Tag: Crimes of Zionism

  • Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II

    Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II

    al jazeera israel
    There is much more to Al-Jazeera than meets the eye. Behind the curtain lies a shady Zionist past.

    by Jonathan Azaziah

    In the the first part of the series, prior plots against Syria were brought to light and the modern alliance between Zionism and the House of Saud was exposed, as were the directors of the Zionist-Saudi axis’ ‘Syrian Revolution.’ Here in the conclusion of ‘Kiss of ‘Democratic’ Death,’ the more clandestine hands attempting to deliver Syria into ruin will be revealed and all doubts to what this revolution actually is will be put to rest…

    Media Manipulation: Zionism and Al-Jazeera Unite

    No attack on sovereign nations, whether overt like in Libya or covert like in Syria, comes without a steady flow of propaganda against the ‘hostile environment’ being targeted. And the psychological warfare being waged against Syria is exceedingly heavy. The Zionist-run, Zionist-owned Western mainstream press was not alone in this sustained campaign of skullduggery though. This time around, it partnered up with the Qatari state media giant Al-Jazeera to boost the hasbara festivities and give them an ‘Arab’ feel, therefore granting ‘legitimacy’ to the aforesaid hasbara.

    Al-Jazeera has operated with a pro-Israel, anti-Resistance stance from its inception, employing many Zionist hardliners to shape programming and reporting (73). The reason for this, unbeknownst to most, is that the US-backed Qatari dictator, Emir Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani, did not create Al-Jazeera, although he is its predominant fiancier. Al-Jazeera was created by the French-Israeli billionaire Zionist brothers, David and Jean Frydman, who set up the network to infiltrate media in the Islamic World and to control Middle East discourse on the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Both of them served as senior advisors to the Zionist war criminal prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak (74). Jean Frydman was also the personal financier of the father of Israel’s illegal nuclear program, war criminal Shimon Peres, and he poured millions of dollars into the ‘Oslo process (75),’ which tightened the Zionist entity’s stranglehold over Palestine.

    For those who were unaware of Al-Jazeera’s hidden Zionist history and blind to its Zionist bias due to its ‘credible’ reporting on US war crimes in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, the shroud of credibility began to vanish during the ‘Jan25 Revolution’ in Egypt, the hub being Tahrir Square in Cairo. Egypt’s revolution was/is a blend of Zionist infiltration through Western NGOs and globalist meddling at the highest level to counteract real frustration, real anger, real revolutionaries and their solidarity-anti-war-based activism.

    The driving force behind the legitimate aspects of the revolution was Mubarak’s indentured servitude to Zionism and the pro-Israel administration in Washington D.C.; Tahrir Square’s protesters wanted an end to American military aid, an end to IMF domination, an end to Zionism and the liberation of Palestine. Activists repeatedly made these demands and continue to do so to this very moment. Al-Jazeera reported on none of it and continues to report on none of it, deliberately ignoring it and forging a watered-down false narrative to sell subscriptions to Western masses. Al-Jazeera’s analysis of the events in Egypt was completely dominated by Westerners from Zionist think tanks and NGOs, the same NGOs directing and funding the infiltration of the revolution (76).

    Al-Jazeera has served Zionism from its inception and continues to serve it today in Libya and Syria.

    Al-Jazeera further shot itself in the foot when it began covering the CIA’s coup attempt in Libya, peddling rumors, outright fabrications, unverified statistics and anti-Qaddafi propaganda as legitimate journalism to justify NATO’s invasion. Al-Jazeera’s work on Libya has been nothing short of warmongering (77). This is to be expected though, and not only because of the undeniable Zionism of Al-Jazeera. Al-Jazeera’s patron, the despot of Qatar, is entrenched in the criminal war being waged against Libya. The CIA-backed, Israeli-advised rebels are receiving anti-tank weapons from Qatar (78), they have already signed an oil-marketing deal with Qatar (79), and together, the Qatar Emir and the Libyan rebels have begged America like dogs to amp up its destruction of Libya (80). With Libya under NATO siege and Egypt’s revolution hijacked and crushed, Al-Jazeera turned its attention to Syria.

    The Western media’s alliance with Al-Jazeera reared its ugly head from the onset of the ‘Syrian Revolution.’ As the last section completely exposed, the ‘peaceful demonstrators’ were actually armed rebels, with their weapons coming from Zionist ally Jordan and their orders coming from Tel Aviv, Washington D.C. and Riyadh. After months of lies and propaganda, the United States government has finally admitted that there are indeed armed rebels carrying out violence in Syria, stating ‘there are a lot of them (81).’ Mainstream media has deliberately ignored the provocations of and attacks on Syrian security forces that have occurred from the opening week of the revolt, in which the Saudi-Israeli-directed armed gangs fired on and killed policemen and torched courthouses, hospitals, communications centers and Bashar al-Assad’s party headquarters (82). Hundreds of soldiers have been killed by this Zionist-designed insurrection and at least three mass graves filled with Syrian security forces have been found already (83).

    MB Rebels at Jisr al Choughour 1
    Armed MB fighters that Al-Jazeera and the mainstream Zionist media refuse to report on.

    Instead of reporting these facts, Al-Jazeera has fabricated multiple eyewitness reports, bloated the death toll, broadcasted incitement against Bashar al-Assad, put forth the foreign policy objectives of the GCC dictatorships to bring down the Syrian government and ignored the vital fact that the Zionist-run National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is active on the ground in Syria (84). Instead of reporting these facts, the mainstream media and Al-Jazeera peddle the (admittedly) unverifiable, false casualty claims of London-based Syrian opposition groups, which boast about their membership with Zionism’s NED (85). Instead of reporting these facts, Al-Jazeera is manipulating imagery to fit with its anti-Syria agenda and paying actors to make false statements against Bashar al-Assad (86).

    Mainstream media has consistently reported on snipers shooting at ‘pro-democracy’ protesters and has published recorded ‘eyewitness’ testimony from a member of Syrian security forces who ‘admitted’ that the snipers are Syrian military. The problem with this ‘eyewitness,’ like every other ‘eyewitness’ presented by the Al-Jazeera-Zionist media axis, is that his name isn’t real, his voice has been modified, and the person who supposedly produced the recording isn’t using his real name either (87).

    None of it is real and everything is muddled because it’s another Zionist media fabrication. What is not being reported in the mainstream, is that the Syrian government has fully disclosed that there are indeed snipers firing not only on ‘protesters,’ but security forces as well (88). Mainstream media would never reveal that the snipers are agents of the Zionist-Saudi plan to destabilize Syria put together by Saudi National Security Advisor ‘Prince’ Bandar bin Sultan and the slippery Zionist criminal, Jeffrey Feltman (discussed earlier). The Feltman-Sultan plan, financed by $2 billion in Saudi funds, trained agents within Syria in sniper fire, arson and ‘sectarian attacks,’ all for the cause of fracturing Syria and terminating its support for Hezbollah and Iran (89). Hence, why the Zionist media is also spreading vile hasbara about Iranian forces and Hezbollah fighters assisting Bashar al-Assad ‘crush dissent,’ obvious lies originating from Mossad and its closest ally in Syria, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (90).

    Ghassan Bin Jeddo
    Former Al-Jazeera Beirut Bureau Chief, Ghassan Bin Jeddo.

    The nail in Al-Jazeera’s coffin in regards to its war on the Syrian nation is the resignation of its Beirut Bureau Chief, Ghassan Bin Jeddo, one of the most respected and objective journalists in the entire Arab world. Bin Jeddo, a fervent Arab nationalist and passionate supporter of Resistance to Zionism, resigned over Al-Jazeera’s shameless adherence to the foreign policy initiatives of the Zionist-Saudi alliance (91). He was furious that Al-Jazeera had launched a ‘smear campaign’ against Syria and labeled the network a ‘propaganda outlet (92).’ Going even further, Bin Jeddo declared “Al-Jazeera has resorted to gutter journalism. It is now an operations room for incitement and mobilization (93).” Ben Jeddo also confirmed that Al-Jazeera was fabricating information for its propaganda assault on Syria and expressed his disgust at the channel’s reporting on events in Bahrain (94). Ben Jeddo now plans to launch a new Arab channel from Beirut (95), presumably to counteract Al-Jazeera and its campaign against regional Resistance, Syria in particular.

    Lastly, the demonstrations against Bashar al-Assad, despite their Zionist-Saudi financing and training have been minuscule considering Syria’s population consists of more than 20 million people. In contrast, the solidarity with the Resistance government has been tremendous and of course, not covered at all or mentioned in passing in typical ‘downplaying’ fashion by the Zionist media (Al-Jazeera included).

    pro assad 1
    Massive pro-Assad rally in Damascus. Not covered by the Zionist media (Al-Jazeera included) at all.

    On June 21st, millions of Syrians hit the streets throughout the nation in solidarity with Bashar al-Assad and the Resistance, including the Zionist-Saudi-strongholds of Aleppo and Homs, shattering the illusion that the President had no support in these cities (96). On March 29th, just two weeks after the destabilization plot began, hundreds of thousands marched through Damascus and four other cities in solidarity with Bashar al-Assad, eclipsing the smaller demos held by Zionism’s agents, displaying pictures of the President and flags of Syria together with occupied Palestine (97).

    The June 15th rally for Bashar al-Assad was equally impressive, with hundreds of thousands of supporters unveiling a 2.3 kilometer flag that stretched through the streets of Damascus and chanting, “the people want Bashar al-Assad! (98)” The Chaldean Bishop of Aleppo attended the massive rally and confirmed that not only do Syria’s Christians wholeheartedly support Bashar al-Assad but 80% of Syria does (99). Abroad, Bashar al-Assad is receiving the same support in global arenas like Bulgaria (100), Lebanon (101) and even Dearborn, Michigan (102). With global support and the overwhelming solidarity of the populace on Bashar al-Assad’s side, it is evident that what the Syrian people want is not the overthrow of the person defending their nation from Zionist colonization but his continued reign with the necessary reforms implemented to better Syria as a whole. It is also evident that the ‘Syrian Revolution’ is a carefully concocted media farce serving as a cover for a destablization plot that is being executed by Zionism and its allies.

    Scott Creighton, a journalist and activist who operates the American Everyman/Willy Loman blog at WordPress.com, perfectly (and brilliantly) pegged the strategy of the mainstream media’s reporting on Syria as “activists’ said journalism.” Any person claiming to be an activist can call into the control rooms and operations boards of any media outlet and ‘report’ something, and because the person on the other end of the phone is claiming to be an activist, the said media outlet can print it without any investigation or discretion and present it as accurate, fact-based news. Unfortunately for the powers that be, this pathetic excuse for journalism crumbles under scrutiny as the ‘activists’ are all linked to Zionism’s NGOs which continue to hover at the center of the destabilization effort against Syria (103). And unfortunately for the powers that be, what their fake ‘activists say,’ is trumped by what the real activists say: ‘Resistance and Bashar are here to stay.’

    Erdogan Palestine Fraud
    Turkey claims it represents Resistance while bowing to the Zionist regime behind closed doors.

    Turkey: The Beast of Two Faces Emerges

    May 31st, 2010. Early in the morning, in international waters, Zionist naval commandos illegally stormed an aid ship known as the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship part of the Freedom Flotilla mission to break Israel’s criminal siege against the Gaza Strip, and in stunningly savage fashion,  murdered 9 unarmed Turkish peace activists with the youngest being 19-year old Furkan Dogan, a dual Turkish-American citizen. The motive for this savagery, was to kill a historic nuclear agreement between Brazil, Turkey and Iran; which Israel did (104). Beyond that however, more so than another statistic on the Zionist entity’s century-old rap sheet, the attack on the Mavi Marmara was an act of war.

    Turkish-Israeli relations had been going south since the Second Intifada. And each subsequent Zionist-initiated disaster/massacre, including Israel’s orchestration of Iraq’s destruction and its bloodthirsty, genocidal bombing of Lebanon in Summer 2006, soured ‘diplomacy’ even further. But it was at the 2009 World Economic Forum where, at least in appearance, civility between Turkey and the Zionist entity had hit a stonewall. Prime Minister Erdogan and the war criminal Shimon Peres shared a furious exchange in which Erdogan bashed the Zionist regime for its crimes against humanity in Gaza. In the aftermath, Turkey cancelled military exercises with IOF (105). Tension was at its peak, and analysts, activists and observers alike agreed that the Mavi Marmara murders were the proverbial straw that would break the camel’s back. It was believed that Turkey would cut its ties with the Zionist entity once and for all.

    Everybody was wrong. Instead of withdrawing recognition of the usurping, occupying entity, the Turkish government bizarrely asked (over and over and over again) for it to apologize for its crimes and compensate the victims’ families with Zionist blood money. What is even more bizarre, is that after the Zionist entity humiliated Turkey to an even greater degree by stating publicly it would not apologize under any circumstances (106), Turkey still asked for the apology, as if it was a dog pleading with its master for a treat.

    The incessant begging exposed Turkey’s real agenda and its attempt at portraying itself as a nation of Resistance slowly disintegrated. Turkey wanted entry into the European Union, a stronger role in NATO and desperately wanted the title of ‘regional power,’ serving as a power broker and go-between for East and West. How does a nation achieve such lofty ambitions? By bowing down to the Zionist entity of course. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s incumbent Prime Minister, accepted the ‘Courage to Care’ award from the ADL (107), a rotten, racist Zionist organization that has been linked to spying and other subversive activities for years. What kind of Resistance figure accepts an award from any Zionist institution, let alone one as vilely treacherous as the ADL?

    erdogan sharon
    Erdogan The Hypocrite: Seen here shaking hands with the murderer of murderers, the butcher of butchers, Ariel Sharon.

    Additionally, Erdogan, a defender of Zionism’s Armenian Genocide and denier of it even being a genocide, came under fire from the Mossad-CIA psyop known as Wikileaks and in the aftermath of the ‘Cablegate’ scandal, sent helicopters to the Zionist entity during recent forest fires on ethnically cleansed land in Palestine (108). Erdogan and his government did not send helicopters to Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia after Zionist stooge Obama’s drone bombings. Nor did he send helicopters to illegally besieged Gaza or Lebanon after the Zionist entity’s murderous bombings in 2006 and 2008-09. No, he sent helicopters to ‘Israel’ to show solidarity with Benjamin Netanyahu and mend ‘broken’ relations.

    All of the bluster aside, Turkish-Israeli relations were never strained. It was mere theater; surface hostility. More important than Erdogan’s pathetic, cringe-worthy Zionist solidarity, is what everything boils down to in geopolitics: money, and like the sorely-missed Malcolm X once said, “Zionists have mastered the science of dollarism.” Thousands of Zionist companies operate in Turkey with the gleeful blessing of the Turkish government (109). Turkish-Israeli bilateral trade amounts to at least $3 billion annually and leaders from both entities gloat that it is most likely much more than that. Within weeks of the Freedom Flotilla massacre, the Zionist entity and Turkey signed a military deal for $190 million worth of drone technology. Israel’s products (all of which are produced on stolen land from stolen Palestinian natural resources) are deeply entrenched in Turkish society, with nearly all of Turkey’s software, from cell phones to medical equipment, being produced by Zionism (110). Turkey and ‘Israel’ were never going to end such profitable dealings.

    The continuing trade and business dealings between Tel Aviv and Ankara in the wake of the Mavi Marmara murders has brought all public animosity to a screeching halt. The Zionist regime and Erdogan’s government are now collaborating in order to doctor a UN report regarding last year’s Freedom Flotilla massacre, with Turkey asking Israel to minimize the damage that Turkey’s image may incur (111). In return, with heavy pressure from the Zionist regime (112), Turkey stopped the Mavi Marmara from sailing with the new Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human mission to Gaza by refusing to let it sail from Turkish ports (113). And with Turkish-Israeli reconciliation now near imminent completion as Turkish and Zionist officials are working to put together an official ‘reconciliation’ document (114), Ankara and Tel Aviv are now focusing their energies on a most intricate (and regionally rewarding) project: executing the ‘Clean Break’ plan to ‘roll back’ Syria.

    turkey israel
    Ankara is actively collaborating with Tel Aviv to 'roll back' Syria.

    This is affirmed by the February comments of, Dr. Oded Eran, who served as the Zionist ambassador to the European Union, ambassador to Jordan and is currently the director of the treacherous Israeli Institute For National Security studies (115). He spoke in a most ominous manner about the Arab revolutions and the affect that they would have on Turkish-Israeli ties. Disturbingly, he stated, “Given the seriousness of the situation created by the political upheaval in the Arab world, this may accelerate the process of restoring Turkish-Israeli ties.” Eran also stated that it would be in the best interest of the Zionist regime and Turkey to cooperate in delivering stability to the Middle East (116). How better for Israel and Turkey to bring ‘stability,’ i.e. propping up dictatorships that support the hegemonic Zionist agenda and toppling those who don’t, than invoking the Israeli-Turkish joint intelligence agreement.

    This 1993 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) facilitated far-reaching, dastardly cooperation between Turkey and Zionism. The Zionist entity armed and trained the Turkish army in ‘anti-terror’ warfare along the borders of Iraq, Iran and Syria and Turkey allowed the Zionist entity to gather intelligence on Iran and Syria from within Turkey. The militaries of each entity meet frequently to discuss the prospects attained and assess it in the context of usefulness in future military and intelligence operations against ‘hostile environments.’ Under this agreement, Turkey is supporting the Israeli-Saudi operation against Syria in its entirety and it is assisting the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s incursions into the border town of Jisr al-Shughour militarily and with intelligence. All the while Turkey is exerting pressure on Bashar al-Assad to accept the Tel Aviv-Riyadh-Washington plans of regime change and step down (117). Erdogan has publicly declared that Bashar al-Assad’s response to the uprising is nothing short of “savagery (118),” knowing full-well that his country is supporting an armed insurrection.

    Turkey’s involvement goes deeper. Turkish military and political leaders are heavily discussing the idea of setting up a buffer-zone within northern Syria, a deliberate violation of Syrian sovereignty. This will provide armed MB fighters easier entry into Syria to carry out the orders of Tel Aviv and Riyadh. Turkey has given safe haven to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s leaders and recently hosted a high-level meeting between Syrian opposition figures and US officials (119). Ankara also hosted former CIA head and current Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for five days in late April. The topic? Regime change in Syria (120). The Zionist-run US government has formed operational headquarters in southern Turkey near the Syrian border and has upped its aid to the Turkish army to assist Syrian dissidents in any way possible, including armed MB members (121). On the media front, the Turkish NTV channel has been churning out the same lies that the Zionist media has, including the lunacy about Iranian soldiers and Hezbollah ‘suppressing protesters (122).’

    israel nato
    Is a Turkish-led NATO invasion of Syria at the behest of Israel an imminent reality?

    The most frightening development of all, is that Turkey has given the green light to NATO to transform the Izmir Air Station in western Turkey into a base for ground forces (123). Former Turkish diplomat Ozdemn Sanberk, who is well-known and is still frequently called upon by government circles (124) and is currently sitting on the High Advisory Board of the Global Political Trends Center, a think tank that openly collaborates with the Soros-funded London School of Economics (125), has stated in a recent interview that Bashar al-Assad is ‘doomed’ and has admitted that Turkey is pursuing a policy that will ensure the ‘demise of the (Syrian) regime while protecting Turkish security (126).’ Is Sanberk referring to a NATO invasion of Syria? With Ankara already militarily involved in Syria as per its MOU with Israel and the events that led up to the NATO invasion of Libya paralleling the events in Syria, such an action is not out of the question.

    What makes Turkey’s involvement so dangerous to Syria and detrimental to Resistance throughout the region is that it is clearly a beast with two faces. It disgustingly wears a mask of Islam and Resistance to fool and manipulate the naive and the hopeful while its true face remains submerged in a mound of intrigue and subversion, all for its Zionist masters. And what exactly is the true goal of this Tel Aviv-Ankara-Riyadh axis, excluding the aforementioned ‘regional stability?’ It isn’t just regime change. This axis wants to take down al-Assad and replace it with a racist, Saudi-like regime that will cripple ties with Iran and recognize the Zionist regime as a legitimate country (127). It will be up to the Syrian people, not just Bashar al-Assad and his army, to fight this plot and save their country.

    israeli cyber spies
    'A Gay Girl In Damascus' stinks of Israeli intelligence.

    A Gay Girl In Damascus: Mere Hoax Or Israeli Intelligence Operation?

    Hands down, without question, the most bizarre case that has come out of the Zionist plot to take down Syria is the blog known as ‘A Gay Girl In Damascus.’ This odd blog has been hailed and excessively promoted by the Zionist media over the last several months as a means to severely persecute Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian state as a whole. Supposedly, a half-Syrian, half-American lesbian blogger-activist named Amina Abdallah Araf al-Omari, who had been operating the blog for five years to raise awareness on Syria’s ‘poor human rights record,’ was abducted by Syrian security forces for her anti-regime activities. Apart from the obvious Zionist undertone beneath this persona and the story surrounding the ‘abduction,’ there was something else drastically wrong with all of it: nobody had ever met this ‘Amina Abdallah Araf al-Omari’ in person; not a single soul (128).

    Nobody had ever met her before because, Amina Abdallah Araf al-Omari didn’t exist. She was the creation of 40-year old Thomas J. Macmaster from Stone Mountain, Georgia who now lives in Edinburgh, Scotland (129). But the trip through the realm of the bizarre doesn’t end there. It was uncovered that Macmaster once wrote about ‘Amina’s dream’ to learn Hebrew, live in the Zionist entity and represent Syria in the ethnically cleansed land now known as ‘Israel (130).’ Despite Macmaster then attempting to portray ‘Amina’ as pro-Palestinian (131), this single post revealed the very unsettling presence of Zionism.

    And it gets more bizarre still. The ‘Amina’ profile was then linked to an Israeli website where Macmaster kept a log completely in Hebrew, something Macmaster has attempted to downplay as mere ‘web phishing (132).’ Phishing? Doubtful. Fishy? Absolutely. Once Macmaster was outed as the mastermind behind the Amina hoax, he issued an apology on the ‘Gay Girl In Damascus’ blog. Macmaster delivered the apology to the world from Istanbul, Turkey (133). Yes, of all of the places in the world to be while Zionism and Saudi Arabia direct armed insurrectionists against Syria, an American who is seemingly fluent in Hebrew is spreading hasbara about Bashar al-Assad and distributing fake reports about ‘human rights violations’ from Turkey, a central player in the ‘kiss of democratic death.’

    Tom MacMaster
    Thomas J. Macmaster: the American behind 'A Gay Girl In Damascus.'

    Mask of Zion’s sources have confirmed that Macmaster had also befriended several prominent solidarity activists, scholars and (real) pro-Palestine bloggers on Facebook, the social networking giant owned by Zionist Mark Zuckerberg. It is necessary to document that Facebook was started with capital provided by men who were board members of CIA’s business wing, In-Q-Tel and is now being used by the agency to recruit personnel for its ‘National Clandestine Service (134).’ Zuckerberg met with Zionist war criminal Shimon Peres at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in February 2009 to discuss ‘fighting anti-Semitism’ with Facebook (135), an Orwellian premise if there ever was one. And when the Zionist entity called on Zuckerberg to remove the ‘Third Intifada’ fan page from his website, he heeded the call and did just that, in violation of free speech everywhere (136). Facebook is a data-mining festival being monitored by the CIA that is literally run by Zionist thought police.

    Why aren’t the important questions being asked? This was deception on a massive scale, and the links between Macmaster, the Zionist entity, Syria and Turkey at this particular moment in history are undeniable. They are not coincidental and they stick out like a peacock in a white room.

    Why was Tom Macmaster allowed to operate a fraudulent profile on Zionist-owned Facebook, essentially keeping tabs on top personalities in the solidarity movement? Is Tom Macmaster an intelligence officer employed by the Zionist entity, the United States or is he an informant/asset of either/both? Indirectly of course, Macmaster is an asset of the Zionist-globalist agenda against Syria simply because of the hasbara he disseminated, but if in fact Macmaster was/is a paid intelligence agent, it raises a much more sinister question: how many more like Macmaster are out there? The answer could be tens, hundreds or even thousands, especially considering Israel operates a vast and hyperactive cyber warfare unit that employs thousands of agents (137). Lastly, if Macmaster was/is an intelligence asset, how much did the now-exposed two-faced Turkish government know about his activities? Was it assisting him? Protecting him? Are there others like Macmaster in Turkey?

    Though these questions will most likely never be answered, what is clear is that the Zionist media will latch on to anything and everything that it can get its grimy tentacles on in its efforts to make Syria out to be a monster and justify a NATO invasion. What is also clear, is that activists must be careful, as Zionism’s agents lurk at every dark corner of the internet, which has become a battleground in the war of oppressed vs. oppressor.

    bashar al assad1
    Bashar al-Assad represents 1/3 of the 'Resistance Axis,' all that stands between Israel and all-out domination of the Middle East.

    Conclusion: Long Live The Resistance

    The Zionist entity and its coalition of devilish allies are just as relentless to topple Syria now as they were when the ‘Syrian Revolution’ first began in mid-March. And the ‘international community’ of warmongers and kleptocrats are raising the stakes. The International Criminal Court has issued an indictment for Bashar al-Assad for ‘murdering anti-government protesters (138).’ Was an investigation conducted? Of course not. Is there any evidence of such outrageous claims? No, not even a smidgen.

    The US has imposed sanctions on Bashar al-Assad and six top officials in the Syrian government, a move that was condemned by Syria as ‘serving Israeli interests’ in the region (139). The EU, led by Zionist-dominated France, has imposed much more punishing sanctions, which have already taken effect on the everyday lives of Syria’s citizenry. The Assad government has lashed out at Europe and slammed its move as ‘economic warfare (140).’ France has openly pursued regime change in Syria with Saudi Arabia and the US since 2006 (141).

    In addition to facing a Zionist-manipulated armed revolt on the homefront and sanctions hammering its economy from abroad, the Syrian government is being ripped to shreds in the Zionist media, which is now accusing Bashar al-Assad of being behind the Naksa Day protests in al-Jaulan on June 5th.  He is being accused of paying poor farmers in the village of Majdal Shams $1,000.00 apiece to rush the ‘border’ with the Zionist entity in hopes of taking international attention off of his brutality against ‘pro-democracy’ protesters.

    The origin of this pathetic information blows its smokescreen away however and reveals it as sheer falsehood. It was produced by none other than the Reform Party of Syria, headed by Farid al-Ghadry, AIPAC member and Zionist agent who as aforementioned, has been at the core of fueling the unrest in Syria (142). When this information failed to materialize as believable, the Zionist media then magically produced a ‘Syrian government’ document that ‘confirmed’ another one of its lies from a month earlier, that Syria organized the protests on May 15th, Nakba Day. Under scrutiny, this crashes and burns too.

    naksa day massacre
    Thousands of Syrians and Palestinians gathered in Quneitra, Syria to honor the martyrs of Naksa Day.

    The ‘Syrian government’ document was ‘obtained’ by Michael Weiss (143), the head of Just Journalism, a widely-known Zionist propaganda outlet that is rabidly anti-Islam, anti-Arab, anti-Resistance and openly dedicated to ‘defending’ Israel in the media and whitewashing Israeli crimes (144). Weiss and the rest of the propagandists in the Zionist media failed to mention that the Nakba Day protests were organized by solidarity activists and Palestinian refugee rights groups from Lebanon and occupied Palestine with no connection to any government. These same activists

    Levantine Energy Corridor
    Zionism longs to take control of the Levantine natural gas fields in Syria and Lebanon.

    were involved in the June 5th Naksa Day events (145), which will now forever be remembered as the Naksa Day Massacre, as barbaric Israeli forces shot dead 23 Syrians and Palestinians, including a woman and a child, and wounded more than 350 other civilians for simply demanding Right of Return (146). Do not ever expect these truths to flow from the mouths of the likes of Farid al-Ghadry, Ammar Abdulhamid or Michael Weiss.

    The Zionist regime and its allies are not in business to play checkers. Chess is the name of the game and the ‘rollback’ of Syria would only be step one in the greater scheme of things; greater as in Greater Israel. Behind the ‘kiss of democratic death’ to remove Bashar al-Assad and his Resistance government are two key Zionist goals: control of energy and domination of territory. Syria lies smack dab in the middle of two natural gas corridors that the hegemonic powers have had their eyes on for decades. The first unites Turkey and the Caspian Sea with Palestine and the Red Sea and the second unites (occupied) Iraq with the Mediterranean. Sitting within these corridors are massive natural gas fields off of the Levantine coastlines of Damascus and Beirut which Iran has offered Syria assistance in exploring and cultivating. If Bashar al-Assad is taken down, the Zionist entity and its Euro-American allies will step in and take over the Levantine energy project (147).

    It is no secret that the Zionist entity’s goal has always been to extend its borders from the Egyptian Nile to the Iraqi Euphrates, ethnically cleansing everything in its path to make way for Greater Israel. Included in this sadistic project would be the confiscation of all of Syria and all of Lebanon (148). There are two obstacles standing in the way of the ultimate Zionist colonization project: Bashar al-Assad and the Lebanese Islamic Resistance movement, Hezbollah. If Bashar al-Assad and his government are defeated by the Zionist-Saudi-engineered uprising, the Lebanese Resistance will lose its only nation-state ally in the Arab world. Reports are already surfacing that Hezbollah is taking precautions against the fall of their ally by transferring missiles that are stored in secure caches in Syria across the border through camouflage to defend their weaponry from possible Israeli bombardment (149). Israeli-created, Qatari-funded Al-Jazeera has launched a full-scale propaganda campaign against hero, revolutionary and Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, labeling him a ‘hypocrite’ for standing in solidarity with Bashar al-Assad (150).

    Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
    Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: the righteous, dignified, courageous leader of Hezbollah who is hated and feared by the Zionist entity and Saudi Arabia.

    This insidious slander against one of, if not the only righteous leader in the Arab world is designed to drive a wedge between human rights factions and solidarity groups, splinter social justice movements and fracture Resistance blocs so Zionism’s tentacles can pick up the pieces and put them back together in the warped fashion of its choice. Hezbollah is the only reason why there are not criminal Zionist extremists living in US-subsidized settlements on the Litani River. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is the only voice that thunders loud enough to strike fear into the hearts of the Zionist entity’s leaders, who know that the Sayyed does not lie and does not exaggerate. Hezbollah is the only group in the entire region to deliver a conclusive military defeat to the Israeli occupation army, and the Zionist regime has long sought revenge for its humiliation at the hands of the Lebanese Resistance. Bashar al-Assad has supported Hezbollah’s steadfastness in the face of every act of Zionist intransigence. He will not abandon Hezbollah and Hezbollah will not abandon Bashar al-Assad, and this infuriates Zionism to no avail.

    Beyond Lebanon and Syria lies the grand prize that the Zionist entity longs to conquer, demolish and rebuild as a Zionist colony: the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Zionist-run mega-think tank known as the Brookings Institution has already laid out every possibility in ‘defeating’ Iran in a menacing policy study called ‘Which Path To Persia?’ This paper was written by a slew of influential Zionist policy makers including former ambassador to Israel and chief Zionist lobbyist Martin Indyk and former CIA analyst, Obama advisor and Zionist war criminal Bruce Riedel (151). Riedel frequently speaks at Israel’s Institute For National Security Studies in Tel Aviv and was the Zionist regime’s chief asset in the White House for Afghanistan policy (152). The Zionist-composed ‘Path to Persia’ paper speaks in-depth about Iranian influence over Syria and Hezbollah and discusses several options in eliminating this influence. The Brookings Institution has also published a recent paper that demands Bashar al-Assad step down and accept US-Israeli-mandated regime change immediately (153).

    greater israel
    Greater Israel: the ultimate Zionist dream that would see Syria and Lebanon absorbed into an 'Israeli empire.'

    These are indeed grand plans, grand designs and grand plots for the Zionist entity to finally bring to fruition its supremacist fantasy of Greater Israel and what one-eyed war criminal and Zionist mass murderer Moshe Dayan called, ‘an Israeli empire (154).’ But what stands in the way of this hegemonic nightmare is the sincere, righteous Resistance that has kept the usurping Israeli entity from conquering Palestine despite 63 years of ethnic cleansing, massacres, mass murder, land theft, usurpation, assassinations, intimidation and demolitions. It has stopped Israel from turning Syria and Lebanon into Zionist colonies. It has stopped Israel from re-conquering the Sinai and it is firmly standing its ground in occupied Somalia and occupied Kashmir against the allies of Zionism.

    The Zionist regime’s plans to take down Syria, Hezbollah and Iran will fail not only because the combined military might of these three powers are more awesome than Tel Aviv, London, Paris and Washington D.C. care to admit, but because these three powers have the backing of the people; the backing of the oppressed who would give their lives before bowing down to Western neo-colonial interests. Al-Jazeera’s vicious, degrading propaganda against Sayyed Nasrallah has been spat upon by the people of the region. Bashar al-Assad, as documented earlier, is receiving overwhelming support from the Syrian populace despite the ongoing Zionist-Saudi operation against his government. And Iran, despite thirty years of Zionist-British-American subversion against the Islamic Revolution, continues to flourish in defiance thanks to the backing of its people.

    Israel’s ‘kiss of democratic death’ succeeded in bringing horrific chaos to Syria but it has failed in all other aspects. Al-Jumhuriyyah al-Arabiyyah as-Suriyyah will prevail today as it did yesterday under Bashar al-Assad’s late father, Hafez, in the face of the same Zionist tactics. Long live the Resistance, the almost ethereal force that has always served as a humbling reminder to oppressive powers. And in that spirit, may they be reminded again now: your reign, your games and your plots are as temporary as the night is dark.

    ~ The End ~

    Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I


    (73) Al-Jazeera – Pro-Israel Arab Network by Rehmat’s World

    (74) Sowing The Seeds Of Violence And Instability by Ghali Hassan, Counter Currents

    (75) The Confessions Of Jean Frydman by Barry Chamish

    (76) Al-Jazeera: An Island Of Pro-Empire Intrigue by Sukant Chandan, Monthly Review

    (77) Al Jazeera Continues To Flog Mythical Libya Narrative by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

    (78) Libyan Rebels Receiving Anti-Tank Weapons From Qatar by Ian Black, The Guardian

    (79) Libya Rebels Pen Oil Deal With Qatar by Marc Burleigh, Agence Presse France

    (80) Libya Rebels, Qatar Urge Bigger US Military Role by The Arkansas Democrat Gazette

    (81) Syrian Unrest Stirs New Fear Of Deeper Sectarian Divide by Anthony Shadid, The New York Times

    (82) Media Disinformation: The Protest Movement In Syria by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

    (83) Third Mass Grave Found In Syria by Press TV

    (84) Al Jazeera’s War On Syria by Stephen Lendman

    (85) The Siege Of Syria by Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report

    (86) The Middle East Counter-Revolution by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network

    (87) ‘Snipers Ordered To Aim For The Head’ by France 24

    (88) Syria: Who Is Behind The Protest Movement? Fabricating A Pretext For A US-NATO “Humanitarian Intervention’ by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

    (89) Why Did Website Linked To Syria Regime Publish U.S.-Saudi Plan To Oust Assad? by Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz

    (90) Hizbullah And Iranian Fighters In Syria by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (91) Ghassan Bin Jiddu: Resigns From Aljazeera by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (92) Al-Jazeera Beirut Bureau Chief Resigns by Press TV

    (93) Al Jazeera’s Beirut Bureau Chief, Ghassan Ben Jeddo, Resigns by Yoshie Furuhashi, Monthly Review

    (94) Ghassan Ben Jeddo: Resignation Reason Is al-Jazeera’s Method In Covering The ME Events by Syrian Arab News Agency

    (95) Ghassan Ben Jeddo To Launch A New Channel by Anayou English

    (96) 21 June: Massive Demonstrations In Syria by Voltaire Network

    (97) Damascus – Hundreds Of Thousands In Syria March In Pro-Assad Demonstration by Vos Iz Neias?

    (98) Syrians Rally In Support Of The President by Press TV

    (99) Giant Pro-Assad Rally In Damascus, Bishop Says 80 Per Cent Of The People Behind Him by Asia News

    (100) Syrians In Bulgaria To Stage Pro-Assad Rally by Sofia News Agency

    (101) Beirut Pro-Assad Rally Swamps Vigil For Syria Dead by Agence France Presse

    (102) Rally In Support Of Syria President Packs Dearborn Hall by Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press

    (103) More “Activists Said” Journalism On Syria, This Time At Raw Story by Scott Creighton, American Everyman

    (104) The Reality Of Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (105) Turkish – Israeli Relations by Stephen Lendman

    (106) Israel: We Will Not Apologize To Turkey Over Flotilla Deaths by Barak Ravid and Jack Khoury, Haaretz

    (107) Prime Minister Erdogan Tells ADL That “Anti-Semitism Has No Place in Turkey” by The Anti-Defamation League

    (108) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (109) New Crisis Simmering Between Turkey And Israel by Habib Toumi, Gulf News

    (110) Turkey And Israel Do A Brisk Business by Dan Bilefsky, The New York Times

    (111) Israeli Official: Turkey Wants UN To Tone Down Report On Gaza Flotilla Raid by Barak Ravid, Haaretz

    (112) Gaza Flotilla Ship Mavi Marmara Will Not Join New Aid Mission by The Telegraph

    (113) Turkish Ship Involved In Gaza Flotilla Raid Pulls Out Of Next Convoy by Barak Ravid, Haaretz

    (114) Is Turkish-Israeli Reconciliation Imminent? by Alon Ben-Meir, The Jerusalem Post

    (115) Experts: Dr. Oded Eran by The Institute For National Security Studies

    (116) Arab Unrest Could Help Turk-Israeli Ties, Says Former Israeli Diplomat by Fulya Ozerkan, Hurriyet Daily News

    (117) The Destabilization Of Syria And The Broader Middle East War by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

    (118) Turkish PM Criticizes Syrian President, Calls Crackdown On Protesters Savagery by The Associated Press

    (119) Analysis: Turkey Loses Patience Over Syria by Ibon Villelabeitia, Reuters Canada; Muslim Brotherhood And US Representatives At Syrian Opposition Conference In Antalya, Turkey by As’ad Abu Khalil, Monthly Review

    (120) Report: CIA Chief Held Secret Talks On Syria In Turkey by Ynet

    (121) ‘Turkey Executes US Plots In Syria’ by Press TV

    (122) Turkey Leads Anti-Syria Smear Campaign by Press TV

    (123) Turkey To Host NATO Ground Forces by Press TV

    (124) Board: Ambassador (R) Ozdem Sanberk by Global Political Trends Center

    (125) About GPOT by Global Political Trends Center; Hunting For Witches In An Ivory Tower by Danna Harman, Haaretz

    (126) Assad Bound To Go, Says Former Turkish Diplomat by Hurriyet Daily News

    (127) The Strategy Of The Saudi-Zionist Axis To Destabilize Syria by Mohammed Omar, The Islam Times

    (128) ‘A Gay Girl In Damascus’ Comes Clean by Melissa Bell and Elizabeth Flock, The Washington Post

    (129) New Evidence About Amina, The “Gay Girl In Damascus” Hoax by Ali Abunimah and Benjamin Doherty, The Electronic Intifada

    (130) Tom Macmaster And His Zionist Agenda by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (131) On The “Gay Girl In Damascus” by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (132) My Interview With Tom Macmaster by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (133) “Gay Girl In Damascus” Comes Out As Tom Macmaster, Istanbul by Dimi Reider, 972 Magazine

    (134) Facebook – The CIA Conspiracy by Matt Greenop, Global Research

    (135) Israeli Prez: Use Facebook To Fight Hate by CBS News

    (136) Facebook Drops ‘Intifada’ Page For Promoting Violence by BBC News

    (137) Israel’s Unit 8200: Cyber Warfare by Damien McElroy, The Telegraph

    (138) Syria: President Bashar al-Assad Faces Indictment By The International Criminal Court by Adrian Blomfield, The Telegraph

    (139) Syria Condemns U.S. Sanctions On Assad by The New York Times

    (140) Syria Warns Against Outside Interference, Fingers France by Ma’an News Agency

    (141) Assad Has Run Out Of Friends, And Run Out Of Time by Rime Allaf, The Telegraph

    (142) Syria Opposition: Anti-Israel Rioters Paid $1,000 by Ynet

    (143) Report: Document Reveals Nakba Day Clashes Planned By Syria Government by Haaretz

    (144) About: Mission Statement by Just Journalism

    (145) Interview: Planning The Nakba Day Movement In Lebanon by Max Blumenthal, The Electronic Intifada

    (146) 23 Martyrs Including A Child, A Woman And A Journalist, Over 350 Injured In Israeli Attack Against Syrian And Palestinian Citizens Near Occupied Golan by Syrian Arab News Agency

    (147) America’s Next War Theater: Syria And Lebanon? by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research

    (148) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years by Israel Shahak (rip)

    (149) Report: Hezbollah Moves Missiles From Syria To Lebanon, Fearing Fall Of Assad Regime by Barak Ravid, Haaretz

    (150) Al-Jazeera’s War On Sheikh Nasrallah by Rehmat’s World

    (151)Which Path To Persia? Options For A New American Strategy Against Iran by Kenneth M. Pollack, Daniel L. Byman, Martin S. Indyk, Suzanne Maloney, Michael E. O’Hanlon and Bruce Riedel, Brookings Institution Press

    (152) Afghanistan – Obama’s War For Israel by Christopher Bollyn

    (153) Syria: Intervention Inevitable by Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report

    (154) Israel’s Grand Design: Leaders Crave Area From Egypt To Iraq by John Mitchell Henshaw, Media Monitors

    http://www.maskofzion.com/2011/07/kiss-of-democratic-death-israels-plot_06.html, 6 July 2011

  • Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I

    Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I

    israel syria
    The Zionist entity and its criminal network of allies have initiated operations to destroy Syria.

    by Jonathan Azaziah

    This is the first of a 2-part series that exposes the ‘Syrian Revolution’ as a destabilization operation commanded by the usurping regime of Israel and assisted by its allies in Washington D.C., Paris, London, Riyadh and other faces hiding behind masks of friendship and neutrality. This selection deals with the 40+ years of history that led to the unprecedented events unfolding now and how Tel Aviv and Riyadh have once again joined hands in modern day to eliminate Syrian Resistance once and for all…

    Al-Jumhuriyyah al-Arabiyyah as-Suriyyah, the Syrian Arab Republic, or simply, Syria, is being systematically assaulted by the world’s arrogant powers. No, Syria isn’t being bombarded with bombs and missiles from helicopter gunships or F-16s (at least… not yet). It is being bombarded by something else; something more sinister, more cunning and deadlier. It is being bombarded by an entity that is almost full of life in its undying intransigence: Zionist-designed, Zionist-enforced ‘democracy.’

    Like the poison dart frogs of the Amazon rain forest, the Angel’s Trumpet flowers scattered along the Andes Mountains from Colombia to Chile and the blue-ringed octopuses swimming through the tide pools of the Pacific from Japan to Australia, this ‘democracy’ is associated with the idea of an almost magnificent beauty. It is described as something of uniqueness, a creation indigenous to the higher-learning-infested institutes of the West; something alien to the other peoples of the world; the easterners, those of Arab and African descent. Fallacious however, are these assumptions.

    Also like the poison dart frogs, the Angel’s Trumpets and the blue-ringed octopuses, the beauty of ‘democracy’ is merely a front for the venom that lies beneath an eye-pleasing exterior. A venom that can kill. A venom that has killed. In the millions. Democracy is the kiss of death, bringing ruin, pillage and desecration while cloaked in the garments of freedom, equality and higher-learning. If democracy was an entity of female origin, it would be the succubus of mythological lore. If it were of male origin, it would be the incubus. And the easterners, Arabs and Africans, can speak for millennia about what this demonic ‘democracy’ actually represents. Syrians beware, ‘democracy’ is targeting you now; heed the lessons of the past, taught in blood by your oppressed brothers and sisters.

    The people of Iraq, irradiated by an eternity of depleted uranium, can tell you in graphic detail of the wonders democracy has brought them: 6 million Iraqis are now refugees, 2 million of which are displaced internally, 2 million Iraqi women are now widows, 5 million Iraqi children are now orphans and 80% of Iraqis have witnessed shootings, kidnappings, rapes, killings and other atrocities (1). The people of Afghanistan, reeling from more than 4 decades of American military-intelligence adventurism, can tell you in equally graphic detail of democracy’s glorious benefits: 7.4 million Afghan men, women and children are now living in hunger on the brink of death from occupation-induced starvation (2).

    syria 1
    The Zionist 'democracy' demon, seen here feasting on Gaza; it now hungers for Syria.

    Palestine, a holy and historic land that has been called home by prophets and saints, heroes and revolutionaries, has been occupied by a usurping entity for 63 years. This entity that calls itself ‘Israel’ also calls itself the ‘only democracy in the Middle East.’

    Palestinians scream at the world, day and night, at the top of their lungs, that this democracy is farcical. In the ethnically cleansed Palestinian land now known as ‘Israel,’ at least 30 laws exist that discriminate viciously against non-Jews (3). Weekly protests for freedom from occupation and respect of universal human rights are savagely suppressed by IOF with tear gas, ‘skunk’ water, live ammunition and sound bombs (4), and last month, a 16-year old Palestinian boy named Milad Ayyash was shot to death by an illegal settler (5).

    In the besieged Gaza Strip, 95% of the factories are closed and 93% of the water is contaminated due to Zionist pollution and the Zionist entity’s criminal siege (6). In the occupied Jordan Valley, Palestinians are denied education, health care, transportation, electricity and water (7). In occupied al-Quds, land still internationally recognized as Palestinian is ‘zionized’ daily, with the latest announcement being 7,900 new illegal settlements (8). These represent a fraction of the principles embedded in the ‘democracy’ of Zionism; occupation and apartheid, land theft and slow drip genocide.

    Kashmir is a place of such angelic gorgeousness it is commonly referred to as ‘heaven on earth.’ This heaven though, could not be any more miserable. It, like Palestine, is also occupied by a usurping entity and has been so for 64 years. This entity is known as Hindutva, a sister of Zionism, and it refers to itself as ‘India, the world’s largest democracy.’ Rape, torture, brutalization, murder, suppression of protests, epidemic-like influx of narcotics flooding the streets at the hands of Indian and Israeli intelligence, beatings, kidnappings, demolitions of homes, desecration of mosques and shootings are just a smidgen of what Kashmiris experience on a daily basis under the criminal Indian occupation (9). And for the record, Hindutvadi occupation forces carry out their heinousness with Israeli weaponry (10).

    bashar al assad
    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Zionism's next target.

    Taking this, never-ending fountain of ‘democracy’ into account, one word can describe what is taking place in Syria: woe; woe that mutates a little further into chaos and disaster with each passing moment.

    The late George Orwell, author of the masterpieces ‘1984’ and ‘Animal Farm,’ once eloquently wrote,  “Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.” This scenario is being played out to the letter in Libya. Under the guise of saving ‘peaceful, pro-democracy’ Libyan protesters from the guns and air raids of ‘Mad Dog’ Muammar Qaddafi, a ‘humanitarian intervention’ was initiated at the behest of some of the greatest ‘humanitarians’ of modern times: Paul Wolfowitz, Dan Senor, Eric Edelman, Elliot Abrams, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, (a good portion of) the Zionist monsters responsible for orchestrating the mutilations of Iraq and Afghanistan (11).

    It became evident shortly after the Zionists’ intervention call that the protesters weren’t really protesters at all. They were armed insurrectionists being directed by the CIA to take down Qaddafi in a blatant regime change operation (12). These ‘rebels’ are now not only ready to recognize the usurping Zionist entity, something Muammar Qaddafi never did and never would (13), they are receiving on-ground orders and training from Israeli military advisors (14) and they have signed multiple agreements with Zionism, including one which would provide the occupier of Palestine with a military base in Libya (15). All the while, US-led NATO pounds Tripoli on a nightly basis with depleted uranium and white phosphorus (16). The latest attack murdered at least 9 Libyan civilians, including 2 toddlers (17).  Democracy’s ‘awe’ is being painfully felt in Libya; the ‘shock and awe’ of NATO’s criminal bombardment.

    The Zionist media-concocted scenarios that were used as justification to take down ‘homicidal maniac’ Qaddafi are now being recycled to take down ‘homicidal maniac’ Bashar al-Assad, vastly popular President of Syria and stalwart of the Resistance Axis that includes the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon, Hezbollah, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a plot that involves major players, both regional and global. And at the very core of this sadistic agenda, which will only leave the Syrian people trapped in a bloodbath to pick up the shards of their lives, is the Zionist entity’s most ludicrous, nightmarish fantasy: Greater Israel. Syria is being destabilized by a ‘democratic’ demon intent on giving the Resistance government the kiss of death, sending it to the gallows forever and subsequently enslaving the Syrian people to the Zionist machine of neoliberalism and colonization.

    hafez al assad
    The late Hafez al-Assad, Bashar's father. Hafez faced the same Zionist plot over 30 years ago that his son is fighting now.

    History On The Fly I: The 1976-1982 ‘Uprising’

    From the moment Israel launched its criminal, preemptive war in June 1967, Syria was officially at war with Zionism. The usurping entity took over al-Jaulan (the Golan Heights, an ancient mountainous region in southern Syria) during that war and the illegal occupation has existed ever since. And in 1981, the Zionist entity engaged in yet another illegality: it ‘annexed’ al-Jaulan and imposed Israeli laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Syrian citizenry (18).

    The President during the time of the illegal annexation was none other than Hafez al-Assad, Bashar al-Assad’s father. Hafez had come to power on November 13,1970 in the Syrian Corrective Revolution, overthrowing Salah Jadid whose popularity sharply declined due to his poor domestic policies, political repression and loss to the Zionist entity in the 6 Day War. Hafez, like his son that would succeed him, was widely viewed with respect for his foreign policy and implementation of social justice-based policies at home. His 1973 constitution guaranteed equal rights and status for women throughout Syria, and also in ‘73, he gained back a portion of al-Jaulan after the Yom Kippur War. He invested Syria’s wealth in the sectors of education, medicine, the middle class and the rehabilitation of the urban areas throughout the nation. Under Hafez al-Assad, literacy and economic growth skyrocketed.

    But yet, despite Hafez al-Assad’s popularity and his commitment to providing for the Syrian people, there was a disconnect with a marginal, but powerful party within Syrian society: the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). From 1976-1982, the MB waged armed warfare against Hafez al-Assad’s government, though the Zionist media would like the globe to believe the protests were ‘peaceful.’ This ‘uprising’ was fully backed by the Zionist-occupied government residing in Washington DC, the dictatorial regime of the US-Israeli puppet Saddam Hussein and of course, Tel Aviv itself (19).

    syrian muslim brotherhood
    The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood tried to overthrow Hafez al-Assad from 1976-1982.

    This was no peaceful uprising but an attempt at a coup d’etat, fully incited by the puppet regimes of the Western-client states of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Jordan (20). The reasons? To strike back at Hafez al-Assad for supporting Iran during the Iran-Iraq War, an act of aggression supported and funded by the GCC, the US and Israel (21), and to weaken his government to prevent it from properly intervening in the Lebanese Civil War, 15 years of massacres and bloodshed manipulated by the Zionist entity and America to fractionalize Lebanon into smaller, subservient-to-Zionism satellite states (22).

    The MB, armed by the Saddam Hussein regime and the powerful Saudi Arabian monarchy, was ruthless in its campaign of terror against the Assad government. It conducted assassinations of high-level government officials and murdered thousands of civilians, including dentists, teachers and doctors, and off-duty soldiers and policemen. In June of 1980, the MB went after Hafez al-Assad himself in Damascus, adding yet another unequivocal proof that the ‘uprising’ was anything but peaceful (23).

    The Saudi-financed, Zionist-supported Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s insurrection against Hafez al-Assad’s government came to an end in the city of Hama in February 1982. Media reports and ‘documentation’ from ‘human rights groups’ stretching far and wide, coast to coast, have labeled what took place in Hama as a massacre. Typically, nothing could be further from the truth.

    hama syria
    Hama, Syria: the site where Hafez al-Assad where defeated the Tel Aviv-Riyadh plot and ended the MB uprising.

    In the realm of the real, Hama was a war zone. In the realm of the real, there were heavy casualties on both sides. It began when the MB opened fire on mosques frequented by government officials and their families, as well as their homes, murdering men, women and children without mercy. The MB then mutilated the bodies in the streets. Syrian security forces responded by raiding a massive weapons cache that was central to the MB’s anti-government activities to subdue the uprising. But when the MB’s killings continued, two full brigades of soldiers, a new special operations militia and special security units were deployed into Hama to defeat the conspiracy, which Hafez al-Assad accurately described as ‘the US interfering in Syrian affairs,’ once and for all. After brutal fighting continued for several weeks, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s insurrection was beaten and its leaders were sent into exile, with thousands dead in a full-scale civil war-like bloodbath, and relative calm had returned to Hama (24).

    The aforementioned human rights groups and the propaganda that they disseminated (and are still disseminating) in regards to the battle of Hama are the same human rights groups disseminating vile, warmongering propaganda against Bashar al-Assad now. These organizations are always at the forefront of any Zionist-instigated war/invasion, posing as the defenders and upholders of the oppressed while delivering them to the democracy demon.

    amnesty interntional
    Amnesty International is always there with a false story when Zionism needs cover to destroy a nation.

    Leading the pack, is Amnesty International, the internationally-renowned organization that is self-described as politically independent. Indeed, independent of all ideologies excluding those that bring ruin to enemy nations of the hegemonic powers. Amnesty stated that somewhere between 10,000-25,000 were killed by Syrian security forces in the ‘Hama massacre,’ with most casualties being civilians (25). ‘Government sympathizes,’ i.e. those who are interesting in acquiring the truth of the matter, put the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s casualties between 3,000-5,000 fighters (26).

    Amnesty International is no stranger to falsehood. It is intimately linked to the internationalist-Zionist war criminal billionaire George Soros and was an integral part of Soros’ color revolutions in Eastern Europe, spreading propaganda against the now-overthrown regimes and it serves this exact purpose to this very day (27). Amnesty is also a ‘Standard Corporate Member’ of the Chatham House, Britain’s version of the Council on Foreign Relations, the parasitic ‘mother of all think tanks’ in America. The Chatham House, like the CFR, is funded by a who’s who of globalist mega-corporations and media outlets including the Rothschild-owned Economist, Zionist-run BBC and Zionist-dominated Goldman Sachs. Its most recent criminal activity involved generating malicious propaganda to give credence to a color revolution in Thailand (28).

    But the lie that Amnesty International is most famous for propagating, is what led to the 20-year annihilation of Iraq: 312 Kuwaiti babies being murdered in their incubators by Iraqi forces (who invaded Kuwait on the green light from the Zionist-occupied US government), based on the testimony of the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US posing as a witness to the murders. Not only did the story turn out to be completely, totally and utterly false, it was revealed to be a high-level Zionist operation with British intelligence assets within Amnesty working closely with ultra-Zionist war criminal Tom Lantos and his Congressional Caucus for Human Rights to pave the groundwork for the invasion (29). What followed, as it is said, is history… bloody, genocidal history. These three instances of Amnesty’s subversive activities alone, along with its shady Zionist backers, funders and collaborators, expose it for what it truly is.

    Another organization that has targeted Syria for the Hama massacre and other alleged abuses at Syria’s Tadmor Prison, is the notorious Human Rights Watch (HRW). Although HRW admits within the report that the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood engaged in open, brutal warfare against the Hafez al-Assad government, and although HRW admits within the report that it cannot verify a single account of abuse at Tadmor prison before, during or after the battle for Hama, it still pleads its case to the international community of warmongers, kleptocrats and hypocrites that Syrian officials must be brought to justice for their crimes (30).

    Human Rights Watch by Zain Art 88
    HRW: the best friend of Mossad, CIA and the Zionist lobby.

    HRW is another tentacle of Zionist billionaire-criminal George Soros’ octopus-like empire, one that he vehemently and publicly supports and funds to the tune of $100 million (31). HRW worked hand in hand with the CIA, Mossad and Zionist Lobby organizations like JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) and AIPAC itself to perpetrate the ‘Kurdish Genocide’ myth, a story that the Zionist cabal in the White House would cling to and wield as its last weapon to justify the criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003 (32). There is not a drop of evidence that Saddam Hussein carried out any such atrocity against the Iraqi Kurds, nor is there a drop of evidence that Saddam Hussein carried out the Halabja massacre, another HRW fabrication (33). Saddam was a loyal puppet to the Zionist power axis and a criminal, but a mass murderer he was not. Thanks to the money poured into HRW by Soros, HRW is deeply embedded in the global media sphere and can transform anyone it pleases into mass murderers. Rivers of blood stain its corrupt hands.

    syrian human rights committee
    The SHRC is a London-based promoter of several Soros-funded and Mossad-affiliated groups.

    The Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC) is the least well-known of the ‘human rights’ militias that assaulted Hafez al-Assad’s government for what took place in Hama, accusing the Assad government of murdering 30,000-40,000 civilians with ‘all kinds of artillery’ and demanding Assad and other party officials be brought before the International Criminal Court for war crimes (34). Of course, no evidence is provided for this outlandishness. Though the SHRC doesn’t have the notoriety of the previously mentioned organizations, it is just as dangerous for it represents ‘indigenous’ activism and criticism of Hafez al-Assad and therefore, its perceived indigenousness grants legitimacy to its claims, no matter how bizarre of farfetched. Don’t let the name hoodwink you however; the Syrian Human Rights Committee is anything but indigenous. It is self-admittedly based in London (35).

    A closer look at SHRC’s affiliations reveals what its real agenda is, and it is by no means one based on human rights, dignity and prosperity for the Syrian people. Not only does SHRC avidly promote the Soros-funded, propaganda-manufacturing institutions of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, it is an affiliate of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan {PUK} (36), headed by Kurdish-Iraqi war criminal and current Iraqi President Jalal Talabani. PUK and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), headed by Massoud Barzani, are willingly overseeing the Zionist entity expand into occupied Iraq, take over multiple religious shrines and through a Mossad campaign of false flag terror, ethnically cleanse northern Iraq of indigenous Christians (37). These parties have been proxies of the illegitimate Israeli regime since the 1950s (38) and the militias of PUK and KDP are both Israeli-trained (39). What kind of organization proclaims to be representative of the Syrian people and the Syrian nation, a people and nation at war with the Zionist entity, while promoting groups subsidized by Zionists and Israeli intelligence? Rhetorically, an organization serving a Zionist purpose.

    Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Syrian Human Rights Committee with resurface shortly and even Hama will be revisited, as all are integral to the current Zionist plot being orchestrated against Hafez al-Assad’s son, Bashar.

    israeli warplanes syria
    Prior to the current uprising, Israel tried on multiple occasions to draw Syria into war.

    History On The Fly II: Oded Yinon, A Clean Break and Direct Israeli Aggression

    It is nowhere near a coincidence that the same month (February of 1982) Hafez al-Assad’s government weathered the storm of chaos inflicted upon Syria by the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, a disturbing essay appeared in the Kivunim Journal For Judaism and Zionism, a magazine published by the World Zionist Organization’s Department of Publicity, entitled ‘A Strategy For Israel In The Nineteen Eighties.’ The essayist was Oded Yinon, a senior Israeli foreign policy advisor. Yinon laid out a twisted plan of ethnic cleansing and partitioning on sectarian lines to break up Arab nations into smaller states that would effectively (and perpetually) serve as Zionist clients. One of the Arab nations discussed was Syria.

    Yinon put forth not just a string of theories, but foreign policy objectives that he considered essential to the survival of the usurping entity. He viewed Syria’s dissolution a primary long term goal and the dismantlement of its army the short term goal for Zionism. He wrote that Syria will fall apart if his plan is followed; an Alawi state on the Syrian coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus that would be hostile to the government in Aleppo and lastly, a Druze state to be set up in southern Syria, preferably in occupied al-Jaulan, to be governed by the Israeli military (40). This plan is not only disturbing but bone-chilling, considering these very areas are the areas rocked with unrest today. The Saudi-Israeli-American axis failed in Syria in 1976-1982. Oded Yinon’s strategy was put forth to regroup, rearm and re-engage.

    Fast forward 14 years later to 1996, and another work of Zionist treachery placed the Syrian nation in the crosshairs. Known as ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm,’ or simply, the ‘Clean Break Papers,’ the Zionist warmongers responsible for ravaging Iraq into oblivion, led by Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser, penned this essay as the main governing policy for the butcher of Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu.

    richard perle
    Zionist war criminal Richard Perle: the leader of the pro-Israel team that produced the 'Clean Break' papers.

    The ‘Clean Break’ authors wrote that Netanyahu’s government should bomb targets of Syrian interest in Lebanon in hopes of provoking Syria, as well as the Lebanese Islamic Resistance movement, Hezbollah, into a greater war. If this didn’t work, the deranged authors opined, then Zionism should just bomb Syria outright. The ‘Clean Break Papers’ also reinforced the lies about the battle for Hama and suggested that the Syrian government participates in obscene levels of drug trafficking. Taking it a step further, Perle and company wrote that the Zionist entity should reject peace with Syria, reject the return of al-Jaulan and move to ‘contain, weaken and roll back’ the Syrian state for its own hegemonic interests (41). This document, like Yinon’s, transcends the realm of disturbing and breaches the realm of bone-chilling, as it reflects several events involving Zionism’s assault on Syria in recent years. Most notably, it states that Zionism should ‘diplomatically, militarily and operationally’ support Jordan and Turkey in destabilization efforts against Syria. Exactly what is taking place today.

    On February 14th 2005, the car bomb heard ‘round the world detonated at the St. George Hotel in Beirut, Lebanon. The target of the assassination was former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. The Zionist media and puppet governments across the Western world immediately blamed Syria and Hezbollah for the hit. Evidence? Telecommunications data obtained by the Israeli-British-US-financed United Nations’ Special Tribunal For Lebanon (STL). There was one problem with this data however. It came from an Israeli spy line, planted by the Zionist entity’s assets in its all-out penetration of the Lebanese telecommunications sector (42).

    Apart from the obviousness of the benefits that the usurping entity would acquire with the assassination, i.e. a revamp of civil war in Lebanon and the further isolation of Syria and Hezbollah, this piece of evidence by itself cast light on possible Zionist involvement. But then his eminence, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, took it a step further in August 2010, over 5 years after the assassination. The Sayyed stepped forward because the STL was wreaking more and more havoc in Lebanon, and to a lesser extent, in Syria. He had to clear Hezbollah’s (and Syria’s) name(s) before Israel obtained its desired result: another war. In a live conference via video feed from his bunker, Sayyed Nasrallah presented video evidence and sworn testimony from apprehended Zionist agents that debunked the Zionist media’s lies and exposed Rafiq Hariri’s assassination as an Israeli intelligence operation (43).

    israel bombs syria
    The Zionist entity bombed Syria in 2007 as per the objectives laid out in the 'Clean Break' papers.

    Following the Hariri assassination, the Zionist entity upped the ante with a new round of aggression against Syria. And this time, it wasn’t by proxy. It was direct. In late 2006, Mossad hacked the laptop of a senior Syrian government official while he was staying in London and after planting a Trojan horse, the Zionist intelligence service obtained information about a Syrian facility known as al-Kabir. The information illegally obtained would lead to Israel’s ‘Operation Orchard,’ the criminal, unilateral September 6th, 2007 bombing of al-Kabir by Zionist warplanes. Israel and the United States accused Syria of building a nuclear facility, and the powers then cited the IAEI finding uranium on the scene as proof. Bashar al-Assad vociferously rejected the allegations and maintained that it was nothing more than a conventional military facility and that Israel committed an act of war. He further said that the uranium found at al-Kabir was planted by Zionism (44).

    Despite the Zionist media’s best attempts at whitewashing the act of Israeli aggression against Syria as ‘justifiable’ because a nuclear facility belonging to an ‘enemy state’ was bombed, its narrative repeatedly crashed and burned. Intelligence experts, citing precision satellite imaging (45), several investigative journalists (46) and the director of nuclear policy at the Center for American Progress (47) all confirmed that al-Kabir was nothing more than a military warehouse that stored various armaments, including rockets and missiles. There was absolutely nothing nuclear about it.

    Surprise, Surprise: Mossad was behind the killing of top Syrian General, Mohammad Suleiman.

    This flagrant violation of Syria’s sovereignty wasn’t enough for the Zionist entity however, as it never is. No, the usurping Israeli state needed blood. And it needed blood that would send a message to not only Syria, but the Resistance Axis as a whole. On August 1st, 2008, Syrian General and Special Presidential Advisor for Arms Procurement and Strategic Weapons Mohammed Suleiman was assassinated by sniper fire in the port city of Tartus. Suleiman was extremely close to Bashar al-Assad, he was in charge of financing and arming the Syrian military and most importantly, he was also the Syrian government’s liaison to Hezbollah. The most likely suspect in the killing was obviously the Zionist entity. Typically, the Israeli regime denied any involvement, but its denial was utterly bizarre. An Israeli defense source told Zionist-owned, Zionist-run Sky News, “To the best of my knowledge, we didn’t do it (48).” It seems, that on this day, the hasbara was sloppy.

    Disregarding Tel Aviv’s pathetic attempts at covering its tracks, the assassination of General Suleiman was indeed revealed to be part of a three-prong Israeli intelligence operation, attached to its bombing of al-Kabir and its criminal extrajudicial killing of Hezbollah commander Imad Mughniyeh (49). Long-time Israeli spy (since 1982) Ali Jarrah confessed to providing essential logistics for the killing of General Suleiman, as he scouted various points in Tartus that would later be used in the Zionist operation (50). Additionally, Syrian sources later confirmed that Mossad was behind the high-profile murder and act of war, and that the sniper was an Israeli agent (51).

    Despite multiple attempts at provoking Syria into war by violating its sovereignty and waging nonstop war on its ally, the Lebanese Islamic Resistance of Hezbollah, the Zionist entity failed. And as events unfold in Syria today, with innocent blood flowing from moment to moment, it is clear that Israel has reverted back to its original plan, what nearly achieved success decades ago in ousting Assad’s father and crushing the Resistance Axis, and what was laid out by Oded Yinon and the ‘Clean Break’ study group: an armed, insurrectionist coup d’etat, manipulated by Israel and its regional allies under the guise of a ‘democratic’ revolution. ‘Kiss of Death’ 2.0 initiated.

    israel and saudi arabia
    Israel and Saudi Arabia: United against Syria.

    The Syrian Revolution: 100% Manufactured by Israel and Saudi Arabia

    When events that reflect a greater geopolitical shift begin to unfold, there are two questions that must be asked regarding the game-changers to accurately assess why the said shift is occurring: Who is behind the events? And, who benefits from them? In the case of what is being referred to by the international Zionist media as the ‘Syrian Revolution,’ the organizers and benefactors of the unrest beleaguering Syria are the Zionist entity and the House of Saud, controllers of ‘Saudi’ Arabia.

    Since 2004, Mossad had not only been funding Syrian opposition groups with millions of US dollars, but directing them. The funding continued until the end of 2009. Mossad was running a unit of cyber dissidents, training them to spread hasbara against Bashar al-Assad and the Resistance Axis and even offering them sanctuary in Israeli logistics facilities. Mossad worked hand in hand with the Zionist-run, Zionist-founded National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in recruiting these dissidents to incite violence within Syria. NED of course, has been at the heart of the ‘Arab Spring’ from the very beginning. NED’s involvement with Mossad in organizing Syrian opposition groups explains the $6 million given to such groups by the Likudnik Bush administration in 2006 (52). What is most telling however, is that several of the meetings held between Mossad and the Syrian opposition were hosted by former Syrian Vice President Abdel-Halim Khaddam and the Comptroller General of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (53).

    Despite repeated (and ongoing) Zionist media reports of ‘pro-democracy’ opposition, there was something very wrong, violently wrong, with the Syrian Revolution from the beginning. Protesters chanted, “No Iran, no Hezbollah, we want a president who fears Allah!” as they burned the flags of the Lebanese Resistance and the Islamic Republic (54). The vile, vicious, racist chants continued, “Alawiyya in coffins and move all the Christians to Beirut (55)!” These chants were heard throughout the protest strongholds, including Aleppo and Damascus. But the worst of all, was heard in Daraa, where eyewitnesses stated, “Let Obama come and take Syria. Let Israel come and take Syria. Anything is better than Bashar al-Assad (56).” This is not the behavior of the righteous Syrian people, who support the Resistance wholeheartedly, who have rejected sectarianism completely, living together harmoniously for centuries and who would rather die with dignity than ever grant recognition to the Zionist regime.

    obama israel
    'Pro-Democracy' Syrian protesters chanted for Obama and the Zionist regime to 'come take Syria.'

    It is essential to note, that Bashar al-Assad publicly acknowledges that there is an opposition movement in Syria, “We make a distinction between those with legitimate grievances and the saboteurs who represent a small group which has tried to exploit the goodwill of the Syrian people for its own ends (57).” Equally essential, is that the Syrian opposition publicly states that it isn’t trying to topple the Assad government, instead stating, “Bashar Al-Assad is our president and we are trying to achieve a solution to escape the current crisis. The opposition here is not trying to topple the regime like the opposition in Libya, but it demands real reform which is possible in the current system (58).” The opposition in Libya, as previously discussed in the opening, is an armed group of Israeli-advised CIA rebels who are seeking the ouster of Muammar Qaddafi. Syria’s opposition is the exact opposite.

    Who then, are these saboteurs, these infiltrators, these insurrectionists? They are split into two camps, one led by assets of the Zionist regime, who will be addressed in a moment, and the other led by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s Syrian Muslim Brotherhood sits at the head of the opposition to pass off the idea that the uprising is indigenous (59). It was the MB that openly led a massive ‘Day of Rage’ demonstration at the end of April (60). The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s involvement is explicitly indicative of why such vile rhetoric was being chanted by protesters: the House of Saud despises Hezbollah and Iran with a passion.

    jeffrey feltman
    Jeffrey Feltman: US State Dept official and major player in the Zionist operation to topple Bashar al-Assad.

    A crown prince of the UAE, staunch ally of Saudi Arabia and GCC member, provided opposition groups with cell phones to coordinate their anti-government activities. The cell phones were loaded with special satellite-linked SIM cards from not only the UAE, but Jordan as well. As the opposition began preparing for its ‘democratic’ assault on the ground, the Future Movement of Saad Hariri, former Lebanese Prime Minister and well-known Western-Saudi puppet, began coordinating the press campaign with none other than ubiquitous Zionist war criminal US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffery Feltman and US Ambassador to Israel, Zionist Dan Shapiro (61).

    The cell phones provided by the Zionist-Saudi ‘pro-democracy’ army are important to bringing down the Syrian Revolution’s house of cards. March 15th was the day that the Syrian Revolution began, and it was on this day, that many residents in Damascus were filing complaints with telecommunications firms, reporting unwanted text messages sent to them that called for all Syrians to join the protests. A Syrian investigation revealed that the text messages were sent from an Israeli military base in Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv. The Syrian official went on record, “The Israeli enemy could not have done this without help from one of the satellite communications companies (62),” i.e. the satellite-linked cell phones provided by Saudi Arabia’s UAE ally. Once again, the Zionist-Saudi nexus is exposed.

    farid al ghadry
    Farid al-Ghadry: House Arab, Syrian opposition leader and avid Zionist.

    The assets of the Zionist regime in Syria were being led by the notorious Syrian exile Farid al-Ghadry, who had been disseminating information to the Western press through his Reform Party of Syria from the very beginning of the Syrian Revolution (63). The ‘unofficial spokesperson’ for the protesters in Syria was another infamous Syrian exile, Ammar Abdulhamid (64). Al-Ghadry and Abdulhamid are funding, guiding and organizing the protests of the tech-savvy insurrectionists who are mobilizing on the ground via the satellite phones that Israel’s miliary has direct access to. Al-Ghadry is staunchly pro-Zionism and is a proud member of AIPAC. Al-Ghadry also holds the putrid distinction of being the only Syrian to give a speech in front of the racist Israeli institution known as the Knesset. Abdulhamid is a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, one of the most powerful Zionist think tanks in America (65).

    Former Vice President Abdel-Halim Khaddam, who facilitated contacts between Mossad and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, has also surfaced as a leader during the Syrian Revolution, calling for the West to intervene in Syria and take down Bashar al-Assad (66). Khaddam’s call echoes that of the same neoconservative mass murderers behind the invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and the drone bombings in Yemen and Pakistan; leading the way on Syria is Zionist war criminal Elliot Abrams (67).

    abdul halim khaddim
    Ex-Syrian VP Abdel-Halim Khaddam is very close to Saudi Arabia and integral to Zionist destabilization in Syria.

    Khaddam is extremely intimate with Saudi Arabia. He accepted $30 million from the House of Saud in 2005 to step down from Bashar al-Assad’s government and the Saudi rulers later secured his safe passage from Damascus to Paris following his resignation. Subsequently, he initiated an alliance with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and outwardly plotted the removal of Bashar al-Assad. Over the years, Khaddam has been at Saudi Arabia’s beckoned call, his entire family enjoys Saudi citizenship and is directly related to fellow Saudi-stooge Saad Hariri and House of Saud ruler Abdullah due to their wives being sisters. Khaddam’s leadership role in Syria’s Revolution was mapped out at the Saudi embassy in Brussels, where he was transferred via Saudi transport just prior to the beginning of the Syrian Revolution. He became a director of the revolt, alongside al-Ghadry and Abdulhamid in the US. The Saudi Embassy in Brussels became a joint operational headquarters for the Israel-America-Jordan-Saudi nexus to plunge Syria into total chaos. Jordan’s role was vital, as it was in charge of providing weapons to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s soldiers in its ‘capital’ cities of Daraa and Homs (68).

    Jordan’s role was reaffirmed when Muthanna al-Dhari, son of Iraqi Resistance leader Sheikh Harith Suleiman al-Dhari, was apprehended by Syrian security forces for terrorist activities within Syria. Al-Dhari was expelled from occupied Iraq by his father at the beginnings of the occupation for being involved with the Mossad false flag bombings that have ravaged Iraq and for repeatedly meeting with Zionist military establishment leaders in Tel Aviv. Syrian officials uncovered that al-Dhari had set up a base of operations in Jordan and held a meeting at the base with a representative of Abdel-Halim Khaddam. It was also uncovered that al-Dhari was working with Israeli intelligence to coordinate Iraq-like terror attacks in Syria (69). This should not be surprising; Jordan has kowtowed to the occupying Zionist regime’s every whim for decades.

    With the Saudi-Israeli-directed protesters continuing to pour into the streets and insult Iran, Hezbollah, slander Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Khomeini and despicably burn photographs of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (70), former Mossad chief Meir Dagan declaring that it is in Israel’s best interest to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and install a ‘Sunni’ regime to weaken Hezbollah (71) and the Zionist-occupied United States government routinely contacting the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (72), the whole picture should be illuminated now: the Syrian Revolution is 100% manufactured by the Zionist entity and the House of Saud.

    ~ End Of Part I ~

    Next: Al-Jazeera’s shadowy role in the ‘kiss of democratic death’ placed on Syria, Turkey’s two-faced involvement and Israel’s ‘greater’ agenda…


    (1) Iraq Today: 5 Million Orphans by Zaineb Alani, Socialist Action

    (2) UN: 7.4 Million Afghans Are Living With Hunger And Fear Of Starvation by Michelle Nichols, RAWA News

    (3) Haneen Zoabi: A Palestinian Woman Fighting For Equality In Israel by Khaled Khalefa, Xinhua

    (4) 10 Injured In Non-Violent Weekly Protests Friday by IMEMC and PNN; The Weight Of Nationalism In Nabi Saleh by Joseph Dana, 972 Magazine

    (5) Interview With Milad Ayyash’s Sister by Palestine Monitor

    (6) B’TSelem: Gaza, 95% Factories Are Closed, 93% Of Water Is Polluted by Haitham Sabbah, Sabbah Report

    (7) Life In Jordan Valley Strangled By Israeli Military Control by Jillian Kestler-D’Amours, The Electronic Intifada

    (8) Jerusalem’s Israeli Municipality Discusses Plans To Build 7600 Units by WAFA

    (9) Israel And India: Brothers In Occupation Of Kashmir by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (10) CRPF Troopers In IHK Get New Israeli Assault Rifles by Kashmir Media Service

    (11) US Neo-Cons Urge Libya Intervention by Jim Lobe, Al-Jazeera English

    (12) Mounting Evidence Of CIA Ties To Libyan Rebels by Patrick Martin, Global Research

    (13) Libyan Rebels Will Recognize Israel, Bernard-Henri Levy Tells Netanyahu by Radio France Internationale

    (14) Libya War Is About Theft Of State Assets And Total Restructuring Of A Nation by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

    (15) NATO Operation In Libya Is Collective Punishment – Ex-Congresswoman by Russia Today

    (16) Libya Under NATO Attack by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Dissident Voice

    (17) Libyan Gov’t Claims ‘Barbaric’ NATO Raid Killed Civilians, Children by The Raw Story

    (18) UNSC Resolution 497 Invalidating Israel’s Annexation Of The Golan Heights by The Institute For Middle East Understanding

    (19) Special Commentary: Iranian Reaction To The Great Syrian Revolt by Babak Rahimi, The Jamestown Foundation

    (20) Saudi Arabia, Jordan Behind Syria’s Unrest by Hassan Hanizadeh, Press TV

    (21) Ofergate: The Latest Zionist Propaganda Blitz Against Iran by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (22) Lebanon Marks 36th Anniv. Of Civil War by Serena Shim, Press TV

    (23) Asad: The Struggle For The Middle East by Patrick Seale

    (24) February 24, 1982: Syria Offers Picture Of Hama Revolt by John Kifner, The New York Times

    (25) Dreams And Shadows: The Future Of The Middle East by Robin Wright

    (26) Destruction Of Hama and Hums In Syria by The UN Refugee Agency

    (27) George Soros’ International School Of Youth Corruption by Marek Glogoczowski, Free Speech Project

    (28) Naming Names: Your Real Government by Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report

    (29) Incubator Babies, “Stonings” And Amnesty International’s Dirty Propaganda War by Aion Essence, Alter Net

    (30) Syria’s Tadmor Prison: Dissent Still Hostage To A Legacy Of Terror by Human Rights Watch

    (31) George Soros Gives $100 Million To Human Rights Watch by Ed Pilkington, The Guardian

    (32) What Happened In Kurdish Halabja? by Professor Mohammed al-Obaidi, Global Research

    (33) Flashback: What Do Fallujah And Halabja Have In Common? by Ghali Hassan, Uruk Net

    (34) The Massacre Of Hama (1982): Law Application Requires Accountability by The Syrian Human Rights Committee

    (35) About Us by The Syrian Human Rights Committee

    (36) Links: Government And Politics by The Syrian Human Rights Committee

    (37) Israel Hopes To Colonize Parts Of Iraq As ‘Greater Israel’ by Wayne Madsen, Online Journal

    (38) The Israeli-Kurdish Relations by Sergey Minasian, 21st Century, Number 1, April, 2007

    (39) Israelis ‘Train Kurdish Forces’ by Magdi Abdelhadi, BBC News

    (40) A Strategy For Israel In The Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon, Kivunim

    (41) A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm by The Institute For Advanced Strategic and Political Studies

    (42) The Hariri Assassination: The Role of Israel? by Rannie Amiri, Global Research

    (43) Sayyed Nasrallah: “Israel” Behind PM Hariri’s Assassination by Nour Rida, Moqawama English

    (44) Mossad Hacked Syrian Official’s Computer Before Bombing Mysterious Facility by Kim Zetter, Wired

    (45) Syria Rebuilds On Site Destroyed By Israeli Bombs by William J. Broad, The New York Times

    (46) Sy Hersh Confirms: Syrian Facility Bombed By Israel Was Not Nuclear by David Edwards and Muriel Kane, The Raw Story

    (47) What Did Israel Bomb In Syria? by Pepe Escobar, The Real News

    (48) Israel Denies Involvement In Syrian General’s Assassination by Yoav Stern, Haaretz

    (49) Defence Chiefs Urge Hawk Netanyahu To Strike Deal With Syria by Uzi Mahnaimi, The Sunday Times

    (50) Spy For Israel ‘Admits’ Scouting Mughniyeh Hit Site by The Daily Star

    (51) Israel Implicated In Suleiman Shooting by The Tehran Times

    (52) US ‘Secretly Funded Syrian Opposition’ by Li Ying, Global Times

    (53) British Report: Mossad Unprecedentedly Penetrates The Syrian Opposition Financially And Politically by Jouhina Portal News

    (54) “A President Of Afraid Of Allah” by Michael J. Totten, Pajamas Media

    (55) From Syria With Doubt by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (56) ‘Let Israel Come And Take Syria’ by Ynet

    (57) Syria’s Assad Offers Dialogue, Rejects Chaos by Ma’an News Agency

    (58) We Are Not Seeking To Topple Assad: Syrian Opposition Member

    (59) In Syria, The Regime Lies And So Does Elements Of The Opposition–US Government Confirms The Presence Of Religious Armed Groups by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (60) AP: Muslim Brotherhood Behind Syria’s New ‘Day Of Rage’ by Jonathon M. Seidl, The Blaze

    (61) Syria, In The Eye Of The Storm – Part II by Nidal Hmedeh and translated by Eslam al-Rihani, Al-Manar

    (62) Syria: Israel Behind Anti-Government Rallies by Roee Nahmias, Ynet

    (63) Syria, In The Eye Of The Storm – Part I by Nidal Hmedeh and translated by Eslam al-Rihani, Al-Manar

    (64) Syrian Rebels Don’t U.S. Aid, At Least For Now by Eli Lake, The Washington Times

    (65) Uprisings In Syria Appear To Be The Work Of Foreign Agitators by Keith Johnson, American Free Press

    (66) Syria, In The Eye Of The Storm – Part III by Nidal Hmedeh and translated by Eslam al-Rihani, Al-Manar

    (67) Neocons Target Assad Regime by Jim Lobe, Antiwar.com

    (68) Saudi Arabia, Jordan Behind Syria’s Unrest by Hassan Hanizadeh, Press TV

    (69) Syria Nabs Israeli-Backed Terrorist by Press TV

    (70) Syrian Protesters Turn On Iran And Hezbollah by France 24

    (71) Dagan Doubts ‘Arab Spring’ by Yoav Zitun, Ynet

    (72) US And Syrian Muslim Brotherhood by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    http://www.maskofzion.com/2011/07/kiss-of-democratic-death-israels-plot.html, 6 July 2011

  • Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt

    Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt

    by Jonathan Azaziah*

    israel mossad false flag
    Israel's Fission Field Warfare is the highest degree of false flag terrorism.

    Fission is defined as ‘the act or process of splitting into parts.’ In a more scientific explanation, fission is defined as ‘division of the atomic nucleus into two lighter fragments releasing energy. In a nuclear power station, fission occurs slowly, while in a nuclear weapon, very rapidly. In both instances, fission must be very carefully controlled.’

    When applied to daily shifts on the geopolitical front, the first definition is self explanatory. The second definition however, requires a bit of dissection. The ‘nucleus’ of a stable society is the peaceful, brotherly and harmonious interaction between its people. To split this nucleus through fission, thus disrupting the interaction and establishing division, the variable needed is any type of bombardment.

    Once the nucleus is split, the energy released is that which resembles misunderstanding, enmity, frustration and even hatred. Since the fission itself is controlled ‘very carefully,’ the manipulators must also induce the bombardment. This bombardment can be directed at either side of the divided societal ‘nucleus,’ fomenting an ever-expanding atmosphere of perpetual blaming and infighting. By constantly injecting deception into the enclaves where the newly formed ‘fragments’ have been divided, they remain quite incognizant of the reason that they have been split from their harmonious core to begin with.

    Sustaining this division in nations which aren’t fully aligned with the greater globalist agenda, also known as ‘hostile environments,’ tips the geopolitical scale in the favor of the manipulators and their agents who designed the bombardment. There is an entity that has mastered this political fission, or ‘fission field warfare.’ And that criminal entity is Israel.

    Israel Pakistan
    The Zionist entity has always considered the Islamic Republic of Pakistan its enemy.

    Hostile Environment I: Humiliation In Pakistan

    The Zionist entity’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, an insidiously racist man devoid of any humanity and the architect of the Palestinian Nakba which ethnically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous, possessed an excessively xenophobic and brutally delusional world view. Nothing provides better evidence of this than the disturbing remarks that Ben-Gurion levied against the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1967:

    David Ben Gurion
    David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, laid out the blueprints to destroy Pakistan in 1967.

    “The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. This lover of Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for world Zionism that it now take steps against Pakistan. Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian Peninsula are Hindus, whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims. Therefore, India is the most important base for us to work from against Pakistan. It is essential that  we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans (1).”

    Fast forward to the new millennium, and David Ben-Gurion’s speech has manifested within every inch of Pakistan’s societal woes via extensive fission field warfare employed cooperatively by Mossad and Hinudtvadi India’s RAW.

    In 2001, Mossad and RAW founded four new agencies for the specific purpose of unleashing chaos throughout Pakistan, targeting the upper echelons of its political sphere and financial sectors. Using high-powered explosives, trains, railway stations, bus stations, hotels and cinemas would all be targets of bombardment. Most integral to the Zionism-Hindutva intelligence nexus however, was the religious establishment. Operatives would strategically place explosives in the mosques of various sects and leave false flags to create the appearance of a ‘sectarian’ hit. RAW led the way in the recruitment phase of the operation, luring Pakistani men between the ages of 20 and 30 into visiting India, before ruining them with entrapment and subversion, coercing them into working against their nation (2).

    Following the example of the Zionist entity’s usual knack for extremism when titling its subversive military-intelligence operations, the next phase of Pakistan’s ‘crushing’ is known as the ‘Dragon Policy,’ named after the Talmudic interpretation of the dragon, where the serpent-like beast serves as the splitter and transformer of light into darkness. This facet of the Zionist stratagem begins with the recruiting, where experts of Mossad and RAW train personalities from varying criminal sectors in the finer arts of covert operations and terrorism, including mercenaries, mafia dons and narcotics tycoons. Like the CIA funding its covert operations in Latin America with monolithic amounts of cocaine distribution in poor African-American communities at home (3), Zionist and Hindutvadi intelligence mirrored this format, only with heroin cultivated from illegal poppy crops.

    mossad raw
    Kept in the dark for decades, the collaboration between Mossad and RAW against Pakistan has been deadly.

    At least 57 recruitment/training camps across India and illegally occupied Kashmir were established by the Mossad-RAW alliance; each camp breeding terrorists controlled by Tel Aviv and New Delhi to be launched inside Pakistan. Mossad and Aman (Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate) financially contributed to this operation in an elephantine manner. Once recruits are deployed into the field, RAW provides them with cash, weapons and ammunition while posing as Al-Qaeda. Subsequently, through the media networks in the West, which are exclusively owned by fierce Zionist extremists, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are blamed for ‘terrorism’ and Pakistan is heavily criticized for being incompetently unable to combat it (4).

    The strength of the Mossad-RAW Dragon Policy is solidified through its partnership with the hunter-killer mercenary giant, Blackwater, now known as Xe. Blackwater, under the leadership of ex-CIA officer Erik Prince and Christian Zionist-Dominionist Dick DeVos, became a hive for Israel Firsters within America’s power structure; a haven for elements sympathetic to Zionism and full of irrational hatred for the Arab and Muslim world (5). This Zionist fervor within Xe made it an obvious candidate for a confederation with Israel and Hindutva.

    Blackwater logo 1
    Blackwater (Xe) is actively working with Mossad and RAW in the implementation of the Zionist operation known as the 'Dragon Policy.'

    Personnel from the top tiers of Mossad and RAW ordnance units have coordinated strikes with strategically  placed Xe cells within Pakistan to unleash furious bombings when ‘patsy’ agents are unable to secure a ‘checkout’ on a designated mission. The massacre that claimed the lives of 54 innocent Shia and injured 150 others at an Al-Quds Rally in early September 2010 was initially blamed on the ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban,’ a fictional ‘Sunni’ extremist group, as per Dragon Policy strategy. In reality however, this bloodbath was a fission field warfare operation carried out by Xe, in cohesion with Mossad and RAW, to foment division between Sunni and Shia and Pakistan (6). The real Taliban has pegged Blackwater (Xe) on numerous occasions for committing atrocities and wrongfully blaming it on Islam (7).

    Recent atrocities in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan fall along the lines of the exact pattern. Twin truck bombings in the northwestern Pakistani town of Peshawar have just claimed the lives of at least 7 innocents, including 2 women, and injured 14 others. The ‘Taliban’ has been blamed for the crime (8). Peshawar is an active stronghold for the Mossad-RAW nexus, and the intelligence agencies have been previously caught by local police engaging in terrorism (9). The truck bomb of course, is a surefire sign of Israeli involvement; it serves as one of Tel Aviv’s signatures. Nearly 29 years ago, the Zionist entity infamously used this highly destructive and deadly weapon to murder 241 US Marines in Beirut while they were sleeping (10).

    On January 25th, at least 16 Shia were murdered and 70 others were wounded when car bombs and motorcycle bombs detonated during a religious ceremony. The attacks were blamed on ‘pro-Taliban militants (11),’ revealing the fingerprints of the Dragon Policy. The car bomb is another of Mossad’s signature devices, primarily used in the execution of false flag operations, whether the designated target is a political assassination or everyday terrorism against civilian populations (12). The motorcycle bomb is also a weapon of the Israeli agency, typically unleashed in high-level operations, including in its recent hit on Iranian nuclear scientist Masoud Ali Muhammadi, murdered by Mossad in front of his home (13).

    The imaginary ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban’ was at it again on January 28th, in perfect union with the increasing activity of the Mossad-RAW Dragon Policy, blowing up two girls’ schools and a college in southwestern Pakistan (14). Military-grade dynamite was used, powerful enough to level city blocks, not homemade bombs as the media of the Zionist criminal network would lead the masses to believe.

    “By deception, thou shalt wage war” are the words that govern every action of the Mossad. Deception is the very essence of fission field warfare. The bombardments that foment the fission are only the top layer of this intricate form of terrorism. There is a specific reason behind each operation, an ‘origin point.’ The origin point is a world event needing to be deflected from public attention, as a means of exhorting further Zionist control over the masses and consolidating as much power as possible.

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    An agent of Xe (Blackwater) just gunned down two innocent Pakistani men in Lahore for absolutely no reason.

    At this particular time, the origin point for deliverance of fission field warfare in Pakistan is the growing  concern over Blackwater’s all-out infiltration of the Islamic nation, culminating in a mercenary of the hunter-killer corporation gunning down two innocent Pakistani men in front of the US embassy in Lahore (15). This act of blatant lawlessness and degradation is coupled with the growing unrest throughout Pakistan regarding drone strikes and ongoing injustice against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. The Resistance of the people has grown stronger and even bolder.

    Tribesmen in north Waziristan are suing the CIA for killing their family members (16). In trepidation, the CIA pulled ‘Jonathan Banks,’ its station chief in Islamabad and target of the tribesmen’s lawsuit, hoping it could bury the fury of the people and continue its drone campaign (17). But its move was futile. The protests are becoming larger in terms of sheer size, including one that exceeded 10,000 demonstrators in the Mossad-riddled town of Peshawar (18), and another which was comprised of tens of thousands in Karachi (19). And the people aren’t alone in their disgust and desire to see the CIA “video-game” style murder campaign come to an end. All leading political parties in Pakistan (puppets and non-puppets alike) have united in the call to end the CIA’s drone campaign (20), a showing of political unity not seen in decades.

    The nucleus of Pakistan was reforming; rejecting calls of the hegemonists in D.C. and Tel Aviv and expelling the energies of enmity and frustration for a common cause of national unity and the defense of its sovereignty. Israel’s fission field warfare however, has reestablished the foundation of division laid out by Ben-Gurion over 40 years prior.

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    Zionist agents of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) planned and executed the annihilation of Iraq.

    Hostile Environment II: Destruction of Occupied Iraq

    Fission field warfare is the armed aspect of the Zionist entity’s “Greater Israel” grand scheme, which it is attempting to bring forth through the ‘Fracture Theory of Zion (FTZ).’ FTZ is a centuries-old operation that was born with Zionism in the echoes of the infamous extremist saying, “from the Nile to the Euphrates.” It encompasses fission field warfare, which breeds division through military and intelligence means, along with diplomatic manipulation (i.e. the global Zionist lobby), financial isolation (i.e. the Zionist international banking cartels and sanctions against Iran) and opposition infiltration (i.e. the subversion of the anti-war and truth movements by Zionist-run Wikileaks). FTZ is the doctrine which provides cover for Israeli expansionism and generates a plethora of new wars to strengthen the ‘Israeli empire (21).’

    There isn’t a country on earth that has suffered more at the hands of Israel’s Fracture Theory of Zion than the occupied, annihilated Arab nation of Iraq. The evidence of it is ample. The admissions of guilt from the Zionist criminal network are numerous. Mossad began funding Kurdish collaborationists in northern Iraq as early as the 1950s (22), planting the seeds for Arab-Kurdish ethnic tensions and divisions. Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon compiled the blueprint for splitting Iraq, a centrist nation of religionists and secularists, Muslims and Christians, affluents, the working class and the poor, into three sectarian states in 1982 (23), furthering ethnic tensions and creating religious divides.

    Yinon’s blueprint was reinforced by the “Clean Break Papers,” written for Benjamin Netanyahu by a study group of Zionist war criminals led by chief criminal, Richard Perle. This document emphasized Israel’s necessity to destabilize then “redefine” Iraq to its liking (24). Immediately following the Clean Break papers, the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) was created by a who’s who of top tier Zionists with dual American-Israeli citizenship, including the Clean Break authors and the architect of the invasion of Iraq himself, Zionist mass murderer Paul Wolfowitz (25). Obliterating Iraq was one of PNAC’s primary objectives, and the think tank wrote a letter to war criminal Bill Clinton in 1998, mapping out the steps to be taken for regime change and nation destruction, including “a systematic air campaign (26).” Two years later, it would write a monumental foreign policy dictate which prominently featured Iraq’s annihilation and the means needed to carry it out via a “new Pearl Harbor,” a.k.a. the September 11th attacks (27).

    One year after September 11th, and 6 months before the genocidal “liberation” of Iraq, Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu echoed his colleagues at PNAC when he issued a lengthy speech to the House Committee on Government Reform in promotion of invading and occupying Iraq, stating that before any action is taken against the Arab nation, the “people of Israel” must be insured that they will be safe (28). Condoleeza Rice, the Zionist war criminal that held the Secretary of State position in the Likudnik Bush White House, has gone on record to state that America’s invasion and occupation of Iraq was for the protection of the usurping entity in Tel Aviv (29).

    Decades of Zionist positioning culminated in the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003. The ‘shock and awe’ tactics implemented by the US-UK occupying forces to decimate the Iraqi people allowed Israel to penetrate every sector of their society. Deploying Mossad agents in every region of the nation, the Zionist entity assassinated over 530 Iraqi scientists and academics, initiated an extermination campaign targeting Iraqi Christians and commissioned Zeev Belinsky, a Zionist criminal who is one of the leading businessmen behind the Apartheid Wall in occupied Palestine (30), to build a separation wall in Baghdad to divide Shia and Sunni communities and breed enmity between them (31).

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    Genocidal criminal Paul Wolfowitz, an avid Zionist, led the march into Baghdad at the behest of Tel Aviv.

    Belinsky’s project was aided by one of Iraq’s most notorious traitors, Ahmed Chalabi, whose INC (Iraqi National Congress) was created by the CIA and whose very political existence was created by the Zionist decision-makers within PNAC. His handler after Iraq was invaded in ‘03 was Wolfowitz himself (32). Chalabi was intimately involved with the Mossad in the 1980s, and was mentored by Albert Wohlsetter, the godfather of neoconservatism, whom Chalabi met while visiting occupied Palestine to meet his Mossad contacts. Wohlsetter would introduce Chalabi to Richard Perle (33).

    With Iraq’s intelligentsia massacred, the Iraqi Christian community in shambles, Zionist-handpicked traitors governing Iraq while masquerading in full “free and democratic garb” and Zionist agents like Michael Fleischer in full control of Iraq’s finances, prostituting Iraqi assets to private corporations closely allied with the usurping Israeli entity (34), the Fracture Theory of Zion was deeply entrenched into Iraq’s infrastructure. The bombardments were in place, and the fission field warfare was ready to be unleashed.

    Mossad’s favorite weapon, the car bomb, was to put to use across occupied Iraq with the help of its allies in the CIA and MI6. Sunni mosques were bombed, resulting in the murder of innocent men, women and children, only to be blamed on Shia ‘terrorists.’ Shia mosques were bombed, resulting in the murder of innocent men, women and children, only to be blamed on Sunni ‘terrorists.’ Shia were frequently targeted during their holiest religious proceedings. The media described it as ‘sectarian warfare,’ one sect pitted against the other, covering up that it was nothing more than divide-and-conquer strategy dominantly controlled and manipulated by the Zionist entity. The Iraqi people however, wholeheartedly rejected these contrived divisions, knowing full well that the car bombs were the work of Israeli, British and American intelligence services (35).

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    P2OG, an intelligence agency designed to carry out false flag operations, was created by the Zionist-run Defense Science Board.

    American intelligence rigs cars with explosives at military checkpoints throughout Iraq, due to the US military’s control over them. Eyewitness accounts from Shia districts in Baghdad and Mossad-infested Mosul have confirmed it. This ‘American’ degree of Zionism’s fission field warfare in Iraq originated in the office of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, from a shadowy organization called Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG), created by the Defense Science Board. P2OG advocated using assassinations, sabotage and deception to provoke the Iraqi people into bloody civil war (36).

    The Defense Science Board was headed by William J. Schneider Jr., a staunch Zionist and member of PNAC. Schneider put forth an all-out media blitz regarding the legitimacy and legality of P2OG despite its very concept being rooted in illegitimacy and illegality (37). P2OG raked in billions upon billions of dollars for the Zionist-controlled Pentagon, all of which was used to annihilate Iraq (38). P2OG is still functioning as an intelligence agency, only specializing in false flags.

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    William J. Schneider Jr., Zionist PNAC member and head of the Defense Science Board that created the P2OG intelligence agency.

    The FTZ-P2OG nexus has established a breeding ground for fission field warfare to flourish across occupied Iraq. In the new year, the false flag terror campaign has been stepped up substantially, following a strict ‘sectarian’ pattern. A blast inside a chicken coop claimed the lives of two children in Diyala while an explosion murdered an ex-Jaysh al-Mahdi militiaman and his brother in al-Nasiriyah (39). Three simultaneous blasts in Baghdad murdered 2 innocents and wounded 13 others. The Shia Husseiniya mosque, the Sunni Abdul Qadir Gilani mosque and the Sunni al-Assaf mosque were the targets (40). A massive explosion ripped through a police recruitment site in Tikrit and slaughtered over 54 innocents and wounded 150 others (41). 15 people were murdered and 64 others were severely wounded when twin explosions tore into a security station in Baquba (42).

    Multiple blasts including twin explosions in Karbala targeted Shia pilgrims on the holy day of Arba’een, murdering at least 50 and injuring over 150 others (43). A string of explosions in Baghdad claimed 8 lives, including Shia pilgrims and two teenagers (44). 18 more innocents were murdered in Karbala and 34 others were wounded when twin blasts rocked the neighborhood of al-Ibrahimiyah (45). And quite possibly the most heinous attack of all, was when a giant blast targeted the funeral of a Shia sheikh in the Shula district of Baghdad, murdering 80 innocents, including 11 children, and wounded 120 others (46). The method of murder in every single terrorist act, against Shia and Sunni alike, was a car bomb (in one case, an ambulance bomb) or an IED, or both. Signature weapons of Israel. The benefactor of every drop of Iraqi blood shed was the Zionist entity.

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    The Zionist entity employs Fission Field Warfare in occupied Iraq to tear it apart, preparing it for colonization as 'Greater Israel.'

    Replicating the Dragon Policy that frames ‘Al-Qaeda’ and the Taliban for attacks on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Zionist media blamed the new years assault which has claimed hundreds of innocent Iraqi lives on “any number of Shia factions (47).” Never will it be mentioned by the Zionist media that thousands of Mossad agents and assets of the Israeli military establishment operate within occupied Iraq (48), engaging in fission field warfare to tear the once-strong Sunni-Shia unity apart.

    The origin point for the Zionist entity’s genocidal new years campaign in occupied Iraq is two-pronged. Firstly, with the well-known “deadline” approaching for the US to withdraw all of its armed forces from Iraq, the Zionist entity bombarded the people, unleashing fission throughout every community in Iraq, to convince Iraqis that the already weak puppet government is incapable of protecting them; that the Iraqis need an occupying presence to maintain order in their nation. Hence self-admitted Zionist Joe Biden’s recent trip to Baghdad focusing on the extension of an American presence in occupied Iraq (49). Though the fantasy of the occupation coming to a close at the end of 2011 was never taken seriously, the January mass murder frenzy, which has been frenetically promoted by the Zionist media, will make it easier for the public to believe the fairy tale.

    Secondly, the current batch of fission field warfare operations was meant to keep disgraced ex-Resistance leader Muqtada al-Sadr in check. Al-Sadr recently arrived back in Iraq after a self-imposed exile in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He didn’t return to lead the Iraqi people against the occupying powers in armed rebellion however. He returned to swear allegiance to his one-time enemy, Nouri al-Maliki. Muqtada al-Sadr’s movement sealed the deal for the Maliki government to remain in power, granting longevity to a regime that is devoid of any connection to the Iraqi people; a regime of war criminals, thieves and murderers unabashedly subservient to Israeli, American and British interests. He sold out the Iraqi people that looked to him as a hero for 40 seats in parliament and 8 ministries (50).

    muqtada al sadr
    Muqtada al-Sadr sold out the Iraqi people to the occupation. He is now being humiliated by the Zionist entity.

    Since al-Sadr returned, relations with Maliki have been tense at best. Maliki threatened al-Sadr with an old arrest warrant and rumors are abound that he has left Iraq again; fleeing to either Iran or Lebanon (51). Mossad’s bombings, especially in areas where al-Sadr has a multitude of support like Karbala and the Shula district of Baghdad, serve as a reminder to al-Sadr that his days of Resistance are over, and he is fully under the control of the Zionist Power Configuration. Whether Muqtada stays on the six-pointed-star-patterned strings of the oppressors and exists as a stooge within the corrupt Iraqi government remains to be seen. The evidence certainly suggests that he is content as a traitor.

    With Iraqi journalists being offered exuberant payment plans or persecution by the brutal Maliki-Talabani regime (52), mainstream media owned by Zionists and alternative media infiltrated by gatekeepers who refuse to tell the truth about Iraq, 9/11 or the intelligence operation known as Wikileaks (53), it seems that the ugliness of Zionism’s fission field warfare tearing Iraq to pieces for nearly 8 years now will remain in a black hole of obscurity. Unless the eyes of the world are opened by what is so blatantly right in front of them.

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    Muslims and Christians are standing together against Zion's Fission Field Warfare in Egypt.

    Hostile Environment III: Failure In Egypt

    “From the Nile to the Euphrates.” Iraq and Egypt are forever linked through the delusional, Talmudic dream of ‘Greater Israel,’ the pinnacle and ultimate goal of international Zionism. A Zionist utopia devoid of democracy, freedom and reality. The destabilization of Egypt has been laid out in detail by Oded Yinon, former senior Israeli foreign policy advisor, in the same document laying out the blueprints for the annihilation and annexation of Iraq. Similar to the ‘sectarian’ plan for Iraq, Israel wants to crack Egypt in half, splitting Muslims, Christians and other ethno-religious minorities into ‘distinct geographical regions.’

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    Mossad bombed al-Qiddisin church in Alexandria on New Years Day to create a schism between Egypt's Muslims and Christians.

    On New Years Day, a massive explosion claimed the lives of 25 Coptic Christians at al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria, Egypt. At least 97 others were wounded, including several Muslims. While the regime of the Zionist dictator Hosni Mubarak attempted to blame the attack on a suicide bomber belonging to the fictional monolith known as Al-Qaeda, this lie collapsed when it was uncovered the weapon used in the murderous operation was a car bomb, validating Mossad’s signature in the ‘sectarian’ attack. Mubarak’s infamous (and savage) security forces collaborated with the Zionist entity in the bloodshed, withdrawing from al-Qiddissin only an hour before the car bomb exploded, granting Israeli operatives the opportune time needed to plant the explosives and vanish (54).

    Staying true to the Dragon Policy, the official line from the Israeli-owned Mubarak regime now blames an enemy of the Zionist entity for the bombing, the Army of Islam, a Palestinian Resistance movement in illegally besieged Gaza. The Interior Ministry cited “conclusive evidence (55),” which obviously, doesn’t exist.

    The origin point of this barbarity is on display for the entire world to see; an event that isn’t only shaking the Arab world to its roots, but the globe itself: The Egyptian Revolution. The Zionist entity attempted to drum up enough sectarianism to incite a communal war in Egypt, quelling the possibility of this historic movement of people power. The false flag bombing was designed to salvage the waning Israeli stranglehold on Egypt, and strike back at Egyptians for uncovering another of its infamous spy rings (56) while ensuring a media blackout on the Mubarak regime robbing the Muslim Brotherhood in the latest round of parliamentary elections (57). This backfired completely, unifying the Egyptian people instead; to a degree that superceded the worst nightmare of the most abysmally hawkish Zionist.

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    Egyptians have gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square in the millions since January 25th in a historic revolutionary display.

    After the bombing, Muslim and Christian leaders met in friendship, and stood together in a powerful display of understanding and solidarity (58), reaffirming the warmness and harmony that the two communities have always had (59). The solidarity deepened six days after Mossad’s sanguinary false flag attack, when thousands of Muslims joined their Christian brothers for Christmas Mass, offering themselves as human shields to protect their fellow Egyptians (60). This precious unity, transcended solidarity and transformed into an unbreakable, unshakable armor when the Revolution began on January 25th, the “Day of Rage.” Invoking the Zionist entity’s darkest fears, Muslims and Christians have marched through the streets together from the very beginning, chanting “We are all Egyptians (61)!”

    The usurping supremacist entity has admitted that a revolution in Egypt would be a “loss” for its Zionist empire of colonialist expansionism (62). Benjamin Netanyahu, the war criminal and mass murderer, exhibited his typical racism but with an underlying hint of fear, “We believe Egypt is going to overcome the current wave of demonstrations, but we have to look to the future. Having said that, I’m not sure the time is right for the Arab region to go through the democratic process (63).” So says the illegitimate entity that calls itself ‘the only democracy in the Middle East.’ Zionism’s feelings of cynicism and apprehension are based on the idea that a revolutionary leadership would cut it off from gas supplies that Israel has secured from collaborators in Egypt for over 30 years, as well as damage a massive $10-billion deal that Zionist firms signed with Mubarak in December of 2010 (64).

    from the river to the river greater israel dream
    Avi Dichter suggested the "isolation" of Egypt to prepare the Arab nation for annexation in the Zionist entity's 'Greater Israel' scheme.

    Former director of Shin Bet and war criminal Avi Dichter issued an enormously disturbing speech on May 26th, 2010 to the Israeli National Security Research Center, arrogantly pinpointing Zionist successes in occupied Iraq. However, the iniquitous offering did briefly touch on Egypt. The following excerpt is essential to understanding the efforts being pursued by the Zionist entity and its lapdogs within the US government to crush the Egyptian Revolution, “Weakening and isolating Iraq is no less important than weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt. Weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt has been done by diplomatic methods while everything has been done to achieve a complete and comprehensive isolation of Iraq (65).”

    The Zionist regime made one last ditch attempt to resurrect and subsequently sustain its fission field warfare in Egypt, sending three planes full of illegal gas to Mina International Airport in Cairo to be used by Mubarak’s security forces on unarmed protesters (66). An Israeli minister told Egypt to “exercise force, power in the street” to demolish the uprising and restore the old order that adheres to Zionism (67). Mubarak obliged with an ‘exercising of force,’ deploying his brutal secret police into the street in plain clothes, ordering them to pose as ‘pro-government’ protesters. They attacked the unarmed revolutionary demonstrators with meat cleavers, fire bombs, knives, chains and clubs (68), saving the Israeli-delivered weapons for a ‘final showdown’ of sorts.  Since the beginning of the Revolution, at least 300 protesters have been murdered (69), and over 5,000 other protesters have been wounded, many of them critically (70).

    Egyptians haven’t been discouraged in the slightest by the Zionist Mubarak regime’s brutality. Millions have taken to the streets on several occasions since the Revolution began nearly two weeks ago. Realizing this, the Israeli occupiership set aside its fission field warfare goals and directed its attention towards Avi Dichter’s May 2010 speech, invoking the political wing of the Fracture Theory of Zion (FTZ) to put the people’s Revolution to sleep once and for all.

    Mohamed ElBaradei is not a friend of the Egyptian people. He is a stooge of the Zionist-controlled International Crisis Group.

    Firstly, the Zionist entity and its vast globalist network sought to penetrate the opposition. Enter ‘opposition figure’ Mohamed ElBaradei, hated across the region for ‘warmly’ shaking hands with multiple Israeli war criminals and relentlessly promoted by corporate Arab media heavyweights Al Jazeera and Al-Arabiya (71). ElBaradei is being presented as a man with an immense amount of credibility because he ‘slammed’ the West for presenting exaggerated reports about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program (72), while calling the illegal Israeli nuclear arsenal the ‘greatest threat to the region (73).’ However, ElBaradei has also gone on the record to state that, ‘My gut feeling is that Iran definitely would like to have the technology that would enable it to have nuclear weapons if they decided to do so (74),” giving credence to the Zionist narrative which has spread en masse for nearly a decade.

    Despite his harsh rhetoric towards the Zionist entity’s nukes, it must be treated as just that: rhetoric. ElBaradei has attacked Hamas, the Palestinian Resistance movement in occupied Gaza, as ‘radical (75),’ and is also a supporter of the apartheid two-state solution based on the ‘1967-borders (76),’ a full blown endorsement of the Zionist ethnic cleansing operation known as al-Nakba. ElBaradei has also said that a democratic Egypt becoming anti-Israel or anti-US in its foreign policy was nothing but “hype and fiction (77).”

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    The righteous people of Egypt consider dictator Hosni Mubarak an agent of Israel.

    This in and of itself is a contradiction of what the Egyptian people want. The revolutionaries have staged mock hangings of Mubarak dolls with an Israeli six-pointed star drawn on its chest (78), written graffiti on US corporate establishments that label Mubarak as a US client (79), displayed posters of Mubarak with Israeli stars all over his face (80) and in a moment of true historical precedent, forced the Zionist entity to take down its flag at the Israeli embassy in Cairo and evacuate all of its staff (81). Egyptians have absolutely had enough of Mubarak’s kowtowing to Zionism’s every whim, whether the orders are barked from occupied Palestine or the Israeli Lobby’s stomping grounds in Washington D.C. Mubarak is a wolf. ElBaradei is a wolf in blue-and-white sheep’s clothing.

    Due to his “critical remarks” about the Zionist entity and his “support” for Iran, Zionist war criminal Phillip Zelikow, the man responsible for covering up Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11 with the absurd ‘9/11 Commission Report (82),’ suggested that the US should support ElBaradei by pretending that it doesn’t like him (83). Why has ElBaradei been chosen over any other collaborator on the long list of collaborators in the possession of Zion and its worldwide network of cronies? Because ElBaradei serves on the board of trustees at the International Crisis Group, a globalist giant funded by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation and internationalist Zionist criminal George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Soros, along with global power broker Zbigniew Brzezinski also sit on the board (84). The International Crisis Group was founded by Morton I. Abramowitz, PNAC member, CFR member and ardent Zionist (85).

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    Omar Suleiman (left) is a notorious brute, torturer and Zionist traitor. He is known as Mossad's and CIA's man in Egypt.

    While Tel Aviv’s agents attempted to manipulate the people from the shadows, it demanded from its ‘allies’ in the United States and European Union to tone down the anti-Mubarak rhetoric and support the dictator (86). The Zionist-owned Obama administration followed suit, offering its full support to a ‘transitional’ government led by Omar Suleiman, whom Hosni Mubarak appointed Vice President of Egypt (87). What Israel wants is a ‘Mubarakite’ Egypt, even without Mubarak. Suleiman serves this agenda gratuitously. He vehemently despises the Palestinian Resistance in occupied Gaza and has close ties to Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman. Suleiman is also a good friend of ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit, and they routinely talk via phone about their children and grandchildren (88). How pathetically and disgustingly touching.

    Suleiman is the chief Egyptian collaborator in assisting the Zionist entity with its crippling siege against Gaza, and has been personally thanked by genocidal Zionist madman Avigdor Lieberman for his treason (89). And arguably the most notable part of Suleiman’s lengthy and brutal collaborationist resume: his senior role in the CIA’s exceptionally illegal Rendition program, which under his watch, left dozens of innocent Muslim men tortured and psychologically ruined (90). Torture hasn’t stopped since the Revolution commenced either, as police under the direct orders of Suleiman and new Interior Minister Mahmoud Wagdy, former head of the Egyptian Prison Authority (91), have engaged in repeated acts of barbarity against protesters (92). The revolutionaries of Egypt mustn’t lose; an Egypt controlled by Zionist war criminal Omar Suleiman would be aeons worse than an Egypt controlled by Mubarak.

    Due to their dignity and their steadfastness, Egyptians overcame Israel’s fission field warfare and left it in a heap of failure. They are now fighting the Fracture Theory of Zion head on, and as millions continue to pour into the streets daily (93), they are overcoming it as well. While the Zionist criminal network maneuvers in the open and in the shadows to politically influence the ‘game-changing’ events in Egypt, Egyptians themselves reject a future controlled by foreign interests and continue to unleash their ire at the illegitimate Israeli entity and the Zionist-owned US government (94). Racist war criminal MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who has a close friendship with Hosni Mubarak has gravely insulted the Egyptian people by stating, “I don’t think it is possible for there to be a revolution in Egypt (95).” The Egyptian people are proving him, and every other Zionist and Mubarak supporter wrong at this very moment: a revolution in Egypt isn’t only possible. It’s happening.

    Julian Assange is the leading head of the Israeli intelligence Hydra known as Wikileaks.

    Conclusion: The Wikileaks Hydra and Reality

    As aforementioned in the section regarding Israel’s fission field warfare against occupied Iraq, the Fracture Theory of Zion has incorporated an infiltration wing into its foundation, to penetrate opposition and subvert it or destroy it, whichever will better serve the global agenda of Zionism. In the case of Wikileaks, subversion reigns supreme.

    It is has become an impossibility to remain updated on the world’s current events, whether choosing the Zionist-owned mainstream media as your provider, or the alternative media, without hearing the name of Wikileaks or its ‘founder,’ Julian Assange. Vociferously promoted by the Zionist media and despicably worshiped as the idol of choice by the alternative media, Wikileaks now permeates every aspect of ‘information age’ journalism. While both media spheres will lead their readers and viewers to believe that Wikileaks is a whistleblower of the utmost dignity, honor and integrity, as well as an organization that thrives on truth and the exposure of corruption, this is a lie of the most monstrous proportions. In reality, Wikileaks is an Israeli intelligence operation coordinating attacks against ‘anti-Zionist’ journalists and online publications with known Tel Aviv-intelligence wing, the Anti-Defamation League (96).

    Wikileaks has absolved the Zionist entity of any connection to the 2008 ‘terror’ attacks in Mumbai, despite all evidence confirming the fingerprints of Mossad, CIA and India’s RAW collaborating in a deadly false flag paramilitary operation. Instead, it blames the Pakistani government and Pakistani ‘Jihadi terrorists (97).’

    Wikileaks claims that Hamas, the Islamic Resistance of Gaza, broke the ceasefire in 2008 which provided the pretext for Operation Cast Lead, not the Zionist entity. Additionally, Wikileaks has accused Hamas of using human shields, though the only use of human shields that has ever been recorded is by Israeli occupation forces. Wikileaks claims that the Hindutva entity of India is a major force for peace in occupied Kashmir, not an illegal occupier and notorious violator of human rights. Wikileaks heinously claims that Syrians assassinated former Lebanese Premier Rafiq Hariri, and not Mossad through its signature car bomb. And quite possibly, the most horrifically false claim of all, Wikileaks says Israel has no ‘assets’ in occupied Iraq, though Iraq is corroded with Mossad’s presence from north to south, east to west (98).

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    The Wikileaks 'whistleblower' fraud has been a vital asset to the CIA and Mossad.

    The most successful product of Zionist criminal Cass Sunstein’s cyber COINTELPRO, Wikileaks has served the illegitimate Israeli state’s international agenda flawlessly. Any major story that needs to be buried by the Zionist media can easily be done by using a Wikileaks falsehood-ridden scandal. Latest on Israel’s hitlist, is the Egyptian Revolution and its righteous organizers. Right on schedule, Wikileaks arrives on the scene with a means of discrediting the movement, its people, its methods and its motives. According to the latest documents dumped by Julian Assange’s organization, the United States backed the ‘pro-democracy’ groups that have organized the massive protests against Mubarak in Egypt (99). Not only have Zion’s gatekeepers swallowed this abomination of the truth and regurgitated it to their followers, well-respected journalists who were instrumental in exposing Wikileaks for the intel-op that it is, have also bought into this pathetic theory.

    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah recently addressed this exact issue in his most recent speech, emotionally displaying full solidarity with the Egyptian people, “The worst accusation against this complete humanitarian and political intifada is that American intelligence has incited the Egyptian youth against the regime. Even more, it is a grave insult and an injustice to the youth of Egypt to claim that their movement is directed by the US. Who would imagine that the US would topple such a loyal ally working day and night to protect Washington’s interests and projects? It is illogical (100).”

    Unlike disposed puppet dictators like Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein and Jonas Savimbi of Angola, all of whom began operating in their own interests, instead of the interests of their American and Israeli puppet masters, Mubarak and his regime have catered to Washington and Tel Aviv in an unimaginable manner. The Sayyed hit the nail directly on its head; the insinuation that this populist revolution is the work of intelligence agencies or Western governments is not only an insult and an injustice to the Egyptian people, it is not only illogical, but it is absolutely asinine. To this very moment, as Sayyed Nasrallah stated in the same speech, the Zionist entity and its criminal network are fighting tooth and nail to undermine the people’s Revolution, and keep Mubarak in power.

    The latest round of the Wiki-Hydra’s Zionist poison is directed at the courageous, revolutionary protesters of Egypt for one reason: to convince all of the people in the Middle East living under US-backed, Zionist-funded dictatorships, including those Egyptians who are yet to take to the streets with their brethren, that revolution isn’t possible. That Resistance isn’t possible. That assembling for an honorable cause isn’t possible because all honorable causes have been hijacked by the usurping entity of Zion and its eternal supply of cronies. Israel has underestimated the Arabs however. It has underestimated their steadfastness, their dignity, their righteousness, their Godwariness, their love of country and their willingness to sacrifice their very lives for freedom.

    arab unity and peace
    Arab unity absolutely petrifies the Zionist entity. It is the antithesis to Israel's Fission Field Warfare.

    Protesters have taken to the streets in Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, occupied Iraq, Bahrain and occupied Palestine in solidarity with the people of Egypt in defiance of apathy and the Zionist entity’s manipulation. And while Mubarak’s heavyweight American lobbyists try to secure more aid from the US Congress (101), Zionist ideologues go back and forth attempting to present a legitimate two-sided discourse on Egypt, though they are simply preserving Israel’s point of view (102), and mass murdering war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu threatens the world with another racist diatribe about the rise of an “Islamist” Egypt (103), Egyptians continue their calls for the end of Mubarak in Ismailia, Mahalla, Suez, Alexandria, Mansoura and of course, Tahrir Square in the capital city of Cairo as if the powers that be and the cancer of Zionism that governs them didn’t exist. Upper Egypt, including the cities of Kharga and Assiut, has also joined the revolt (104).

    Knowledge is what transforms a sleeping people into an unbreakable force of Resistance. It snatches them from their dream state and catapults them into the battlefield of reality. Egyptians are well aware of their cold, hard, dictatorial reality and subservience to it has disappeared as a viable option for them. This awakening is the model that needs to be duplicated in occupied Iraq, Pakistan and every other nation victimized by the supremacist entity of Israel’s fission field warfare.

    An awakened populace, determined to achieve revolution, can take the Zionist entity’s Fracture Theory and fracture it into an infinite number of pieces, rendering its restoration impossible. An Iraqi-Egyptian-Pakistani union, fully backed and controlled by the will of the people, will not just disrupt the Zionist entity’s plans, but decimate them.

    Revolution in its purest form is the end of oppression and the beginning of freedom. Once Mubarak falls at the hands of the Egyptian people, so falls his oppression. Freedom from tyranny isn’t the aspiration of all men. It is a gift that man is born with and one that cannot be usurped by any power, no matter how perceivably powerful. As the great anti-apartheid activist Steven Biko said, “The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” A revolutionary mind state is the bitter enemy of the oppressor.

    In a revolution, the oppressed transcend from the downtrodden and the exploited to the champions of a nation reborn. Egypt is being reborn right now. And in its transcendence, the oppressors are being burned in the blaze of revolutionary champions who refuse to be humiliated ever again.

    ~ The End ~


    (1) Ben Gurion On Pakistan by Judicial-Inc.Biz; “Strike And Crush Pakistanis” by Peter Chamberlin, Wake Up From Your Slumber

    (2) Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan by Tariq Saeedi, Globe Intel

    (3) Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, And The Crack Cocaine Explosion by Gary Webb (rip)

    (4) Mossad-RAW Nexus by S.M. Hali, Pakistan Daily

    (5) Wikileaks, A Circus With No Elephants by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

    (6) Blackwater/Xe Attacks In Pakistan by The Daily Mail Online Edition

    (7) Taliban Blame ‘Blackwater’ For Pakistan Bombings by Robert Mackey, The New York Times

    (8) Bombings Kill 7, Injure 14 In Pakistan by Press TV

    (9) Peshawar Police Chief Claims RAW, Mossad Behind Killing Of Three Chinese by Andhra News

    (10) Beirut Marine Bombing Was Mossad False Flag Operation by Rehmat’s World

    (11) Sixteen Killed In Pakistan Bombings by Press TV

    (12) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (13) Iran Claimed To Capturing The Mossad Spy by Putu Karya, All Voices
    (14) Militants Blow Up 2 Schools In Pakistan by Press TV

    (15) ‘US Embassy Official Blackwater Agent’ by Press TV

    (16) Pakistan Tribesmen ‘To Sue CIA’ Over Drone Deaths by The Raw Story

    (17) CIA Chief In Pakistan Leaves After Drone Trial Blows His Cover by Declan Walsh, The Guardian

    (18) Thousands Hold Anti-US Rally In Pakistan by Press TV

    (19) Thousands Rally In Karachi Over Scientist Doctor Aafia Siddiqui by Pak News Net

    (20) All Parties Demand End To Drone Attacks by Ahmad Noorani, The International News

    (21) Israel’s Grand Design: Leaders Crave Area From Egypt To Iraq by John Mitchell Henshaw, Media Monitors Network

    (22) The Israeli-Kurdish Relations by Sergey Minasian, 21st Century, Number 1, April, 2007

    (23) A Strategy For Israel In The Nineteen Eighties by Oded Yinon, Kivunim

    (24) A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing The Realm by The Institute For Advanced Strategic and Political Studies

    (25) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (26) Open Letter To The President February 19, 1998 by Iraq Watch

    (27) Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces And Resources For A New Century by The Project For A New American Century

    (28) Conflict With Iraq – An Israeli Perspective by Benjamin Netanyahu

    (29) Rice: US Army Presence In Iraq Protects Israel by The Jerusalem Post

    (30) Dirty Hands by Sreemati Mitter, MIFTAH

    (31) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (32) Who Is Ahmed Chalabi? by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

    (33) Ahmed Chalabi’s Ties To Mossad And Neocons by Christopher Bollyn, Rumor Mill News

    (34) The Zionist Occupation Of Iraq Is The War In Iraq by Christopher Bollyn

    (35) British Terrorism In Iraq by Dr. Elias Akleh, Global Research

    (36) “Combat Terrorism” By Causing It by Imad Khadurri, Free Iraq

    (37) ‘P2OG’ Allows Pentagon To Fight Dirty by David Isenberg, The Asia Times

    (38) Profile: William Schneider Jr. by History Commons

    (39) Bombs Kill Four, Wound Five Across Iraq by Press TV

    (40) Baghdad Violence Kills Three, Wounds 14 by Yahoo! News

    (41) VIDEO: Iraq 54 Killed In Car Bomb Tikrit, 3 US Soldiers Die Iraq War Rages on by World News

    (42) Bomb Attacks Claim 17 Lives In Iraq by Press TV

    (43) 50 Dead By Iraq Car Bombs by The Bangkok Post

    (44) Car Bombs Kill 8 In Iraq by Press TV

    (45) 18 Killed, Dozens Hurt In Karbala blasts by Press TV

    (46) Car Bomb At Iraq Funeral Kills 80 And Triggers Clashes by Al-Arabiya News Channel

    (47) Iraq Car Bombing Kills 48 by Ned Parker and Salar Jaff, Los Angeles Times

    (48) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (49) VP Biden Looks To Extend Iraq Presence by War On Terror News

    (50) Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (51) Thursday: 87 Iraqis Killed, 153 Wounded by Margaret Griffis, Antiwar.com

    (52) Iraqi Journalists Face Sacks Of Gold, Fists Of Fire by Khalid al-Ansary, Reuters

    (53) Wiki-Hydra: Israel’s Favorite PSYOP Just Won’t Die by Jonathan Azaziah, Veterans Today

    (54) The Alexandria Church Bombing: Mossad, Who Else? by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (55) Egyptian Minister Accuses Gazan Group Of Church Bombing by The Guardian

    (56) “Israeli Spying Network” Uncovered In Egypt Days Before Church Bombing by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, Veterans Today

    (57) Cyber-Dissent And Egypt’s Latest Stolen Election by Ahed Al Hendi, Cyber Dissidents

    (58) Egypt: Muslims And Christians Show Unity After Bombing by Kelly Heffernan-Tabor, CBS News

    (59) Egyptian Religious Leaders Affirm Unity by Al-Masry Al-Youm

    (60) Egypt’s Muslims Attend Coptic Christmas Mass, Serving As ‘Human Shields’ by Yasmine el-Rashidi, Al-Ahram Online

    (61) ‘Muslims, Christians We Are All Egyptians:’ Scenes From A Revolution As Told By My Eyewitness by Parvez Sharma, Mondoweiss

    (62) Israeli Lawmaker Backs Hosni Mubarak by Press TV

    (63) Egypt’s Crisis: Israel Has Faith Mubarak Will Prevail by Karl Vick, Yahoo! News

    (64) Israel Fears Egypt Unrest Will Threaten Gas Supplies by The Business Standard/The Press Trust Of India

    (65) Israel: We Destroyed Iraq.. Iraq Must Stay Divided And Isolated… The Oil Of Northern Iraq Will Flow Into Israel by Jouhina Portal News; And Former Israeli Minister Of Security (Avi Dichter) We Have In Iraq Is More Than We Planned And Expected by Al-Hurriya News

    (66) Israel Arms Egypt Against Protesters by Press TV

    (67) Israeli Minister: Mubarak Regime Will Prevail In Egypt, Despite Protests by Haaretz

    (68) How Mubarak’s Thugs Work by Rich Lowry, The Corner, National Review Online

    (69) Around 300 Dead In Egypt Unrest: UN by The Hindustan Times

    (70) Health Minister: 5000 Protesters Injured Since Friday by Al-Masry Al-Youm

    (71) Al-Baradi’i’s Family Album by As’ad Abu Khalil, The Angry Arab News Service

    (72) ElBaradei: “Iranian Nuclear Threat Was Exaggerated By The West by Mihai-Silviu Chirila, Metrolic

    (73) Israel’s Nukes Most Serious Threat To Middle East: ElBaradei by The Deccan Chronicle

    (74) Iran Seeking Nuclear Weapons Technology: ElBaradei by Reuters

    (75) ElBaradei: A Contentious Consensus Figure For Opposition by Oren Kessler, The Jerusalem Post

    (76) Mohamed Elbaradei by The Boston Globe

    (77) ElBaradei: Democratic Egypt Won’t Be Anti-Israel, US by The Jerusalem Post

    (78) Israel Wary Of Transition In Egypt, Concerned About Regional Stability by Janine Zacharia, The Washington Post

    (79) ‘No To Mubarak The US Client’ by 3arabawy

    (80) Egypt Protests: Start Of A New Middle East by Anshel Pfeffer, The Jewish Chronicle

    (81) Israel Pulls Down Flag At Cairo Embassy by Ahlul Bayt News Agency; Israeli Embassy Staff Evacuate Egypt by Press TV

    (82) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (83) U.S. Scrambles To Size Up Egypt’s ElBaradei by CBS News

    (84) Mohamed ElBaradei: Globalist Pied Piper Of The Egyptian Revolt by Paul Joseph Watson, Counter Currents

    (85) Profile: Morton I. Abramowitz by History Commons

    (86) Israel Urges World To Curb Criticism Of Egypt’s Mubarak by Barak Ravid, Haaretz

    (87) Obama Backs Suleiman-Led Transition by Mark Landler and Steven Erlanger, The New York Times

    (88) Israel Pinning Hopes For Hamas Deal In Gaza On Egypt Intel Chief by Yossi Melman, Haaretz

    (89) Lieberman Thanks Suleiman Over Libya-Chartered Gaza Aid Ship by Al-Manar

    (90) New Egyptian VP Ran Mubarak’s Security Team, Oversaw Torture by Matthew Cole and Sarah O. Wali, ABC News

    (91) Mahmoud Wagdy, New Interior Minister Of Egypt, Oversaw The Police State by American Everyman

    (92) Torture ‘Business As Usual’ In Egypt Amid Revolt by Charles Onians, Agence France-Presse/The Jordan Times

    (93) Millions Gather To Honor Egypt Martyrs by Press TV

    (94) Egyptians Unleash Anger At US, Israel by Press TV

    (95) Ben-Eliezer: All We Can Do Is Express Support For Mubarak by The Jerusalem Post

    (96) ADL: Wikileaks Vital To Israel’s Intelligence Program by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

    (97) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (98) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

    (99) US Funded Pro-Democracy Movement by Agence France-Presse

    (100) Sayyed Nasrallah To Egyptians: Your Victory Will Change The Face Of Region by Hussein Assi, Al-Manar

    (101) Who’s Doing Mubarak’s Bidding In Washington? by Justin Elliot, Salon

    (102) Obama Administration Contemplates Legal Nightmare In Egypt After Mubarak by Josh Rogin, Foreign Policy Magazine

    (103) Netanyahu: Egypt Could Fall Into Hands Of Radical Islamists by Jonathan Lis, Haaretz

    (104) Upper Egypt Joins The Revolution by Mai El-Wakil and Louise Sarant, Al-Masry Al-Youm

    *Jonathan Azaziah

    Jonathan Azaziah is an Iraqi, Moroccan-Hebrew, Russian MC, poet, activist and writer from Brooklyn, New York currently residing in Florida. His articles, poems and music predominantly deal with international Zionism and the effects that it has on the world’s oppressed people. His mixtape, Take The Red Pill Volume 2: Disarm The Octopus will be available for download soon. He is also a staff writer at Veterans Today. He can be reached at [email protected].

    www.maskofzion.com, FEBRUARY 10, 2011