Tag: Christianity

  • The Western Assault on Innocent Life

    The Western Assault on Innocent Life

    Walt Garlington

    President Trump got a lot of cheers when he said the following during his State of the Union address:

    There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our nation saw in recent days. Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.

    These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world. And then, we had the case of the governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth. To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb. Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life.

    And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth — all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.

    —Nicole Fallert, https://www.vox.com/2019/2/5/18212533/president-trump-state-of-the-union-address-live-transcript

    But are the sentiments expressed here about protecting innocent life, about affirming the truth that man is made in the image of God, consistent with the aspirations and history of the American project, or with non-Orthodox Western civilization in general?  Unfortunately, they are not.

    Charles in Charge of the West

    No, not that Charles:

    This one:

    Since Western Europe first began to conceive of herself in the eighth century as an entity apart from the worldwide Orthodox Christian Empire, the innocent have suffered greatly.  This process began when Charlemagne (742-814) set up his heretical version of the Christian Empire in Aachen, heretical because he denied the validity of the Seventh Ecumenical Council’s teachings on the necessity to venerate the holy icons of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Most Pure Mother, and the other saints and angels; and because of his addition of the Filioque to the Nicene Creed.  Given this auspicious beginning, it is unsurprising to find in the history of his reign that he caused much blood to flow in the expansion of his ‘Holy Roman Empire’, including the 4,500 Saxons slaughtered at Verden:


    Yet this is the same Charlemagne whom Pope Benedict XIV saw fit to beatify in the 18th century.  The Roman Catholic faithful are to address him as ‘Blessed Charlemagne’:


    Roman Catholic West

    That beatification by the Pope is quite fitting, however.  For with Charlemagne’s death in 814, his false empire collapsed, and the next attempt at Western self-exaltation, at setting up a false Christian Empire in opposition to the Orthodox Empire, came from the bishops of Rome themselves, beginning officially in 1054 and lasting to this very day.  Following this sundering came, predictably, more needless bloodshed.  The Roman Catholic Norman Invasion of the Orthodox kingdom of England took place in short order (1066) with the blessing of Pope Alexander II.  William the Conqueror’s own words tell how grisly this early attempt at papal conquest was:

    I have persecuted the natives of England beyond all reason. Whether gentle or simple  I  have  cruelly  oppressed  them;  many  I  unjustly  disinherited; innumerable  multitudes  perished  through  me  by  famine  or  the  sword  …  I fell on the English of the northern shires like a ravening lion. I commanded their  houses  and  corn,  with  all  their  implements  and  chattels,  to  be  burnt without  distinction,  and  great  herds  of  cattle  and beasts  of  burden  to  be butchered   wherever   they  are  found.  In  this  way   I  took  revenge   on multitudes  of  both  sexes  by  subjecting  them  to  the calamity  of  a  cruel famine,  and  so  became  the  barbarous  murderer  of  many  thousands,  both young and old, of that fine race of people.

    William’s death-bed confession, according to Ordericus Vitalis, c. AD 1130

    —Quoted in Fr Andrew Phillips, Orthodox Christianity and the Old English Church, p. 23 of PDF,

    Fr Andrew continues,

    It has been estimated that during William I’s reign up to one in five of the English population died by the sword or in famineslxii. This does not include the deaths of the non-English population in Wales or Scotland, nor the civil war deaths in the reign of Stephen, nor the deaths resulting from the Papally-sponsored Norman invasion of Ireland, nor those of the One Hundred Years War which was provoked by the territorial claims to France of the Anglo-Norman kings. Even if the figure of one in five is exaggerated and it can be halved, one in ten is equivalent today to over five million deaths – fifteen times the number of British deaths resulting from the Second World War. The account of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is unambiguous: ‘And they built castles far and wide throughout the land, oppressing the unhappy people, and things went ever from bad to worse’. ‘Only amongst the monks, where they lived virtuously was righteousness to be found in the land.’ Of William ‘the Bastard’, the Chronicle says the following: ‘Assuredly in his time men suffered grievous oppression and manifold injuries … he was sunk in greed and utterly given up to avarice. He was too relentless to care even though all might hate him … Alas! That any man should bear himself so proudly and deem himself exalted above all other men.lxiii’ Of the tortures inflicted on captives and the gruesome account of William’s funeral, when his stomach burst open in stinking putrefaction, one can read elsewhere (pgs. 25-6).

    Not too long after the Norman Invasion, the Crusades were launched by Pope Urban II in 1095.  Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153) justified the killing this way in his work In Praise of the New Knighthood:

    To be sure, precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his holy ones, whether they die in battle or in bed, but death in battle is more precious as it is the more glorious (Ch. I, section 2).  . . .

    BUT THE KNIGHTS OF CHRIST may safely fight the battles of their Lord, fearing neither sin if they smite the enemy, nor danger at their own death; since to inflict death or to die for Christ is no sin, but rather, an abundant claim to glory. In the first case one gains for Christ, and in the second one gains Christ himself. The Lord freely accepts the death of the foe who has offended him, and yet more freely gives himself for the consolation of his fallen knight.

    The knight of Christ, I say, may strike with confidence and die yet more confidently, for he serves Christ when he strikes, and serves himself when he falls. Neither does he bear the sword in vain, for he is God’s minister, for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of the good. If he kills an evildoer, he is not a mankiller, but, if I may so put it, a killer of evil. He is evidently the avenger of Christ towards evildoers and he is rightly considered a defender of Christians. Should he be killed himself, we know that he has not perished, but has come safely into port. When he inflicts death it is to Christ’s profit, and when he suffers death, it is for his own gain. The Christian glories in the death of the pagan, because Christ is glorified; while the death of the Christian gives occasion for the King to show his liberality in the rewarding of his knight. In the one case the just shall rejoice when he sees justice done, and in the other man shall say, truly there is a reward for the just; truly it is God who judges the earth.

    I do not mean to say that the pagans are to be slaughtered when there is any other way to prevent them from harassing and persecuting the faithful, but only that it now seems better to destroy them than that the rod of sinners be lifted over the lot of the just, and the righteous perhaps put forth their hands unto iniquity (Ch. 3).  . . .


    Note the utter dehumanization by Bernard of the Muslims.  They are no longer men but simply ‘evil’ itself, confounding person and attribute.  No wonder that upwards of 1,000,000 are estimated to have died in the Crusades ).  This sort of mindset has remained typical of the post-Schism West in her wars of righteousness against those she believes to be ‘evildoers’.  And let us also recall that Bernard has been not simply beatified like Charlemagne but fully canonized as a saint of the Roman Catholic congregation.


    Protestant West

    When the peoples of Western Europe democratized the papist principle (that one man, instead of a council of bishops guided by the Holy Ghost, can determine what is and is not the True Faith), applying it to themselves one and all, then the Protestant Reformation was born, and the shadow which lay across that part of the Eurasian land grew darker.  Delusional apocalyptic fervor grew, and along with it the flow of blood.  A couple of ensamples will suffice.

    The actions of Martin Luther, who began the Reformation in earnest in 1517, during the Peasants’ War in Germany is the first.  He wrote,

    I will not oppose a ruler who, even though he does not tolerate the gospel, will smite and punish these peasants without first offering to submit the case to judgment (quoted in Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Rock and Sand, Newrome Press, 2015, p. 98).

    Fr Josiah goes on to relate the consequences of such statements:

    On May 15, Müntzer’s forces were slaughtered by the nobility at Frankenhausen.  Some 6000 peasants were killed, with only some six casualties on the side of the princes.  Müntzer was captured and beheaded twelve days later.  In upper Germany alone, it is estimated that some 130,000 peasants were slaughtered.  . . .  Luther was sharply criticized by many for his position, and was called “the hammer of the poor” by Hermann Mühlpfort, the mayor of Zwickau (Ibid.).

    The next, which would decisively cripple what was left of Christianity in Western Europe, is the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48), which was fought between various Roman Catholic and Protestant countries for the supremacy of their creeds over Western Europe.  There were upwards of 8,000,000 casualties due to the fighting of these ‘Christian nations’, which included death by hunger and disease of many civilians ).

    During the Thirty Years’ War, many of the contending armies were mercenaries, many of whom could not collect their pay. This threw them on the countryside for their supplies, and thus began the “wolf-strategy” that typified this war. The armies of both sides plundered as they marched, leaving cities, towns, villages, and farms ravaged.


    Enlightenment West

    From here onwards, Western Europe and her children became the breeding ground for all manner of utopian (i.e., demonic) ideologies meant to replace the simulacrums of Christianity they had experienced, but sometimes still masquerading in the costume of Christianity.  But this would not end the bloodletting in the West, but only increase it exponentially.  From the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution, from the War of Northern Aggression against Dixie to the War on Terror, Western wars of ideology have resulted in the deaths of tens of millions, with millions more suffering besides.

    Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s famous quote about sanctions on Iraq from 1996 show that the Western soul hasn’t much changed since Bernard’s propaganda of the 12th century:

    Correspondent Leslie Stahl said to Albright, “We have heard that a half-million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And — and, you know, is the price worth it?”

    Madeleine Albright replied, “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.”


    The U.S./NATO bombing of Serbia during the holy seasons of Easter and Pentecost in 1999 shows the same:

    According to the estimates of the government of Serbia, at least 2,500 people, of whom 89 children, were killed during the attacks (according to some sources, the total death toll was nearly 4,000), while more than 12,500 people were wounded and injured.

    . . .

    Almost every town in Serbia had been targeted during the 11 weeks of the air strikes.

    The bombing destroyed and damaged 25,000 housing units, 470 km of roads and 595 kilometers of railways.

    The attacks also damaged 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges, while 38 were destroyed.

    During the aggression NATO carried out a total of 2,300 airs trikes on 995 facilities across the country, while 1,150 combat aircraft launched nearly 420,000 missiles.

    NATO also launched 1,300 cruise missiles, dropped over 37,000 cluster bombs, which killed some 200 people and wounded hundreds, and used prohibited ammunition with depleted uranium.

    A third of the electrical power capacity of the country was destroyed, two oil refineries, in Pancevo and Novi Sad bombed, while NATO forces used the opportunity to for the first time deploy the so-called graphite bombs to disable the power system.

    . . .


    This same grisly barbarity is still on display by the Most Christian Country, The Holy Republic of America, the greatest country that ever was, is, or is to come.  Venezuela is a telling example:

    This is unprecedented—Bolton publicly announcing a military coup (usually with hundreds if not thousands of deaths). He deliberately showed off his notebook with scribbled invasion plans, so there would be no question about the agenda.

    But that’s how the neocons operate. Lies, falsifications, grandiose claims, and invasions to forcibly install “democracy,” which is nothing of the sort.

    Bolton’s “democracy” is doublespeak in action. It’s a thinly disguised euphemism used to obscure the actual objective—the destruction of entire nations, cultures, and societies at the cost of hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives. Untold millions of lives have been destroyed by the sort of “democracy” Bolton is talking about.  It was put into action when Bolton was a toddler.

    Let’s get real. Bolton doesn’t care about the people of Venezuela. If he did the US would not be imposing harsh sanctions that are resulting in malnutrition and starvation. Bolton is using the age-old technique of starving and depriving people so they will overthrow the government (this tactic rarely works—leading me to believe it is inflicted out of pure sadism—leading to the exact opposite reaction).

    —Kurt Nimmo, https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/02/no_author/john-boltons-plan-to-starve-millions-of-venezuelans-into-submission/

    One could substitute ‘Iran’ or ‘Yemen’ for ‘Venezuela’ and have largely the same essay.

    All of this seems to sit just fine with the Evangelicals in the States (just listen to Frank Gaffney sometime, ; Thomas DiLorenzo offers this description of them, together with some of their backstory:

    These are the people whose churches are littered with gigantic American flags that dwarf any Christian icons; who routinely ask anyone who owns a military uniform to wear it to church; who sing the state’s war anthems at their services; who divert their Sunday offerings away from the poor and needy in their communities so that the money can be sent to grossly-overpaid military bureaucrats; and who can never stop thanking, thanking, thanking, and thanking “soldiers” for their “service” in murdering foreigners and bombing and destroying their cities – if not their entire societies – in the state’s aggressive, non-defensive, foreign wars.

    Where did this very un-Christian “religion” of violence come from?  The answer to this question is that it first developed as a part of New England’s neo-Puritanical “Yankees” in the early and mid-nineteenth century.  It reached its zenith in the 1860s when, finally in control of the entire federal government, the New England Yankees waged total war on the civilian population of a large part of their own country, mass murdering fellow Americans by the hundreds of thousands, and then singing a “religious” song that described it all as “the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

    As Murray Rothbard described them in his essay, “Just War”:

    The North’s driving force, the ‘Yankees’ – that ethnocultural group who either lived in New England or migrated from there to upstate New York, northern and eastern Ohio, northern Indiana, and northern Illinois – had been swept by . . . a fanatical and emotional neo-Puritanism driven by a fervent ‘postmillenialism’ which held that as a precondition of the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, man must set up a thousand-year-Kingdom of God on Earth.  The Kingdom is to be a perfect society.  In order to be perfect, of course, this Kingdom must be free of sin . . . .  If you didn’t stamp out sin by force you yourself would not be saved.

    This is why “the Northern war against slavery partook of a fanatical millenialist fervor, of a cheerful willingness to uproot institutions, to commit mayhem and mass murder, to plunder and loot and destroy, all in the name of high moral principle,” wrote Rothbard.  They were “humanitarians with the guillotine,” the “Jacobins, the Bolsheviks of their era.”

    Clyde Wilson described these neo-Puritanical zealots in a similar manner in his essay, “The Yankee Problem in America”:

    Abolitionism, despite what has been said later, was not based on sympathy for the black people nor on an ideal of natural rights.  It was based on the hysterical conviction that Southern slaveholders were evil sinners who stood in the way of fulfillment of America’s driving mission to establish Heaven on Earth . . . .  [M]any abolitionists expected that evil Southern whites and Blacks would disappear and the land repopulated by virtuous Yankees” (emphasis added).


    And here we are, awaiting still the final grand unveiling of the Yankee/Western Millennium.

    The Genocide of the Saints

    As horrendous as the foregoing has been, there is still a crime of the apostate post-Schism West that we have not yet spoken of which we consider more hideous than all of that:  the desecration of the saints, whether their bodily relics, representations, or shrines.  More depraved than the slaughter of innocent children?  Yes.  A little child does indeed bear the image of God and is innocent of any purposeful wrongdoing, has not yet known the fall into the knowledge of evil.  The saint, on the other hand, while retaining the image of God, has nevertheless cooperated with the Grace of God to such a degree that he has attained the likeness of God as well (see Gen. 1:26), overcoming his fallen, sinful nature and uniting with the Holy Ghost.  Therefore, the saints are the most innocent, the most guileless, moreso than even children.

    But this did not matter to the West.  In her self-righteous zeal she sought to brutalize the saints as well.  We have already mentioned very briefly Charlemagne’s effort at this.  His rejection of the Seventh Ecumenical Council’s command to venerate images of the saints is already a rejection by the West of the Holy Ghost, Who resides in the images and shrines of the saints, and also especially in their incorrupt relics, with which He remains united as a foretelling to man of the Resurrection to come.

    The Roman Catholic Normans who invaded Orthodox England in 1066 went further.  Fr Andrew Phillips writes,

    The record of the losses of Old English art and architecture is heart-rending. Today we have little more than fragments of Old English architecture. Of course much was built of wood and could not have lasted, but nevertheless the story of the Norman destruction of Old English church buildings is too much like barbarian vandalism to be excused. When they came to demolish the Cathedral in Worcester in 1086, the saintly Bishop Wulfstan remarked: ‘The men of old may not have had stately edifices, but they were themselves a sacrifice to God, whereas now they pile up stones, but forget the soul’lxiv. It is more distressing to read of the destruction of the European treasurehouse of church art which Old England was. If the churches were razed, leaving us with a pitiful idea of what the former architecture was really like, then, what can we say of Old English Art?

    ‘Nowhere in Europe, even in Byzantium itself, was there a more advanced conception of manuscript illustration and decoration than in Britain. Nowhere, even in Persia, were finer textiles embroidered; nowhere was finer sculpture in stone executed nowhere were finer ivories carved … they are all quite easy to distinguish as English. They stand out, moreover, by virtue of their quality.’ So speaks the art historian, Talbot-Ricelxv. Indeed the English were renowned for the quality of their embroidery and we know of a school of embroidery at Ely, though doubtless there were many others. The Winchester School of manuscript illumination was widely known and represented the spiritual and artistic flowering of the tenth century English Renaissance.

    The destruction of nearly all of this heritage makes lugubrious reading. ‘In the spring of the year (1070), the King had all the monasteries in England plunderedlxvi’. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries there are unending lists of gold crucifixes, vestments of woven gold, silver and gold sacred vessels and censers, chalices and patens, shrines and altars with their embroidered hangings, silver and gilt ewers of Byzantine work, Gospel-books adorned with precious stones, gold reliquaries and the holy relics contained within, silks and precious hangings, ornaments which in the words of William of Poitiers, ‘Byzantium would hold very dear.’ In the twelfth century he wrote: ‘A Greek or Arab visitor would have been carried away by delight’ at the sight of the treasures melted down or sent to France by William. From one church alone he stole treasures worth £6,000, a colossal sum in modern termslxvii.

    All this was pillaged; the Old English Church was raped and ravaged. The depths of blasphemy and sacrilege were reached when the Norman clergy began burning the relics of the Old English saints to see if they were authentic; their doubts sometimes seem to have been founded merely on the Norman inability to pronounce the Old English names. Such barbarian acts were not to be seen again until the sack of Christian Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade in 1204. Later we shall see the Old English connection even here. The accounts of the sack of Old English art are among the most shameful in Western history. After William and his descendants, then the fires of the Middle Ages, followed by the syphilitic frenzy of greed of Henry VIII and the outbursts of the Puritans, then the vandalism of the Victorians, it comes as no surprise when we realise that what we possess of a half-millennium of Old English Art and Architecture is nothing but a single crumb from a huge but ever lost royal banquet. It is an immensely sobering but nonetheless true fact that there is a part of human nature that delights in the destruction of everything beautiful, be it the creation of God or of man.

    Orthodox Christianity and the Old English Church, pgs. 26-7

    As Fr Andrew indicates, the Protestants too would take part in this genocide against the holy saints and their memory.

    Motadel writes that,

    “The prototype of all modern forms of iconoclasm [Noyes] found in Calvin’s Geneva and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s Mecca. Sixteenth-century Geneva witnessed one of the most devastating waves of religious image-breaking in history. Incited by a group of charismatic theologians – among them John Calvin himself – mobs raged against objects associated with miracles, magic and the supernatural, destroying some of the city’s most precious pieces of Christian art. Invoking the Second Commandment, they denounced these works as idols, and as remnants of a rural, feudal and superstitious world, a world corrupted by Satan.” The Western Assault on Innocent Life  

    Nor was Geneva unusual. In Basel in 1529, widespread iconoclastic riots destroyed virtually all the material tokens of traditional Catholic worship and devotion in the cathedral and the city’s leading churches. Even these German and Swiss manifestations were dwarfed by the devastating Storm of Images (Beeldenstorm) that swept over the Netherlands in 1566.

    This movement was directed against any and all Catholic material symbols — against stained glass windows, statues of the Virgin and saints, holy medals and tokens.

    Such stories of image-breaking (iconoclasm) are familiar enough to anyone who knows about the Reformation, and there are plenty of scholarly studies.

    Recent works, though, highlight two features of the movement that often get underplayed:

    1. Iconoclasm was central to the Reformation experience, not marginal, and not just a regrettable extravagance.

    Historians of the Reformation tend to be bookish people interested in books, so they focus on aspects of literacy and translation, with the spread of the vernacular Bible as the centerpiece of the story. The idea of the Reformation as a “media revolution” is common enough.

    Yes, we do read of outbreaks of destructive violence and iconoclasm, but these are usually presented as marginal excesses, or understandable instances of popular fury against church abuses. Once we get those unfortunate riots out of the way, we can get back to the main story of tracing the process of Bible translation.

    That’s very misleading. For anyone living at the time, including educated elites, the iconoclasm was not just an incidental breakdown of law and order, it was the core of the whole movement, the necessary other side of the coin to the growth of literacy. Those visual and symbolic representations of the Christian story had to decrease, in order for the world of the published Bible to increase. The Western Assault on Innocent Life  

    In terms of the lived experience of people at the time, the image-breaking is the key component of the Reformation. In the rioting and mayhem, a millennium-old religious order was visibly and comprehensively smashed.

    In words adapted from the Vulgate version of Job, the Calvinist motto proclaimed, Post Tenebras Lux: After darkness, Light. (And that is still Geneva’s motto).

    . . .

    —Philip Jenkins, https://www.patheos.com/blogs/anxiousbench/2014/07/the-breaking-of-images/

    One would think such crimes as these might cause Protestants to have some hesitation about judging the sins of others, but it has not.  Regarding China, for example, they say,

    WASHINGTON — The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which there will be a “rewrite” of the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress.

    The Rev. Bob Fu, a former Chinese house church leader who immigrated to the United States in 1997 and founded the persecution watchdog organization China Aid, provided great detail during a House hearing Thursday about a plan enacted by leading state-sanctioned denominations in China to “Sincize” Christianity.

    As China’s crackdown on religion has seen many house churches demolished and thousands of crosses removed from churches nationwide, Fu warned upfront that what is happening right now in China represents the highest degree of persecution for independent faith groups the country has seen in decades.

    —Samuel Smith, https://www.christianpost.com/news/china-trying-to-rewrite-the-bible-force-churches-sing-communist-anthems-227664/

    Yet in all three areas they raise in criticism of China – rewriting the Bible, tearing down churches, and destroying Crosses – Protestants are guilty themselves.  The Protestants removed several books from the Old Testament canon of the Bible, and Martin Luther himself added ‘alone’ to his translation of Romans 3:28 (‘man is justified by faith alone’) and also wanted to throw out the Book of James because it contradicted the theological system he created.  See, e. g.,


    Of the other two, it is enough to recall Mr Jenkins’s article just above as well as the quote of Bishop Joseph Hall shown in the linked section of this article:


    This in no way excuses China’s repressive measures, but the Protestant hypocrisy is extraordinary.  For these children of the Chinese Communist revolutionaries (and their forebears in France, Russia, etc.) are, in the end, only carrying on the legacy of the Protestants (and the Roman Catholic popes) by overturning the received traditions and replacing them with new, self-created ones.

    The Future of the West

    How does one even begin to close an essay like this, cataloguing such inhuman evil in the West?  Only one word seems appropriate:  Repent.

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    The Medes will not return! The Freemasonic Forgery of a ‘Kurdish Nation’ and the US False Christians

    How Historical Falsifications Go Viral

    By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

    Ancient Medes, their Precarious Empire, and the Historical Truth

    Few remember today the Ancient Medes, one of the Iranian nations that rose to prominence in the Ancient Orient when, making an alliance with the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, managed to eliminate the few remaining Assyrian garrisons from the abandoned heartland of the Assyrian Empire and, with his Babylonian ally, divide the greatest empire that had grown in the then 2500 years old History of the Mankind. The Median Empire flourished under king Cyaxares (625 – 585 BCE), known as Umakishtar to Assyrians and Babylonians and as Uvak-shatra to Medes and Persians; today, his name in English is derived from the Ancient Greek deformation of the Assyrian-Babylonian name.

    Modern maps reflecting political needs of the colonial powers are the result of the forgery of Freemasonic and Zionist Orientalists, who are payed (: bribed) to write what is convenient for those who spread animosity, enmity, fratricidal wars, and bloody conflicts; that’s why these maps show a huge empire of Media stretching from today’s Central Turkey to …. Kyrgyzstan ( ! ). These maps are entirely false. Media was smaller than Babylonia. It certainly spanned from Central Turkey to Central Iran, but neither Fars (today’s Iran’s south) nor Khorasan (today’s Iran’s northeast) were controlled by Cyaxares – let alone territories further to the east.

    Map forgery carried out to portray the Median Empire more than double of what its was in historical reality

    Made by paranoid, hysterical and heinous pseudo-Christians, Zionists and Freemasons – who quite shamefully revile personally, and fill their sick hearts with great hatred against, the illustrious Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar who turned the tiny and worthless state of Judah to ashes, transporting  its entire population captive to Babylonia -, these fake maps only help these pseudo-Christians implement their odium by dramatically reducing the demarcated Babylonian borderlines as much as possible ( !! ). It sounds childish and sick, but it is true; these forgers of Ancient Oriental History do therefore their ingenious best to deliver a minimalistic view of Babylonia stretching only between today’s southern Iraq and Palestine. That’s absolutely false and totally ridiculous.

    The last (and weakest) Babylonian king Nabonidus’ second palace was located nowhere else than in Tayma, an oasis not far from Yathribu, which is the Assyrian-Babylonian name of Yathrib, the pre-Islamic name of Medina. In fact, it was not a matter of the last Babylonian King. For almost two centuries before Nabonidus, the successive Assyrian Sargonid Emperors and Babylonian Nabonid Kings controlled the northern half of the Arabian Peninsula and received tribute from the vassal Yemenite states of the peninsula’s southern.

    This is a brief excerpt from a scholarly, albeit summarizing, presentation of the archaeological evidence in Aramaic (administrative language of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom) that was unearthed in the area:

    “Aramaic was probably introduced into North Arabia as an official written language by the last king of Babylon, Nabonidus. In 553 BC, he conquered Taymāʾ, Dadan (modern al-ʿUlā), Yathrib (modern Medina) and three other oases on the frankincense route and stayed at Taymāʾ for 10 years. Since Imperial (or Official) Aramaic was the administrative language of the Neo-Babylonian empire, it would almost certainly have been used by Nabonidus’ officials in Taymāʾ, though we know that some of them could also write in Taymanitic, and some fragmentary cuneiform inscriptions from this period have also been found in the excavations. After Nabonidus returned to Babylon in 543 BC, it appears that Imperial Aramaic remained one of the written languages at Taymāʾ and seems gradually to have displaced Taymanitic”. (from: OCIANA – Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia / .

    Introductory readings can be found here: / / /

    To continue about Cyaxares, we know quite well that his capital was located at Ecbatana (Hangmatana in Old Achaemenid Persian), which is today’s Hamadan (NW Iran), and that the Median capital was protected by seven concentric walls. However, the Medes were a very small people, and the fact that they controlled an already large (for their capacities) territory did not bode well for the future of the newly risen kingdom. Their homeland constituted a minimal portion of the territory they controlled, and north of Media was located Atropatene (Azerbaijan) that stretched from the Middle Zagros Mountains to Caucasus and the Caspian Sea. With a multitude of nations under their control in Anatolia (today’s Turkey) in the west and with a rising strong Persian kingdom in the southeast of their country, the Medes could not last long due to the total lack of homogeneity in their territory, and to the weakness of their traditions. When Cyaxares died fighting against Lydia in the west, it became clear that the days of Media were numbered.

    And truly, few decades later, Cyaxares’ granddaughter Mandane’s son, the Persian King Kurosh (Cyrus) – thanks to the mixed marriage of his father – united once forever Media and Persia (550 BCE), only to subsequently add other Iranian plateau territories (through suppression of minor rulers), Eastern Anatolia (already a Median territory), the kingdom of Lydia (Western Anatolia), and more importantly, Babylonia itself in 539 BCE. There is an enormous literature available in different ancient sources (Babylonian, Old Achaemenid Persian, Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew) about Cyrus whereby historical truth is perplexedly intertwined with legends, involving a great deal of eulogy and mythologizing. But the Median Empire’s only posterior memory is to be retraced in the the Achaemenid Persian Empire of Iran. The Ancient Greeks may have called their wars with the Iranian Empire (which are today conventionally called ‘the Greco-Persian Wars’) ‘τά Μηδικά’ (the Median affairs), but in reality, there were only few thousands of Medes fighting in South Balkan lands in the early 5th c. BCE.

    There has not been found even one inscription in Median language thus far, and it is quite possible that the mother tongue of king Cyaxares was actually never written. The only pre-Achaemenid inscription unearthed thus far is written in Assyrian-Babylonian cuneiform, which is quite normal because the western half of Iran was integral part of the Sargonid Empire (722 – 609 BCE) at least until the end of Ashurbanipal’s reign (669 – 625). What is reconstructed by modern linguists, epigraphists, philologists and historians as Median language is just a list of unusual occurrences in Old Achaemenid Persian inscriptions that are considered loanwords from the Median.

    This is the brief diagram of the historical reality as known to us through an objective, neutral, and unbiased reconstruction of the Antiquity on the basis of philological and archaeological evidence.

    Ancient Medes: totally Unrelated to Different Modern Nations that have been criminally Baptized as ‘Kurds’

    Now from this point up to making of Cyaxares the …. ancestor of many – different from one another – nations that live today from Zagros Mountains (in the borders between Iran and Iraq) to the eastern plains of Syria to the Antitaurus Mountains (SE Turkey) there is as much distance as between the serious and the ridiculous.

    In a previous article and video-presentation (https://www.turkishnews.com/en/content/2014/09/07/there-is-no-kurdish-nation-it-is-a-freemasonic-colonial-orientalist-hoax/ – https://www.turkishnews.com/en/content/2014/09/19/there-is-no-kurdish-nation-unmasking-an-orientalist-fabrication-able-only-to-generate-conflicts/ –

    I demonstrated that there is no Kurdish Nation, and that the collective appellation, which has been given in Arabic (Akrad) to the – different from one another nations – that live in the aforementioned geographical area, and which is translated in Modern English as ‘Kurds’, cannot be considered as the ethnic name of one nation, due to the tremendous racial, linguistic, religious, and cultural differences that exist among the different ethno-religious entities regrouped under this appellation.

    The vicious plan providing for a state named ‘Kurdistan’ was conceived by French, English and American Orientalists, and other Freemasonic agents, politicians and diplomats, and the entire preparation has lasted decades. In the process, for the fake nation, a fake historicity was sought after, and the result ended with the usurpation of the Median past and heritage, which was conveniently and suitably attributed to the past-less ‘Kurds’, who certainly cannot have one common past and heritage, because they are not one nation but many.

    Even worse, all these different modern nations (Kurmanji, Zaza, Sorani, Gorani, Hawrami, Faili, Yazidi, Ahl-e Haq to name only the major ethno-religious groups among those who are fallaciously named ‘Kurds’) do not have written monuments in their respective languages (which are of course different from one another) that go beyond 500-600 years. Before that level, all these modern nations are known through very few references in other languages (Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Azeri, Armenian, Syriac Aramaic, Georgian), but the scarce textual evidence is not enough to duly reconstruct their past. Earlier mentions in ancient languages (Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Achaemenid Persian, and even Assyrian-Babylonian) are even scarcer and cannot help us understand whether they all refer to the same ethnic group or different.

    We cannot conclude whether the Assyrian-Babylonian ‘Zikurtu’, the Old Achaemenid Persian ‘Asagartiya’, the Ancient Greek ‘Kardouhoi’, the Ancient Roman ‘Cyrtii’ and the land known as Gordyene in Ancient Greek and Latin have anything to do

    1. with one another, and/or
    2. with one of the modern Kurmanji, Zaza, Sorani, Gorani, Hawrami, and Faili – the main ethno-linguistic groups that are mistakenly called altogether as ‘Kurds’.

    Attributing to these disparate ethnic elements an almost totally undocumented past (the Median heritage) is purely absurd and testifies only to extremely vicious and even criminal needs of distortion and falsification. In fact, the Medes did not have any posteriority after the end of the Achaemenid Empire and its substitution by the ephemeral empire of Alexander the Great. The term ‘Media’ was shrunken into a merely geographic description; the Medes were certainly assimilated to the Atropatene Azeris and/or to Persians, and no Median cultural identity can be traced in any possible way during the subsequent periods of Seleucid (312 – 63 BCE), Arsacid (250 BCE – 224 CE) and Sassanid (224 – 651 CE) rule.

    The Ludicrous Usurpation of the Median Past by bogus-Kurdish Nationalists – agents of the Intelligence Service

    The story of this purely childish effort can make every saddened heart explode in laughter. At the very beginning of the falsehood about a hypothetical connection between the extinct ancient nation of the Medes and the non existent nation of the ‘Kurds’, one finds an unfortunate Iraqi Sorani young man who died under mysterious circumstances (most probably assassinated by the English secret services because he knew ‘too much’ of their internships and projects, while failing to keep his mouth closed) and in very young age and after never having studied History. This is Yûnis Reuf (1918–1948), who is widely known through his pen name Dildar (an Indian name that no Sorani Iraqi would have ever imagined to use it for himself because simply no one knew in Iraq this name at that time – and actually before being used as pen name, this name was his code name among the English secret services agents and diplomats who were those who made the name known to his silly bearer). Yûnis Reuf was a naive, idealistic, enthusiastic, daydreaming, and rather romantic youngster who failed to identify the criminal minds and the heinous hearts that were hidden behind the smiley faces of the Baghdad-based English gangsters, i.e. all those who befriended him for a while (before poisoning him and only after they extracted from him what they intended to duly utilize for their ignominious purposes). Born in Koy Sanjaq, near Suleymaniyeh, ‘Dildar’ studied Law in Baghdad, and there he was picked up by the English agents who used to include in their payroll youngsters originating from different ethnic background as tools for their nefarious and evil colonial rule that brought about the destruction that we have attested in the ancient land of Mesopotamia over the past decades.

    During the period he is referred to as imprisoned ), he was in fact interned, and then he attended various seminars offered to duly selected audience by distinct members of the perfidious and criminal, colonial elite including Max Mallowan, the Assyriologist and archaeologist who happened also to be the husband of Agatha Christie.

    During this process of falsehood indoctrination (I should say intoxication), he was told all the irrelevant points of which he made the cornerstones of his misplaced, baseless and futile ‘nationalism’. Ideas of a ‘Kurdish’ past related to the Medes (of whom he had never heard before) were deleteriously instilled into his ignorant mind, while his youthful and innocent enthusiasm was criminally exploited in a way to make him deliver in Sorani poetry what the English wanted the Soranis to be stupid enough to believe.

    The rest was easy. ‘Dildar’ composed in Sorani (there is no ‘Kurdish’ language) the silly and heinous pseudo-poem Ey Reqib, and his colonial masters – happy that after 20 years of murderous, illegal presence on Ottoman territory they had in their dirty hands at last a useful document written by a naive, idiotic and therefore easily manipulated local youngster – managed within no time that the ‘poem’ was accepted by their other ‘Kurdish’ stooges as a ‘national anthem’ of the bogus-Kurdish nation that they intended to create. More about the fake anthem of the bogus nation can be read here:

    Simple philological analysis can prove that the ‘poem’ is not a normal national anthem. National anthems reflect the identity of one nation or the aspiration of one people at a particular moment. In striking contradiction with what a national anthem is or can be, this ‘poem’ defines the supposed nation for which it is written as per their imaginary opponent! Ey Reqib (which is both the title and the first verse) in Sorani means ‘oh enemy’. The pathetic verses of the pseudo-poem constitute a series of affirmations so viciously Freemasonic of content that certainly not one Sorani, Gorani, Zaza, Kurmanji, etc. would dare accept. Through English treachery, mendacity, and perfidy, people who have nothing in common as ethno-religious groups are made to believe that (as one verse states) “Kurdistan is our religion”. This is a shame and an abomination for every Muslim, Yazidi or Ahl-e Haq (the main religions among all these different nations of which the villainous gangsters of the Freemasonic lodges intend to make one monstrous ‘Kurdish’ fabrication).

    In the worthless text, which comprises of just 20 verses, the sentences “Let no one say Kurds are dead, they are living. They live and never shall we lower our flag” are repeated five times, being thus half of the rather short ‘anthem’!

    However, in the fourth stanza, it is stated in Sorani that “Ême roley Mîdya u Keyxusrewîn”. This is the first time the word Mîdya is written or said in Sorani, because no local had studied Orientalism and Iranology until that time in order to come across with this ancient nation which is not mentioned in Arabic, Farsi, Turkish and Azeri literature – let alone the literature of the indigenous Sorani, Gorani, Zaza, Kurmanji, etc.

    It is really cute to notice that the naive boy that composed the worthless verse did not even bother to localize in his native language the previously unknown to him, English name of the ancient kingdom, and so ‘Media’ was merely transliterated into Mîdya without the slightest effort of an eventual localization – Midistan, etc.!

    Translated in English, this verse reads: “We are the descendants of Media and Keykhosrow”. However, in the conventionally accepted and diffused, false English translation of the Sorani verse, ‘Media’ is replaced by ‘Medes’. This is an enormous falsification, because ‘the descendents of Media’ can mean in general the heirs of earlier civilizations developed by other nations on the same land, which poses no problem as it can be a normal case of cultural historicity. Quite contrarily to this, the false translation presents today’s bogus-Kurds as the offspring of the Ancient Medes, which is absolutely wrong and absurd.

    What is really comical as falsification and, at the same time, demonstrates how fake the whole effort is can be attested in the false translation of the verse’s last word, e.g, the name Keykhosrow (‘Keyxusrewîn’).

    Who is Keykhosrow?

    Conventionally written in English as Kai Khosrow or Kay Khosrow, the legendary king is attested in Iranian and Azeri literature that goes as back as the 10th c. CE and reflects views over the origins of the Central Asiatic civilization, namely an heroic era of mythical kings, of their deeds of their and exploits, at a historically undefined time, when prevalence, superiority and sovereignty was vindicated by both, Turks and Persians, who – according to the narrative – are in fact the offspring of the same royal family.

    Certainly, this heroic king’s name was not invented in the 10th c. CE as it is attested in earlier texts and even in the Avesta. But the Avestan term Kavi Husravah does not mean any legendary king but the ideal, primordial concept of fame. In other words, within different religious-cultural backgrounds the same name takes diverse connotations – Zoroastrian, Zendist, Mazdeist, etc., and the latest connotation is the Islamic Iranian one within which the earlier concept of fame is merely personified as a famous king.

    Reading and interpreting epic poems like the famous Shahname by Ferdowsi (10th c. CE) is totally out of the limits of the present article, but here we have to stress the point that there are several different compositions and narratives of the same epic circle and they all reflect varied interpretations, Azeri / Turkic or Persian, of the common, Central Asiatic heritage and past that these nations had recorded  to have had. One must add at this point that the epic circle in and by itself demolishes the modern linguists’ long venerated assumption of a division between two distinct ethno-linguistic groups, namely the Indo-European and the Uralo-Altaic (or Turco-Mongolian); however, this is a different topic.

    On the other hand, one must specify that the consideration of ‘Iran’ as a matter of Persian history, homeland, nation, language, culture and civilization is only the result of Western Orientalist and Iranologist biases. Of course, this forgery was subsequently utilized by Persian nationalists, who turned the Iranian Empire into a nationalist monarchy under the pseudo-dynasty of Pahlavi, but this consists in a typical nationalistic nonsense. Iran is equally Azeri / Turkic and Persian, and the full proof for this is demonstrated by the fact that several Seljuk (Turkish) Sultans were also named Kay Khosrow. In fact, different narratives and diverse interpretations of the same heroic era heritage were equally appropriated by Azeris / Turks and Persians.

    About the legendary king, introductory information can be found here: / http://www.cais-soas.com/CAIS/Literature/Shahnameh/keykhosrow.htm

    About the three Seljuk Turkish historical kings, basic info can be read here: / /
    A last point that I would like to add to the aforementioned is that it is not only for the name Kay Khosrow that a) the aforementioned set of the existing different connotations as per diverse religious context and b) the Azeri / Turkish – Persian polarization can be encountered. Other names, like Kay Kaus, Kay Qubad, etc. present respective parallels at both levels, a and b – each involving several different connotations (Zoroastrian, Zendist, Mazdeist, etc.) and the said polarization.

    – What is the relation that Kay Khosrow may have with the Soranis and the other nations that the Western colonial forgers regroup under the name of ‘Kurds’?

    – Ethnically – racially none, but culturally great!

    The mention of Kay Khosrow in the few childish verses composed by ‘Dildar’ to be selected by the English colonials, and by their idiotic pseudo-‘Kurdish’ stooges, as ‘Kurdish’ national anthem (Ey Reqib) reveals only the following points:

    1- there was a tremendous cultural impact, exercised on two axes, namely a) Seljuk – Ottoman (Turkish) over the Kurmanji and the Zaza and b) Timurid – Safavid – Afhar – Zend – Qajar (Iranian, so partly Persian and partly Azeri / Turkish) over the Sorani and the Gorani

    2- there was a sheer identification of the diverse small nations (that today’s colonials attempt to portray them as one and independent ‘Kurdish’ nation) with the common Turkish – Azeri – Iranian historical and mythical national background,

    3- there was an evident overwhelming appropriation of Turkish – Azeri – Iranian concepts, values and virtues, ideals, prototypes and paradigms for the social-behavioral and cultural life’s needs of these marginal mountainous nations that did not have a significant heritage of their own, and

    4- Turkish – Azeri – Iranian concepts, values and virtues, ideals, prototypes and paradigms prevailed even in the minds of those selected in Iraq by the English colonials as their own tools as recently as the middle of the 20th c.

    Now, it is high time for me to unveil why I started my article by expanding briefly on Cyaxares, the only significant king of the Ancient Medes. The reason is that the UK-US bribed, fake Kurdish gangsters, who – in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran – promote the fake Kurdish nationalism and demand an independent Kurdistan, have been ‘taught’ by their secret Western masters to posture as the descendents of Cyaxares!

    – What is their proof?

    The false English translation of the verse of the fake national anthem Ey Reqîb that refers to Kay Khosrow!

    The Sorani verse “Ême roley Mîdya u Keyxusrewîn” was falsely translated in English as “We are the descendants of the Medes and Cyaxares” (see Wikipedia link above), and this is presented by the idiotic thugs of the fake Kurdish nationalism, the likes of Talabani and Barzani, as the ‘proof’ of their supposedly Median ancestry.

    Why do I specify that these idiotic thugs and gangsters have been taught all this fallacious nonsense by their Freemasonic / Zionist masters?

    Simply because not one Sorani or Kurmanji specialized in Old Achaemenid Persian (cuneiform), Ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew to have thus direct access to original sources and subsequently form a correct view of the specific historical period to which it is impossible to establish any link for themselves and their resolutely non-Median past.

    All the bribed fake Kurdish nationalists repeat therefore the lies and the falsehood that the incestuous Freemasonic tyrants, diplomats and agents of France, England, Holland, Canada, America and Australia and the inhuman beasts of the fake, Anti-Jewish state of Israel order them to say, although it is very well known that all their instructions are false and that ‘Key Khosrow’ cannot possibly be translated as ‘Cyaxares’!

    Fake Christians propagating the Anti-Christian, Satanic Falsehood

    It would however be wrong to imagine that the pathetic and ignorant fake Kurdish thugs are the only victims to have been misled and deceived through the Satanic poison that the Anti-Christian rulers of the Freemasonic – Zionist tyrannies of the West have systematically and incessantly diffused. There are many millions of Western fake Christians who are equally or even worse victimized. How? By unquestionably accepting the aforementioned falsehood as truth and by trying to adjust it to their evil ministries and childish teachings.

    Scores of ‘pastors’, ‘ministers’ and other ignorant commentators – of all sorts of heretical backgrounds involving Protestant, Evangelical, Baptist, Anabaptist, Pentecostal, Methodist and other villainous deviations – ‘inform’ their supposedly Christian, but genuinely unsuspicious, naive and gullible readership about the plans of their criminal and Satanic elites that these pseudo-Christian ‘ministers’ serve by deceitfully presenting these plans as godly of origin (which is a foremost sin) and as supposedly prophesied across their misinterpreted Bibles!

    Their followers, all those who accept the filthy scam, are being used by the ruling Freemasonic – Zionist, Satanic elites of America, France, England and their allies. By accepting this falsehood, sizable Christian populations are demotivated from scrupulously examining the Christian or Anti-Christian character of their rulers’ deeds, plans and policies and thus remain inactivated, pathetic and lethargic, which in turn eliminates obstacles and reactions from the path of their rulers towards establishing a global Satanic state of falsehood and distortion.

    Even worse, the devilish ‘pastors’ and ‘ministers’, by identifying the Satanic policies and deeds of the Western rulers with supposedly Biblical prophecies and with the will of God, force their followers into slavery and submission to Satan, as they – by rejecting the historical truth and deeply plunging into ignorance – directly oppose Jesus’ order “Γνώσεσθε τὴν ἀλήθειαν, καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς” (Vulgata:  “et cognoscetis veritatem et veritas liberabit vos” / English: And shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free – from John 8:32).

    You probably don’t know Jack Kelley; you certainly don’t miss much. This ignorant and uneducated person found it necessary to compose a nonsensical article under title ‘The Return of the Medes’ ). The article starts with a fake map of an otherwise non existent country, ‘Kurdistan’. Not even in their wildest dreams did the fake Kurdish thugs and gangsters (who are closely guided controlled by the Satanic organizations CIA and the Mossad) dare to imagine that such a big bone would be thrown to them! Fake, non-existent Kurdistan is depicted in extraordinary dimensions on this forged map in order to look as vast as the precarious Median Empire!

    Map forgery included in the ridiculous, false article published by the False Prophet Jack Kelley

    Do you know what exactly the Anti-Christian gangster Jack Kelley does by suggesting the formation of a fake this big?

    He heralds the butchery of the Oriental Christians of Urumiyeh, Salmas, Miandoab and other locations in Iran who are presented as forthcoming subjects of the fake Kurdish state, since all these cities and the surrounding territories of the Iranian provinces of West and East Azerbaijan have been included in the fictional state that Jack Kelley’s criminal masters want to set up. To serve his Satanic masters, the inhuman beasts of the CIA and the Mossad, this false preacher does not give a damn about the fate of the true Christians – which in and by itself is the best proof that he is a Satanist impersonating the Christian priest. I can already see Aramaean Christian blood in Jack Kelley’s hands because, if such an evil state is formed, the Christians will be the first targeted by the fake Kurdish nationalists and their lawless militias.

    This silly person, who never attended the first hour of a first year course in History of Ancient Iran, repeats the hereby refuted falsehood of the Median ancestry of the non-existent Kurdish nation (“The Kurds are the modern descendants of the Medes”) in his trashy text, which is full of stupid mistakes, nonsensical assumptions, and deliberate distortions. In fact, every line of his text is full of mistakes.

    Example: “The Medes, an Indo-European people who were joined by the Persians in their successful effort to overthrow Babylon and establish themselves as a world power in the 6th century BC”!

    This pathetic and dangerous liar ignores that the Medes were not joined by the Persians in any effort against Babylon, simply because the Persians merged with Media by means of mixed royal marriage of Cyrus’ father, and that the unification of the two kingdoms (Media and Persia) took place more than a decade before Iran attacked Babylonia.

    Why does this ludicrous Kelley man want to desperately include the Medes in the invasion of Babylonia which was undertaken exclusively by the Persians under Cyrus? The reason is simple. The Western pseudo-Christians’ and Satanists’ ‘art’ of impressing innocent and naive Western Christian readership involves the establishment of parallels between a misinterpreted past and a falsely prophesied future. Scores of villainous gangsters, who incessantly, purposefully and mercilessly kill Christians’ souls – through lies, systematic falsehood, and multilevel deception – insist on ‘inventing’ prophetic parallels in past events and teach their otherwise unsophisticated audiences that what happened in the past was an archetypal form of crucial events that ‘will’ happen at the End of Times. In fact, they commit a double forgery; they misinterpret several excerpts from prophetic – apocalyptic texts, then they deliberately falsify the past events as per their needs, and at the end, they establish the parallelism, thus uttering their bogus prophecies!

    Concerning the ludicrous assumption of a double Median-Kurdish (past and future) Anti-Babylonian action, Jack Kelley’s paranoid forgery involves the following 3-step argumentation and the ensuing conclusion:

    1. The Medes overthrew Babylonia (which is proven wrong).
    1. The Medes are the ancestors of the ‘Kurds’ (which is proven wrong).
    1. So, the ‘Kurds’ will overthrow Babylonia at the End of Time.

    – That’s why the West should help ‘Kurds’ setup their state, so that they later overthrow …. Babylonia (that does not exist anymore, but the idiotic author makes a laughable effort to resuscitate it!!).

    What does Jack Kelley does not say?

    He does not confess that he intends to write another ‘article’ in the future, and similarly ‘prove’ to his unfortunate readership that today’s ‘Babylonia’ is Islam or Turkey or Saudi Arabia and that the ‘allegorical’ notion of the Biblical term has been meanwhile ( ! ? ) transferred to Istanbul, Medina, Mecca or any other place whereby his shadowy masters and payers may order him to locate it!!

    So, unrelated to the Medes and non-existent as one nation, the fake Kurds are ‘prophesied’ by this vicious liar to become “God’s agency for the never before fulfilled judgment against Babylon at the End of the Age”. And although ‘Babylon’ is a metaphor within Biblical and Christian prophetic texts (so, totally unrelated to any possible ‘state’, past or future), the miserable and idiotic liar Jack Kelley tries to identify it with the location of the ancient Mesopotamian city!!

    This is a brief part of his toxic text: “Those who say the restoration of Babylon will require billions of dollars and many years have not considered that its preparation has been under way for several years now. For example, if you take a close look at the dimensions and capabilities of the US embassy in Baghdad you will see how easily it could be converted into a world governmental headquarters. With a compound covering 104 acres, it is the largest and most expensive embassy in the world, and is nearly as large as Vatican City. Babylon is only about an hour away by car.

    In addition, one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces sits on a hill overlooking ancient Babylon and has been completely restored as a hotel and tourist destination. It could easily house the anti-Christ and his entourage.  And there are several large military installations nearby as well.  In short, preparing Babylon to become the capitol of the world won’t take anywhere near as long as most people think.  And remember, this is Satan’s city on Earth”.

    Do you want to know how it will all end?

    False Prophet Jack Kelley has it ready for you in his McDonald’s style ‘prophecy’: “Through the Kurds, the Medes have stepped out of history and onto the world stage once again, and another player in the End Times Scenario is taking its place. One day soon, the King of the Medes will again lead a vast army against Babylon, and this time her destruction will be complete, and the Lord’s words will be fulfilled”. Absolute nonsense and deliberate forgery for which Jack Kelley will be deservedly thrown in the bottomless pit.

    So, now you understand that, when you read in Matthew 24:4 “Βλέπετε μή τις ὑμᾶς πλανήσῃ” (Vulgata: “videte ne seducamini ” – English: See that no one mislead you), you know that Christians have already been ordered to reject the vicious fallacy of Jack Kelley.

    Where does Jack Kelley’s mistake lie?

    His reading of the Biblical and Christian texts is very superficial, schematic, immoralist and materialistic. He views these texts, which are above all reflecting moral standards and principles, eternal values and virtues, as simple mechanical tools able to be adjusted to his dirty heart’s vicious plans and desires that are all materialistic of nature. There is no spirituality and there is no morality in the Biblical texts in the way he reads them. I will terminate my article with an example. His worthless text starts with a Biblical excerpt referring to the Ancient Medes (the true ones, who are unrelated to today’s fake Kurds).

    This is the Biblical text’s English translation that he has chosen: “See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants nor will they look with compassion on children. Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the glory of the Babylonians’ pride, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. She will never be inhabited or lived in through all generations; no Arab will pitch his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flocks there”. (Isaiah 13:17-20)

    This text should not be taken as historically wrong because it mentions Medes and not Persians destroying Babylon; the selection of the ethnic names by scribes, translators and copyists in the Antiquity reveals several times a preference for a certain archaic style, and one has to take into consideration that the Septuagint (the 72 scholars), who translated from Biblical Hebrew to Ancient Greek the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), delivered their work to Pharaoh Ptolemy II in Alexandria 250 years after the Persian invasion of Babylonia (539 BCE). Even more so because the Achaemenid Empire of Cyrus had already ceased to exist in their time, following the conquests of Alexander the Great that took place at least 50 years before the Jewish scholars traveled to the Mediterranean city where they worked on this project in a royal facility made available to them at the island of Pharos.

    However, the first sentence of the text is a key for us to understand the moral standards involved in Hebrew god’s decision to use a nation against another as chastisement. The Medes, as per the text, “do not care for silver and have no delight in gold”. This sets a very specific contextualization of how things like that can happen. The Medes are described as fully disinterested in materialistic goods, because even the two most precious metals of those days did not attract their attention.

    This irrevocably concludes the case of the corrupt mind and worthless text of the False Prophet Jack Kelley. Even if today’s fake nation of the so-called ‘Kurds’ had been a true nation (and not a collective appellation of many different nations that evil colonial interests want to put together in the next ‘fratricidal’ scheme), even if today’s ‘Kurds’ as a hypothetically one nation had been the latest offspring of the Ancient nation of the Medes (which is certainly not the case), today’s ‘Kurds’ – in order to be eventually used again by the Hebrew god for the role that the ignorant author pretends that they will play – would have obligatorily reflected the same moral principles, concepts, values and virtues as those attributed by the Biblical text to the Ancient Medes (meant by the Septuagint translators as ‘Persians’).

    Anyone who lives in our world knows that the fake Kurdish nationalists and their thuggish leaders, who are the puppets of France, England, America and Israel, are lewd and villainous persons of exclusively materialist interests of the lowest sort. These are the gangsters who killed scores of Iraqi Turkmen in order to ensure some millions of petrodollars for their filthy bank accounts and disreputable pockets. These are the inhuman beasts who can let others (particularly the Christian Aramaeans) die if this is the way their Satanic masters order them to act (they did so in Mosul where they had the time to prepare for battle when they first got the news of the ISIS plan – but their CIA / Mossad masters ordered them to abstain from any involvement). These are the masters of corruption, perversion, and lawlessness; they sell drugs wherever they settle and they manage their illegal business of human trafficking which has marked an extraordinary growth over the past 11 years. They feel no moral compunction to perform the most monstrous deeds for a handful of dollars. Only a False Prophet would find in them the tool of his god, but this lower god’s name would be Satan. And the False Messiah that a False Prophet like Jack Kelley expects is only the Antichrist (Masih Dajjal) and none else.

    The very bad news for America’s fake Christians and False Prophets is that a genuine interpretation of sacred texts reflecting moral values cannot be undertaken by people who find it normal to live in a genocidal country that has systematically and mercilessly persecuted the indigenous population of the occupied territories for more than two centuries in the most abominable manner.

    Truth and Faith do not permit a country to have Wall Street or Federal Reserve. If there are true Christians in America, their only possible target is the immediate rejection of the Satanic tyranny that has been imposed on them and on their forefathers since Day 1 the cursed Freemasonic – Zionist state was incepted.

  • To be or not to be – Western Questions about ISIS and Islam reveal the Collapse of Christianity

    To be or not to be – Western Questions about ISIS and Islam reveal the Collapse of Christianity

    By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis


    Refutation of Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer’s article ‘Is ISIS Islamic?’



    The true Caliphate – this is what the Freemasonic, Zionist gangsters of the West wanted to destroy.

    ISIS 1

    The fake Caliphate – this is what the Freemasonic, Zionist gangsters of the West wanted to bring forth in order to totally eliminate Islam in the process.

    In a previous article under title ‘Ottoman Empire, Fake ‘Middle East’, the Pseudo-Christians of the West, and the Forthcoming Tribulation’ , I analyzed why the Western Christians’ stance towards their governments’ policies against the Ottoman Empire and its detached provinces (the technical entities of the so-called ‘Middle East’) is very wrong, definitely immoral, and in total contradiction with the Christian principles, values and virtues. I concluded that a great number of nominal Christians, who approved of the evil policies and deeds of the Western governments, are in reality pseudo-Christians irrespective of what they may think they are.


    In a world engulfed in the worst crisis of identity of all times, it is only normal that doubts are raised as regards the identity of the ‘other.’ Only yesterday, Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer, who specializes in ‘global religion’ – a non-existent entity – questioned in an article the identity of ISIS (Is ISIS Islamic? / .


    Quite interestingly, under the title, a motto gives the summarizing idea of the article (“Every religion has its dark sides, but the conflict is about politics.”). This is absolutely irrelevant; dark sides in a religion are what you don’t know of that religion. They don’t exist by themselves. No religion has ever had any dark side whatsoever. And all conflicts about politics cannot be deprived of their own religious dimension, because everything in a human society hinges on the spiritual belief or disbelief. Atheists are religious too; they are slaves of Satan either they understand it or not. Their theory and their rejection of God is a form of Satanic faith.


    When one starts with so many preconceived ideas as the global religion theoretician Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer, his approach is doomed to fail, but this does not originate from the lack of knowledge of the ‘other side’. And Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer’s main problem is not his lack of insightful knowledge about both, the Islamic world and ISIS itself. The article reveals a serious problem of Christian identity and for this reason I intended to comment on it. I think that my comments will be useful to both, Christians and Muslims.


    The author of the article tries to implement the following simplistic logic: if we hold the Ku Klux Klan in the US and the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda as ‘Christian’, then we can consider ISIS as ‘Islamic’. This sort of approach does not clarify anything, and rather creates further confusion among both, Christians and Muslims. Generally speaking, I understand and accept the approach through analogy, but to implement this method in your text, you’ve got to select very firm examples. Yes, it is correct to say ‘if we hold the New and the Old Testament as holy books for the Christians, then we can consider the Quran as holy book for Muslims’. Beyond the limit of such comparisons, we can achieve minimal result through analogy and at times lose clarity.


    There is always a very serious mistake in every approach that avoids a proper, direct definition and attempts to define something through its opposite. If you want to define Christianity, you cannot possibly be as vague as you are when saying ‘Christianity is something other than / different from Ku Klux Klan’ (or the LRA). Ditto for the Islamic World.


    It is really gross to try to define Christianity as the antithesis of what the author calls the LRA ‘a terrible terrorist organization’! Who can expect a religion to possibly be ‘a terrible terrorist organization’? No one!


    In addition, there are in Uganda hundreds of thousands if not millions of simple people who, if not terrorized, will have the courage to state that the LRA is NOT a terrorist organization – or if you want not as terrorist as the execrable, racist Ugandan government. And who is authorized to speak about ‘terrorism’? The global mass media? Or the defenders of a non-existent ‘global religion’?


    But the term ‘terrorism’ (or ‘terrorist’) is an unhistorical fabrication that was composed only recently as a vicious tool of the world’s most evil, most villainous, and most dictatorial regimes, the likes of America, England and France. It has no credibility, and above all, it is used within political context. Why on Earth a scholar and an academic feels the need to confuse his readers so much as to mention a political term when he talks about religion?


    Whatever Christianity has been or has not been or may have been, it is certainly something unrelated to modern political terms; even more so if these terms are recently invented as result of scheming and propaganda and therefore fully rejected by vast populations worldwide.


    However, the use of brutal manners in order to achieve power that will later consolidate the survival and the propagation of a faith, a religion, a sect or a secret order-organization is widely attested in almost every religion, culture, nation and period.


    There are many historical examples in this regard. The Ismailiyah Order of the Shia Muslims, who were also called Hashashin (because their leader, the famous ‘Elder of the Mountain’ administered the proper dose of hashish to his disciples in order to duly instrumentalize and effectively utilize them for his purposes) and were known to Marco Polo (he called them Assassins and this is how this word was first used in European languages), used to send members (their secret knights) to cross incredibly long distances to arrive where their target (a ruler, an military leader, an imam or other) lived and, by treacherously approaching, assassinate them. Should we call them ‘terrorists’? This would be utterly ridiculous.


    It is actually always pathetic and ludicrous to project one period’s / civilization’s / culture’s measures, values and criteria onto other periods, civilizations and cultures. One cannot evaluate others through use of one’s own criteria; every civilization, culture, religion, and historical period is an independent entity that no scholar can transform as per his theoretical needs in any way. The reason for this maxim is simple; by slightly transforming (through improper evaluation involving external criteria) a civilization, culture, religion, and historical period, a scholar only modifies and misinterprets it. This scholar is therefore speaking of a false entity that practically speaking never existed (except in his misinterpretation and imagination); thus, he only confuses his unfortunate readers.


    Another example is offered by the Christian Catholic Holy Inquisition. It is undisputed that this Holy Office carried out very brutal policies for long. Should we call it ‘terrorism’? This would also be utterly ludicrous.


    As the author is continuously avoiding a proper definition for what is ‘Islamic’ and what is not, the article is characterized by a personal, individualistic approach that is both, irrelevant and confusing. Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer implements again the analogy approach, but this time at the very personal level. He, as a Christian, dissociates himself from the Ugandan LRA and the American Ku Klux Klan, and he therefore postulates that, accordingly, ‘this is the same position most Muslims are in now with regard to ISIS’.


    This is very irrelevant because scholars are expected to include personal views and experience in their memoirs at the end of the their lives and not as supposedly convincing evidence in their articles and other publications. This style is very arrogant; in addition, it is very confusing because personal approaches do not constitute proper definitions. The sentence he makes is quiet evident: ‘As a Christian, I feel like they have nothing to do wit h me or with the Christianity that I know’. The last words reveal the extent of the problem; probably the globalist professor and specialist of the non existent ‘global’ religion ( !! ? !! )  does not know the Holy Inquisition, and consequently we can safely claim that he does not know Christianity well. And this is the problem for him and for all the misled and confused Christians of the West.


    Many people have been driven to the impasse of assuming a lot; one of their wrong assumptions is to take today’s fallen Christianity as the true Christianity. Similarly, in the Islamic world, there are many Muslims, who assume that today’s fallen Islam is the true Islam. Both groups fail to understand one another because they primarily fail to understand themselves and accurately specify how far they have gone from their respective religions, sailing adrift in the Sea of Relativism and Faithlessness.


    After the preliminary part of the article, its inconsistency turns it to a mere worthless piece. As the title obliges the author to give a definition of ISIS, the ‘global religion’ specialist or rather propagandist Mark Juergensmeyer enters into a series of mistakes while giving to his readers unexplained terms that are absolutely meaningless to the non-specialist.


    He says: ‘What makes things even more complicated is that ISIS bases its beliefs and actions on a form of Islamic interpretation called Salafism’.


    – Why on Earth is now the Salafist nature of ISIS (which is true and beyond any doubt) a problem?


    Let me make my position clear. In many articles, I denounced the Wahhabism (the correct term for Salafism) as a deformation of Islam. But Wahhabism (or if you want Salafism) is nothing new to the Western world’s academia and diplomats.


    To paraphrase Prof. Juergensmeyer, before any other institution on Earth, Saudi Arabiathe country that America catastrophically chose as its primary ally in the region before …. 70 years or, to put it otherwise, the country that England disastrously conspired with against the Ottoman Caliphate for more than 100 years before the fall of the Ottoman dynasty and continually ever since‘bases its beliefs and actions on a form of Islamic interpretation called Salafism’.


    What is Prof. Juergensmeyer talking about?


    If Saudi Arabia did not exist, there would never be an ISIS.


    What does Prof. Juergensmeyer want?


    Does he want ISIS to disappear and Saudi Arabia to survive?


    That’s silly.


    Because if Saudi Arabia continues existing, even if ISIS is mercilessly exterminated and all its members and fighters executed ( and this needs at least 50000 US soldiers in a large scale land attack and in coordination with the venerable president of Syria! ), there will be another ISIS, an ISIS bis if you want, or an ISES (Islamic State of Egypt and Sudan), an ISYA (Islamic State of Yemen and Arabia), or any combination of letters you may choose!


    As long as Saudi Arabia exists, Wahhabism will be its pseudo-Islamic state dogma, and through the filthy money of the inhuman gangsters who rule from Riyadh, Wahhabism will be diffused among the masses of Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia to the Muslim Diaspora worldwide.


    What is even worse is that Prof. Juergensmeyer fails again to either give a definition of Wahhabism (Salafism) or the historical perspective thereof; as a matter of fact, all the filthy and un-Islamic, dark and inhuman ideas that Muhammad Abdel Wahhab (the founder of Wahhabism) shaped and propagated during the 18th c. did not fall from the sky into his idiotic and ignorant mind. There has been an entire historical process within Islam (with heretic theologians preceding Muhammad Abdel Wahhab by 450 and 900 years) that led to this monstrous theological deformation of Islam. All this is unknown to the ‘global religion’ professor who writes about Islam without having a clue of all academic fields pertaining to the study of this historical – spiritual phenomenon.


    This is the historical reality, which is quite well known to specialists of Islamic History and Religion in the West, but it remains concealed, because it is politically disturbing and troublesome. If Wahhabism is not uprooted, if all the Wahhabi institutions across the world are not shut down, if a new class of Muslim intellectuals at the antipodes of Wahhabism is not formed, the explosive situation will only turn worse.


    First point of conclusion is therefore that Saudi Arabia and the Saudi family itself must be denounced as the only matrix of all evil across the Islamic world for the last 200 years, and an overwhelming attack against it must be undertaken in order to totally eliminate Riyadh and the villainous, heretic elite which from there managed to incessantly spread the evilness of Wahhabism worldwide.


    The confusing presentation of Prof. Juergensmeyer is due to the fact that he does not seek the historical, religious, cultural and theological truth, but only writes in order to serve political purposes and needs, preserve strategic alliances, and in the process, effectuate compromises. We saw these compromises in Mosul, in Sanjar and in Raqqah. These compromises are responsible for the evacuation of most of the Yazidis from their homelands; these compromises are the reason for the deracination of all the Aramaean Christians of Mosul; these compromises are the root cause of the hecatomb that the bloodthirsty vampires of ISIS want to deliver.


    For one more time, the ‘global religion’ specialist, Prof. Juergensmeyer, attempts a confusing definition through analogy! He writes: “The Salafi movement is similar to an extreme fundamentalism in Christianity”. This is an understatement; in addition, who can specify what ‘fundamentalism in Christianity’ means? This is not called ‘definition’ but ‘anyone’s guess’…

    It must however become crystal clear to Western readership that ISIS, Saudi Arabia, and Wahhabism, (Salafism) do not constitute any form of Islamic fundamentalism. They are heretic, so they cannot be held as Islamic in any sense. They are far and out of the foundations of Islam, so they cannot possibly be ‘fundamental’. Muhammad Abdel Wahhab in his days was considered as a heretic and a traitor by the Ottoman administration; the same evaluation concerned also the Ottoman Caliphate’s traitor and founder of the Satanic house of the Saudis.


    The two earlier Islamic theologians on whom Abdel Wahhab was based to produce his pseudo-Islamic trash, namely Ahmed ibn Taimiyah and Ahmed ibn Hanbal who lived in the 13th-14th c. and the 8th-9th c, respectively, were also considered as heretic in their times and duly imprisoned. They may be unknown to Prof. Juergensmeyer, but he should then abstain from writing purposelessly on issues he is not relevant of.


    The famous, 14th c. Moroccan traveler, explorer and scholar Ibn Battuta encountered in Damascus people who knew personally the evil, villainous and ignorant heretic Ibn Taimiyah who was then imprisoned. This is what the Islamic World’s most illustrious traveler wrote about the progenitor of Wahhabism:


    A controversial theologian  


    One of the principal Hanbalite doctors at Damascus was Taqi ad-Din Ibn Taymiya, a man of great ability and wide learning, but with some kink in his brain. The people of Damascus idolized him. He used to preach to them from the pulpit, and one day he made some statement that the other theologians disapproved; they carried the case to the sultan and in consequence Ibn Taymiya was imprisoned for some years. While he was in prison he wrote a commentary on the Koran, which he called ” The Ocean,” in about forty volumes. Later on his mother presented herself before the sultan and interceded for him, so he was set at liberty, until he did the same thing again. I was in Damascus at the time and attended the service which he was conducting one Friday, as he was addressing and admonishing the people from the pulpit. In the midst of his discourse he said “Verily God descends to the sky over our world [from Heaven] in the same bodily fashion that I make this descent,” and stepped down one step of the pulpit. A Malikite doctor present contradicted him and objected to his statement, but the common people rose up against this doctor and beat him with their hands and their shoes so severely that his turban fell off and disclosed a silken skull-cap on his head. Inveighing against him for wearing this, they haled him before the qadi of the Hanbalites, who ordered him to be imprisoned and afterwards had him beaten. The other doctors objected to this treatment and carried the matter before the principal amir, who wrote to the sultan about the matter and at the same time drew up a legal attestation against Ibn Taymiya for various heretical pronouncements. This deed was sent on to the sultan, who gave orders that Ibn Taymiya should be imprisoned in the citadel, and there he remained until his death.


    At a certain point in his article, Prof. Juergensmeyer makes a totally misleading statement (“So, yes, ISIS is ultimately Islamic – whether you like it or not”), which can have disastrous consequences on anyone who may happen to accept it. A heretic cannot be identified with the religion from which he was rejected. It is not a mere point of accuracy, but a critical issue of false target.


    Failing to understand this, he adds perjury to infamy, by completing his sentence with the following: “but it is certainly not the kind of Islam that most Muslims would accept or profess”.


    This is a pure lie. And more than a merely false point, it reflects the tendencies of the Western governments to totally conceal the truth from their peoples. First of all, no one has accurate estimates on the subject. Gallup polls in several Muslim countries are prohibited – particularly on a subject this critical -, whereas in the rest no Gallup polls have ever been conducted on issues as troublesome as that.


    However, there are many indicators that ISIS does truly reflect in a certain way the kind of false, heretic and decayed Islam that most Muslims accept and profess. If you make a list of what is correct as an act or practice of the Islamic way of both, personal life and social organization, including perhaps 500 detailed points accepted by the followers, the fighters and the leaders of ISIS, and then you submit this list to 1000 average Saudis (without adding that these points are all approved by ISIS members), their responses, homogeneous and ominous, will take you by surprise. Their agreement with the 500 points of the list will deliver a result far above 90-95%.  Similar results, always above 80%, you will collect from countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria, etc. And certainly the agreement will be lower in other countries, but even in Turkey, it will be as high as 40% due to the vicious Western policies in favor of the AKP party Islamists and against the nationalist military establishment of Ankara (a paranoid policy that allowed the ruling Islamists to widen their basis through a varied set of methods).


    How can one be sure of this?

    By simply walking in the streets of districts inhabited by middle and lower classes (that total more than 80-90% of the total population of the country in most of the aforementioned cases) and observing what goes around, talking to the people, asking about their ideas, and entertaining comprehensive discussions as to just how they see and how they want to see their lives and their social environment – something that Prof. Juergensmeyer did not do, ultimately preferring the calmness and the security of his office somewhere in the States.


    However, the situation is far worse than that. If you now present the same list (of what is correct as an act or practice of the Islamic way of personal life and social organization, including perhaps 500 detailed points accepted by the followers, the fighters and the leaders of ISIS) to a selected group of academics, engineers, businessmen, administrators and high profile functionaries, deputies of ‘parliament’ (this is a non-representative assembly for most of the cases), military, ministers and religious authorities across the Islamic world (without however saying that these points are all approved by ISIS members), you will collect even more surprising results. The outright majority of the elite of these countries (and I don’t mean here only Saudi Arabia but all the aforementioned countries) in majority supports the same points. This is for instance the reason one should view the latest president El Sisi of Egypt as theologically – ideologically – politically far closer to the former president Morsy than to the one time vice president El Baradei.

    It would take too long to narrate how this situation has been formed, but I would however like to briefly hint at what I said earlier about the theologians who served as source of inspiration for Muhammad Abdel Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabism (Salafism), namely the heretics Ibn Taimiyah and Ibn Hanbal. In fact, if Muhammad Abdel Wahhab developed the theological system that constitutes today’s Wahhabists’ doctrine, this is due to the fact that Ibn Hanbal’s and Ibn Taimiyah’s successive and intertwined theological systems gradually prevailed among the Islamic world and eliminated or transformed/altered all the opposite systems.


    As a matter of fact, if one Muslim imam, qadi, mufti, minister, general, professor, president or businessman today rejects Wahhabism, he still accepts Ibn Taimiyah’s widespread and fully accepted theological system, which is – metaphorically speaking – the tree that produced the fruit of Wahhabism. There is, practically speaking, little difference or no difference at all between the two systems; simply every posterior system that emanates from an anterior is expected to feature and does actually feature some extra points.

    The real difference existed in the past, in Islam’s Golden Era, when totally opposite philosophical systems totally prevailed across the highly educated Islamic World. These are the philosophical systems of Ibn Sina, Qurtubi, Ibn Rushd, Ghazali, Mohyieldin Ibn Arabi, Ibn Hazm, to name but a few; to them is due the Islamic Enlightenment, whereas to the gross, villain, uneducated trash of Ibn Taimiyah is due the complete disfigurement of Islam’s quintessence. However, due to the gradual diffusion of Ibn Taimiyah’s theological nonsense and ignominious darkness, and following its prevalence among ignorant and uneducated masses that it created in a vicious circle mechanism, as it attacked Science, Knowledge, Philosophy, Art and Spirituality, gradually all the philosophical systems of the aforementioned Titans of the Islamic Thought disappeared until the end of the 16th c.


    Of course, there is one more difference between the political elites of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, etc. and the ISIS extremists; the former, although accepting most of Abdel Wahhab’s theories and all of Ibn Tamiyah’s ideas, differ politically and make the necessary compromises to ensure the survival of their regime. Contrarily, the latter reject the compromise of the former, viewing it as a treason of Islam. Political difference is therefore due to mere survival tactics of elites that are theological quasi-identical to ISIS; these elites believe that by making compromises upon compromises with the West, they can prolong their tenure and the ensuing material benefits. But their existence only spearheads new waves of uncompromising Wahhabists. Certainly, there is also an attitudinal difference (but no behavioral difference) between the followers of a guy like al Bashir of Sudan or Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen and the fighters of ISIS; the former want to pocket more money and store it in their banks, whereas the latter are ready to die. But none of them would accept his wife to be uncovered (without hejab, the Islamic veil) or his daughter to travel alone on motorbike across Europe.


    The best corroboration of the aforementioned is the following tragicomical contrast between Egypt’s last and current presidents; Muhammad Morsy is viewed by some as extremist  whereas the incumbent is considered as a moderate and pragmatist person.


    Former Egyptian president Muhammad Morsy’s wife wears hejab (Islamic veil that allows the face to be seen).


    Current Egyptian president El Sisi’s wife used to wear a niqab (Islamic veil that covers the face entirely leaving only two small holes for the eyes) and only recently “swapped the niqab for a trendy hijab, hushing up claims that she was dyed-in-the-wool” !!


    Prof. Juergensmeyer goes on saying that the reason for which “world leaders are trying to make in saying that ISIS is ‘not Islamic’.” is that ISIS “is certainly not the kind of Islam that most Muslims would accept or profess”. In the light of the aforementioned this appears to be a very unfortunate consideration and an erroneous evaluation of what is going on in the Islamic world.


    Reaching the end of the brief yet mistaken article, Prof. Juergensmeyer says that Islam’s name means “peace” which is very wrong (in reality, it means ‘submission to God’ although it originates from the word ‘peace’).


    In the article’s last three paragraphs, Prof. Juergensmeyer makes one more futile effort to dissociate ISIS from today’s prevalent Islamic theological systems and to associate it with politics. This is quite pointless and misplaced. In fact, there is no, and there cannot be any, difference between religion and politics in Islam. So, everything that is religious is also political, and vice versa.


    Contrarily to the wrong Western assumption that Islam is the only system whereby religion and politics constitute an indivisible entity of faith and action, it is historically proven that all the major religions were systems in which faith and government were perfectly well interwoven. The same occurred particularly in Christianity either Orthodox or Catholic; one may even ponder that in some cases the phenomenon occurred more emphatically in Christianity than in Islam; extensively discussed terms, such as Papocaesarism and Caesaropapism are quite telling in this regard.


    So, Prof. Juergensmeyer’s sentence “Besides religion, it is critical to recognize that all the forms of terrorism that we have seen are about politics. Any act of violence in the public sphere is aimed at trying to claim political space – at taking over power to assume control over regions or peoples. This is certainly true in the case of ISIS” is absolutely irrelevant and completely wrong.


    The way one family lives is defined by religion; the way one society is organized is specified by religion; the way the art of rule is exercised is decreed by religion. The aforementioned does not only apply to the Islamic world; it does also to Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Iran, etc. It is also valid in Confucian China, Biblical Israel, and Christian Rome or Constantinople. One can enter into details that can fill volumes: the way one fights in battle is determined by religious orders; the way one sleeps is elucidated by religious advice; the way one eats is clarified by religious guidance; the way one has sex is stipulated by religious prescriptions, and so on.


    Piety is one of the religious traits and virtues that must be reflected in a person’s life, either this person is Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Confucian. I fully agree with Prof. Juergensmeyer that “most people directly involved in ISIS are not pious Muslims”; this is right. But does it really matter?


    And what about Prof. Juergensmeyer? Will he agree with me saying that “most people directly involved in Assets Management are not pious Christians”?


    When we see vulture-funds in Latin America terrorizing nations like Argentina (which involves populations far larger than Iraq or Syria) and endangering the lives and the well-being of dozens of millions of people, do we still need to focus exclusively on a minor terrorist group and forget worse gangsters and terrorists who are far more perilous than the idiotic fighters of ISIS?


    And this concludes the case of this type of confusing presentations and futile approaches that leave the Western readership in mysteries; identifying the true reasons of an explosive situation may help greatly solve and diffuse the crisis. But it entails a real inquiry about the original and the altered, the genuine and the transfigured, the authentic and the corrupt. Instead of searching pretexts and excuses, one should seek the truth.


    It is not only greatly comical but also highly perilous for the Western leaders to continue on the same track. Why should they bother whether most of today’s Muslims accept or don’t accept the doctrine and the practices of ISIS? The Western leaders themselves constantly disregard the majority of the population back in their countries, and particularly when the majority is ostensibly opposite to calamitous choices that they make (such as the case of the erroneously conceived and catastrophically carried out attack against, and occupation of, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq). Their disregard for the wishes and the opinions of the majority of their countries’ populations is monumental; they cannot be sensitive for other nations when they are insensitive for their own.


    The search for the reasons that brought about the present situation cannot be undertaken by Western academia, intellectuals and diplomats without a deep investigation of the developments that took place in their own countries in the first place. Before bothering to know whether ISIS is Islamic or not, they should care to find out whether the so-called Christian nations of the West are really Christian. Drunken of their colonial successes for many centuries, the Western peoples lived with myths and lies that totally disfigured the true dimensions of their own deeds, choices and policies. Modernity is not Christian but Anti-Christian. Globalism is not Divine but Satanic. And the Homosexual Marriages are not the ‘right of the free’ but the evilness of the slaves – of Satan.


    Atheist, materialistic, and despiritualized, the Western world turned out to be the Cemetery of the Christian Faith. That’s why the leaders of the Western countries did not give a damn about the persecution, expulsion and extermination of the Aramaean Christians in Mosul. They face now a nominalist and legalist theological system of despiritualized Muslims, who are partly westernized and deeply materialistic, which means filled with extremely contradictory elements able to explode with uncontainable consequences.


    The fallacy, inhumanity and monstrosity of either systems is such that one could simply consider them as the two faces of same coin. So corrupt and eroded this coin is that nothing can save it; it will soon be thrown in the Hell that it deserves. And its two faces, in full discord to one another, are triggering now by themselves the downgrading spiral that will bring their end. To survive one has to dissociate him/herself from the onerous coin as much as possible, as soon as possible, and as irreversibly as possible.






  • Christian woman’s burial story full of irony, questions

    Christian woman’s burial story full of irony, questions

    Zeynep Tufan was 75 years old when she died of cancer this month. Even though her identification card from the Republic of Turkey had a box which indicated that she was an adherent of the religion of Islam, she wasn’t.


    Although she was born to Muslim parents, she had changed her religion later in life, but did not change her identification card because of the hurdles attached to the process of doing so.

    Since officials in Turkey determine a person’s burial rituals according to the indication of religion on her or his identification card, she was buried in a Muslim cemetery. Her son Soner Tufan told Sunday’s Zaman that her burial ceremony on June 2 was full of irony. “First the Muslim prayer leader wanted to carry on a ceremony. We told him about our being Christian, but he said he has to do his job. The imam read prayers and naturally expected to be followed, but there was a patient silence. We wanted him to finish up so we could continue with our own little ceremony,” Tufan said, emphasizing that burial ceremonies are important in Christianity.

    The problem he pointed out is in regards to respecting one’s beliefs and will. “My mother would have wanted to be buried in a Christian cemetery with a Christian burial ceremony, but nobody cared about her will or our declaration because of her identification card,” he said. When asked why she did not change her identification card after becoming a Christian, Tufan said she did not want to get into trouble for doing it. “The bureaucracy that you have to go through for that kind of a change is terrible,” he said. “Plus officials question why you did it.”

    Tufan is referring to the questioning by public registration officials when somebody wants to change his or her religion. “They ask you why you changed your religion. They even try to convince you that Islam is the best religion. Actually, their questions and remarks reach the level of harassment,” he said. After becoming a Christian, Tufan changed his identity card in 1996. “I completed all the hard work for the necessary paper work. But the hardest part was the remarks that I had to endure at the public registration office,” he added.

    Just like his mother, Tufan’s father also avoided changing his identification card and was buried in a Muslim cemetery. He is now joined by his wife in his grave in an Ankara cemetery. They were allowed to have a gravestone in accordance with their Christian traditions, but were not allowed to display a cross. “We have a verse from the Bible there,” Tufan said.

    According to Tufan, the core of the matter is that a person’s declaration should be given utmost importance when it comes to the practice of freedom of religion. He says: “If a person or his or her family wants a certain type of burial ceremony, this should be respected and officials should ease the process for people, not make it harder.”

    Human rights lawyer Orhan Kemal Cengiz told Sunday’s Zaman that there are other problems, too. “This practice is against freedom of conscience and religion. It is also not correct from a humanitarian perspective,” he said, indicating that a person should not be in a position to declare his or her religion every time he or she shows an identity card. In that regard, he said, the religion box on identification cards should be removed, or at least be optional.

    “It’s quite possible that you can be discriminated against because of your religion,” he said.

    Pointing out additional problems, he said the Turkish practice is discriminatory in itself because the state does not allow one to indicate belief systems on identification cards other than major religions, like Islam, Christianity and Buddhism, recognized by the Republic of Turkey. Therefore, for example, Alevis of Turkey do not even have the choice of indicating their belief on their identification cards.

    Last year in February, the European Court of Human Rights issued a landmark ruling which said whether obligatory or optional, displaying one’s religion on identity cards is a violation of human rights. The ruling was in response to a case filed by a Turkish citizen who is a member of the Alevi community. A complaint filed with the court in June 2005 by Sinan Işık, who in 2004 applied to a Turkish court requesting that his identity card feature the word “Alevi” rather than the word “Islam.”

    Until 2006 it was obligatory in Turkey for the card holder’s religion to be indicated on an identity card, yet since 2006 he or she has been entitled to request that the entry be left blank. But both Cengiz and Tufan said it is a widespread practice that public registration officials automatically write Islam on a person’s identity card.

  • Turkey’s Christians under Siege

    Turkey’s Christians under Siege

    turkeyCrossFamily Security Matters 23 May 2011
    By John Eibner

    The brutal murder of the head of Turkey’s Catholic Church, Bishop Luigi Padovese, on June 3, 2010, has rattled the country’s small, diverse, and hard-pressed Christian community.[1] The 62-year-old bishop, who spearheaded the Vatican’s efforts to improve Muslim-Christian relations in Turkey, was stabbed repeatedly at his Iskenderun home by his driver and bodyguard Murat Altun, who concluded the slaughter by decapitating Padovese and shouting, “I killed the Great Satan. Allahu Akhbar!” He then told the police that he had acted in obedience to a “command from God.”[2]

    The brutal murder on June 3, 2010, of the head of Turkey’s Catholic church, Bishop Luigi Padovese, seen here in 2006 leading the funeral procession of another slain priest, Andrea Santoro, was met by denials and obfuscation—not only by the Turkish authorities but also by Western governments and even the Vatican.

    Though bearing all the hallmarks of a jihadist execution, the murder was met by denials and obfuscation—not only by the Turkish authorities but also by Western governments and the Vatican. This is not wholly surprising. In the post-9/11 era, it has become commonplace to deny connections between Islam and acts of violence despite much evidence to the contrary.[3] But while this denial has undoubtedly sought to win the hearts and minds of Muslims, as opposed to Christians, Jews, or any other religious group, it has served to encourage Islamist terrorism and to exacerbate the persecution of non-Muslim minorities even in the most secularized Muslim states. For all President Barack Obama’s high praise for its “strong, vibrant, secular democracy,”[4] and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s “Alliance of Civilizations” rhetoric, Turkey is very much entrenched in the clash of civilizations paradigm.

    Unless Ankara is prepared to combat the widespread “Christophobia” that fuels violence and other forms of repression, the country’s Christians are doomed to remain an oppressed and discriminated against minority, and Turkey’s aspirations of democratic transformation and full integration with Europe will remain stillborn.

    The Victim and His Mission

    Consecrated bishop in November 2004, half a year following Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger’s elevation to the papacy, Padovese belonged to the body of intellectually sharp, proactive clerics who share Benedict XVI’s ecumenical understanding of the church and its global mission of evangelization, especially in the Islamic Middle East where a century of intensive de-Christianization now threatens the faith’s regional existence.

    Padovese’s mission in Turkey was to help save the country’s Christian community from extinction and to create conditions for its religious and cultural renaissance. Rejecting the church’s historic dhimmi status as a protected religious minority under Islam—which reduced it to little more than a submissive worshipping agency with no other legitimate activity—he viewed Turkey’s European Union candidacy as a golden opportunity for winning significant concessions from Ankara and pinned high hopes on the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, which took place in Rome in October 2010.[5] However, the synod ended on a sour note. While confirming the Second Vatican Council’s positive shift in attitude toward Judaism and unequivocal rejection of anti-Semitism, the Middle Eastern bishops sought to enhance the security of their flocks by playing an anti-Israel card and criticizing Israel—the one country of the region with a growing Christian population—with a directness that was not employed in relation to any Islamic state, no matter how repressive.

    Had it not been for his murder, the bishop would have traveled to meet the pope in Cyprus on the very next day for the launch of the synod’s Instrumentum laboris, the Vatican’s strategic plan for reviving Christianity in its Middle Eastern cradle, to which Padovese was a substantial contributor.

    Though written in low-key Vatican jargon, the Instrumentum laboris is full of radical implications for Turkey and the broader Middle East.[6] In contrast to the common post-9/11 predilection to downplay Islamism’s less savory aspects, the document does not gloss over the disadvantaged position of Christians in the Islamic world and identifies the issue of human rights, including religious freedom, as central to the well-being of the whole of society:
    Oftentimes, relations between Christians and Muslims are difficult, principally because Muslims make no distinction between religion and politics, thereby relegating Christians to the precarious position of being considered non-citizens, despite the fact that they were citizens of their countries long before the rise of Islam. The key to harmonious living between Christians and Muslims is to recognize religious freedom and human rights.[7]

    This harmonious living was to be achieved through a policy of dialogue—defined by Benedict XVI at the beginning of his papacy as “a vital necessity, on which in large measure our future depends”[8]—that would identify the common ground between the two religions: service to society, respect for common moral values, the avoidance of syncretism, joint opposition to the atheism, materialism, and relativism emanating from the Western world, and a collective rejection of religious-based violence, that is—killing in the name of God.

    The Instrumentum laboris also encouraged a search—together with Muslim reformers—for a new system of church-state relations, which it referred to as “positive laicity.” But the Vatican does not uphold Turkey’s secularism—which the George W. Bush and Obama administrations have praised as a model for the Islamic world—as the answer. “In Turkey,” the Instrumentum laboris notes—undoubtedly on account of the influence of Bishop Padovese—”the idea of ‘laicity’ is currently posing more problems for full religious freedom in the country.” The working document did not elaborate but simply stated that the aim of this “positive,” as opposed to “Turkish laicity,” would be to help eliminate the theocratic character of government and allow for greater equality among citizens of different religions, thereby fostering the promotion of a sound democracy, positively secular in nature, which also fully acknowledges the role of religion in public life while completely respecting the distinction between the religious and civic orders.[9]

    These were the principles that guided Padovese’s Turkish mission. He worked in the clear knowledge that “faithfully witnessing to Christ”—as the synod’s preparatory document acknowledges—”can lead to persecution.”[10] And so it did.

    Conspiracy of Silence

    Within hours of Padovese’s death, the provincial governor preempted the results of police investigations with the announcement that the murder was not politically motivated but rather committed by a lone lunatic.[11] Moreover, in an attempt to eliminate any Islamic motive, NTV Turkey announced that the murderer was not actually a Muslim but a convert to Catholicism.[12] Then the police leaked word—allegedly from the assassin—that he had been “forced to suffer abuse” in a homosexual relationship with the bishop and that the killing had been an act of “legitimate defense.”[13]

    It is true that Turkey’s minister for culture and tourism, Ertugrul Günay, issued a short message of condolences on behalf of the government[14] and that the foreign ministry expressed regret to the international media. But neither President Abdullah Gül nor Prime Minister Erdogan expressed their own condolences or publicly addressed the murder of the head of their country’s Catholic Church, and even the foreign ministry’s statement took care to highlight the murderer’s alleged “psychological problems.”[15]

    Erdogan’s silence in response to this national tragedy was particularly striking. Together with Spanish prime minister Jose Luis Rodrigues Zapatero, the Turkish prime minister and leader of the ruling Islamist Peace and Justice Party (AKP) has been a principal architect and cosponsor of the U.N.’s flagship program to promote a global “Alliance of Civilizations.” Diversity, cross-cultural dialogue, and opposition to isolation of “the other” were among the principles articulated by Erdogan in his attempts to present Turkey as “the best panacea against ‘clash of civilizations’ theories.”[16] The beheading of a senior Christian cleric by a Muslim zealot could not but send an unmistakable message that this very clash was in full swing on Erdogan’s home turf.

    Moreover, at the time of the murder, Erdogan was both sending thinly veiled threats of Turkey’s growing impatience with the slow progress of its EU application and seeking to enhance his stature throughout the Islamic world with menacing anti-Israel diplomacy in response to its interception of the Turkey-originated Gaza flotilla.[17] He thus had nothing to gain and much to lose by generating headlines about Padovese’s execution.

    So did Washington and its European allies. If Western diplomats spoke at all about the bishop’s murder, it was in the same hushed tones that are used when referring to Turkey’s Armenian genocide of World War I, its subsequent use of terror against remnant Christian communities and Kurdish villages, its 1974 invasion of Cyprus and subsequent ethnic cleansing of the occupied Christian population, and its blockade of neighboring Armenia.

    Well aware of the absence of backing from Western powers, the Vatican acted swiftly to avoid confrontation with Turkey. Notwithstanding an early observation by Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi that the murder highlighted the “difficult conditions” of the church in the region,[18] the official explanation was swiftly harmonized with that of Ankara. In a statement broadcast on Vatican Radio on the same day, Lombardi negated his previous comment by stating that “political motivations for the attack or other motivations linked to socio-political tensions are to be excluded.” He also stressed the killer’s “mental imbalance”[19] as if solo psychopaths might be a primary source of the church’s difficult conditions in the Islamic world.

    The day after the murder, while en route to one of Europe’s hot spots of Muslim-Christian communal tension—the divided island of Cyprus—Pope Benedict XVI himself sought to quash speculation about its motivation. He admitted that he still had “very little information” about the killing, yet endorsed—much to the bewilderment of Christians in Turkey—the Turkish government’s reflexive denial of a religious-political motive when he declared, “We must not attribute the fact [of Bishop Padovese’s murder] to Turkey … What is certain is that it was not a religious or political assassination.”[20]

    The Lessons of Regensburg

    Why did the pope so swiftly deny political or religious motives for Padovese’s murder when so much about the crime was still shrouded in mystery? Benedict XVI provided a motive when he explained, “We do not want this tragic situation to become mixed up with dialogue with Islam or with all the problems of our journey [to Cyprus].”[21] A quarrel with Ankara at this particular juncture could certainly have had damaging repercussions for the church, but behind the pontiff’s timidity, lay his keen awareness of how easy it was to trigger the destructive rage of the Islamic powers and the temporal weakness of his church.

    Indeed, a few months before his ascendancy in May 2005, the pope-to-be caused consternation in Turkey by declaring his opposition to its application for EU membership because “historically and culturally, Turkey has little in common with Europe.”[22] Upon Ratzinger’s election to the papacy, Erdogan opined that his “rhetoric may change from now on … because this post, this responsibility, requires it.”[23]

    Benedict XVI did lower his tone but not before the mass demonstrations, violence, and threats that followed his now famous Regensburg University lecture of September 2006—just two months before he was scheduled to travel to Istanbul for his first papal foray into the world of Islam. At Regensburg, the pope broached one of the key issues obstructing harmonious relations between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds: the sensitive question of violent jihad as a legitimate means of advancing the Islamic faith.[24]

    In his address, the pope overstepped a red line drawn by Muslim political elites throughout the world. Erdogan joined angry Muslim clerics and statesmen, demanding that the pope apologize for his “wrong, ugly, and unfortunate statements” and calling into question whether the planned papal visit to Istanbul would take place.[25] He was followed by Director for Religious Affairs Ali Bardakoglu—the overseer of the Turkish state’s massive financial support for Islamic institutions, including those in Europe, especially Germany[26]—who condemned the pope’s message as reflecting “anger, hostility, and hatred” in addition to a “Crusader and holy-war mentality.”[27] The deputy chairman of Erdogan’s AKP Party, Salih Kapusuz, announced that the Regensburg speech would place Benedict XVI in the “same category as Hitler and Mussolini.”[28]

    Left isolated and exposed by Washington and Europe, the pope quickly succumbed to pressure. To be sure, he did not retract a single word uttered at Regensburg, and his apology was more of a regretful explanation than an admission of error, but his humble and appeasing demeanor was conciliatory enough to salvage his church’s dialogue with Islam and keep the door open to Istanbul. Since then, he has taken extraordinary pains to temper his language and make flattering gestures to avoid frenzied Muslim responses.

    Consider Benedict XVI’s November 2006 visit to Turkey—his first as pope to a Muslim-majority country. While reiterating the Vatican’s customary plea for religious liberty, his remarks were overshadowed by his gestures of goodwill aimed at underscoring his esteem for Islam and Turkey’s Islamist government, notably his prayer facing Mecca in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque and his praise for Erdogan’s role in launching the Alliance of Civilizations.[29]

    The biggest plum for Erdogan was the indication that the pope would now welcome Turkey’s membership in the EU.[30] Although the Vatican made no mention of it, the Turkish press announced that Benedict XVI had endorsed Erdogan’s plan to establish a bureau of Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs in Brussels to “counter efforts to inflame Islamophobia.”[31]
    The Regensburg speech led to the harmonization of the Vatican’s diplomatic language with that of Turkey and the Alliance of Civilizations, on which the Padovese murder had no apparent effect. Anti-Christian violence remains a powerful factor in influencing the language of the church as it struggles to balance its fundamental, unwavering advocacy of religious freedom and opposition to killing in the name of God with the pursuit of dialogue with Turkey and other Muslim majority states.

    The Plot Thickens

    Not all Christians in Turkey accepted the denials and obfuscation of Ankara and the Vatican about the circumstances surrounding the murder. Foremost among them was the archbishop of Smyrna, Ruggero Franceschini—Padovese’s successor as head of the country’s Catholic Church—who rejected the official explanation of his colleague’s murder and maintained that the pope had received “bad counsel” prior to his denial of the murder’s political or religious motives.[32]

    The archbishop had lived in Iskenderun, where the murder took place, and had known the assassin and his family personally. In the hope of ascertaining the true facts, he immediately visited the scene of the crime, subsequently telling the press that he could not accept the “usual hastily concocted, pious lie” about the murderer’s insanity. He also dismissed the claim that the assassin was a Catholic convert, confirming that he was a non-practicing Muslim.[33]

    The archbishop did not doubt the murder’s religious and political motivation. “I believe that with this murder, which has an explicitly religious element, we are faced with something that goes beyond government,” he said. “It points towards nostalgic, perhaps anarchist groups who want to destabilize the government. The very modalities of the murder aim to manipulate public opinion.”[34]

    What the archbishop suspected was a crime stage-managed by Turkey’s “deep state”—an opaque underworld where powerful elements within the state, especially the military and security services, act in conjunction with violent extremist groups, such as the ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves and the Islamist Hezbollah, as well as the apolitical criminal underworld, to undertake special, illegal operations in the political interest of the country’s ruling elite.[35]

    Until recently, the deep state was imbued with the secularist ideology of the republic’s founding father, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. But since coming to power in 2003, Erdogan’s AKP has vigorously endeavored to lay hands on all levers of power including the deep state with a view to promoting its Islamist, “neo-Ottoman” vision for the country.[36] This has in turn produced a schizophrenic deep state with older elements loyal to the Kemalist opposition and newer elements loyal to the AKP’s Islamist agenda.

    Since 2007, the Turkish media has feasted on a steady stream of revelations about an extensive deep state network called “Ergenekon.” Government prosecutors have secured the arrest and indictment of scores of retired and still-serving military and security officials for allegedly plotting to destabilize the AKP-dominated government. Show trials are already underway.

    Deep state documents released by the prosecution, if taken at face value, point to Ergenekon as a source of anti-church activity, including the torture and Islamic-style ritual murder of three evangelical Christian book publishers in the town of Malatya in April 2006.[37]
    The Ergenekon conspiracy has been similarly linked with the murder of the 61-year-old Catholic priest, Fr. Andrea Santoro—shot and killed in his Trabzon church in February 2006.

    Witnesses report that the convicted killer, a 16-year-old, shouted “Allahu Akbar” immediately before firing his pistol.[38] Bishop Padovese said at the time that the assassination “did not seem incidental” as it occurred while passions were aroused by the Danish cartoon affair.[39] The former papal nuncio to Turkey, Msgr. Antonio Lucibello, had similarly argued that there was a mastermind behind Santoro’s murder.[40]

    Prosecutors also ascribed the January 2007 murder of the Armenian Christian journalist, Hrant Dink, by a 17-year-old, to the Ergenekon.[41]A vigorous and well-known campaigner against Turkey’s denial of the Armenian genocide, Dink had been convicted of having violated article 302 of the penal code banning “insults to Turkishness.” The hanged body of Dink’s Turkish lawyer, Hakan Karadag, was found in suspicious circumstances the day after the Padovese murder.[42]

    It is far from certain whether the alleged anti-AKP Ergenekon conspiracy is a reality, or whether it is largely an AKP fabrication, designed to cover the efforts of Erdogan’s Islamists to turn the deep state into an instrument for promoting their own agenda.[43] But whoever may be pulling the strings, Kemalists or Islamists, the deep state is no friend of Turkey’s Christians.

    A Turkish Anti-Christian Agenda

    Persecution, however, is by no means limited to the deep state. Like their counterparts in most of the Islamic Middle East, Turkey’s Christians are effective hostages to the arbitrary actions of powerful elites, made up of Islamic state and non-state actors who collectively monopolize violence. The oldest Christians retain living memory of the state-sponsored mass deportations and massacres that culminated in the World War I Armenian genocide. During the twentieth century, Turkey’s Christian population has dropped to the verge of extinction.[44]

    The last anti-Christian mass violence was the 1955 deep state-sparked, anti-Greek pogrom in Istanbul, which also took a heavy toll on the city’s Jewish and Armenian populations.[45]
    Such memories are reinforced in the younger generation of Christians by continuing acts of smaller scale and more discriminative violence. In February 2006, for example, a Slovenian priest was attacked by a gang of teenagers in the parish compound in Izmir (Smyrna), and five months later a 74-year-old clergyman was stabbed by young Turks on a street in Trabzon, following which Padovese told the media, “The climate has changed … it is the Catholic priests that are being attacked.”[46] In December 2007, another priest was knifed by a teenager as he left his church following Sunday mass.[47]

    A leader of the Turkish Protestant community, Rev. Behnan Konutgan, recently recorded cases of violence against church property and the physical harassment of church members while a noted Turkish sociologist of religion, Ali Carkoglu, has argued that no non-Muslim religious gathering in Turkey is completely risk free.[48]

    What little protective law there is, whether national or international, does not have the strength to provide adequate defense. Plain-speaking about persecution invites hostile reactions, sometimes deadly. The church’s language of dialogue is powerfully influenced by this reality. But there are some voices in Turkey that do not always cower to the violence-backed taboos of official Christian-Muslim dialogue or of the Alliance of Civilizations.

    At the end of 2009, Bartholomew I, the normally subservient Ecumenical Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople, appeared on CBS’s 60 Minutes and shocked Turkey’s political establishment. Speaking to Bob Simon, the patriarch reported no significant improvement in conditions for the church. Instead, he argued that Turkey’s Christians were second class citizens and that he personally felt “crucified” by a state that wanted to see his church die out. Asked whether Erdogan had responded to the petitions submitted to him in the course of many meetings, Bartholomew answered, “Never.”[49]

    Turkey’s rulers lashed out angrily. “We consider the crucifixion metaphor an extremely unfortunate metaphor,” argued Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. “In our history, there have never been crucifixions, and there never will be. I couldn’t really reconcile this metaphor with his mature personality.”[50] President Gül endorsed the foreign minister’s assessment while the head of the ruling AKP’s international relations section, Kürsat Tüzmen, menacingly retorted, “If there is someone who is being crucified, it is the politician, security officials, and others. If he [the patriarch] is a religious and spiritual leader, he should be much more cautious when making a statement. Someone who really loves his country has to be more responsible.”[51]

    Bartholomew seems to have touched a raw nerve. For all its Alliance of Civilizations rhetoric, Erdogan’s Islamist government has maintained a tight stranglehold on the country’s Christian institutions and blocked reforms that could lead to the growth of Christianity. True, the government has made some minor concessions to Christian institutions, including legislation that creates new but very limited possibilities for Christian foundations to recover some confiscated property, [52] but this was little more than a ploy to please the European Union and Washington and pales into insignificance by such hostile measures as the refusal to reopen the Halki Theological Seminary—the only institution in Turkey where Orthodox clergy could be trained—before Greece and Bulgaria improved the conditions of their Muslim minorities.[53] In other words, Ankara does not recognize the right of the Orthodox Church, or any other church for that matter, to run a theological seminary as a religious liberty but merely as an instrument of deal-making with Western powers for the purposes of enhancing the position of Islam.

    Indeed, while Turkey’s churches have long enjoyed freedom of worship, they have remained without legal status to this very day. Most of their work takes place in the legal framework of foundations that operate under the strict supervision of the General Directorate for Foundations[54] and other state institutions—including a secret national security department whose mandate is to control non-Muslim minorities.[55] They have, moreover, been entangled in labyrinthine negotiations and lengthy and expensive court cases for the return of confiscated property as well as permission to expand their engagement with society through the provision of education and other charitable activity. Churches have experienced grave setbacks in addition to the above mentioned murders, notably: The state conducted a four-year prosecution of two Turkish, evangelical Protestant converts from Islam on charges of “insulting Turkishness.” Although these charges were dropped for lack of evidence in October 2010, the converts were forced to pay fines of $3,170 each or go to prison for seven months for “collecting information on citizens.”[56]

    Ankara is taking legal action to confiscate lands that historically belonged to the Syriac Orthodox Monastery of Mor Gabriel (founded in 379 CE), whose bishop has encouraged persecuted Christian refugees to return to the area and rebuild their villages.[57]

    Less than a year before his death, Padovese was especially disappointed by the rejection of his appeal for the status of the Church of St. Paul in Tarsus to be changed from a museum to a functioning place of regular worship. Not only had the pope made a personal appeal in this respect, but the archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Meisner, had asked Erdogan for the return of the church “as a gesture of European cooperation.” The Turkish media reported that Ankara turned down these requests from the pope, Cardinal Meisner, and Bishop Padovese, notwithstanding the Catholic leaders’ pledge to support the building of a mosque in Germany on condition that the Turkish government hand over the holy site to the church, together with permission for the construction of a center for pilgrims.[58]

    The Islamist Erdogan maintains continuity with his ultranationalist predecessors by refusing to respect the historic, ecumenical character of the Patriarchate of Constantinople—i.e., its titular ascendancy over the other patriarchates of the 300 million-strong Orthodox communion worldwide—and by requiring that the patriarch be a Turkish citizen by birth. Last October, the Turkish authorities allowed the right-wing Nationalist Movement Party to conduct Islamic prayers at the ancient Armenian Cathedral of the Holy Virgin at Ani.[59]

    Raging Christophobia

    Padovese believed that there would be no end to the war against the church in Turkey until the public as a whole rejected the widely-accepted negative stereotypes of Christians as dangerous, subversive aliens within society, and he especially blamed the popular Turkish media for perpetuating a climate of hate. He highlighted as an example two cases involving the late Fr. Santoro. In the first, he was run out of a village near Trabzon by a group of children while local adults incited the youth with applause. The local newspaper reported the incident with the headline “Priest Sighted on the Coast Road,” as if his presence there justified the mob action against him.[60] The second case followed Santoro’s murder when the daily Vatan alleged that the assassinated priest had been guilty of distributing money to young people to entice them to visit his church.[61]

    Turkey’s Christians were especially alarmed by the mass popular hysteria whipped up by the 2006 blockbuster Valley of the Wolves, an action-packed adventure film set in post-Saddam Iraq. Reviewing the movie in Spiegel, Cem Özdemir—a member of the European Parliament of Turkish descent—decried its pandering to “racist sentiments” and its making “Christians and Jews appear as repugnant, conspiratorial holy warriors hoping to use blood-drenched swords to expand or reclaim the empire of their God.”[62]

    Far from distancing themselves from the movie, ultra-nationalists and those at high levels in the Islamist camp praised it. “The film is absolutely magnificent … It is completely true to life,” exclaimed the parliament speaker (and later deputy prime minister) Bülent Arınç. Unconcerned about the damaging implications of the film’s negative images of Christians and Jews, Turkey’s President Gül refused to condemn it, saying it was no worse than many Hollywood films.[63] Erdogan’s pious wife is reportedly a fan of the racist film.[64]

    The Christophobia of the boulevard press and “Istanbulywood” can also be found in state documents. A national intelligence report, exposed by the Cumhuriyet newspaper in June 2005, revealed similar dangerous sentiments that are at odds with the principles espoused by Erdogan at showcase Alliance of Civilizations events.

    Titled “Reactionary Elements and Risks,” the report put Islamist terrorist groups on a par with Christian missionaries, who, it claimed, cover Turkey “like a spider’s web” and promote divisions in sensitive areas such as the Black Sea and eastern Anatolia. According to the report, the Christian evangelizers included Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants, as well as other Christian and non-Christian groups such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Baha’is, with the latter concentrating on government officials, liberal businessmen, and performing and other artists.[65]

    Echoing the tenor of the intelligence report, Turkish state minister Mehmet Aydın, who oversees the state’s Directorate for Religious Affairs and who has served as an advisor to the National Security Council on religious issues, argued that the goal of Christian missionaries was to “break(…)

  • Turkey Cultivates Sites of Its Christian Heritage

    Turkey Cultivates Sites of Its Christian Heritage



    ALASEHIR, TURKEY — Knapsacks shouldered and bibles in hand, a group of Christian pilgrims from Indonesia, China and the United States trooped into the remains of a fourth-century church in ancient Philadelphia last month. Gazing up at the columns that tower over what is today the Turkish market town of Alasehir, the pilgrims listened as their Australian guide read from the Apostle John’s letter to the early Christians of this city, one of the biblical Seven Churches of Revelation.

    Ibrahim Usta/Associated Press

    Patriarch Bartholomew I, center, the spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, conducted a service at the Sumela Monastery in Trabzon, northeastern Turkey, in 2010.

    “It makes you see the Bible in 3-D and color,” the guide, Dan Fennell, said of his tour of historical Christian sites around western Turkey.

    Mr. Fennell, who is based in Jakarta, has been leading pilgrimages to Anatolia for close to a decade. But these visits have become richer and more rewarding, he said, because Turkey has been cultivating the historical sites of Christianity.

    “In Laodicea, for example, where we are headed next, you can now see things you could not see five years ago,” Mr. Fennell said of the ruins of the seventh city addressed by the Apostle John.

    A Muslim nation long ill at ease with its pre-Ottoman history, Turkey has discovered Anatolia’s Christian heritage as a way of drawing visitors and of cultivating an image as a meeting-point and arbiter of civilizations.

    “We have recognized this as a special field of tourism and as a special cultural wealth,” the Turkish culture minister, Ertugrul Gunay, said in an interview in Ankara. By next year, his ministry aims to increase the number of religious tourists to Turkey to more than three million, from 1.3 million last year.

    “Until now, our concept of faith tourism was limited” to Muslim shrines “like the Mevlana tomb in Konya or the Halil-Ur Rahman mosque in Urfa,” Mr. Gunay said, “even though Anatolia is the home of important shrines of Christianity and Judaism as well.”

    “Now,” he added, “we are working to care for all of these sites, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, without discrimination, to restore them and maintain them and to open them up to the public to visit.”

    A case in point is the ancient metropolis of Laodicea, in southwestern Turkey, where Turkish archaeologists unearthed a spectacular church dating to the early fourth century.

    “This is one of the oldest churches in the world to survive in its original state,” said Celal Simsek, the archaeologist who is leading the excavation team that has worked through the winter to reveal the huge church that was first spotted underground last year on a radar scan. “When the 10 most important archaeological discoveries of the 21st century are totted up one day, this church will definitely be on the list.”

    Mr. Simsek dates the construction of the church to between 313 and 320 A.D., immediately after the Edict of Milan, by which Emperor Constantine I of Rome legalized Christianity in the year 313.

    Scrambling around the church, which has 10 towering pillars on a floor area of 2,000 square meters, or 21,500 square feet, flawlessly preserved mosaic floors and a walk-in baptismal fountain for mass christenings, Mr. Simsek said he was hoping to invite the pope to the official unveiling of the restored church, tentatively planned for next year.

    “I expect an onslaught of visitors in the coming years,” Mr. Simsek said.

    Pilgrims have already begun pouring in, on the last leg of a tour through the sites of the seven biblical churches, all of which are in western Turkey. Tourism to the site increased tenfold in the first months of this year, to 1,000 visitors a day, Mr. Simsek said, adding that “90 percent of visitors are pilgrims.”

    Mindful of the revenue that tourists provide, the nearby town of Denizli, in a first for Turkey, is now supporting the Laodicea digs financially, adding a million dollars year to financing from the local university and the Culture Ministry.

    A version of this article appeared in print on May 5, 2011, in The International Herald Tribune with the headline: Turkey Cultivates Sites of Its Christian Heritage.

    via Turkey Cultivates Sites of Its Christian Heritage – NYTimes.com.