemesi çok manidardır.
    > KPKG Başkanı olarak, David Burrowes diğer Milletvekillerinin de Kıbrıs
    > Rum yanlısı bir tavır almaları için etkin bir pozisyona sahiptir.
    > Birleşik Kraliyetinde yaşayan Kıbrıslı Türklerin meşru endişelerini
    > gözardı ederek sözkonusu Grup Başkanlık müdafaasını imkansız
    > kılmaktadır. Kendisi bizim görüşlerimizle ilgilenmediği için Avrupa
    > Bakanı ve KPKG üyelerinden David Burrowes’ın sözkonusu Başkanlıktan
    > derhal istifasını talep etmeleri ve onun yerine, çoktan beri dikkate
    > alınmayan Kıbrıslı Türklerinin görşlerine de saygı duyan yeni bir
    > Başkanın seçilmesi için çağrıda bulunuyoruz. Bu konuda Çarşamba 28
    > Kasım 2012 öğle vaktine kadar yapıcı ve kesin kararların alınmasını
    > bekliyoruz. Bu yönde birlik ve beraberliğimizi göstermek amacıyla
    > hepimiz adına başta Avrupa Bakanı ve Milletvekili David Liddington
    > olmak üzere, tüm KPKG üyelerine bir mektup yazmış bulunuyoruz.
    > Britanyalı Kıbrıslı Türk Birliği olarak sizleri ve örgütünüzü bizimle
    >                  ortak hareket etmeye davet ediyoruz.
    >    Eğer bu mektuba desteğinizi vermek istiyorsanız [email protected]
    >  e-mail adresine, isim, soy isminizi, ünvanınızı ve temsil ettiğiniz
    >            sivil toplum örgütünün ismini verebilirsiniz.
    >    Sözkonusu mektubun altına sizin de isminizin kaydedilmesini arzu
    > ederseniz, Çarşamba 28 Kasım 2012 öğle vaktine kadar bize bildirmeniz
    >                              gerekiyor.
    > ***Şimdiye kadar bize isimlerini göndererek ve mektubun hazırlanışında
    >      destek veren tüm şahıslara ve örgütlere teşekkür ederiz.***